October 8th 2012:
Conversation this evening….. Questions this evening….
So if some one steals for you or hurts your
life…. Even if it was 10 years ago… when a group of people
systematically stole from you and ruined every part of your life…. Do you have
a right to want justice? To want to know who the hell was in your home… was lying to you on the phone…..
who was manipulating your life and stealing form you and your family…. When what they did 10-13 years ago
has affected your life forever…. If this same group stole from you… like a
travelers clan, like a gypsy clan like
the grifter or disgusting thuggish mafia scum they want to be…..
when your life is nothing compared to what it should
have been….. because of their lies, their theft, their deceit…when the
bulling and trespassing and breaking and entering and stealing…. And abusing
of my life … the separating me from my friends and my family… stealing my identity.. stealing my
money off my mortgages… what is the
statue of limitations on the hurt and destruction…
Tonight I was
told that that thefts the bulling
the lying and cheating… some of it was
as old as old as 10-13 years old…. And I
guess the belief is I should be
over that harm by now…. What the