yesterday i wnet on line at the igoogle hoepage adn guess where i was suposed to be located… inn pine ridge… sinc ei am not in Pine ride.. and the only other expereience with pine ridge is the painter/construction people …. and the family who i babysat… with the daughter who is asian and supposed ot be 10 and the older daughter who i never met… but they had a black BMW with a university of florida plate…. I changed back mylocation…. to naples… and when i wen tto go and get some eggs for an easter egg hunt… an d the wsj… and a candy to put in the eggs… low and behold i ws surrounded by all sorts of people who were in ther painting clothes.. i guess if i am nto karne kahel from ohio state… i should l be a construction worker… of course no one asks who i am.. who i was what epereinces i have had in life… i did have a faux painting busness for a few yesrs and saved up money for an interior design degree… and of course in that time period is when i met the crimanlly insane conntrol freak …. from hell.. the construction worker from pro line contracting and brooklyn new york who ruined my life!
so did the computer with the lojack get exchanged again..from my house or from my car…. and when i was last baystiitng or when?… ….or who is manipulating lives agian… ? should i be worreid that the scummy girls wil be stealing clothes … jewlery…. using my house for their whore to door service calls…. especially sinceI have to babysit… babysit … I think i will nitfy the police an dmake sure they willkeep an eye on my place… and mylife…..i hate criminals.. and definately hate the fake scum …..but more importantlyi hate criminals…
another wierd thing… jsut about ten minutes agao i got ahold o f “my mother”… who now hates scott renshaw… and when i went to skype scott to see if the haair i cut hair i cut….. was straight…he was there for a minute..then left…. adn i tried caling and jsut got the messge machine… i stillthink that the smae idiot who manipultes myphone… has also manipulated myskype.. and who knows if i am jsut speakign to a video of the person … or a real person….. adn if i am speaking to jsuta tape….and the same manipulative idiot video tapes me talkign… then chanages what i am saying….. who knows what the freak may be making me say…. so how do i get my own voice back? how do i get rid of criminals? hwo do i start to prossecute the scummmmm… I was on teh website for the FBI last night.. cyber crimes…. and allsorts of crimes.. gosh i hope these scummy people get caught… and criminally charged adn i want to take them for every penny they have civilly! 7 yeas of this is far too much…. whaat horrid manipulative people…..
Monthly Archives: March 2011
Monday March 28th 2011 @ 2:12pm ( repost)
so yesterday after babysitting and feeling really lonely and wanting to know why i got an email cancelling one babysitting job through her email address yet never got an email canceling the job through my email address…. and one was mentioned in the email. when i went by her home there was just one car parked in the 2nd place the car was a black suv with a liscense plate number of: 446IWH
since my mothers car was not there she mayhave been on the other coast for the weekend or out babysitting herself. If she was away and someone was fraudently sending emails( via her wireless internet connection ) again concerning the cancellation for babysititng jobs thus stealing jobs for her self that would be considered a cyber crime and would be punishable by the florida statute #815 ( see other blog post ) and punishable with a fine and jail time.
Monday March 28th 2011@ 2:12pm ( FBI contact information)
FBI headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20535-0001
telephone: 202-324-3000
FBI Tampa
5525 W. Gray Street
Tampa Fl. 33609
telephone: 813-253-1000
criminal information services:
Leo: law enforcement online:/
Regional computer forensics
conputer forensics lab:
operational technology divison ( OTD)
examines digital evidence in al sorts of criminal /national security cases
Criminal Justice Information Services
Monday March 28th 2011@ 2:10pm ( email to joel osteen concerning products not yet received.)
To whom it may concern: Monday March 28th 2011 @ 2:04pm
My name is Mary jean ziska and i have an account with Joel osteen and have order other products and have received them wiht no problem. however, I ordered and payed with a credit card for two orders that i never received:
1. the order of #301 JXp1011E called “GRACE: when you need it most”.
The order was placed on 11/16/2011@5:56:38pm
the payment method: credit card authorized.
the confrimation code: 445732
order code: 4000445732
2. the order of JCP1102E called “I declare”
the order was placed on: 2/15/2011 @ 12:46:38
the payment method: credit card authorized.
the confirmation code: 476369
the order code: 4000476369
I never received either of those orders and am a bit worried since not receiving parcels can be a sign of idenity theft or other criminals interferring in your life. Please email me : and tell me the progress and if these have been sent so i can know when to contact the police concerning my nonreceipt of the items. I also will need to know how they were sent and will need the tracking codes used along with the companies used to ship the parcels. Thank you for your kind attention to this email. Sincerely, mary jean ziska
I will be putting a copy of this email in a website i had to start ot keep track of all the crimes that been done to my life. thank you my website is:
I called joel osteen ministry concerning the two cd sets that i did not receive. I spoke with Olga at 4:01pm. these are her excuses or why i never received the cd sets and for the email i also received @1:43:39pm to that said i unsubscribed form todays word with joel and victoria( which i definately did not do today or any other day I have joel osteen messages on facebook and my email address. This mysterious cacelling of my subscription also happened when i spoke with the woman the first time to find out about the order.
I was today today(March 25th 2011@ 4:00pm ) by olga that the reason i did not receive the Grace cd ordered in november of 2010 was that the computer system was going through a restructuring of sorts and they are still trying to work out all the bugs and the cd purchase with a dollar donation was not transferred into the new system.
To actually get the cd set i need to call in and order it again.
I know that i spoke with a woman a month after i ordered it before christmas to see where the cd set was ans dif i coudl expect it by christmas and ws not told any of this. Ali ws told was that it had not processed yet. theat due to the holiday season there was a back up of the cd’s and it will be 4-6 weeks.
* As for this reason to rectify the problem: i need to go back and see if the credit card which was a gift card was actually charged or not.
Then get a gift card again and call to order the cd set. since now it is full price to obtain.
I was told by olga that the reason i did not receive the “i dare” cd set is that my credit card did not go through for the purchase and will have to purchase it again… and again will have to do it over the phone.
To rectify this problem i will need to go back and tryto find the gift card/or credit card used to purchase the cd set adn verify that the chages didnt go through.
She did mention that they may have put though a test of the credit card which i believe is a scam and is illegal and i will difinately check to see if that was the case and let the proper authorities know if that was the case. I am sure that joel osteen and victoria olseen do not condone scams where tests of credit card validation and obtaining credit card information/scams and pfishing for credit card information or other fraud are used with their patrons credit card information.
Saturday March 26th 2011@6:41pm ( does anyone know the penalty for stealing over the internet?)
I used to have problems with slimy girls who really were so petty and uneducated… and such low life scummm that they had to steal babysitting jobs over the phone …. remember i mentioned that they would do this by accessing my messages then trying to tell me the jobs were canceled…. they are trying to do this again via emails.. so my question is and i guess i can look this up .. and even contact the police and the fbi again… to have the emails monitored… and hopefully have real and honest men and women who work for the police department and the fbi be able to track the funds they have been stealing via a business that is not their own!
its asst so sad that these uneducated girls adn boys cant create anything on their own… but have the need to steal others creation, and work and business ideas and clients. But honestly i hope they are all put in jail and allowed to think about their crimes and pay for their crimes. and I hope they go to jail soon!
I guess i will look up the Florida statutes again and any other information that pertains to fraudently gaining funds via the internet and other cyber crimes that pertain.
Wednesday march 23rd 2011 @ 4:39pm ( biometric info. )
email sent to inquire about information on biometric voice recognition :
To whom it may concern: March 23rd 4:14pm
I am doing some research on the biometric identification process. In particular voice recognition and identification of individuals. Could you please email me any information concerning the most recent technology that will enable an individual to recognize and identify a person by their voice.
I have been recently been made aware of a card that can change a person’s voice to sound like another individual and to even make a man sound like a woman. In a Cspan session a few congressmen were able to introduce “the phone act”. This act will outlaw the use of spoofing cards and i am hoping will also alleviate the problem created by the use of a card they mentioned that can alter a criminals voice.
I am interested in the capabilities of authentication and voice recognition for two reasons. First , I am interested in making sure that criminals are not able to commit crimes and fraud by changing their voice over the phone, and I am interested in utilizing the voice recognition feature for security devices.
Could you please email me any and all information, research materials or even the proper contact information concerning the voice recognition technology used by the FBI that could also be used for private use.
I appreciate your kind attention to this email and anticipate your assistance in this matter to be most helpful!
Please reach me via email:
Wednesday march 23rd 2011 @ 5:36pm ( FBI biometric vice recognition info)


Speaker, or voice, recognition is a biometric modality that uses an individual’s voice for recognition purposes. (It is a different technology than “speech recognition”, which recognizes words as they are articulated, which is not a biometric.) The speaker recognition process relies on features influenced by both the physical structure of an individual’s vocal tract and the behavioral characteristics of the individual.
A popular choice for remote authentication due to the availability of devices for collecting speech samples (e.g., telephone network and computer microphones) and its ease of integration, speaker recognition is different from some other biometric methods in that speech samples are captured dynamically or over a period of time, such as a few seconds. Analysis occurs on a model in which changes over time are monitored, which is similar to other behavioral biometrics such as dynamic signature, gait, and keystroke recognition.
Speaker verification has co-evolved with the technologies of speech recognition and speech synthesis because of similar characteristics and challenges associated with each … more information.
The physiological component of voice recognition is related to the physical shape of an individual’s vocal tract, which consists of an airway and the soft tissue cavities from which vocal sounds originate … more information.
United States Government Evaluations
Since 1996, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been conducting an ongoing series of yearly evaluations called the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations … more information.
Standards Overview
Standards play an important role in the development and sustainability of technology, and work in the international and national standards arena will facilitate the improvement of biometrics. The major standards work in the area of speaker recognition involves the Speaker Verification Application Program Interface (SVAPI), which is used by technology developers and allows for compatibility and interoperability between various vendors and networks … more information.
Thanks to the commitment of researchers and the support of National Security Agency and NIST, voice recognition will continue to evolve as communication and computing technology advance. Their determination will help to further develop the technology into a reliable and consistent means of identification for use in remote recognition.
* Excerpts from
More Info
- To Come
Wednesday March 23rd 2011 ( biometric aritice: )
march 23rd @5:23pm ( biometric identification article:)

The BCOE collaborates with partners and forms beneficial partnerships to leverage capabilities of the wider biometrics community and to expand the FBI’s biometric capabilities. The BCOE has formed important partnerships with various agencies. Clicking on one of the partner links will take you away from the BCOE site. You will then be subjected to the policies of that particular site.
Department of Defense (DoD), Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA)
The BIMA leads DoD activities to program, integrate, and synchronize biometric technologies and capabilities and to operate and maintain the DoD’s authoritative biometric database in support of the National Security Strategy.
BIMA offers the following video entitled, “Impacting the Warfighter and Beyond”, which is the organization’s second video in a series designed to describe the use of biometrics across the DoD and showcasing the success biometrics has brought to accomplishing a diverse set of DoD missions.
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Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The FBI continues to support the DHS and its efforts in protecting our nation by providing biometric and criminal history information to help accurately identify individuals and determine whether those individuals pose a security risk. Many efforts are underway to enhance technology, increase interoperability, and improve information sharing.
The US-VISIT program is an effective border management and immigration initiative. The US-VISIT’s innovative use of biometric technology improves our nation’s border security to a level that did not exist before. These services help prevent identity fraud and deprive criminals and immigration violators the ability to cross our borders. Based on biometrics, this program has helped accurately identify people and determine whether they pose a risk to the United States.
The following video, US-VISIT: Enhancing Security Through Better Identification, shows how the US-VISIT’s use of biometrics strengthens security.
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=410 height=259> |
Department of State (DoS)
The FBI continues to support the DoS in its mission of promoting and defending freedom as well as securing our Nation. The FBI remains committed to initiatives for expanding data sharing and enhancing fingerprint services.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
The NIJ is the research, development, and evaluation agency of the Department of Justice. The BCOE has met with the NIJ’s Sensors, Surveillance, and Biometric Technologies Center of Excellence to discuss collaboration opportunities.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
The NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency within the Department of Commerce that plays a vital role in the researching, development, and testing of biometric standards and technology. The FBI and the NIST collaborate on many technology efforts.
NIST develops and tests biometrics (e.g., fingerprint, face, iris, & multimodal) standards and technology that promote security, interoperability, and innovation. Four projects (in collaboration with the DHS and the FBI) are highlighted: MBARK – multimodal biometric application resource kit, biometrics usability, latent fingerprint testing, and biometric image quality. For more information go to
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State and Local Law Enforcement
By championing biometric technology development, the BCOE will continue to help advance the adoption of optimal biometric and identity management solutions among local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies. All activities will be coordinated through the proper mechanisms including the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination, the CJIS Advisory Policy Board, and various professional associations (e.g. the International Association for Identification).
The BCOE engages with academia to conduct applied research to advance biometrics in support of the FBI’s criminal investigative and counterterrorism missions. As a first step, the FBI established a cooperative agreement with West Virginia University (WVU) to facilitate the sponsorship of projects at this and other academic institutions. Initial research projects have been launched, including technical examinations of specific biometric modalities and the collection of biometric samples for future testing and evaluation. The BCOE is currently formulating both its longer-term research agenda and the processes and structure for soliciting proposals from the broader academic community. We will communicate our processes in various venues, including this web site.
Saturday march 19th 2011 @ 12:33pm ( well the girls are at it again steallign babysitting jobs!)
So the girls who used to steal jobs via the phone are at it again! they must be pretty scummy this time and pretty simple.. ie stupid… they are actually doing it through the emails which gives me written documentation… and time frames.. this woman wants to steal jobs from a family by the name of Alyssa and Sean grace from atlanta georgia. I am in the process of finding out about impromptu cancelation and the email via naplesmarion for her offer to take alt other jobs by the grace family. so i will let you know… I would love to have the police involved because these girls must be pretty desperate. to steal my own clients and personal jobs instead of all the jobs from the hotels The reason i know that the “mom” i have who is doing this is because there was someone who filled in when i was already committed to another babysitting job… and even though i got a very nice email explaining what a great job the babysitter did for the family i know form the language and the manner of writing that it was not from my actual mother. There is a black suv that has been at my mothers’s house with license plate of: . It is supposed to be a renter from one of her apartment units but i think there is still a La playa boy or group still involved in stealing all jobs via her telephone and now emails… I have inserted in another blog the cyber law that pertains to fraudently sealing funds via the internet. I may look it up again adn put it in this blog post as well.

A Tender Loving Care Service
Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director
From: “” <>
To: Mary Jean Ziska <>
Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 10:00:21 AM
Subject: Cancellation of Sunday, March 20th Babysitting
Hi Mary Jean,
I left you a voicemail message a few minutes ago stating that we have to cancel babysitting for tomorrow night, Sunday, March 20th. I apologize for this; my in-laws cancelled their flights this morning much to our surprise and we were to go to dinner with them tomorrow night.
Please confirm that you received this email and my v/m message.
Thank you,
Alyssa Grace
A Tender Loving Care Service
Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director
Chapter 815, Florida Statutes
The provisions of this act shall be known and may be cited as the “Florida Computer Crimes Act.”
The Legislature finds and declares that:
Computer-related crime is a growing problem in government as well as in the private sector.
Computer-related crime occurs at great cost to the public since losses for each incident of computer crime tend to be far greater than the losses associated with each incident of other white collar crime.
The opportunities for computer-related crimes in financial institutions, government programs, government records, and other business enterprises through the introduction of fraudulent records into a computer system, the unauthorized use of computer facilities, the alteration or destruction of computerized information or files, and the stealing of financial instruments, data, and other assets, are great.
While various forms of computer crime might possibly be the subject of criminal charges based on other provisions of law, it is appropriate and desirable that a supplemental and additional statute be provided which proscribes various forms of computer abuse.
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
“Intellectual property” means data, including programs.
“Computer program” means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that when executed by a computer cause the computer to process data.
“Computer” means an internally programmed, automatic device that performs data processing.
“Computer software” means a set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a computer system.
“Computer system” means a set of related, connected or unconnected computer equipment, devices, or computer software.
“Computer network” means a set of related, remotely connected devices and communication facilities including more than one computer system with the capability to transmit data among them through communication facilities.
“Computer system services” means providing a computer system or computer network to perform useful work.
“Property” means anything of value as defined in S.812.011 and includes, but is not limited to, financial instruments, information including electronically produced data and computer software and programs in either machine- or human-readable form, and any other tangible or intangible item of value.
“Instrument” means any check, draft, money order, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit card, or marketable security.
“Access” means to approach, instruct, communicate with, store data, retrieve data, or otherwise make use of any resources of a computer, computer system, or computer network.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization modifies data, programs, or supporting documentation residing or existing internal or external to a computer, computer system, or computer network commits an offense against intellectual property.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization destroys data, programs, or supporting documentation residing or existing internal or external to a computer, computer system, or computer network commits an offense against intellectual property.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization discloses or takes data, programs, or supporting documentation which is a trade secret as defined in S.812.081 or is confidential as provided by law residing or existing internal or external to a computer, computer system, or computer network commits an offense against intellectual property.
Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an offense against intellectual property is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
If the offense is committed for the purpose of devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain any property, then the offender is guilty of a felony in the second degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization modifies equipment or supplies used or intended to be used in a computer, computer system, or computer network commits an offense against computer equipment or supplies.
Except as provided in this paragraph an offense against computer equipment or supplies as provided in paragraph (a) is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
If the offense is committed for the purpose of devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain any property, then the offender is guilty of a felony in the third degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization destroys, takes, injures, or damages equipment or supplies used or intended to be used in a computer, computer system, or computer network; or whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization destroys, injures, or damages any computer, computer system, or computer network commits an offense against computer equipment or supplies.
Except as provided in this paragraph an offense against computer equipment or supplies as provided in paragraph (a) is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
If the damage to such computer equipment or supplies or to the computer, computer system, or computer network is greater than $200 but less than $1,000, then the offender is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
If the damage to such computer equipment or supplies or to the computer, computer system, or computer network is $1,000 or greater, or if there is an interruption or impairment of governmental operation or public communication, transportation, or supply of water, gas, or other public service, then the offender is guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization accesses or causes to be accessed any computer, computer system, or computer network; or whoever willfully, knowingly, and without authorization denies or causes the denial of computer system services to an authorized user of such computer system services, which, in whole or part, is owned by, under contract to, or operated for, on behalf of, or in conjunction with another commits an offense against computer users.
Except as provided in this subsection an offense against computer users is a felony of the third degree, punish- able as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
If the offense is committed for the purposes of devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain any property, then the offender is guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in S.775.082, S.775.083, or S.775.084.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to preclude the applicability of any other provision of the criminal law of this state which presently applies or may in the future be applied to any transaction which violates this chapter, unless such provision is inconsistent with the terms of this chapter.
If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, it is the legislative intent that the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.
This act shall take effect August 1, 1978.
Approved by the Governor May 29, 1978.
Filed in the Office Secretary of State May 30, 1978.
(Below is a summary of the penalties applicable to the offenses described in the act. Penalties for habitual offenders are dealt with in S775.084, which is not included below.)
Misdemeanor of the First Degree. Up to 1 year of imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,000 or any higher amount equal to double the pecuniary gain derived from the offense by the offender or double the pecuniary loss suffered by the victim.
Felony of the Second Degree. Up to 15 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000 or any higher amount equal to double the pecuniary gain derived from the offense by the offender or double the pecuniary loss suffered by the victim.
Felony of the Third Degree. Up to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to $5,000 or any higher amount equal to double the pecuniary gain derived from the offense by the offender or double the pecuniary loss suffered by the victim.
We welcome your comments and suggestions on this and all CNS documentation. Please send your comments to:
CNS Information Services
2124 NE Waldo Rd, Suite 2100
Gainesville Florida 32609-8922
(352) 392.2061
2124 NE Waldo Rd, Suite 2100
Gainesville, Florida 32609-8922
Phone: (352) 392.2061
but here is the email i sent today to he grace family: