Tuesday November 13th 2012@ 2:03am emails to and from larry about court case date of the nov. 15th

Larry Pivacek,        
November 12th 2012  at 5:43pm


 no i cannot
attend….the court case on the 15th of December 2012…. I do not want to be
in a court room with patrick weber who threatened me ever again!  Plus that is only a few days from
now….  I have not left my home in
months….my anxiety level is extremely high when people harm me and my home
ownership….   I can be present via
skype if that is what the judge wants.. that way we can video tape it  and have it for  evidence 
if needed later for other cases…. but really?….What  the hell is going on?   I thought we had to have someone in place to
be the guardian when we request he (Patrick Weber)  be removed?  
and i told you i haven’t been able to reach scott renshaw…. He is
located in Texas…. right now living with his parents… but other wise fits
the criteria… I will still try to reach him maybe he can come here for a few
months or just a month when i can have a real 
evaluation by qualified persons to give me back all my rights….



(is this the court hearing that my mother mother was
speaking about concerning the HOA? 
)  ( i wrote this line before
speaking with you…. and knowing it was concerning the guardianship  case…. )


 I want you to  ask for a continuance…except for
removing  Patrick Weber…. for
everything especially  if it is….   and to still have him removed…do i need to
send information to the judge…. did you send the paperwork in the  mail? 
Aren’t  I   supposed to be made aware of these
things  things way in advance?.. you told
me the next date for the court to be available l would  be after Christmas.. remember i told you
while in tears the last time we spoke… that this would be the worst Christmas
ever? ….


Is there another letter to bring  up my anxiety lever and start me crying /
throwing up?  … another letter to make
me throw up? definitely don’t need  all
this hardship for trying to remove a guardian that does not do his job.. ( from
the beginning he never even did a plan of action report and i can site tons of
infractions and neglect and misconduct charges that he has doesn’t  throughout this past year while he has been
my guardian… )   i cant believe that
the judge have me keep a guardian that 
made me  so upset that i was
shaking… and ready to throw up at the court house…..



I just  finished  speaking with you concerning this whole
ordeal…. I am hoping that you really are 
on my side in this court case…   my wishes are to not have Patrick Weber as my
guardian especially since he has harmed my life… and my home ownership… why
would i think he would actually do anything to represent me  and help me when he has not done anything so
far…. .  I do not want him representing
me anymore since his actions have directly affected my life and my home
ownership….  in a negative light….


 What type of judge
would make me have an abusive guardian?  
I  was supposed to have
someone  who i could count on who helped
me not hurt me… 


I am also requesting the court records… reporting….
right?   i think you said they were in
the form of CD’s of the court proceedings I 
was not able to attend… how much are they?


As per the  bank
account  i thought i emailed you…about
that….. i know i  filed a police
report… someone opened a bank account using my name and my social security
number…. in late October..at Patrick favorite bank… regions bank… where
he had my mo go to try to get a loan for me…. i still have not been told
where the $5,000.00 is that my mother put aside for me…. to use for this
mess….   also i was told that a woman
went into the social security office and asked to have my medical disability
sent to her bank account… when i asked my mom she said it wasn’t her it must
have been Patrick Weber who was trying to get my money… these are the
situation i have had to deal with  while
patrick weber has been my guardian …. along with  his threats… at the court house and  his 
sick amusement at  causing me to
get upset….  His unprofessional
behavior with the HOA paralegal…. when i guess he tried to waive the statute
of limitations…  flirt with the  HOA paralegal / lawyer….His conduct
disgusts me… and already i get upset just thinking of how horrid it is that
someone who was entrusted by the courts… 
to help me… has damaged my life 
in such a short  amount of time…..  Its worse than tragic….  It is unforgivable…. I needed his help
legally …. and his negligence and misconduct and abuse have left me with even
worse anxiety… and time limits  on a
horrible situation that i told you anything that happens to me is on his
head…. he is  directly responsible….
whatever happens…   i hold him and his
abuse, neglect and misconduct completely responsible!


i can definitely 
say… He is no hero….  


sincerely mary jean ziska 



Tuesday November 13th past emails concernign savign mom ‘s home and mine…

RE: hi everyone i wanted to pass along these ideas for
saving my mom’s home and for saving my home i think it can be all worked
out    Thursday, November 8, 2012 8:02
PM  From: 
This sender is DomainKeys verified 
“mary jean ziska” <whatabtmary@yahoo.com>View contact
To:  “Maura Ziska”
<MZiska@floridawills.com>, “scott renshaw email as of july
2011” <6scott7@gmail.com>, ejziska@gmail.com, “mattie
ziska” <mziska@mindspring.com>, mziska7@gmail.com, naplesmarion@aol.com  Cc: 
“mary jean ziska” <whatabtmary@yahoo.com>, “mary
jean ziska me!” <whatabtmary@gmail.com>, maryjeanziska@mysearchforjustice.com  hey who wrote this reply to my email?   are you the sister i  grew up with? you sure don’t sound like it…
what happend to the nice Maura?… ha.. by the way did you get the Neiman
Marcus treats for Carolin’s birthday? for November 2nd? How was her tea
party?    I sent them and never heard if
they arrived… hope you got them.. i also sent an email in case there was a
problem so neiman marcus can send them again if you didn’t get them…. let me
know…. anyway….

the figures do add up… 
and  I’m sorry you are so mad at
life and at your family or something… you are lucky you never had to go
through anything bad…  . i thought this
was my loving, kind wonderful sister i have admired my whole life who was my
best friend in boarding school… and in kappa alpha theta.. and in college..
and who i grew up with…. in ras tanura… and who loved me and her family as
much as i love and miss my family every minute of every day…   what happened to that best friend?  when did life make you the person who emailed
this last email so cold and  hard?   I spent weeks defending in tears mind you
evil emails.. and phone calls about my family and  my sister Maura who i know… who i love who
is kind and generous.. is intelligent and wonderful… i tell people who
call  you names and try to divide my
family .. how  much i love her and  how great she is… and i will always defend
my sister.. and love my sister and  know
how amazing she is…  how smart she is
and how much i really love and know her… hey do you still like the chicken
soup books?  you have a sensitive
wonderful side.. and one day you will miss having me as your sister… and i
hope before then  you will allow yourself
to be that amazing and wonderful sister i knew and loved and still know and
love… have loved my entire life…. 
about the figures.. the figures do work… about david strn adn th
crooks who reated a mess of the mortgages…. your a real estate attorney…
well you know how corrupt some lawyer an be… did you know the original
mortgage was only 132,00? and should have been paid off by 2006…. that my dad
wanted me to have a 800 dollar mortgage 
and i have had rooks lying and stealing from me and my family sine i moved
in here…. like the fat disgusting Italian gerard ahler… and probably his
girl karen kahl… did you know that residential funding had a stripper by the
name of  kelly and a mathew kahel working
for david j stern… and signing fraudulent mortgages…  and that my identity was stolen in 2002?  … did you know i had a great credit score..
a paid off car and a business that ended up doing pretty will when  i moved into here . and the crooks involved
ruined everything?….   and that  one of the mortgages was assigned years later
in las vegas?.. froma brazilian company?…. did you know any of this before
you throw around  words to judge?  It must be great to be you…     me i had a great lif, and a great family
and a whole line of crooks who stole money off the mortgages..who sole , lied and
cheated from me… I miss the sister who stood up for me as much as i stood up
for her.. who wanted me to have a great life just as i have always wanted my
sisters marua ann ziska and madelon marie ziska to  have everything they  could ever wish for and  evry want… its not a contest… no winner (
unless you are bully karen kahel who bulliys until i cry and almost throw
up….  and then jumped up and down to
say she won she won…  but she is not my
friend nor my sister… and she  has no
morals… no ethics and is just plain evil…. and her children will grow up to
be just as evil… what  a shame… it
takes a hurting person to be a hurting person i guess…  anyway i know the sister  who i grew up with  would never have allowed any of the hurt to have
happened…she stood up for me and was my protector… and i loved her for
that…  and i miss her every minute of
every day…. Its . great to have a sister on the right side of the law… and
on my side wanting me to be happy and to have a great life…. thank you Marua
Ann Ziska for being my  sister! luv the
original mary jean  ziska… the real
mary jean ziska…  don’t you remember me
at all?… or  what a sister
hood/family  is about?….hummm  luv mary jean ziska

A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory  
Director  239-598-1515


Mary Jean Ziska  
Assistant Director  239-234-4065


— On Thu, 11/8/12, Maura Ziska
<MZiska@floridawills.com> wrote:

    From: Maura Ziska MZiska@floridawills.com      Subject: RE: hi everyone i wanted to pass
along these ideas for saving my mom’s home and for saving my home i think it
can be all worked out      To: “mary
jean ziska” <whatabtmary@yahoo.com>, “marion gragory”
<naplesmarion@aol.com>, “mattie ziska”
<mziska@mindspring.com>, mziska7@gmail.com, ejziska@gmail.com,
“scott” <lsrenshaw@yahoo.com>, “scott renshaw email as of
july 2011” <6scott7@gmail.com>   
Cc: “mary jean ziska me!” <whatabtmary@gmail.com>, maryjeanziska@mysearchforjustice.com      Date: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:12
PM      Mary Jean, the finances don’t
make sense, mom can’t afford her mortgage payments and has been struggling to
make her monthly payments for years. She is 75 years old and should not be
working as much as she has been, and she is working so hard to pay her bills.
The house is not worth the mortgage or only close to the mortgage. She will
never be able to pay it off and isn’t able to pay her monthly mortgage. It is
time for her to let it go and sell it or let the bank take it back after
hopefully living there for free for many months which will give her time to put
money she makes from babysitting into savings for a house to rent or
retirement. At 75 she should be retired and not working and have savings, she
has nothing because she is house poor, which means she can’t afford her home.
She hasn’t been able to afford her home for many years and the tenants come and
go and is also very stressful on her and never a sure thing. Even if she has
tenants, all of her money would go to a mortgage payment and leave her no
savings. No one stole Mattie’s condos or your condo or mom’s house. If you have
a mortgage you sign a promissory note that says you promise to pay the money
back that you borrowed and if you don’t, the bank has the right to take back
the property. This is what happed to Mattie, what is going to happen to mom and
what is going to happen to you if you can’t pay your HOA fees. There is no free
ride, if you don’t pay your bills, you lose your home. You should be thankful
you have lived in your condo for free for the last 7 years and start looking
for a place to rent when the HOA eventually gets a summary judgment and you
will be evicted. These are my thoughts coming from someone who works in the
real estate business, your plan for mom is not feasible. Love, Maura 

    Maura A. Ziska,
Esq.    Kochman & Ziska PLC    222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 1500

    West Palm Beach,
FL 33401       561-802-8960  (telephone)   
561-802-8995 (fax)

    This electronic
message transmission contains information from the law firm of Kochman &
Ziska PLC which may be confidential or privileged. The information is intended
to be for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the
intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use
of the contents of this information is prohibited. 


    From: mary jean
ziska [mailto:whatabtmary@yahoo.com]   
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 6:34 PM    To: marion gragory; mattie ziska;
mziska7@gmail.com; Maura Ziska; ejziska@gmail.com; scott; scott renshaw email
as of july 2011    Cc: mary jean ziska;
mary jean ziska me!; maryjeanziska@mysearchforjustice.com

    Subject: hi
everyone i wanted to pass along these ideas for saving my mom’s home and for
saving my home i think it can be all worked out

    Hi everyone                                                  
November 08th 2012 @ 6:33pm

     I wanted to put
in writing some ideas for saving mom’s home and for saving my home!  I think it an all work out… with everyone’s
help and support! remember all things are possible….

    So a few weeks ago
i tried helping mom with some marketing ideas for rentals…      I created a file with  some ideas and information… I was actually
really exited to tell her about the rental prices in Naples for season….      no one seems to listen…. but there is a
way… my mom who started a business taking tours all over the world in a
county where sh couldn’t even drive … who encouraged me to start my own
business  and do Faux painting… who
wanted me to have this beautiful condo.. and her and my dad helped me pick out
the best one here in the strand ( 5632 whisperwood blvd #1601 )      So here are the ideas and what mom  and i discussed…. as far as plans:      Marketing:  think strong eonomies in Europe… like
Switzerland and Germany…. i looked up a few websites…    www.myswitzerland.com     www.germantraveler

    I cannot call
internationally with my magic jack…. so i need some help finding out the
newspapers… the travel agencies and ways to have free advertising… and get
rentals for her home..  just don’t want
any third world  thieves…. you
know?  you want renters who can pay….  not steal… who will still take care of the
property… and with a strong  economy
who can pay… I have been trying to find beth serlin so i can contact others
in various countries who might be interested… not in buying.. but in renting
and saving  income property…  my mothers home… hell through  manipulated con artists  she lost the beach front condo but i was only
young … and not able to do anything…. not able to stop the lies…. now we
an make sure to not let it happen again…  
She is going to  need that money
coming in each month later…


    There were people
who wanted to sell it … but she would be practically giving away  a million dollar property… and income
property to boot…. it doesn’t make any sense…  and it is nothing i could ever imagine her

     o.k. enough of
the speaches…. more options…

    Naples real
estate  for rental options you guys know
how important income property was always to mom and dad (marion  jean 
gregory- ziska- gregory  and elwin
j. ziska)   so i went online and there
are lots of options… but it was great to see these:

rentals.com  email:   hilary@royalshell.com  telephone 
855-213-3311   I called them at
9:22am ( 10/27/2012)  spoke with
Kelly.  I 
got a call back  from one of the
agents and  she said they are almost
desperately looking for  rentals now for
season… thy take a commission of course but that can be built into the rental

    from a second
website:  www.tripadvisor.com

     they actually advertised
a 3 bedroom @ vandrbilt  fall specials as

    winter season (
December 1  2012 -January 31st 2013)

    per week =  ($1,900) per month ($6,800 )

    fall special(
October 6th- november 30, 2012 ) pr week $(1200) per month ($3,600)

    High Season (
February 1st 2013  -March 31st 2013)  per week($2,100) per month ($7000)

     then she has the
three rental units under that are at the least ($1000) per month… and could
definitely go for more in season… there is no reason that her home  should be sacrificed ….. that is an income
at best of 10,000.00 a month…

    We talked about
her moving in here so that the issues with the HOA can be resolved and  she can go swimming, and biking and
walking… and not have to actually live in the rental areas… we discussed
moving out all the valuables  from her
home ( 9202 Vanderbilt beach rd 34108) 
so that there are no more instances like renter Holly who i was told
stole some art work from her unit… plus with the extra income…  she can put some money away for her
retirement… can hire the proper people to so the landscaping and cleaning and
everyone  budget for upgrades  or 
curb appeal that will bring in additional income…  Then we can work together to try to get back
the babysitting business for additional income for her or she can relax… to
me sine there is no mortgage on my condo… there is just the HOA payments to
make… I am still working on fixing everything Patrick Weber was supposed to
do this past year… and didn’t do…  that way i can get the identity theft finally
cleared… and raise my credit score… get the title cleared of all the
fraud.. and  get an equity line of
credit… to pay off the past fees… then 
work on just getting back the 13 years that have been ruined and stolen
from me…. 


    This is all
possible… i have two free bedrooms right now( well one official bedroom and
one den and while Mattie is here in town… and if we can do the move in to
save her home  soon… we can all  be here..

     I know she will
only be here for a short while for the temp job… and was thinking of renting
a place  closer to her work… but it
would be cheaper and she could save more money if we were all here…  then when johnny comes.. they could even  stay at the Ritz with all the money saved on
renting some place during season….ha.. its just an option…

    an option that
will save income property… and my condo 
at the same time…

    if there are extra
stuff we can get a storage unit…  and i
have no furniture now .. so it will be nice to finally have some decent
furniture… here… and  after  season and when things  are fixed if mom wanted to move back to her
house…. or stay here we can figure that out then… but it can work… mom
was agreeable to it … and i am… it will be nice to  have her here… it would be a blast to have
both mom and mattie…      so also i
have tried to get in touch with  with
Kathy young… as a realtor she may  know
some other people  looking for seasonal
rental … I want to contact Claues  in
Sweden… what person would mind getting out of cold Sweden for a seasonal
rental… ( he is a realtor there now) and 
i am trying every resource i can think 
of…    I know the foreclosure
should take a while…. and with the proper lawyers help all things can be
rectified…. we have to all work together to make sure that someone doesn’t
steal  mom’s house like they did mattie’s
condos….  and lik they have tried
to  steal mom’s business.. and my
condo… along with my identity… my life and everything i ever loved… 

    i was in tears all
yesterday thinking of how alone in all this mess i feel… and how this will be
the worst thanksgiving/ Christmas ever… 
i know there is a way to make sure nothing bad happens anymore to any of

    I hope this email
gets to the right addresses… I love and miss my friends and my family every
minute of every day…     pray we get
some great lawyers… some great renters for mom’s house… and that all the
crooks and con artists will be stopped forever… luv  mary jean ziska…. the real and regular
person….I’m  nothing special….
without your love, support and friendship…

    ps if you have any
additional contacts please help!

    Oh i forgot to
mention… some contests to enter on mom’s behalf…

    1.  pay off yoru mortgage with Mars snackonomics

www.examiner.com/race-to-win-mortgage-payments- for- a- year

    3.  win one year of free payments from wells


    4.  nbc4contest offer hlp pay mortgage for rent
for a year      www.nbclosangeles.com

    5. Free mortgage
for a year  think it is called;  skip a year sweepstakes mortgage payment and
debt info…        www.quickenloans.com

    A Tender Loving
Care Service    Marion Gregory   Director 
239-598-1515  naplesmarion@aol.com

    Mary Jean
Ziska   Assistant Director   239-234-4065 / whatabtmary@yahoo.com

November 13th 2012 additional email to larry with guardianship definations

E-mail to Larry:

Monday, November 12, 2012 at 10:57 AM

Dear Larry, is there something I should know concerning
court dates in the HOA? Or removing Patrick Weber? I called my mom’s phone  and received a message that she was expecting
to go to court and to hear from the HOA next week by Wednesday or Thursday ?  what does that mean?   when
we’re in the process of trying to remove  Patrick Weber as my guardian? Why would my
mother be going to court concerning my HOA case and not you or Patrick Weber? I
know this only because I researched information for retaining a new lawyer with
the legal experience in real estate law, homeowners Association law, and
mediation disputes. The company I located which would assist in finding a
lawyer appropriate to my needs  and they required
a retainer fee of $180. A  membership with
the company would reduce  the cost of the
lawyer’s hourly fees and include  other
benefits. When I first spoke with my mother, she thought this was a great idea
and requested the telephone number and name of the company. The company is
known on the web  as www.rocket
lawyer.com.   I think this is a wise idea
since legal advice and assistance  is
expensive and Patrick weber was not able to retain anyone to assist when he
contacted legal aid.  I was looking at
the Florida statutes and it looked like legal representation would be assigned
on a rotating basis in  an office such as
legal aid… isn’t that the case?   When I next called my mother’s phone/ home
phone line I was told the services of this company would be retained after
decisions from the HOALA were made? Which was completely different than when I
spoke with her and she liked the idea of beign proactive and  retaining 
competent legal help asap!… What is going on? 


As per the Florida
 statute 744
I am guaranteed
legal representation. I am guaranteed competent legal representation in the
fields necessary for any court/legal/financial areas under the guardianship
ruling. Since Patrick Weber has no knowledge of how to defend any foreclosure
suits, as it is not his expertise, I am by law guaranteed a lawyer who can do
what Patrick cannot do. Does the HOA understand this legal principle? I was
told the verbal agreement between Patrick Weber and the homeowners Association
was not binding and so I was upset for weeks over nothing? I am glad that his
horrid deal is not binding especialy since 
he never discussed it with me nor did he even take into
consideration  my budget.. which he was
well aware of  when I gave him a copy in
march….  I also was told the homeowners
Association is deciding whether or not to even 
take a settlement deal concerning  payments on the back fees owed….? I thought
the whole court case was based on their acceptance of a settlement and that the
settlement had not been decided upon. If this has not been the case, please
explain what has been going on for this entire year.

Since I was told the idea Patrick Weber came up with is only
a verbal agreement not sanctioned by me or even discussed with me and not
binding  in the courts, therefore I am
not being held responsible for his horrid deal and mishandling of this  legal situation  or his mishandling of my guardianship and my
freedom and my life am I?


I also want to make sure that he cannot touch my medical
disability money especially since he was basing his stealing of my money to pay
the HOA……( which was a deal that  was
only  based on his verbal agreement and
his lies for trying to obtain my money under false pretenses and false
accusations of  how the money is being
spent each month!)Did you know his lie in a legal document represents fraud
uponthe court… and is in itself a reason for removal of a guardian!   Within
the court paperwork I received, he lied…. By saying he did not know where my
money was being spent  and continued to
lie by saying I was mishandling my money. 
It is the exact opposite!  when in
fact I am paying my bills with the medical disability money.   I have and can’t produce paid bills to that
fact concerning my electric, and other bills necessary to living expenses… I
can  prove I can and have been paying my
own bills appropriately in full amounts and on time  for years! 
  I even wrote him and you concerning my
concerns about how unreasonable his offer was concerning  the HOA 
which would have left me without any money for buying items such as
tampons, and toilet paper… should I send those emails to the  judge or can you tell him or her for me…

As per my request for complete independence I thought of
another way to prove my ability to care for myself  and my  home….. A have  eight cameras throughout my home for security
purposes that record everything!  The
tapes would prove my ability to care for myself , ie daily chores… such as
dishes, cooking, eating,  cleaning,
laundry,  etc.   All the 
proof of howl I can care for my self 
is not really even encompassed within 
the  guardianship parameters….. I
still believe that a 1500.00 is not 
necessary and is another example of his mishandling and mismanagement of
the entire case….  How much is he being
paid again to be my guardian? And at what intervals are his payments begin
made?….. just wondering …. What his motivations is for not allowing my
complete  independence restored, or legal
council… it would appear to me that since he was overburdened  to the point that he could not and does
not  return any emails or phone
calls  from me…  that he must be over burdened at work
and  I would assume that  he would want this mater resolved and off his
case list  as soon as possible unless
there is a financial motivation I am unaware of that  makes him keep me as his ward and want  unnecessary 
tests that  cost sooo much to the
tax payers… when he is still not addressing the entire reason  he was 
enlisted as my guardian, and why he lied to me about  keeping him as my guardian the first day I
met with him and with you in his conference 
room…. And he told me that I needed to keep him as my guardian for
financial reasons so that he could represent me in legal matters…. I even   put a request 
for independence in  a letter
requesting my complete independence restored in March 2012….and he convinced me
to do otherwise…. I can prove that I can cook or clean or care for myself and  take care of my home and my resources….. But
it seems absolutely  unnecessary to do so
since Patrick weber’s assistance was only as  a limited guardianship and was only to assist
in the financial and legal matters pursuant to the problems with the homeowners
Association past-due fees.  As per the
Florida statutes ,  when a limited
guardianship is put in place for a specific purpose…. When that purpose is
over,  or no longer necessary….the
independence of the ward is restored…. 
Patrick Weber was not able to assist in any way possible  and since Patrick Weber was unable to assist
with the homeowners Association negotiations I’ve been trying to contract other
lawyers to assist me where Patrick Weber failed.  

Also based on the grounds that he has not been able to
assist me  with the legal matters at
hand, I have been trying  to have him
removed so that legal assistance can be provided that will legally represent
me… not assist the HOA ….( as Patrick did when he tried to waive the statue for
limitatieon.. and he threatened to baker act me when I spoke up for my rights…
and my wishes…. And when I spoke up for his mishandling of my case)  I want  a guardian and a  legal representative  that does not intimidate and threaten
me,  or 
neglect my needs or wants, and who can actually really represent me and
assist me which is what a guardian is supposed to do ….    

When we last spoke, I told you I was  trying to contact Scott Renshaw to substitute
for Patrick Weber’s guardianship until full independence has been restored …..have
you looked at the Florida statute 744 recently? 
As per who can be a Guardian ,Scott Renshaw is located in Texas and as
per  the statutes unless we were married
or related by blood he may not fulfill the criteria     Are there  other parts of the statue I should look at or
other rules  and regulations that could  apply so that he could be my guardian and I
can remove Patrick?  Can you direct me to
those rules and regulations?

Also I was told over the phone my mother wrote an e-mail (which
I did not receive a copy of) concerning her moving into my condo to assist with
payments for the homeowners Association past-due fees .  When I spoke with my mom at my home,  we discussed the option of her moving in here
moving everything of value out of her home  and that she was planning on renting out  the top area of her home ( she has a
three-bedroom two-bath home upstairs and three apartment units underneath )and   thereby saving her home from any  foreclosure proceedings and also saving my
home from anything detrimental to home ownership as well.   I am a bit worried…. I have been received all
types of different   messages from people
on the phone telling me all sorts of 
variations of  what  I was originally told…. Since I have been the
victim of identity theft and so many  con
artists have lied cheated and stolen from me 
I want to make sure these same criminals who ruined my life  are not harming my mother as well….  There are laws that could ensure her
homeownership is intact and that she can retain 
the additional income  from her
rental property….    Please could you
check on the true facts… its hard since I don’t leave my home… to verify in
person who is telling  me the truth or
not….. and who is once again trying to swindle money from my family…. And a
million dollar income producing home is a large thing to lose because of a  con artist…. Especially since she had to  evict a girl who stole paintings from her….

  I also  don’t know what was in the e-mail she sent you
and the homeowners Association can you fill me in? My understanding is she was
still holding onto the $5000 just in case that is needed for my condo
homeowners Association negotiations, but I still need to have a competent legal
attorney represent me in this legal case! It is not acceptable that not only
did Patrick weber  not obtain any legal
counsel on  my behalf, that he does not
know how to defend such a case himself…. But 
the verbal agreement  caused  my anxiety to be so elevated that I started
throwing up again at his horrid handling 
of the entire case and at my loss of power and control over any of
it….  At his negligence at even
conferring with me… and his abusive behavior when I did express my  wishes and wants…..

I just want to reiterate…… concerning the homeowners
Association deciding on  the negation… I’m
under the impression I am allowed legal representation for my side …… It is
actually required by law… that I am represented…. By a competent legal
representative….. it is not completely up to the homeowners association with
they want…. To bully me….  especially  since everything they did by trying to
foreclose on my when a guardian was supposed to be assisting …. And going g
behind my back and trying to sell my condo 
without even consulting my guardian.. was not only underhanded …. It was
illegal… and  was inappropriately and
illegally pursued.  Does anyone pay
attention to the law anymore?   

Larry you are the guardianship lawyer and I  need your legal assistant/advice in an e-mail
ASAP acknowledging receipt of this e-mail and this information. Thank you
for  your 
kind attention to this email, sincerely mary jean ziska 


Quotes from the Florida statutes:

Florida statutes 744.446: conflict of interest: it is essential
to the proper conduct and management of the guardianship that the guardian be
independent and impartial. The fiduciary relationship that exists between the
Guardian and the ward may not be used for private gain of the Guardian, other
than the payment of fees and expenses reimbursable to the Guardian as provided
by law. The Guardian may not incur any obligation on behalf of the guardianship
that conflicts with the proper discharge of Guardian’s duties.

Florida statute 744.4463: Restrictions: if the Guardian
engages in any prohibited activity without first obtaining a court order
authorizing the Guardian to do so, activity is voidable by the court in the
Guardian may be removed. The Guardian may also be liable for surcharge or
subject to other sanctions available under the law. The Guardian is not sure
about the appropriateness of a particular action or about the Guardian’s
relationship to the ward, the Guardian should consult an attorney.

Florida statute
a court approval is required to settle any claims of the ward
arising before or after the appointment of the Guardian. The Guardian  may settle contract claims against the ward’s
estate  and claims by the Ward’s  estate with court approval.  Examples include claims to extend or modify
any mortgage claims to enter into fair compromise powers without court approval
the Guardian also has the authority and flexibility to perform without prior
court approval routine acts and pay items that are normal and necessary to
protect manage and preserve the assets of the estate however  exercising his or her  duties, the Guardian should interpret the law
very strictly, and if the action contemplated is not mentioned and approved
specifically in the law, the Guardian should seek advice of an attorney as to
whether the approval of the court is necessary.


Florida statute
744. 3725
: Before the court  may
grant extraordinary powers to the Guardian to exercise any of the above
enumerated rights the court must appoint an independent attorney to act on the
incapacitated person’s behalf who who must have the opportunity to meet with  the incapacitated person at a few full
judicial hearing present evidence and cross-examination witnesses on behalf of
the incapacitated person: received as evidence independent medical
psychological and social valuations with respect to the incapacitated person by
competent professionals or point its own experts to assist in the evaluations;
personally meet with the incapacitated person to obtain an impression of the
person’s capacity, celestial for the incapacitated person the full opportunity
to express his or her personal views or desires with respect to the judicial
proceedings and issues before the court; find by clear and convincing evidence
that the person lacks the capacity to make decisions about the issues before
the court and the incapacitated person’s capacity is not likely to change in
the foreseeable future be persuaded by clear and convincing proof that the
authority being requested is in the best interest of incapacitated person and
the case and in the case of a dilution dissolution of marriage find that the
wart spouse has consented to that dissolution.


Florida statute
the award retains the right to have his or her own attorney
and various proceedings during the guardianship. For example an attorney will
be appointed for the ward in a hearing for extraordinary authority to be
granted to the Guardian, Florida
statute 744.37251
or any hearing to determine whether all or some of
the warts right should be restored Florida
statute 744.4642.


Florida statute
The attorney for the alleged incapacitated person must
represent the allegedly incapacitated person’s expressed wishes, unless they
are contrary to the Florida rules governing attorney conduct.


Four statute
a: When a court-appointed attorney for an ad legend
incapacitated person, the court must appoint an attorney who is included in the
attorney Registry compiled pursuant to the Florida
statutes second sections 27.40 and 27.42.
Appointments must be made a
rotating basis taking it to consider conflicts

Definition of a Guardian: Guardian is a person who’s been
appointed by the court to act on behalf of awards person, property, or both. Florida statute 744.1029. The
Guardian may exercise only those rights that have been removed from the Ward
and delegated to the Guardian Florida
statute 744.3611


Limited guardianship: in situations where the court finds
that the incapacitated person lacks some but not all of the capacity necessary
to care for his or her person property or after the person voluntarily
petitions the court for appointment of a limited guardianship, the court will
appoint a guardian to exercise only those legal rights and powers specifically
designated by the court order. Florida
statute 744.1029 a


The concept of a limited guardianship recognizes that the
incapacity of each person is different and permits a guardianship to be imposed
only to the extent required by an individual’s actual mental and functional
limitations. The limited guardianship is this designed to encourage the most
self-reliance and independence possible and to be the least restrictive
alternative to a complete or plenary guardianship.


The Guardian must be independent and impartial. Guardian he
was appointed to manage the incapacitated person’s financial affairs must
protect and preserve the incapacitated person’s assets and manage the assets is
a prudent person would in managing the financial affairs of another.


Who may serve as a Guardian? Any resident of the state of
Florida who is 18 years old and a sound mind is qualified to act as guardian.
In addition, a nonresident may serve if he or she is related to the wart by
blood, adoption or law. Florida
statute 744.3092.

Also I trust company, State Bank, national bank, or Federal
Savings and Loan may be a Guardian Floirida
Statutes:  744.3094.
A nonprofit
corporation organized for religious or charitable purposes may be appointed a
guardian. Florida statute 744.3095


Florida statute
oath: prior to exercising authority, every Guardian must take
an oath that he or she will faithfully perform his or her duties as guardian.

Rights of the award: the Guardian’s role is to balance the
protection and care provided to the ward with genuine respect for and
encouragement of the independence still exercisable by the ward.

Write to the incapacitated wart that are retained by the
Ward: Florida statute 744.32151

1. Having annual review of the guardianship report and plan.

2. Continuing review of the need for restriction of his or
her rights.

3. To be restored to capacity at the earliest possible time.

4. To be treated humanely, with dignity, and respect, and to
be protected against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

5. To have a qualified Guardian.

6. To retain as independent as possible, including having
his or her preference as to place an standard of living on Earth, either as he
or she expressed or demonstrated his or her preferences prior to the
determination of his or her capacity or as he or she currently expresses his or
her preferences insofar as such request is reasonable.

7. To have access to the courts.

8. To be represented by counsel and attorney.

9. To receive notice of all proceedings related to
determination of capacity and guardianship.

Most of these rules regulations have already been violated
I’m counting on you to make sure that

1 competent legal representation can be procured for
assistance in the homeowners Association negotiations.

2. Patrick Weber’s will be removed based on his negligence
or misconduct and abuse

3. No monies will be removed and no rights will be removed
and work on restoration of independence will begin immediately.

4 lies, accusations, bullying based on the guardianship will
receive sanctions appropriate and in accordance to the law.

5. As my guardianship lawyer will keep me informed.

 Again, Thank you for
your kind attention to this matter sincerely Mary Jean Ziska

Tuesday November 13th 2012@ 2:03am emails to and from larry about court case date of the nov. 15th

Larry Pivacek,        
November 12th 2012  at 5:43pm


 no i cannot
attend….the court case on the 15th of December 2012…. I do not want to be
in a court room with patrick weber who threatened me ever again!  Plus that is only a few days from
now….  I have not left my home in
months….my anxiety level is extremely high when people harm me and my home
ownership….   I can be present via
skype if that is what the judge wants.. that way we can video tape it  and have it for  evidence 
if needed later for other cases…. but really?….What  the hell is going on?   I thought we had to have someone in place to
be the guardian when we request he (Patrick Weber)  be removed?  
and i told you i haven’t been able to reach scott renshaw…. He is
located in Texas…. right now living with his parents… but other wise fits
the criteria… I will still try to reach him maybe he can come here for a few
months or just a month when i can have a real 
evaluation by qualified persons to give me back all my rights….



(is this the court hearing that my mother mother was
speaking about concerning the HOA? 
)  ( i wrote this line before
speaking with you…. and knowing it was concerning the guardianship  case…. )


 I want you to  ask for a continuance…except for
removing  Patrick Weber…. for
everything especially  if it is….   and to still have him removed…do i need to
send information to the judge…. did you send the paperwork in the  mail? 
Aren’t  I   supposed to be made aware of these
things  things way in advance?.. you told
me the next date for the court to be available l would  be after Christmas.. remember i told you
while in tears the last time we spoke… that this would be the worst Christmas
ever? ….


Is there another letter to bring  up my anxiety lever and start me crying /
throwing up?  … another letter to make
me throw up? definitely don’t need  all
this hardship for trying to remove a guardian that does not do his job.. ( from
the beginning he never even did a plan of action report and i can site tons of
infractions and neglect and misconduct charges that he has doesn’t  throughout this past year while he has been
my guardian… )   i cant believe that
the judge have me keep a guardian that 
made me  so upset that i was
shaking… and ready to throw up at the court house…..



I just  finished  speaking with you concerning this whole
ordeal…. I am hoping that you really are 
on my side in this court case…   my wishes are to not have Patrick Weber as my
guardian especially since he has harmed my life… and my home ownership… why
would i think he would actually do anything to represent me  and help me when he has not done anything so
far…. .  I do not want him representing
me anymore since his actions have directly affected my life and my home
ownership….  in a negative light….


 What type of judge
would make me have an abusive guardian?  
I  was supposed to have
someone  who i could count on who helped
me not hurt me… 


I am also requesting the court records… reporting….
right?   i think you said they were in
the form of CD’s of the court proceedings I 
was not able to attend… how much are they?


As per the  bank
account  i thought i emailed you…about
that….. i know i  filed a police
report… someone opened a bank account using my name and my social security
number…. in late October..at Patrick favorite bank… regions bank… where
he had my mo go to try to get a loan for me…. i still have not been told
where the $5,000.00 is that my mother put aside for me…. to use for this
mess….   also i was told that a woman
went into the social security office and asked to have my medical disability
sent to her bank account… when i asked my mom she said it wasn’t her it must
have been Patrick Weber who was trying to get my money… these are the
situation i have had to deal with  while
patrick weber has been my guardian …. along with  his threats… at the court house and  his 
sick amusement at  causing me to
get upset….  His unprofessional
behavior with the HOA paralegal…. when i guess he tried to waive the statute
of limitations…  flirt with the  HOA paralegal / lawyer….His conduct
disgusts me… and already i get upset just thinking of how horrid it is that
someone who was entrusted by the courts… 
to help me… has damaged my life 
in such a short  amount of time…..  Its worse than tragic….  It is unforgivable…. I needed his help
legally …. and his negligence and misconduct and abuse have left me with even
worse anxiety… and time limits  on a
horrible situation that i told you anything that happens to me is on his
head…. he is  directly responsible….
whatever happens…   i hold him and his
abuse, neglect and misconduct completely responsible!


i can definitely 
say… He is no hero….  


sincerely mary jean ziska 



Wednesday October 10th 2012@6:44pm tracking changed from staples orders to ups always and have trackign info so no delivery problems with products from staples conversation with dave and cheryl

I received a phone call from Dave n ( Kentucky call center ) the staples resolution department Center today October 10th 2012

( 877-878-2753)  He called to tell me that  the hammrville paper I ordered on line from Staples was having a problem getting in the gate and would be delivered tomorrow.   

Following my conversation  with Dave I called  back and couldn’t reach Dave but did  talk with Cheryl concerning a  few questions.   

Cheryl  has changed the delivery of all staples products   to be through  UPS which I am glad about since that way I will have tracking information to get to see each and every package and try to figure out if any of the tampering with my products is through the delivery service…. Or after it is delivered… or if the products are defective… or what the hell is going on…

I signed up to be informed via emails  to track all packages so at least I will be able to  know where  the packages are at all times and  there will be  no  chance for packages to be tampered with  during the delivery process.   

October 10th 2012 @ 5:10pm police report about ink cartridges under criminal mishchief

General Information     

Incident Type    Criminal Mischief (Vandalism)

Person Type       Individual

clear img

Reporting Person Information   modify   

Last Name           ziska

First Name          mary jean

Home Address  5632 whispewood Boulevard, 1601, naple, FL 34110, US

Home Phone     239-233-3465

Email     whatabtmary@yahoo.com

Employer Name                 self

Work Address  

Work Phone      

Race      White/

Sex         Female

DOB       07/07/1966

Driver License No             Licensing State  FL

Incident Information      modify

Incident Location             5632 whisperwood, 1601, NAPLES, FL 34110

Incident Time (start)       10/10/2012 03:50 PM

Incident Time (end)        10/10/2012 03:50 PM

Location Type    Apartment/condo

Graffiti Involved?             No

Incident Description       I tried to report this a few days ago and it was rejected… mail tampering is a federal offense and i reported this before and it was rejected because the package did arrive… but tampering with the mail is a federal offense. and punishable crime! i want this stopped… yes the ink cartridge did arrive but it arrived a day late(possibly tampering)since there was a delay… and both times when i ordered it from the online site: staples.com It arrived at my door without the seal that holds in the ink for the cartridge. That to me is theft of the ink since it was empty and tampering with mail since it was missing the seal… it may be a neighbor or if not i want to find out who it is who has been tampering with my mail… I spoke with Dan Fox who was really nice from the tarpon bay staples store and he has been replacing cartridges but it is too much of a coincidence for it to happen 4-5 times…(twice in the mail and two times from a personal delivery) and for the cartridges to be missing… concerning the missing seal I was told from Dave at the resolution department of staples that a missing a seal is not normal…and twice is really not normal so something is going on … I need to make sure that this crime is stopped and I need to have this reported in writing so that if this problem continues there is a marked history of events that will ensure prosecution success. thank you for your kind attention to this matter. If you need more details that i put in the other report please contact me via email

(whatabtmary@yahoo.com) and i will add supplementary information in an additional report. again thank you

clear img

Person Information        modify

clear img

Property Information     modify

Property 1           modify   delete

Type      Computer/ Equipment

Brand    lexmark

Model   #70

Color     Black

Serial No             

How Many          2

Damaged Value ($)         80.00

Property Description      black number 70 ink cartridges for lexmark printer shipped from staples

clear img

Cancel Report    clear img              Submit Report

clear img

                clear img

Copyright 2012 Coplogic, In

October 10th 2012 @ 5:10pm police report about ink cartridges under criminal mishchief

General Information     

Incident Type    Criminal Mischief (Vandalism)

Person Type       Individual

clear img

Reporting Person Information   modify   

Last Name           ziska

First Name          mary jean

Home Address  5632 whispewood Boulevard, 1601, naple, FL 34110, US

Home Phone     239-233-3465

Email     whatabtmary@yahoo.com

Employer Name                 self

Work Address  

Work Phone      

Race      White/

Sex         Female

DOB       07/07/1966

Driver License No             Licensing State  FL

Incident Information      modify

Incident Location             5632 whisperwood, 1601, NAPLES, FL 34110

Incident Time (start)       10/10/2012 03:50 PM

Incident Time (end)        10/10/2012 03:50 PM

Location Type    Apartment/condo

Graffiti Involved?             No

Incident Description       I tried to report this a few days ago and it was rejected… mail tampering is a federal offense and i reported this before and it was rejected because the package did arrive… but tampering with the mail is a federal offense. and punishable crime! i want this stopped… yes the ink cartridge did arrive but it arrived a day late(possibly tampering)since there was a delay… and both times when i ordered it from the online site: staples.com It arrived at my door without the seal that holds in the ink for the cartridge. That to me is theft of the ink since it was empty and tampering with mail since it was missing the seal… it may be a neighbor or if not i want to find out who it is who has been tampering with my mail… I spoke with Dan Fox who was really nice from the tarpon bay staples store and he has been replacing cartridges but it is too much of a coincidence for it to happen 4-5 times…(twice in the mail and two times from a personal delivery) and for the cartridges to be missing… concerning the missing seal I was told from Dave at the resolution department of staples that a missing a seal is not normal…and twice is really not normal so something is going on … I need to make sure that this crime is stopped and I need to have this reported in writing so that if this problem continues there is a marked history of events that will ensure prosecution success. thank you for your kind attention to this matter. If you need more details that i put in the other report please contact me via email

(whatabtmary@yahoo.com) and i will add supplementary information in an additional report. again thank you

clear img

Person Information        modify

clear img

Property Information     modify

Property 1           modify   delete

Type      Computer/ Equipment

Brand    lexmark

Model   #70

Color     Black

Serial No             

How Many          2

Damaged Value ($)         80.00

Property Description      black number 70 ink cartridges for lexmark printer shipped from staples

clear img

Cancel Report    clear img              Submit Report

clear img

                clear img

Copyright 2012 Coplogic, In

October 10th 2012 @ 2:57pm cartridge theory…. still problem

                     Police                  HELP!!!!!!!


 I want my real mom
and dad and sisters and family in my life…. For the past three days I have been
trying  to get print cartridges to print
out the paperwork for my home… and each and  every time the ink cartridge  has been empty not printing  at all… they feel light and  it is almost impossible the odds that it is
the ink cartridge itself…right?   it has to have human  involvement.. and my guess is the same
criminal and scummy human involvement that has been harming my life since
1999…. But most recently the bitch who opened a  bank account  in my name 
and  had had her scum on my phone   protecting her criminal ways…


This got to be the little dickless asshole who is a hacker…
a liar and a thief…. This manipulation is because I  started writing letters… and doing  research.. that would help me … and since
this scummy “mary” from either Bonita..or from 9th street …and the
person who has stolen money and  opened
bank accounts.. they need to continue the con..the crime… and to continue to
make sure that  I am not supposed to be
able to   what I need to do… like mailing
out letters .. to help me with   my home
ownership and my life…  this one lady on
the  phone asked me how many letters I
was going  to send out…  perhaps they will be sending letters form the
is fake “mary” …. God only knows what they are going  to say .. the girl  is as stupid as a rock.. I mean  she is  defiantly smart in her criminal pursuits..
this whole clan is.. but as far as 
college.. or anything productive they are as dumb as they come   they
have to steal  businesses because they
cannot create anything on their own….  plus
they are as evil as they come … which doesn’t help me…. At all… evil and mean
and bully and criminal. And low life scum… hummmm  travelers gypsies and grifters come to mind
or the  old asshole who claimed to ba a
part of the mafia… gerard alher and the martucci family form Brooklyn new York…
the scum…. Total criminal scum…..   fake
alex novack.. total criminal scum…. Farzad …. You know felony fred and  fake casey 
I call criminal casey….  I could go
on and on… the criminal nannies  who
stole identities… the girls from la play a that stole  babysitting jobs… criminal .take your pick I cant
think of any group that has been purely 
great and good….. and that is sad to see more bad people than good….

Here is a theory:  I
think they are emptying  the ink
cartridges and giving me empty cartridges… and doing it on purpose… why else would
the cartridges belight… and the  plastic
seal be gone?

Wednesday October 10th 2012@ 2:46pm… thoughts..Billy joel: “this is my life…. get your own life and leave mine alone”… alond…

So it now really early on Sunday morning… and my plan to
write letters for my credit report and to my mortgage companies… to  continue 
with the entire  process of  fixing and finishing what my guardian Patrick
Weber did not do this entire year… 
well…. the plan was for my mom to come out and to go to staples off
tarpon bay ( by my home) and get the ink cartridge …. it is a Lexmark #70 ink
cartridge which is a black ink cartridge….. 
that seems to not be working… if you remember I ordered it from
staples on line  and when it showed
up…. it did not print…the little plastic tab was missing so i figured that
it just dried out…. so i had to try to figure out another way to get the ink
and so i could finish my packages… and finish printing  all this information….  then my mom was so kind and she went to  the staples off tarpon… Dan Fox the manager
was really nice and  very helpful… and
we got  one replacement  ink cartridge… she(my mom )  brought 
it home and  it did not work.. i
called Dan and  he offered to replace the
ink cartridge… and   because of all
the  trouble … to also  give us an additional cartridge… so my  mom went 
back to staples… and got two ink cartridges… and when she came
back  to my home…. i was sure that at
least one of the  cartridges would have
worked… intact Dan and i joked that out of 4 cartridges  in  two
days… ONE  had to work.. I mean what
are the odds of all of them not working right?…. well my mom  went to publix  for me… staples  for the 
two cartridges… i made dinner.. and 
had  to put everything away… and
started some spaghetti sauce and a pot roast….. and then late in the
evening… I tried the ink cartridges… you are sooooo not going to believe
this… neither of them work… completely dry…. After trying to clean
nozzles.. trying to print test page… and 
everything I I could think of to get them working… example… one guy
from Walgreen ages ago when they used to refill the cartridges told me that id
i placed the ink cartridge on a wet cloth it would draw the ink out… i tried
that .. and then after tears…  finally
resorted to the technique of refilling.. you fill a syringe with ink and  drill a hole in the top of the ink cartridge
and  inset the ink through the hole…
well…. some ink is running out ..the bottom but not enough  to  do
test paper and won’t do a  clean
nozzle……. I’m at a loss.. HELP does anyone know what the  hell is going on?  .


I cant afford a new printer… and i really cant afford any
additional ink cartridges… has anyone 
ever had this problem? and how did you fix it? everything was working
great .. for sooo long… and i can’t 
believe that all the staples brand lexmark #70  can be defective… right????????????

this is getting 
ridiculous… it’s as if someone is doing this on purpose… if i was a
suspicious conspiracy theorist… could it be possible…. that  the ink is being used up before it gets to
me?????  I don’t  know how..any one    any ideas??????.


what if the  entire
batch is old…. it is an old printer and old cartridges  go with old 
printers… right???


or here is a really wild theory… the same girl who has
been stealing my identity…. the one living 
off my name and my life… who most probably has scammed people out of
money or assistance to help me… what she doesn’t  want me to get this paperwork out to the
proper authority….  .


So what do you think of this thought ?????… i mean it has
been at least 10 years…. most likely 13 years where my entire life has been
systemically ruined….  it still the
slimy girl.. the fake identity 
thief…  the girl who has been
stealing  my identity…you know .. the
one who opened a regions bank account  in
my name and with my social security… THE ILLEGAL account  the bith who is relying  on the fact that I am not  leaving my home..these days…. .  and so as most bullies do.. they harm you
when you are down… they manipulate and contol 
to get power … by stopping my actions…  my actions 
of communicating  with
authorities….  you know if you read
anything up on abuse… and the way a psycho an control a person by
stopping  their freedoms…    but then you an go ask karen kahel…or any
of her friends….the bully clique….  
she has a psychology degree.. hummm someone   who knows 
all the ways to harm  and
torture… gosh… or any of her friends who don’t want to be
“bothered” by having to stop me with the documentation…  this holiday weekend… maybe the imposter is
out  screwing the boys to get their
bastard kid and get her condo and 
business… and ohhhh what else did Gerard ahler say… the boys love to
do for their whore to door service girls…..hummmmm ….. ask those slimy
girls… speaking of slimy girls…how about …. the girls living in   bonita….you know… the  address listed on the police report where my
lap top is detected or the  9th street
address  where   it was also detected… may also be  involved… you think???? 


anyway…. i did not sign up to be a spare part for some
imposter…. or to get  tormented because
some bitch steals my life and my identity…. 
IT IS MY LIFE …. as billy joel would 
say…. get your own life and leave me alone….

October 10th 2012@ 2:43pm second chat with lexmark October 8th 2012 ( chat with honey)

[mary ziska] i am still trying to get my printer to print…
and thought i could install a new driver and its not installing from the cd

We appreciate your patience. Your chat session will be
answered in the order it was received.

[Honey] Welcome to LEXMARK CHAT SUPPORT. My name is Honey.

[Honey] Let me help you with your installation concern.
Here’s is your reference number: 1-9921871531.

[Honey] Hi Mary.

[Honey] Is this the first time you contacted chat support
regarding this concern?

[mary ziska] no

[Honey] Are you using Z31 printer?

[mary ziska] i found the download on the  website but i have a cd and  would prefer to install it that why  it is not accepting my cd??????

[mary ziska] yes

[Honey] Please give me 2 minutes to review your previous

[mary ziska] o.k.

[mary ziska] it is printing but the ink cartridge is not
writing on the paper it is just printing out blank pages

[Honey] Thank you for waiting.

[Honey] Based on the record, you are using a refilled
cartridge and you are having issue with printing blank pages, is that correct?

[mary ziska] yes

[mary ziska] but it was working  weeks ago  with a refilled cartridge before I got the new

[Honey] I understand that Mary, however, if the printer is
printing blank pages the issue is not with the printer software it is with the
ink cartridges.

[Honey] Since we are using a refilled cartridge, we can’t guarantee
the life and print quality of the refilled cartridge.

[mary ziska] i have returned 4  ink cartridges already…

[mary ziska] for new ones but not official Lexmark ink

[mary ziska] are you saying for real l it is just because it
is a remanufacted ink cartridge from staples?

[Honey] Refilled cartridges may or may not work. Most of the
times, the printer will read an empty or very low ink level and sometimes causes
printer errors. It will also be able to print but producing blank pages. There
are instances that the printer will not be able to read the refilled cartridge.
I think that’s what’s happening right now.

[mary ziska] are you there?

[mary ziska] so i need to buy a real cartridge not download
a new driver or anything?

[Honey] I would recommend purchasing a new genuine Lexmark
cartridge if the refilled cartridge won’t work. The reason why we don’t advise
our customers to use refilled cartridges is that refilled ones can cause
permanent damage to the printer.

[mary ziska] do you have any discounts for Lexmark    cartridges
i can get from your website?

[Honey] Yes, that is right. The issue is not with the
printer software, it’s with the ink cartridges.

[Honey] Before you purchase the ink cartridge, please let me
know the Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Mac) installed on
your computer.

[mary ziska]

[Honey] Thank you.

[mary ziska] why does that  matter

[Honey] Here’s a deal, the printer was manufactured last
2000, there’s a possibility that the driver will not load in the computer
because of the software compatible issue.

[Honey] If you want to try another Lexmark cartridges, I can
offer you a 15% discount the ink cartridges.

[Honey] Also, if you want to purchase a new Lexmark printer,
I can offer you a 20% discount.

[mary ziska] can i file away a discount code for a new
printer…as well i can’t afford one now but maybe god willing  some financial miracle will happern…

[mary ziska] how much will 15% make the cost of the  ink cartridge and  do i need a code for that?

[Honey] The price of the ink cartridges compatible to your
printer is about $60-$70.

[Honey] Lexmark offers a new printer less than $100.

[Honey] What I recommend, it is better to purchase a new
printer than purchasing a new ink cartridge. The ink cartridge cost might be
the same with the price of the new printer.

[mary ziska] for just the  black cartridge it is only 37-40 dollars at
staples or office max

[mary ziska] the lap top I  have is from 2003 i don’t  want a new printer r that wont work for the
old laptop

[Honey] The price that I gave is for the combination of both
black and color cartridge.

[mary ziska] i only want to use the black ink cartridge to
print out documents for court/judges /lawyers

[Honey] The price of the black cartridge is $34.

[Honey] Is this your e-mail address whatabtmary@gmail.com?

[mary ziska] great yes .. can you give me the promo code I
can get it from the lexmark website

[mary ziska] yes but you don’t need to email me anything
just give me the promo code to get the discount… alright?

[mary ziska] while  we
are chatting

[mary ziska] how  long
is that discount available?

[mary ziska] like for this  year will it work to get cartridges?

[Honey] I will send the cartridge discount coupon in your
e-mail address.

[mary ziska] o.k. thanks also what about the printer that is
less than 100

[Honey] We can only send the discount through e-mail.

[Honey] You can only use the cartridge discount when
purchasing ink cartridges to Lexmark website.

[mary ziska] can you send me that as well

[Honey] About the printer discount, you can only avail this
to our Presales Department with direct number 1-800-358-5835 Mon to Fri 9am to
9pm and Sat 12noon to 6pm EST.

[mary ziska] o.k. is that for a printer that can print out documents
need just regular  black and  white documents …

[mary ziska] i don’t want to spend extra money on extra
print cartridges…

[Honey] I have send the discount for the ink cartridges.

[mary ziska] thanks i can’t afford them now… the coupon is
good for how long ?

[Honey] To answer your concern, the new Lexmark printer has
new ink technology. The printer will not print using black only of color
cartridges are not installed or out of ink.

[Honey] The coupon will not expired.

[Honey] You can use it anytime.

[mary ziska] great thanks bye

[Honey] Is there anything else that I may help you with?

[mary ziska] no not unless you know winning lottery numbers

[Honey] I wish I can help you and provide the winning
lottery numbers.



Thank you for contacting Lexmark Chat Support. Please do not
hesitate to contact us again if we can be of further assistance. Please
complete the chat survey by clicking on the “End” button, with
overall 5 being the Best, as this will help us to serve you better.


Have a great day!


[Honey] Bye Mary.

The operator has ended the chat. Thanks for contacting us.

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