Monday September 3rd 2012 @ 1:02pm rotten skype call

So excited to turn on the television an d 60 minutes is doing a whole episode on Saudi Aramco… and an interview of ali al naimi…. I met his son rami when I was  pretty young….  I had tried to locate him many times…. To see and speak with an old friend… to see how his life turned out.. like any of my old friends I wonder I always wonder if they are happy, if they are happy with the choices they made in their lives, if they  got to achieve all their dreams and goals… Gosh, the last .time i saw Rami, I was maybe 20 years old… and I went to Villanova to  go and visit… when he invited me to  come and visit…..he was a perfect gentleman, and  we stayed friends went out shopping, and sightseeing, and  it was a nice visit..   

The episode made me think of growing up in Aramco…  of the safely of the Aramco communities… no crime, the  mother Aramco who took care of  all the upkeep of the houses, the grounds, the  tennis, and the swimming pool… everything was taken care of.,, a great way to grow up…  I was going to ask my mom.. did they even pay an electric bill?  … I tried to call my mom when the show was being aired… but this is weird, I called and  no one answered the telephone number I dialed…but then I got a call coming in at the same time showing the same number that should have been my mom… so I tried to call again an still no answer… my conclusion I guess that my mom’s number has been spoofed…. And the  call in  showing her telephone number… again… there is a long list of scum that have been spoofing her number for a long, long time…. You know those scummy parasites I  have been writing about… the ones who  get a kick of  lying   to me…  stealing   business +….. conning me out of opportunities….of speaking with my friends, my family and  stealing from my home, from my life,… and that no one seems to be able to stop….


Also this wed….. an American fugitives.. featuring an Iranian person who did something… and guess what his alias id…. Yep “fred”…  I definitely need to watch that… 

but then i made the mistake when i saw that skype was on,,,, to call marion greagory on skype… and now i am in tears and almost threw up…. what’s with these idiots,, they make up stories and i get stuck with a different family  every day,,,,, i should have just stayed in school in france  when i was 18  i think i would have been over  not having my family if i had to deal with the loss since then…..maybe… but its been soo lonely…. and so many problems these ass holes have me go though that i shouldn’t have had to go through., and the mean women and girls who just get a kick out of making sure to give me the worst case scenario.. and   who must in some sick way enjoy seeing me cry,,especially on holidays…

this is what i miss the most:  i miss having real loving and caring people around me and in my life… genuine friends ….. I miss having   people  you can trust… when you call them to tell them anything … that you can trust them,, and  they won’t  hurt you…. won’t use information  against you,… that they actually want you to be happy and help  you to achieve your  hopes and dreams … i haven;t had those kind of scumm people in my life for years…. they will be nice for a short time  and then i realize they wanted some thing….they want me to be out of the way so some girl can steal my life… they want me to work hard so they can steal a business… they want me to go through hell so  their fake little  princesses get to enjoy the  life i should have been allowed to have….even when they wanted me to baby sit.. so they could  break and enter into my house., steal my clothes ..or shoes.. or jewelry… or opportunities,  the wedding   i dint get invited to because e i wasn’t allowed to  actually make any friends in  10 years…. 10 years without friends…  what  criminals imposter freak thought of that one….  but its not that i didn’t 5 years old…. i had my sisters who were my best friends   most of my life….  want friends ..  i had best friends from when i was wanted dinner parties and  going  out to have fun and  laughing .. i really miss laughing…,.   i wanted great and fun memories.. and great times and  great people that you can  depend on and who  just by being a part of your  life.. they make your life  better….. getting dressed up to go to  bridal showers.. or even planning what you can buy for presents…. going  shopping and going  out to lunch… and  having  a group of people who  wanted you to have a great life… not to lower your life style  and your life until you cry in the shower  because  over and over they ruined everything!every part of your life they ruined and no matter how hard you try to put it all back together ….  no one  helps.. and you still have a messed up credit score and  credit t report because of the identity thief, or  you still don’t  have the a cute decorated condo full of new furniture… you always wanted .. or you will never have the love of your life or…. have children and have what you ever wanted…  all because these selfish women and their bratty  bitchy scum need to steal and ruin other peoples lives… not raise others up …no these petty small minded scummy women   and men are the scum of the earth,,,,,they don’t want you to have anything better than them… or to have too great of a life… hey like  the cinderella step sisters and mean step monster….. right? 

because you actually love these people sooo much…I  used to love all of that… i miss telling  on the phone to people  who had nice stories…and  fumy jokes.. who you could  trust to  share your  daily life with,,,,

                                         I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

  what scummmm  what  horrid disgusting scumm.   they are repulsive and  disgusting…to the core of who they are… i would never hurt them.. steal from them or  lie to them…. ever!….. but i will never go out of my way for any  of them again.,, i won’t  make extra spaghetti sauce  and share it or choc chip cookies and share them… bring by a  gift or lunch,,, or write a nice card or buy an extra  movie i thought  they would like…. ,,, I  won’t call to tell them  a great movie or show i think  they will like will be on the television.. or pick out  a gift  because  it makes me think of them,.,, i will no longer open my hear t to a bunch oh heartless  scumm whatever nationality or  whoever they are….   and if god willing  i am  able to WIN  the lottery the fla. state lottery…. i will not give them a dime …… i will not buy them a home, or a car, or a business.,., i will not  make their hopes and dreams come true… i will not  ever open my self up to their lies and  their deceit ..

Hey .but then  this is what psycho freak Gerard wanted right?t to separate me from my family…. to rui
n lives.. and businesses.. to  destroy all   that was great in my  family and  even in me…… but its  what most abusers want….  when they get you all alone   and weak.,,, just  ask karen kahel and  her bully friends .. that is when they pick on you more…when they smell a weakness….. they attack…. they make up lies and they attack….. they change  who you are,, and  who you wanted to be,,,,  oh maybe the bully-whore is in town stealing and lying and cheating someone  out of something…,.,  did i mention the  picture on her couter.. she must have stolen form  my sister maura..  anyway it looked like maura and looked like my dad…. wonder if  that was what karen kahels hired dad…. so when i was working  my ass off and saving money  and planning for my future… for going  back to school,,. at that time i wanted to  go to interior design school,,.. and traded in my fully paid off car for a lease,. that  then was taken away form me…,,  did the bitch start trespassing into my complex and into my home when/ screwing up my mortgage…. credit card accounts… and stealing my life….. my real life you criminal scum…….. mine… was my real life experiences….  I pray  their is justice and you don’t get away with it.,…you ruined lives on purpose….  you lie on purpose… today your dad is dying… no wait….. your mom….or aunt or friend….is dying .. no….now they want you to cry because they want you to believe  your going  to lose your home… no…. your going  to lose everything….. you….. you…..lie….. so I walk on eggshellls and  think the world is ending  at any minute … while you steal from my family,,,and live it up….  may god never have mercy on your souls…. you fake freaks..,,, i don’t give a shit if you are actors…. who the  hell gives you the right to make me cry? 

I miss  having a friends i can call and tell and share television shows,,,,, and  jokes…. goals, hopes  and dreams… and happy memories,….. and emails and happy stories instead of these  jelious petty stinnky  girls who only tell me about horrible situations,.,, this skype where the  lady put down her white hanky,,,, .t .,,,old me that and this is soo conditional…  if i don’t accept[t that they gave me a horrid deal and i have to deal with the worst case scenario..she throws her arms up in the air ,,,and proclaims that she is through with me,,, then she said i looked so dark..,,,( th e lights were off in my room) and  said something in Spanish.,,. i am not Spanish,… i am not.. Indian though i have been to India.. nor African even though we have gone on African safari…. oh i was going to call my mom and tell her that on the  prince Charles PBS memories special..they showed treetops… i was there…. but then i thought  why bother… it won’t be my mom.. it won’t even be a friend and  i will be completely disappointed  in the fake freaks on the phone,., who are playing  god and picking and choosing these  horrid experiences for me to go through,,,  why cruel and mean scum… and i am not Arab even though i have lived in Saudi Arabia… and i used to have a great family who was  nice and loved me… or maybe it was   just people who thought  they could use me…. isn’t that why some scum bag wanted me to lose weight? so from the back of my head  they can say i am somebody else….  that being me  mary jean ziska is somehow not allowed….  just like being  happy and  joyful is not allowed.. just  like having hopes an dreams is not allowed.. or dating or  falling in love or getting married.. not allowed…  who are these  psycho freaks?…. other than criminals and con artists who have been stealing my family ‘s possessions  for at least 10 years…. who lie and cheat and  steal …. idenities.. friends  and anything the can get there grubby little hands on..  like  the  bitch who wanted me to have a mom who was out at a laundry mat at 9:30pm at night on fri night .. not my mom….  but the little withc needs to lie  so she can steal my family and my life.. what a jelious bitch! and such a wanna be… probably the same girls who bulliedme on my birthday… and  who  steals my clothes and  jewlery and pictures…. so irish traveler… i know she must have blue eyes… men are a mix..,. kinda blueish kinda greenish at times… but the lady on skyp really blue eyes…. and it is a holiday weekend  and who ever was answering the cellphone of my mom… total  bitch and fake….must be her  ohio state relative who steals lives.,,, right? same group as  karn  kahel and her criminal friends…. this lady actually got off trying  to say i was spanish.. then  that i was mean or yelled a lot… hell yea… of course i am yelling at a person who is not my mom and is trying  to make me look bad…. that is  not my mom nor even a friend … but  she  imposter bitch must be  enjoying the weekend here… wonder  who she  is lying to  this time ….screwing  this time.. … 

I was trying  to figure it out…. who was the imposter stealing my life this past month …. or two months or 6 months…  some selfish girl who …. who what? needed me to do all the research on saving my home, on   saving everything…. who was the girl who   had a nice time on my birthday….  last year there was this song about brazil playing  when we walked out of the grill.. you know girl from  iponemia (sp?) and i think all the way back from when carla the girl from brazil who wanted  me to marry her psycho brother  so he could  get a green card… you know i ‘v told you about the girl who made me cry on Christmas eve when i missed  seeing or even talking  to my sisters….(2004) the girl who told me that my family thinks i am dead and i should  be happy with whatever family i get…..  yep… i think she  had her friend from brazil  steal my idenity then…. or coudl it be this time there was a girl in a white honda…. who went to play with  my niece and was leaving  when i was arriving  to play with her… and my “mom”   told me  actually told my niece   said something  wierd like ” yes we looked alike we looked exaclty alike…..) 

.when i last spoke with scott on skype  and he thought i was someone else,,, ( who ? the imposter bitch who has been stealing  my idenity and my life) ….. he told me he was an actor…. so actor or conartist…. or what are all these people?

what kind of a mother ever does or says that stuff.,. oh i forgot…. 1kings 3 16-28…. the fake moms   i think she is one of don kensigs fakes…. don kensig.. this guy who supposedly was a boyfreind of my mom.. a little criminals type who   wanted my mom’s business and her house,… and bullied me when we were in  colorado…and scott renshaw was the only person  to come  in and save the day…..  my aunt  Em  gregory…..told  me that at the wedding it was all fake…..  i don’t  know if she meant  all the people,., all the ceremony or what …..but when we were looking at pictures later.,,,, there were pictures that were taken in the  day time,,,,  when the wedding  was at night… and i looked taller…  

also another thing wierd,., when i was supposed to go to my aunt rita’s funeral.,,, it was beign held on a monday  not sunday,, and my  dad  had me sit up with my cousins,,,as if i was Nancy ( my cousin who died when  we were  25….)  instead of with  my dad and  my sisters….
woerd huh.. it was like it was staged and i was a prop,… and the same with all the horrid things i am suposed to go through… 

yes Nancy is lucky she is dead and not dealing with a bunch of liars and cheats who only make lives horrible…. 

so the lady on skype said she is reading these  blog posts….   i never hurt you i never lied to you i never made you go though any bad experiences….you are nothing  like a true mother… go read the bible… 1 kings 3:16-28….  you break my heart … and  ruin my memories of my mom… my mom loved me…. she didn’t just  want to  see me so she could  sneak some little whore into my gated community…. so some idiot boy could  get laid for the holiday  weekend.and so some  witch could  use my pool and the amenities….  are you one of the irish traveleres? one  of the gypsies criminal scum?… just  a con artist by trade or what?  a cold hearted  actor or is that one in the same a con artist/ actor??????  is my real mom dead?… don’t you have a soul? a conscious?   do you care that you ruin lives or hopes or dreams? do you car about anyone but yourself?  

I am soo sick of meeting crooks… or people who claim to be crooks….  where are the heroes?  

Monday September 3rd 2012 @ 1:02pm rotten skype call

So excited to turn on the television an d 60 minutes is doing a whole episode on Saudi Aramco… and an interview of ali al naimi…. I met his son rami when I was  pretty young….  I had tried to locate him many times…. To see and speak with an old friend… to see how his life turned out.. like any of my old friends I wonder I always wonder if they are happy, if they are happy with the choices they made in their lives, if they  got to achieve all their dreams and goals… Gosh, the last .time i saw Rami, I was maybe 20 years old… and I went to Villanova to  go and visit… when he invited me to  come and visit…..he was a perfect gentleman, and  we stayed friends went out shopping, and sightseeing, and  it was a nice visit..   

The episode made me think of growing up in Aramco…  of the safely of the Aramco communities… no crime, the  mother Aramco who took care of  all the upkeep of the houses, the grounds, the  tennis, and the swimming pool… everything was taken care of.,, a great way to grow up…  I was going to ask my mom.. did they even pay an electric bill?  … I tried to call my mom when the show was being aired… but this is weird, I called and  no one answered the telephone number I dialed…but then I got a call coming in at the same time showing the same number that should have been my mom… so I tried to call again an still no answer… my conclusion I guess that my mom’s number has been spoofed…. And the  call in  showing her telephone number… again… there is a long list of scum that have been spoofing her number for a long, long time…. You know those scummy parasites I  have been writing about… the ones who  get a kick of  lying   to me…  stealing   business +….. conning me out of opportunities….of speaking with my friends, my family and  stealing from my home, from my life,… and that no one seems to be able to stop….


Also this wed….. an American fugitives.. featuring an Iranian person who did something… and guess what his alias id…. Yep “fred”…  I definitely need to watch that… 

but then i made the mistake when i saw that skype was on,,,, to call marion greagory on skype… and now i am in tears and almost threw up…. what’s with these idiots,, they make up stories and i get stuck with a different family  every day,,,,, i should have just stayed in school in france  when i was 18  i think i would have been over  not having my family if i had to deal with the loss since then…..maybe… but its been soo lonely…. and so many problems these ass holes have me go though that i shouldn’t have had to go through., and the mean women and girls who just get a kick out of making sure to give me the worst case scenario.. and   who must in some sick way enjoy seeing me cry,,especially on holidays…

this is what i miss the most:  i miss having real loving and caring people around me and in my life… genuine friends ….. I miss having   people  you can trust… when you call them to tell them anything … that you can trust them,, and  they won’t  hurt you…. won’t use information  against you,… that they actually want you to be happy and help  you to achieve your  hopes and dreams … i haven;t had those kind of scumm people in my life for years…. they will be nice for a short time  and then i realize they wanted some thing….they want me to be out of the way so some girl can steal my life… they want me to work hard so they can steal a business… they want me to go through hell so  their fake little  princesses get to enjoy the  life i should have been allowed to have….even when they wanted me to baby sit.. so they could  break and enter into my house., steal my clothes ..or shoes.. or jewelry… or opportunities,  the wedding   i dint get invited to because e i wasn’t allowed to  actually make any friends in  10 years…. 10 years without friends…  what  criminals imposter freak thought of that one….  but its not that i didn’t 5 years old…. i had my sisters who were my best friends   most of my life….  want friends ..  i had best friends from when i was wanted dinner parties and  going  out to have fun and  laughing .. i really miss laughing…,.   i wanted great and fun memories.. and great times and  great people that you can  depend on and who  just by being a part of your  life.. they make your life  better….. getting dressed up to go to  bridal showers.. or even planning what you can buy for presents…. going  shopping and going  out to lunch… and  having  a group of people who  wanted you to have a great life… not to lower your life style  and your life until you cry in the shower  because  over and over they ruined everything!every part of your life they ruined and no matter how hard you try to put it all back together ….  no one  helps.. and you still have a messed up credit score and  credit t report because of the identity thief, or  you still don’t  have the a cute decorated condo full of new furniture… you always wanted .. or you will never have the love of your life or…. have children and have what you ever wanted…  all because these selfish women and their bratty  bitchy scum need to steal and ruin other peoples lives… not raise others up …no these petty small minded scummy women   and men are the scum of the earth,,,,,they don’t want you to have anything better than them… or to have too great of a life… hey like  the cinderella step sisters and mean step monster….. right? 

because you actually love these people sooo much…I  used to love all of that… i miss telling  on the phone to people  who had nice stories…and  fumy jokes.. who you could  trust to  share your  daily life with,,,,

                                         I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

  what scummmm  what  horrid disgusting scumm.   they are repulsive and  disgusting…to the core of who they are… i would never hurt them.. steal from them or  lie to them…. ever!….. but i will never go out of my way for any  of them again.,, i won’t  make extra spaghetti sauce  and share it or choc chip cookies and share them… bring by a  gift or lunch,,, or write a nice card or buy an extra  movie i thought  they would like…. ,,, I  won’t call to tell them  a great movie or show i think  they will like will be on the television.. or pick out  a gift  because  it makes me think of them,.,, i will no longer open my hear t to a bunch oh heartless  scumm whatever nationality or  whoever they are….   and if god willing  i am  able to WIN  the lottery the fla. state lottery…. i will not give them a dime …… i will not buy them a home, or a car, or a business.,., i will not  make their hopes and dreams come true… i will not  ever open my self up to their lies and  their deceit ..

Hey .but then  this is what psycho freak Gerard wanted right?t to separate me from my family…. to rui
n lives.. and businesses.. to  destroy all   that was great in my  family and  even in me…… but its  what most abusers want….  when they get you all alone   and weak.,,, just  ask karen kahel and  her bully friends .. that is when they pick on you more…when they smell a weakness….. they attack…. they make up lies and they attack….. they change  who you are,, and  who you wanted to be,,,,  oh maybe the bully-whore is in town stealing and lying and cheating someone  out of something…,.,  did i mention the  picture on her couter.. she must have stolen form  my sister maura..  anyway it looked like maura and looked like my dad…. wonder if  that was what karen kahels hired dad…. so when i was working  my ass off and saving money  and planning for my future… for going  back to school,,. at that time i wanted to  go to interior design school,,.. and traded in my fully paid off car for a lease,. that  then was taken away form me…,,  did the bitch start trespassing into my complex and into my home when/ screwing up my mortgage…. credit card accounts… and stealing my life….. my real life you criminal scum…….. mine… was my real life experiences….  I pray  their is justice and you don’t get away with it.,…you ruined lives on purpose….  you lie on purpose… today your dad is dying… no wait….. your mom….or aunt or friend….is dying .. no….now they want you to cry because they want you to believe  your going  to lose your home… no…. your going  to lose everything….. you….. you…..lie….. so I walk on eggshellls and  think the world is ending  at any minute … while you steal from my family,,,and live it up….  may god never have mercy on your souls…. you fake freaks..,,, i don’t give a shit if you are actors…. who the  hell gives you the right to make me cry? 

I miss  having a friends i can call and tell and share television shows,,,,, and  jokes…. goals, hopes  and dreams… and happy memories,….. and emails and happy stories instead of these  jelious petty stinnky  girls who only tell me about horrible situations,.,, this skype where the  lady put down her white hanky,,,, .t .,,,old me that and this is soo conditional…  if i don’t accept[t that they gave me a horrid deal and i have to deal with the worst case scenario..she throws her arms up in the air ,,,and proclaims that she is through with me,,, then she said i looked so dark..,,,( th e lights were off in my room) and  said something in Spanish.,,. i am not Spanish,… i am not.. Indian though i have been to India.. nor African even though we have gone on African safari…. oh i was going to call my mom and tell her that on the  prince Charles PBS memories special..they showed treetops… i was there…. but then i thought  why bother… it won’t be my mom.. it won’t even be a friend and  i will be completely disappointed  in the fake freaks on the phone,., who are playing  god and picking and choosing these  horrid experiences for me to go through,,,  why cruel and mean scum… and i am not Arab even though i have lived in Saudi Arabia… and i used to have a great family who was  nice and loved me… or maybe it was   just people who thought  they could use me…. isn’t that why some scum bag wanted me to lose weight? so from the back of my head  they can say i am somebody else….  that being me  mary jean ziska is somehow not allowed….  just like being  happy and  joyful is not allowed.. just  like having hopes an dreams is not allowed.. or dating or  falling in love or getting married.. not allowed…  who are these  psycho freaks?…. other than criminals and con artists who have been stealing my family ‘s possessions  for at least 10 years…. who lie and cheat and  steal …. idenities.. friends  and anything the can get there grubby little hands on..  like  the  bitch who wanted me to have a mom who was out at a laundry mat at 9:30pm at night on fri night .. not my mom….  but the little withc needs to lie  so she can steal my family and my life.. what a jelious bitch! and such a wanna be… probably the same girls who bulliedme on my birthday… and  who  steals my clothes and  jewlery and pictures…. so irish traveler… i know she must have blue eyes… men are a mix..,. kinda blueish kinda greenish at times… but the lady on skyp really blue eyes…. and it is a holiday weekend  and who ever was answering the cellphone of my mom… total  bitch and fake….must be her  ohio state relative who steals lives.,,, right? same group as  karn  kahel and her criminal friends…. this lady actually got off trying  to say i was spanish.. then  that i was mean or yelled a lot… hell yea… of course i am yelling at a person who is not my mom and is trying  to make me look bad…. that is  not my mom nor even a friend … but  she  imposter bitch must be  enjoying the weekend here… wonder  who she  is lying to  this time ….screwing  this time.. … 

I was trying  to figure it out…. who was the imposter stealing my life this past month …. or two months or 6 months…  some selfish girl who …. who what? needed me to do all the research on saving my home, on   saving everything…. who was the girl who   had a nice time on my birthday….  last year there was this song about brazil playing  when we walked out of the grill.. you know girl from  iponemia (sp?) and i think all the way back from when carla the girl from brazil who wanted  me to marry her psycho brother  so he could  get a green card… you know i ‘v told you about the girl who made me cry on Christmas eve when i missed  seeing or even talking  to my sisters….(2004) the girl who told me that my family thinks i am dead and i should  be happy with whatever family i get…..  yep… i think she  had her friend from brazil  steal my idenity then…. or coudl it be this time there was a girl in a white honda…. who went to play with  my niece and was leaving  when i was arriving  to play with her… and my “mom”   told me  actually told my niece   said something  wierd like ” yes we looked alike we looked exaclty alike…..) 

.when i last spoke with scott on skype  and he thought i was someone else,,, ( who ? the imposter bitch who has been stealing  my idenity and my life) ….. he told me he was an actor…. so actor or conartist…. or what are all these people?

what kind of a mother ever does or says that stuff.,. oh i forgot…. 1kings 3 16-28…. the fake moms   i think she is one of don kensigs fakes…. don kensig.. this guy who supposedly was a boyfreind of my mom.. a little criminals type who   wanted my mom’s business and her house,… and bullied me when we were in  colorado…and scott renshaw was the only person  to come  in and save the day…..  my aunt  Em  gregory…..told  me that at the wedding it was all fake…..  i don’t  know if she meant  all the people,., all the ceremony or what …..but when we were looking at pictures later.,,,, there were pictures that were taken in the  day time,,,,  when the wedding  was at night… and i looked taller…  

also another thing wierd,., when i was supposed to go to my aunt rita’s funeral.,,, it was beign held on a monday  not sunday,, and my  dad  had me sit up with my cousins,,,as if i was Nancy ( my cousin who died when  we were  25….)  instead of with  my dad and  my sisters….
woerd huh.. it was like it was staged and i was a prop,… and the same with all the horrid things i am suposed to go through… 

yes Nancy is lucky she is dead and not dealing with a bunch of liars and cheats who only make lives horrible…. 

so the lady on skype said she is reading these  blog posts….   i never hurt you i never lied to you i never made you go though any bad experiences….you are nothing  like a true mother… go read the bible… 1 kings 3:16-28….  you break my heart … and  ruin my memories of my mom… my mom loved me…. she didn’t just  want to  see me so she could  sneak some little whore into my gated community…. so some idiot boy could  get laid for the holiday  weekend.and so some  witch could  use my pool and the amenities….  are you one of the irish traveleres? one  of the gypsies criminal scum?… just  a con artist by trade or what?  a cold hearted  actor or is that one in the same a con artist/ actor??????  is my real mom dead?… don’t you have a soul? a conscious?   do you care that you ruin lives or hopes or dreams? do you car about anyone but yourself?  

I am soo sick of meeting crooks… or people who claim to be crooks….  where are the heroes?  

Thursday August 30th 2012 @ 2:41pm Phone conversations with SS department

August 30th 2012  at 11:22am-11:45am   /  11:45am- 12:10pm                                                                                  phone conversation with social security office 

Appointment made for call in appointment Monday September 10th 2:30pm   they are to call me   Appointment made by Chris…. No confirmation or reference number/  just made by Chris for phone call  appointment not  appointment  in office.                                                                              

Telephone number from online  1-800-772-1213

Local social SECURITY OFFICE:    3174 Tamiami Trail E.     Naples, Florida  34112

Attempted first call at 11:22am.  August 30th 2012   I called for payment adjustment  / to increase payment by September.

Technical reason for call:  “cost of living adjustment”

After being put on hold I was able to start phone call with Sharronn(sp?)  no id number/ no office location.  She asked my name,  my  mailing address,  and my date of birth, and my mother’s maiden name.   I get really nervous  about giving out so much information because of the identity theft….. but she said  that   I called the social security office, so it was supposed to be alright….she said she wanted to  update my  information… and I thought that  the reason my disability was decreased  was because when  filing out the application  I put down that I sometimes did babysitting….. She wanted to know when I worked last…. And when she said she was going change  my  disability   payments to reflect that I worked… I freaked… what ???? that she wanted to take money out????….. when I was calling for an increase …just to pay the dam HOA that I  didn’t even have anything to do with the horrible payment amount settlement!…… then we got disconnected…. When I started to hyper ventilate .    I got really  really upset….  So we were disconnected at 11:44am.  I thought that  she hung up on me…. Bit when I called back the other woman( Chris)   I  spoke with told me she thought that I had hung up on her….  What the hell?????…. The phone ghosts I mean hackers playing God again????


 Another thing that bothered  me when I was talking with her…. We discussed an appointment… in the SS office…. I told her I didn’t leave my house these days… and when I mentioned bills… and the $500.00 payment  was more than the 468… that I even got….  I mentioned I steill needed t pay electric, anf car insurance and she mentioned that what did I need car insurance for when I didn’t drive anywhere…. She didn’t even let me explain that  I  don’t drive far…. These days…. I start getting too anxious when I am going  too long form my home…. She almost started to argue with me on having car insurance..  am allowed to have car insurance…. And my dead aunts car…. That I got  when these idiots constantly broke my car… to get money for their  “non” fixing of my car… ( but that is another story… )  I don’t know if she was trying to get information to have automatic deduction… or  what …. But when we got disconnected the conversation was not finished.. not finished at all….  And I’, worried about what she is  going to put  in my report?…. its all subjective and she was not nice…. And was argumentative….  


She did say that my employment was not the reason that the deduction was taken… it was my cost of living… not having any rent… No one told me that ever!….  my aunt and mom had speculated that it was because I sometimes babysat…. But it was not consistent! Not a full time  job…   but the fact that there was supposed to be a free and clear mortgage on my condo… well Patrick Weber was supposed to make sure that was the case…. He did not…. He also had a copy of my budget….. so he should have dam well known what  my living expenses are…. And his negligence in not clearing the title… in not obtaining a loan… in not assisting in my ssi increase…. In not doing anything  we discussed…. In not clearing the identity theft….


 Everything is just as messed up as when It first started…. A year ago… except it is even worse…. Now there  is this  new bill that I had no say in …. That will hang over my head each and every moth .. new threat of losing something… like my home….if this $500.00 is not paid… a $500.00 which is more than any car payment…. Which is even more than rent in  certain  areas…. Which is more than the deal Patrick weber was supposed to make for arrangements…..  he  and Larry both sat there  and  told me  about how the loan would only have a payment of $100.00 a month… and how he wanted to use  regions bank…. How there was to be this large balloon payment after 10 years….. and how I was to save money for that payment….

Back to the conversation…  I immediately called back….( 11:45am ) same number but this time I spoke with Chris an no id number and I couldn’t catch the office where she said  she was located… I think she said Baltimore teller????    Again I went through  my personal information…  my mailing address…. Then also my living address… my mother’ s maiden name… and  everything  all over again…. I tried the best I could to explain how my living situation had changed… there  is now a $500.00 payment each month….  But not for rent.. for a HOA payment …..  and I told her about  how
my guardian did nothing that he was supposed to do for me… I gave her his name, his address… and I didn’t have his telephone but I did have his Florida Bar Association  Membership Number…. She didn’t want it… she set up  an interview for Feb…. and I started to freak…. Then she changed it to September 10th 2012 at  2:30pm- 3:30pm  it is a phone appointment….   She wanted me to go into the office… I told her it was too far…. I told her about my anxiety these days….   She told me that  she hoped the office would get through.. and all I could think of was the three days I had to wait for Comcast security… the problems with the Sears..and with empire today… with everyone  one of the con-artists on the phone….   

 She did say she was sorry about the experiences of these past 10 years…. Some of the worst experiences…. To go through…. But sorry doesn’t fix anything .. or sorry doesn’t make it better…. It’s just a word… and people who commit the lying and stealing and harming my life in every aspect of my life… their words don’t mean anything….    Not that this chris is someone I should fear who might harm me.. but in general….  This is not the life I should have ever had…. Or the bad experiences I should have ever had to go through…. 



She said she couldn’t  promise that I will  get the phone call appointment… but if it was normal circumstances.. I should have been able to get it… right? And under normal circumstances… hell I should    have never had any of these horrid experiences ever…. You meet bullies and criminal creeps… and nothing is ever the same…  So we will see what happens…. I think I should  email the probate courts again…. And make judge krier and judge murphy know  what they are responsible for allowing to happen….


monday august 27th 2012 @ 3:04pm … why did youhave to steal my journal entries?

While I am crying….. I keep trying to remember all that I wrote.,, my journal entries,, why the hell did you have to steal those?

Like the  memories of growing up in Saudi,,, and of the memories of my life…..   


  1. blueberry pancakes when I got back from boarding school,,,,
  2. The list of qualities I wanted in this perfect guy
  3. The start of my gingerbreadman story
  4. The times I went out with  Maura and mattie in palm beach /cards/ and birthday and Christmas and holiday  thoughts and presents
  5. Of course the scum gerard ahler.. And his slobberying….. his wanting me to pick out names of for his “surrogate” or “motherless” children my mom said she  just got a girl pregnant in California… that is why he wanted me to travel to California in a RV  ….. now I think he was just a con artist /maybe gypsie… or with  traveler criminal groups….  
  6. The way he scared me or   the way karne kahle and her friends bullied me
  7. My bucket list
  8. My hopes and dreams  for my future….  Essays and essays full of plans…. 
  9. My dream of  the perfect life.. the reoccurring dream I had when I was first in college… of  the villa in France, the curtains, the two children the  friends… the fun…  
  10. The  times of boarding school and memories…. My memories….
  11. Birthdays at the ritz.. or throughout my life…
  12. The prospects of my business,,
  13. My hopes and dreams

What sick control freak needs to not only steal my possessions but steal the information I wrote…. My hopes and  my dreams my lists I wrote from “the  secret”..  the books I read the  movies I saw.. the  plans I had… and

 the actual horrid experiences I had…. The bullies… what they did or what they said… over the phone… or in person…. The information I was saving to make sure i could  prosecute Karen kahel and her scummy bully trespassing  band of mean  girls..,,,

Can this bitch be soo dam selfish such a  horid and empty void that she needs all my thoughts to try to be me.. is she so lacking in personality,,, 


I wish/pray for justice…. Something horrid would be just… not that I intend to do anything to them but try to prosecute…hold them accountable for their actions …..  to me they deserve the electric chair… death… . death of their children  right in front of them  so that they might gain  compassion   can feel what it is like to lose something and something they love,,,,  and to lose it for ten  years .. and for it to  lost from them forever… like my stolen items… or my thoughts… or my journals… 

I had one witch on the phone who recently  told me to “get over it”,,,, it is not just one stolen time or stolen memory…. That  you can get over it happens repeatedly…. And without any consequence to the criminal.. but I am the one who normally gets punished,,,, bullied more..   I even had a witch tell me  while I was hyper ventilating  to the point of throwing up…. To just  STOP IT  and then threatened to send the police over  to my home…..  what a bitch…. Or ass,…. Whoever it was … was not my family or friends……    Don’t you people get it.,,, it is not  just one item…. Or  one time  I am stolen from… it is time after time after time,…  stealing jobs or job opportunities.,,  stealing  my  friends. My family… my  presents my life my thoughts now?  My personal thoughts… what type of freak needs to do that? ….. I end up crying over and over  again because of this….. this time it is too far…..

 The worst years of my life,.. you  are making them worse by stealing my writings not better you fools, you cannot  just steal the words and think there it is all better now., it is as if it didn’t happen…..  or try to steal the evidence of the bully cards I used to get.,,,  and  think  that  you are safe from being caught….  

August 29th 2012@ 9:33pm Who starts a conversation with… I need to tell you

Who the hell starts a conversation with … I need to tell you something but I don’t want  you to get upset.. when they know darn…. well that the information will get me upset….  

Then they  say that they are writing an email to Patrick Weber about  automatically taking the money … the $500.00  deal they  came up with together.. with out my knowledge.. with out my conscent…. More like the winkning blinking patrick weber and his black  arm-banded witch…. Or the voice sounded like  a “kimberly”, or “Katie”..  some dingbat….one of the paralegals   who actually  work for the HOA… not my mother  no real mother would ever allow such  a horrendous deal….  Who would be so worried about  being paid on time? excited that they want to have patrick take out money directly form my account to pay her… or them….  But yet…. Not at all concerned about the selttlement ? about the settlement that  is not what was promised by Patrick weber .. at all… not what  would be livable ????? The person who is getting the money right?  What a greedy and horrid person!  … so if it’s not the bullies on the  phone I get these fake and greedy  parasites… great!…..

I left a message for them to look up in the bible….  1kings3:16-28…. ABOUT A MOTHER OR I MEAN A FAKE mother who  is willing to cut a child in half because she  doesn’t care about  the child… because it is not her child!     

Monday August 27th 2012@ just walk on egg shells for just one more day…..s…

Just walk on egg shells for just one  more day…. No one more week … no one more month….. no one more year….. before you can really start to live your life,,, before you will ever be able to get to have the life you wanted… before we finfish stealing your life, your  identity, your  dreams your  hopes, …. These people on the phone constantly want me to live in a life full of stress… always waiting for when this bad thing  is over.. then another   tragedy will occur… and  then another…. Wait to see what happens with your credit report… wait to see what happens with you identity theft… with you  credit score.. With your home ownership.. with your guardianship…. With this  or that….. then… oh then you will be allowed to go shopping… or to get new furniture.. or to get wood floors and granite countertops and plantation shutter… or when you will be able to  go back to school… and get the  MBA or go and  get that great career you always wanted… or  to take a class you always  thought would be fun,… or the tip you wanted to do with your friends or family.,…. Wait until  later to see your friends.. or have them over to  visit,. Or get to go see them.. or  decorate a guest  room for them to come over…. Wait   to see what  happens … before you start living your life again …. It’s only been 10 years that you haven’t been able to live you life… what is  one more year right? One more  month ? one more day…. That you  lose??????? Right????? ….  when some identity thief/ or actual thief  has robbed you of  your of security or of your  of safety… or of your life… or of your  passions…

What happened to the people who actually were my real friends and family.. who believed all things were possible.. who liked me and though I could accomplish great things in my lifetime…  and  wanted me to be really, really happy and to actually  have a life that was full of  checked off items on my  bucket list…..  I miss them every minute of every day….

It actually makes me cry….. when I start to think Iof aall have missed….  What my real life was supposed to be like…  who gave these criminal  people the ability to play god….

august 27th 2012@8:32pm Hamp program

Important Strategy Update: Florida Attorney’s & Homeowners…Don’t Be So Quick To Discard Those Modification Papers Just Yet!



It’s no secret modifications are a sham for the most part.  On the left you have the servicer calling or sending those one pagers requesting you to provide them with your financial status information while on the right you have David J. Stern, Marshall C. Watson or the Florida Default Law Group moving full speed ahead on the foreclosure lawsuit through the court.  What to do what to do what to do!


Judges want to help homeowners and have been looking for reasons and lawful ways to do it.  They’ve found one and attorneys and homeowners should pay careful attention since judges can’t scream it to you out loud.  It’s one word…HAMP!  That’s right the HAMP Program!  Now of course we know the HAMP Program is pretty useless overall but it’s the next best thing to offering the judge a white chocolate moca grande from Starbucks!  Why you might ask?  Because HAMP is a federal requirement that allows judges to say “if the homeowner and bank are in talks who am I to stop those negotiations…sale is set aside/cancelled until there is an agreement or resolution!”


Motion practice is great and filing Motions to Vacate Summary Judgment and Set Aside The Sale are important however in Dade County and Broward County, the foreclosure process is taking on new forms.  There are now hearings specific to the sale and the Judge is not able to hear arguments because they are not the judge in the case.  What this means is their sole purpose is to grant or deny the sale and if you come in with proof of ANY modification talks they will DENY DENY DENY!  Other judges from different counties who are the judges on the case are doing the same.  So when you get that modification package in the mail keep it close to your file.  Fill it out and be prepared to send it in right before the sale.  Hold on to those one pagers that say you may be eligible for a modification.  All of these documents are PROOF that a modification is viable under the HAMP Program.


Another important strategy to note is when on several occasions you receive these one pagers that state you may be eligible for a loan modification and then receive something to the effect that says the owner of your loan does not offer modifications.  These are great documents to hold on to and present to the court at the right time when you argue the bank is playing games with you.  It frustrates the judge and causes them to get proactive.


For attorney’s in the trenches who receive cases late in the game where final judgement has been issued and a sale date is on the rise, the accurate tactic seems to be what I have described above.  Get these modification papers from the client, go to the hearing with papers in hand and explain to the judge your client is in modification talks.  Once the sale is cancelled, file your Motion to Vacate Summary Judgement and set it for special hearing to show that material issues exist and get the judgement vacated then.  It the sale goes through anyway remember you have 10 days so have that Motion to Vacate Final Summary Judgement and Set Aside the Sale/Certificate of Title ready and file it.  Let opposing counsel set it for hearing as this will give your client more time in the property.  Always remember, be prepared…be prepared…be prepared!


Good Luck!    

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august 27th 2012@ 7:56pm sample of modified song from oliver…. on a lighter note… somedays you have to try ot laugh

Sample of song… “modified song from musical oliver  from the song” I’ll do anything for you”  About the criminal scummmmmm:


“They’ll steal … anything  from you  dear,

anything from you dear, 

Everything …… from you  dear….

everything they see….. 

 yes anything ..

Yes,   They’ll steal anything  ..

 Yes everything  and and …….anything,,…….. from you!


Would they steal your shoes……


Steal your business too


Isolate and bully too…. Anything,..

Yes hey are scummmmm  Yes…. Anything..

 ( refrain)


You get the drift….


These are low life scum bags who will bully on the  phone will manipulate, will lie, cheat and steal…. No remorse… no conscience….. Obviously l no good role model as parents so they might as well be orphans…  like the musical oliver… run by a  hooligan…. What was his name again .. oh .. Fagan… or something…. Like that….  

But the sick part.. no one stops them….. why doesn’t anyone stop them? … 

There are people who know  where they live…. Know who they are…. Know exactly what they do… and  yet they do nothing….


If it was your daughter.. your sister… your mother who was being tormented.. or who had her possessions stolen…  her identity stolen.., who had her life ruined….  Would you justsit by and let it happen….



august 27th 2012@ 7:48pm additional complaint to bbb about comcast

I am no longer sitting by and going to let people/companies take advantage of  me when they  do wrong….   

  • BBB serving Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania
  • 1411 K St. NW, 10th Floor
  • Washington, DC 20005-3404
  • Phone: (202)393-8000
  • Fax: (202)393-1198
  • Email Address:
  • Website:

    Description of Complaint: OMG!… I’m really a bit baffled….. . just got off the phone from speaking with Richard Spence who said he was with Comcast executive support…. the caller id that shewed up on my magic jack: 561-266-2278 but the message he left on my voice mail and when i called him to confirm his telephone number was supposed to be: 561-881-3254….. the phone call began at 4:31pm and ended right now…. with only one item resolved! that is not good enough! This is not even close to being resolved!Just wanted the police to know this person said he needed to confirm my address and my social security number….i did not give him my social security number…. or my account number over the phone…..but he should have had that information on the account right? If he was a crook and it was fraud again…. how am i to proceed? or if he is legitimate shoudn’t he have been able to fix the problems?…. all of the problems? he directed me to the office where the problems originated… and this is what makes no sense…. If someone steals from you…. do you go back to the person who did the stealing to ask if they have stolen from you? ….. see the irony? this is what Richard told me to do…. to go back to the local office who did not have a manger…. to and as far as i am aware not authorized to do any refunds…. they weren’t even able to tell me about the installation mix-ups or give me credit for those….. let alone when the woman behind the counter r told me there was this outstanding bill that i didn’t have…. with an email i never used but somehow was in my name and she typed in my social security number with it….. I’m supposed to go and tell her that i think she did something wrong…. like maybe stealing,… and then ask her if she stole???? what???? and see if she will investigate her own actions? what eh hell? something is very fishy with this call… and the policy and procedures for rectifying the situations…. very wrong…. o.k. this makes no sense and again i have to put in an additional report to the attorney generals office for identity theft and for corporate Comcast that this is still in dispute. He said he will be reimbursing me two of the three days that i waited to have the Comcast security installed…. i waited and ended up in tears all three days… waiting from 8 am…. and clearing out a closet… each time $20.00 per day is not sufficient for the emotional distress that i endured over three days of email chats, and phone calls to confirm.. three days where no one showed up and i had to wait and waste an entire Sat not to mention the loss of income Saturday mornings which could have been the time frame I could have worked… and instead i was on the phone or chatting or emailing or trying to see where the installation of this security system was in its route…. on its way? I forgot to tell him that I had to cancel work one of those days… that I could have these installations done…..and that was was money right out from my pocket… and time and again emotional distress… it wasn’t funny being lied to… or amusing to have me running to the gate to change the time frame when this mythical Comcast security installer was going to turn up…. so no … i am saying that is not satisfied but here is the part that really baffles me….the other problems: the overpricing…. the $300.00 that i was originally billed for using Comcast services 2006-2008…. i had cell phones… so didn’t use Comcast for my phones,…. i had free television services through the,… the cable from my wall… and it was supposed to be bundled into the community service…. I had no extra boxes received no additional special channels….. this bill did not show up on my credit report…. and again to reiterate… the email the woman behind the counter said was mine…. for the Comcast bill at my home….No something was very fishy with this phone call…. and the manner that Comcast didn’t rectify the situation! more work….. but i am not going to go to the local office that doesn’t have the authority to fix anything…. and waste more time….. their should have also been a reference number for the complaint…. and when things are resolved then there is a resolution case number… right? monies need reimbursment: $300.00 for initial use of free boxes, additional billing starting in feb 2012 when bill should have only been $19.99 ( for internet) plus one $1.00- extra for an extra box total of only 21.98…..when i was being billed $60.00….(?) to be precise… it was $57.36 for with even a $95.00 non recurring one time fee? of $95.36(?) in may… for the non installationof my security system? something very fraudulen tis going on … it may still be the idenity theft… but i never used teh year 2012 in any email address i have ever created! teh wman behnd the desk created teh emai address and i beliefe she billed teh aditional 300.00 which made my first payment fo rcomcast $338.27 for account: ************************* when i told the gentleman i wanted copies of all the bills he said he woudl generate bills… that means find the actual bills not frabricate teh bills right? Help they really milked me out of a lot of money…. I f you figure the $338.00 for teh start of my cable service to get teh free boxes, then teh difference of $35.38 each month for 6 months…whch equals($212.28) then teh $95.00 one time charge not to mention the three days i waited for the installationof a security system that comes to a total of: $590.28. not inclusing a day’s pay lost waiting… and that shoudl be three days but the first day… march 10th 2012 i had to get someoen else to cover for me so i will onlky count the one day of lost wages=$105.00!soin truth comcast has cost me….a total that should be $695.28!


    Desired Settlement: Refund

    Desired Outcome Description: $338.27 initial payment for bill didnt exist! woman filled in my social security number/made up an email address that i never used for my account! $212.28 = 6 months of overpayment of $35.38 each month$40.00= satisfaction negligence 2x $300.00 for lost wages for the three days i waited and cancelled workon sat. of the 10th 14th 17th ….. when no comcast security service was ever installed and when no one even showed upfinal total=$890.28