Miscarriage of justicce….. yep…. total… miscariage of justice….
Author Archives: mary jean ziska
Thursday october 27th 2011 @ 3:34am( email to bill casey of the biomatric center of excellence)
Email to the biometric center of excellence: BIOMETRICCOE@LEO.GOV
To whom it may concern: October 27th 2011
Today I went to your website to see the progress on the biometric voice recognition program. I am anxiously awaiting your progress on the technology needed to clearly identify a criminal who manipulates their victim by the use of the phone to commit fraud and multiple crimes. I would like to know if you have created any device or computer program that will identify a person’s voice whether on a tape/voice mail or live and in person… that will clearly use specific identifiers to establish one person’s voice from another even when the voices sound similar.
I jsut recently found out that I have been a victim of identity theft since 2002. I have had many criminals since then use my phone and internet to bully, manipulate and to commit crimes which harmed my life… I have had hackers access my voice mail to verify my whereabouts in order to create opportunities to break and enter my home.
Multiple instances of crimes that have been commited during thes itme period
Thursday Otober 27th 2011 @ 11:56pm ( bullied when awoken this morning… and plans changed for myaunts visit…)
This morning.. i got up to go to the bthroom and a person who is visiting ( fred) woke me up to tell my that my mom had called his phonethree times already adn needed to talk to tme…
acordignto his phone.. the call wasfrom a private caller… and the calls made were:
8:45am/ 9:27am / and 9:29am… i ended up takingthe last call which was a mother who was telling me that my autn fran woudl nto be visiting afte 12 oclock nooon.. but instead woudl be not coming to my house.. codo visit until after 4pm…. then when i questioned to make sur eit was my actual mother and not some bully girl…. rearranging my life and ruining something agian.. teh woman got really really mad and todl me seh woudl baker act me if i didn’t behave… WHAT?????? i was jsut waking up to be threateded????? and to be made to cry!!!!!!! and to make sure that the person visiting my home was happy and alright…. this is the seccond time when he handed over the phone and i was bullied to tears…. by someoen pretending to be my mother… So now what are teh criminal creeps planning….
I had oen person predict that somegirl will win teh lottery and will go to the ritz carlotn for lunch… then someone else who keeps telling me that “ITS goiing ot work… its really goin gto work!”…. what is gogin to work this time .. an imposter..the idenity thief ill get away with stealing what????? a condo….. my genuine aned nice family…. my hopes and dreams.. or what????
Fred left at 11:30…. jsut in time to go to the luncheon…or wheatever is planned… or have been planned with using and manipulating my life for the last few months…. what are they doing this time…. was it the wedding last wekend whe my car mysteriously did not start of Sat. so i coudln tleave my home…. or maybe the option of stealing money form my genuine family… my aunt who loves me.. who really loves me… or my mom who loves me and really loves me.. and isters real aunt / sisters who love me… realy love me… making sure to isolate me form anyoene wo can assist me in savin my condo… or in helping me to acheive my goals or dreams… or what????
These peoplewho see one little bit of my life .. and thingk they knwo who i am.. i had osmeone decide tha ti was a painter .. then that because i ironed this mornign .. tha ti am a leaning lady… they dont knwo a damm thing aboutme… about my life .. about my hopes and dreams.. and what i wanted out of life.. they ruin everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The nwhen i was finally abl ot skype… iwas crying people were yelling.. it was horrible.. nothing like my family or my friends.. and all done onpurpose to make sure taht girl who doesnt eat… whois the sweet anoraxic can have somme nice family???? or what???? yep i had a “mom ” on teh phoen who said she had ot et offo the phone because she was readyto faint…. she needed to eat something… so a bunh of wierdos who have eatin gdisorders… or who do i get stuckwsith on the phone… the prision idiots again.. or more imposters /idenity thieves…. who have ruined everything…..
maybe i will get to have a bunch of alcholics and druggy people UGGGG…..
bu tit sure is heading in the direction of havin nga horrible horribel next month.. and of ouse it feel like my life was jsut handed over to a bunch of manipulative and horribel people… maybe the girl stealing my life this time maybe the girl stealing my life is from canada….or Brazil… ( remember somem idiot thinks i speak spanish now…. or from west palm beach… or from palm beach… or from sarasota…. or where????? i mean seriously… why the hell cant they find the criminals girls and stop this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i say my mom is amazing.. i really mean it.. she is wonderful… and she loves me… really loves me… so does my aunt…so do my sisters and my friends…
and what did it take only two months to “PULL OFF” stealing a condo…. or money that is supposed to go to protecting my condo… or my life… a life… how about all teh people who were contacted to help me financially to make sure that the condo and my life were fine… liek the murry family who live in teh remington .. i bay colony… or mycousin tommy sheppherd…. or my entire bodnar family….( teh aunt fran that is supposed to ocme to visit… ) or maybe… Ron issacs… his dad was contacted…. or who else???? my sister maura?? or who???? Part of me is sooo terrified that these peole are soo good at steling form my friends and family… seriously .. if each of tehm were goi to help with $50,000….. what is it 200,ooo dollars they have basically stolen…. these . manipulating situations are always to gain something for them selves… what is it this time…
at first i thought it was jsut to make sur the girls involved woudl try ot make me look bad inn some fashion.. so they could seem soogreat …. what ..to impress a boy.. with ther cooking skills.. or ther ability to take care of ther children…. or what????? then it was to prove they could run a business.. or be creative.. maybe to be artistic.. or athletic…
or jsut becaus they are mean..
and criminal…. so why did they ruin today for me?????….
Please pray for me…. it neee a huge financial miracle so i am not at the mercy of peole wh play god…. who think they are puppet masters able to manipulate lives….. and ruin lives….abelrt o maker me cry… then think i will jsut shake it off as if i am some stupid actress…. nope… these are real tears… my stomach gets to hurt for real….. my life gets to be made better or worse for real!!!!! and tehy are not i rapeat NOT GOD…… thse wommen who made me cry this morning.. may God never have mery on yoru soul.. and mayeverytear i have cried… may each one you have to cry a milion times….. Who the hell do you think you are??????
ABove the law?
and i am only one person.. i cant stop it… and no police or even FBI has been able to stop it…. it wil be 10 years in 2012…… form teh date the capital one credit card was compromised…. 10 years i never get back… i never … ever get any of those moments back… and not to mention allteh hell i went through… and am still going through…. and no one stopped it… at all…..
so since i have ot have an appointmetn tomorrow. and these criminals needed me to be out of my hosue.. what do you think they are goign to do????? I had one person eyeing my bed… telling me that i had a nice bed and they wanted to try it out… ( gross…. i know… but now i am atually worried that they will steal a mattress???? I mean these criminals are not above stealing anything… really… they steal idenities.. they steal mail.. they steal clothing ..pitctures…. letters… food… pretty much anything … but they better leave my home alone… i am going to contact the police and let them know….
Thursday October 27th 2011 @ 2:37am (strange pop ups.. can someone please explain them to me? )
So today and yesterday I started gettign therse really wierd pop ups… they allhave said almos teh same thing…
Local storage
( player.voyala.com) is requesting
permission to store information on your computer
request up to 10 kb
currently 0 kb
then ( d.yimg.com) is requesting
permission to store information on your computer
request up to 10kb
currently 0 kb
i keep pressing delete but it doesn’t seem to respond when i press delete.. eventually it seems to go away.. but what is it?
Thursday October 27th 2011 @ 1:19am (missing mail…. missing ink cartridge… ) )
Well the cost of print cartridges for my Lexmark printer is outrageous…. so i went on line and found a website that offered the cartridge i needed at a much lower cost…. but i never received it… normally i would think Oh.. possible a mistake.. or a delay…. or something.. but if you remember i also never received the Joel Osteen Cds/DVD’s ordered online. I never received them at all.… in fact i had to repurchase them to get them…. and that was months and months later…
but I actually thought that was just a mistake… like the present Scott had mailed to me for Christmas… being opened…. hummmm
anyway… I ordered the cartridge…. not a phone order… but an online order…. it never came and still hasn’t shown up…. well….now that a most of the normal mail I usually receive hasn’t shown up… well….I’m a bit panicking… here is the information on the ink cartridge…
I guess i will have to contact the United states postal service… and theft… ( a felony by the way… ) and let eh police know… something very fishy and stinky is going g on all over again!
The company for the ink is: TFP International
the website is: www.tfpink.com/lexmark/lexmark70.html
the cost of the ink cartridge is $12.70
I purchased one black ink cartridge on October 8th 2011 @ 11:46am
order # 20025227
tracking # 9101010521297747864639
I looked up order online when i had not received it by October 20th and emailed at 12:03pm through the website contact us section that i had not received my ink.
I never received an email response so by October 23rd I looked up the tracking code and saw that the transaction had been completed .. the money taken out of the gift card i used to purchase it.. and also it said the item had been shipped and the shipment was completed…
on October 24th i looked up the contact information so i could leave a telephone message and at 4:02pm I left a message at support telephone: ( 877-897-4909)
and also an additional email through their contact us on their website. I mentioned again tha ti had not received my cartridge.
A few days ago i had the opportunity to speak with my mail man and asked him if he had seen a box for the ink cartridge.. if he may have placed it in my mail box.. or by my door… but he did not recall any of that.. also i asked him if anyone had or was redirecting my mail… because i had also not received any of eh Harvard Executive program brochures.. or really any mail that had my name on it… and was really suspicious… I had received those mail flyers.. with
” to resident”.. but not anything of importance.. not in at lease a month..
Since some girl has relentlessly stolen soooo much of my life… pictures.. letters, jewelry, probably even “borrowed my drivers license and credit cards… in 2005…. and of course form my credit report i know of the credit cards.. and all the fraudulent accounts…. stealing all my personal data.. and even my cashmere sweater…. pretty much anything this criminal girl wanted she just took.. and i never g0t anything back… so the thief is pretty damn good at ruining my life.. and by stealing my mail.. or redirecting it.. i have heard that i s how some identity thieves have established new residences…. DAMMMMM why can’t this all be over…..
so as well as the ink cartridge, and the HBS executive programs brochures… ( which by the way i called and spoke with Kelly on October 24th 2011. I also emailed a confirmation of address
to: executive_ education@hbs.edu to make sure that my address in their files had not been changed… and they confirmed that it was the same address i have had since 1999! ( not that i have been getting their brochures since then ..i have just lived in my condo since then !
Another mail item i have not been receiving…. my boarding school(Villa Maria) newsletter… I called the school on October 25th 2011 and emailed the same day to verify my address and to let them know that i have not been receiving my newsletter… I received a confirmation email
from the director of development for the Sisters of the Humility of Mary and they had my correct address for the newsletter.. that I haven’t received in a really long time! isn’t this all toooo familiar… and a bit scary…. again…
Tuesday October 25th 2011 @2:03pm ( wierd message about 5th 3rd bank)
Well get this.. remember i mentioned that karen kahle used to work at 5th 3rd bank… and i had an account there…actually i had not only a checking and saving account there ( the branch of 5th 3rd bank right by the strand…. ) ( I’ll look up the exact address…. and insert it later…) here is the address: 5636 Tavilla Circle Naples Florida 34110 telephone # 239-514-7575) anyway… i had called up a woman Monica waleres… who i think works in their finance division… I called her to say hi and to see if she thought this business idea i had just come up with … would be a great idea… anyway…. when i called her, we discussed that i had introduced her to his friend of mine fred who’s sister wanted to purchase property and who wanted to get a loan from her and her bank( 5th /3rd bank…)
well… she mentioned in passing that her manager (I will also get this person’s name to put in this blog post… ) that the manager decided that he did not want any of my business….so i couldn’t try to get a loan or open an account there…. hummmm
pretty interesting development in bank accounts since my bank account was closed at that branch immediately…. i mean immediately after i emailed the head of 5th 3rd bank to get the information regarding wanting information when karne kahle worked there and when i had things missing from my home… and missing from my safe deposit box….
funny enough… when i started working for her… she was working at 5th 3rd bank… that is when i saw her with some dark hared guy in her pool at carlton lakes… and when she gave me instructions on how to walk her child ( not in her property…. ) and told me specifically how to trespass… into…. the strand… which is what she was consistently doing in 2005…. and for years after until she got her name on someones list…. in fact the exact day she was trespassing and she bullied me to tears.. at the main guard gate of eh strand…. and was jumping up and down saying she won .. she won….
anyway because of her trespassing practices…. and her association with the 5th 3rd bank… and since i had extra keys in the safe deposit box… and money.. and jewelery… and all important papers…hummmmm
Now that i have actual proof of identity theft from my credit reports that started in 2002…. i think i have a right to find out who the criminals are.. and to make sure they are punished to the full extent of the law… but instead of 5th 3rd bank cooperating… or giving me any information… instead of trying to protect their reputation…. it just felt that someone needed to protect their mistress… HUmmmmm…. anyway… even though the person on the phone may have been one of the bully girls and not Monica… i still asked for the letter to be in writing.. so i can post it in my blog and let the world know… the truth… especially since i really want to make sure all the lies and manipulation… and harm stops….
my dad thought that since she was screwing around when her son was 3 months old.. that maybe it was the father of her son…( the guy in the pool….) and when i told him that after I had sent a 4 paragraph email… requesting information on when she worked… to either verify or exempt her from being a suspect at the times i had items missing from my home… when i told him they closed down my bank account in retaliation of the email…. he said that perhaps the man who was in the pool.. and trying to protect her… worked at 5th/ 3rd bank or was associated with the bank.. hummm
either way.. i can use the letter to strengthen the defamation law suit…and her bulling and harassment… and the fact that she ruined my life.. and i want restitution… and i want both civil and criminal law suits… and charges made against her .. and anyone else who decided it would be fun to bully me .. to steal from me… and to harm my life in every way possible… … she is not above the law.. the real laws of florida or even the united states of america for that matter!.. even though she thinks she can do anything she wants to anyone she wants.. I’m sure one day the truth will be revealed.. when it does she will have to be subject to all the Florida state statues.. laws and penalities....
Saturday October 15th 2011 @ 1:58pm ( truth verses omission or plain out lies)
so on the subject of truth and people being truthful abut who they are, about their past about present situations… and about how they are manipulating your life.. or harming your life…
so when a person omits a vital bit of information that presnets a clear picture of who they are… of how ther past can affect yoru life or even about how their past can actaully hurt your life… what should you do? when you eventually find out the truth?
Will the information actually affect how you react to any bad situations? absoultely! will that information then taint all the stories you are told about their supposed past, or their family.. or even the present… and who they know or do not know… absolutely… and when the stores change on a daily basis.. or even change two or three times a day… what are you supposed to believe?
honestly, are there any normal and nice and great people out there?…
Monday October 10th 2011@11am ( two days of horrid phone converstaions… wrong caller id for my mom’s phone…spoofed phone number not enough numbers for a real caller id)
Tow days of horrid phone calls… back to the bully girls on the phone.. my mothers telephone answereing machine has tow options for answering the phone and for the message yourreceive when calling… one has 4 businesses… the other one has 1 business… and the latest development is when i get a phone call from a caller id that doestn even have enough numbers to be a real telephone number… the caller id that shows up is: ( 26669-6687) see.. not enough numbers fro a real telephone number and not even close to my mother’s telephne nubmer or her cell mnumber… but the bully girls have been answering the phone of 239-598-1515 at times and 239-821-5515.. i started taping all the converstaions… as of late i have been told by these fake mom’s that i have people leave my facebook because they dont like me… ( a lie..) and i have been told that the college that i created on one wall of my condo by my den makes her think of the movie a beautiful mind… as if me createing a college to try to remind me that at one point in time i was really loved and had real friends… that instead of me putting up positive quotes on freindship and articles or memtoes.. that remind me that i used to be able to go on vacations and trips that wer fun.. or tha ti liek the ritz carlton or the 4 seasons.. or that ali al naimi had a son who i was friends with when i was 13-19… or the notes that mattie sent me with a present…that wer to remind me that i was loved.. that i was valued.. and the i actully mattered… nooooo
instead i had a horrid mom who wanated to make my work of art.. in to some bad and horrible
( horrible isnt exactly the right word… but wanted to make it into some way of makein g me look bd… and the coment about being a freind.. tha tyou have to be a freind to have a friend… my mom woudl have never said that to me… is she supposed to be the same person who gave me the gift of a little box hat said my daughter.. my friend.. for one christmas.. or the one who apreciated teh cards and book inserts i wrote.. and the perosn who i had over to ceelbrate mother’s day.. and birthdays.. and who actully used to be one of my biggerst fans.. ( and in that i mean she was someone who was supposrtive and loving and great…. who wanted me to have my hopes and dreams and wishes become a reality… and she helped me to acheive… to dream and to believe that all things were possible ….
yesterday and today it wasa a womwn or man or kid or who ever was on the phone… who waated or enjoyed cutting me down..until i cried.. who told me that no one wanted to hear about anything i had gone through .. that told me that since i have to talk loud on the phone because i use ti thorugh speaker phone… i was yelling and then when she got me really upset to where i was really yelling…or crying or even swearing… after getting me upset to that point… then would really tell me somethng mean..or say something horrible….
all done on purpose.. all done to make me look bad… and i was supposed to be quiet.. to allow anyone to say anything… to be poliet.. and let some person on the phone tell me that i was bad.. or no one liked me or tha i needed to make sure other people were made to be happy… making me feel that i wasn’t important… nothing like my mom… and when i todl them this… it didnt matter…
hoestly not at all like my mom… or my friend… not even like a freind..
and i should be able to talk to my real mom on teh phone.. and be able to share all my thoughts or feelings.. and all my daily activities..or incidents.. not have to censor any of it…..
i called up my old roomate.. who made me feel so much better.. and i left a message for gloria who usually will come in and will agree that my mother actually rallyy did loveme.. and that my sisters really did and still do love me… and that no the mean bully girls who say and do whatever to make themselves look good and try to cut me down to make them also look better… that they couldn’t possiblly be my mother on the phone… especilly when they make me cry or get me upset on purpose…
i am not some actor.. not fake and things people say or do actually affect me… and i am not going through any of this agian… bulling me to the point of wisheing i were dead.. instead of having to endire these women and groups who selfishly manipulate.. i am not goign throgh this agian… i cried last night and today missing my real family and real genuine friends … ones who actually love you…. for real…. very lonely and missing them a lot yesterday and today…. especially when you have horrible replacements… who make you miss the real and genuine people who actually love you.. and know you.. and make your life better… who tell you they love you… and mean it.. and who tell you that yoru other friends love you and actauly mean it as well….
and they need to quit mixing up my real family with all these other people…you no w starting with teh idenity theives in 2002….. who have used my life or my identity to get something for themselves…. like condo’s or homes… or cars or clothing or whatever… else they have stolen.. or used my life or my family or my friends.. to get for them selves…
real friends and real family members want to make their family and friends happy.. and share hopes and dreams… because they care… i mean really care…
ayway.. since i cant seem to actaully get anyone to listen.. i gues i will go back to blogging everything… agina… and keeping track so hoepfully the police will be to catch these spoofing / telephone bullies once and for all…..
Saturday October 08th 2011 @2:55pm ( catching up on events… computers broken twice, car broken twice, and a picture frame tha now wont fit the way it did in the guest room…)
so i havent been on line blogging in a while… i wish i coul dsay it was because ti wa too busy having a great life… some days were o.k. but i also had to fix a bunch of things.. since last month.. i had to spend days with my computers… getting theem to run the way they should… now i am hapy to say they are working great.. and that a gentlemen from microsoft was ableto even retrieve a bunch of material.. letters and such from a harddrive… my battery died mysteriously twice…even one day when i had tested it and ran the car in my garage the day before… one day when i was supposed to babysit for a woman designe r who is from ohio.. i luckily made it to teh sitting job on time and everythng went fine.. but teh second tme i was stranded at home.. and it was on a saturday… i thnk htere was even a wedding goign on … guess someoen didt wanat tme to inturupt the festivities… hummm….
also i have been spending most of my time at home… assuming that it give the bullies less of a changce to try ot harm my life… but a few wierd things have happened… one being this picture frame that i had in my guest bedroom… it was a picture set that hangs from a rod… and it forms a square with composed of multiple pictures… well i geot it as a gift a few christmasses… mysister had origionally calledto tell me that she was sending me a set of cahmire pajamas… then of course as has been the cse with teh phone calls and giflts and anything tha twoudl be a great gt for me the past few years… i got another call that said i woudlnt be getting that gift but the picture fram instead… now this is what is wierd.. it fit into a perfet square when i origionally set it up in the guest room… and then wen i decided to move it to my master bedroom… to put with all the other pictures… the hooks and the pictures will not make a perfect square… imean how low… to actually have to manipulate a simimple picture fraam and screw up something so simple… so i jsut put the majority of the pictures on the hooks and the pictures of mea dn mysisters at the egyptian pyramids.. and in formt of the taj mahal.. and us in st. croix and me a s a 5 year old mascott chreerleader… and of cours of my dad and kapilia in australia.. well i just had to put it on the wall separately… now why the hell does some idiot need to ruin absolutely everythin g about my life…????? what petty and spiteful liitle girl needs to not only steal my life my identity and my pictures?????
speaking of getting mixed up with idenities.. i wasa out yesterday running some errands… and when i went to go and get gas.. there was this afraican ameriacan guy in fron t of me with this red and grey shirt on … that said ohio state… of course sinc ethe biggest bully of allwas karen kah(from ohio state) and since she liked ot pass her self off any anyone.. or probably steal anyones idenity… i’m jsut assuming here… since i basically took her place when i was babysittign so she coudl be kissing some dark harded guy in teh pool….UCK….. not her husband… bythe way…
I told the guy the biggest bylly i ever met was from ohio state and named karen kahel. and that i had heard my cousins gail’s son ended up going to ohi stte istead of norta dame.. and i wished he had goen to notre dame..instead.. ahh.. the murray kids ( mike..who wa sin my grade as a senior in high school her ein naples… and one of the first people e ever met in naples endd up going there… to notra dame.. not ohio state… anyway it was a bit of a wierd day teh dady at eh bakery at publix told me i looked diffeent adn asked about my hair color ( honestly my natural color is probablya pretty dirty or sandy blond/ brown…if that is a color… but yes i do dye it.. nowit is blond.. i try n otto go too light… i really don’t want to get mixed up with anything close to karen kahel and her white blond hair… not that i look anythng like her… but beign born in ohio… i really don’t want to get mixed up with her or her bully clique…. anyway.. as i was saying… my hair.. now blond one color porcessed… but i used to get the one color process…. with high lights… and i would still have it done that way if i could afford it now.. i would to also have a standing appointment for a manicur and pedicure… and i was thinkin gback on how different my life soould have been… if i didnt have any stupid idenity theives.. and worthless cirminals in my life .. i hate criminals…
also missing from my bathroom cram.. lavender hand cream from wiliam sonoma..it was a kit …youknow the soap and the cream.. my mother gave it to me ages ago and i rarely use it so to my shock about a cup of it is missing… also aht lavender soap i bought from the ritz carlton… also about a cup is missing.. but the most noticible thing ins tha bath soap… i just bought it on october 1st and there is no way in hell that it is half used up in one week…. i coudl actually make oen caontainer last for a whole month or longer…
another wierd thinkg .. remember when i had mentioned aouthe bloomingdle pillowcases and the actual pillow disappearing? well i have one pillow case that mysteriously is all ripped.. luckily… not the soft bloomingdale cases i had gotten from my mom as a present but still.. how the hell would that have happened?…. some boy or shore to door servic egirl hiding out agian…. it is alsway refreshing to hear the sirens of hte police… to think that the y are cathcing the criminals… and to belive that justice will someday be service to all the criminals who think it is somehow alright to harm lives…
hummm… lets see..i still lock up everything.. and dotn leave my houes unless necessary… and after hacin ghygine suppoles disappearing..imay hv to attach another lock on lmy bathroom as well? this is gettign ridiculious….
whata shame to have to go though this kind of stuff.. allthe rime.. but at least i hope it is lessening..right? there was a movie on with drew berrymore called “ever after” a cinceraella type story.. set in france witha french prince who of course savs the aday and wisks her away to live happily ever after… ( actually a favorite of little girls but especially one littel girl loved it when i was babysitting the last time they were in town….) anyway.. made me think of what if i had jsut stayed in franc when i was 18-19 years old… it was safe tehr e..no idenity thieves.. no on estealin money or jewlery or usinesses.. or manipulatin glives fo rther owne selfish benefit right? or if i had never met that fat disgusitn gitalina criminal scummm gerard ahler… or never met the bully karen kahel.. ugg….. or if i had been jsut able to talk to all my real frriends and familyand make new amazing freinds or even start my own family….. with no psucho manipulatin g and screwing with teh phoens..or computers..or my home or my life… how amzign a life i could have had for the last 8 years.. how absolutly amazing it all could have been….. what a shame…..
Wednesday september 7th 2011@ 319pm ( motion received in the mail page 1 and 2)
this is the motion that i received in the mail