december 13th 2012 @1:11am discharge paperwork to remove patrick weber


FLORIDA                                                              PROBATE


File No.  06-116-GA                                        

                Division  Probate 


Issues Presented: 

The Ward’s Petition To Discharge Temporary Guardian


________    Petitioner                  ________    Attorney For Petitioner


Respondent/Ward                 ________    Attorney For Respondent/Ward


________    Court
Reporter                        ________    Public Guardian


________    Others                         ________    Clerk Of Court


          This cause
has come to be heard before the undersigned Magistrate on November 15, 2012 on
the Ward’s Petition To Discharge Temporary Guardian.  The Ward in this matter is MARY JEAN
ZISKA.  The Order of Referral to the
Magistrate was filed with the Collier County Clerk of Court November 13,
2012.  The Magistrate has jurisdiction
pursuant to Florida Probate Rule 5.095. 
This Court being otherwise advised, the following findings of fact are

1.            This
matter was presented at a hearing before the Magistrate, DAVID FRIEDMAN, on
November 15, 2012.  The Ward was
represented at the hearing by Attorney Larry S. Pivacek, Esquire. 

2.            A
Petition To Appoint Temporary Guardian was previously filed in this
matter.  By Order of the Court, the
Office of Collier County Public Guardian was appointed to represent the Ward as
a temporary and limited guardian.

3.            The
Letters Of Temporary Guardian were signed by the Court on March 23, 2012 and
were filed with the Collier County Clerk of Court on March 26, 2012.

4.            More than
ninety (90) days have elapsed since the rendition of the Letters of Temporary

5.            Pursuant
to Section 744.3031(3), Fla. Stat., the current Temporary Guardian should be
DISCHARGED and the Ward should be permitted a limited period of time to have a
new applicant complete the necessary application to become her replacement
Temporary Guardian.

6.            The
Attorney for the Ward has indicated that the Ward seeks to have Mr. Scott
Renshaw apply to become her new Temporary Guardian.

7.            The
Attorney for the Ward have submitted a copy of this Report & Recommended
Order of the Magistrate to the following attorneys herein-identified below on
the Service List and all attorneys have affirmed that they have no objection to
the Report & Recommended Order of the Magistrate and that they WAIVE the
right to file exceptions to same.  See
attached Exhibit A (consent E-Mail from Attorney Patrick Weber); Exhibit B
(consent E-Mail from Attorney Diane Simons); and Exhibit C (consent E-Mail from
Attorney Shayna Cavanaugh).   

(Remainder Of Page Intentionally Left Blank)


upon the above stated Finding Of Fact, the Magistrate makes the following
Recommended Order:

1.            It is the
Recommendation of the Magistrate that the Ward’s Petition To Discharge
Temporary Guardian in the form of the Office of Collier County Public Guardian
should be GRANTED.  

2.            It is the
Recommendation of the Magistrate that the Ward, MARY JEAN ZISKA, shall be
permitted ten (10) days from the date that this Recommended Order of the
Magistrate is adopted as an Order of the Court to obtain a new Temporary
Guardian and to have that Temporary Guardian replace the former Temporary
Guardian.  There is no objection to the
Ward’s request that Scott Renshaw be permitted to apply for and serve as
Temporary Guardian of the Ward should he comply with all necessary and legal
requirements for appointment as such.

3.            It is the
Recommendation of the Magistrate that this Report & Recommended Order of
the Magistrate be immediately adopted as an Order of the Court due to the
consent of opposing counsel and the waiver the right to take exceptions by
opposing counsel. 

Dated:  ______________________,
2012                                                                                                          By:                   ____________________________________

David Friedman, Magistrate

Judicial Circuit



Service List For Conformed Copies (By Regular U.S. Mail
& E-Mail):

Shayna Cavanaugh, Esquire, 2500 Tamiami Trail North, Suite
218, Naples, Florida 34103

Diane M. Simons, Esquire, 850 Park Shore Drive, Third Floor,
Naples, Florida 34103

Patrick C. Weber, Esquire, 4670 Cardinal Way, Suite 301,
Naples, Florida 34112-6665

Larry S. Pivacek, Esquire, 2260 Royal Lane, Naples, Floriad

december 13th 2012@1:06am email about new bullies on the phone

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Re: got horrid emails and phone calls… about guardianship
pushed to be in place by tomorrow for court with judge murphy… not my mom or
my friends doing this…. help

Monday, December 10, 2012 8:14 PM

From:  “Larry
Pivacek” <>

To:  “mary jean
ziska” <>

Mary Jean 

Scott needs to fill out an Application For Guardian.  He may wish to consult a lawyer about getting
that work done.  I represent you so I can
not represent him and give him legal advice.

But the first thing he needs to do is get the application
filled out, completely, and file the original with the Probate Department and
copies to you, me, you Mom, Shayna and the HOA attorney. 

Let me know when that gets filed. 

Try to relax and not worry about the situation with

Just bring the Order discharging him to Judge Murphy’s court
if you think the judge needs to see it. 

As far as the phone calls go, I am sorry that you are having
to endure that, but I do not know where they are coming from and who is calling

Hopefully the calls will end after your next foreclosure

Best wishes,   Larry

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:51 PM, mary jean ziska
<> wrote:

    Larry… i went to
bed after emailing you thanks for getting rid of patrick weber….  and woke up at 5pm… to find a ton of emails
from  someone pretending to be my mom
trying to  have scott sign paperwork…
and trying to put him in place for the court date of tomorrow… what the hell
is going on again….  the caller id of
the “fake” mom was #8…. when i hung up does that mean anything to
do l… my mom’s phone number  should
have been  239-598-1515 ….. and to be
perfectly honest she was a bitch…. 
more like that mean HOA lawyer… or nurse Kirkpatrick…

    she claimes she
got paperwork from a company called CLC….. telling her i needed to have a
guardian in place for the court date tomorrow….    i had emiled my mom the good news that
patrick was out… and then this??????????????????????????????  again with the bulling and the pressure…

    i need your help
as my guardianship lawyer…. i just got the email from you on the 9th… and
she is saying that the paperwork this person got in the mail is from the 5th
of  Dec… how can she have paperwork
sent to her before the official outing of Patrick…. its more lies…  and you would have received paperwork and
told me… and what the hell is cwc… never heard of it….

    God these people
are soooooooo evil… they have ruined my holiday Christmas season…  and with the 
same malicious intent.. of the bulling and stealing in the past…. 

    its got to be with
the same evil group of that abusive guardian….

    HELP… please get
a message to judge Murphy…. and make sure Patrick is not there…PLease….

    What are the
official papers that Scott needs to sign?….  
thanks for your help and honesty….i feel like i am surrounded by
crooks again….and manipulators… and bullies… defiantly not my family or
my friends… hell, i just had my mom and sister over to make cookies….  completely different than talking to these
crooks on the phone….

    thanks again  mary jean ziska

december 13th 2012 @ 1:05am who are these lawyers?

Hi larry, who the hell are these people?…  larry…. 
what is going on …. about criteria.. why the deadline… scott wont be
here and moving in to help until Feb.. can he still be a guardian so far away..
and for a limited guardian… a very limited guardianship… I do everything
else all on my own…. i just needed a guardian…. to help with legal and
financial matters and to protect me from the bulling HOA lawyers…. and so i
can have help with all this…

 i cant get a lawyer
in 10 days .. to help defend anything…if Scott is put in place as my guardian
in Texas… will the HOA try to take me to court to foreclose.. even when i
don’t have legal  help yet?… what is
their motivation… . i have a year of things to do in a very short time to fix
what Patrick did not do,…..  i am just
now trying to set up a continuance… what the hell is going on….
again….  are these all the papers you
said Scott should sign? never heard of the lawyers involved… who are they….
and why the hell are they now involved? 
help! mary jean ziska … 

 Wed, 12/12/12, Marion
Gregory <> wrote: 

    From: Marion
Gregory <>

    Subject: Fwd: Send
data from MFP07304165 12/12/2012 16:02 importahnt – see “recmmended order
of the magistratgrate



    Date: Wednesday,
December 12, 2012, 7:06 PM

    Mary Jean.  read no. 2 CAREFULLY AS IT STATES THAT IT IS

    You need to find
out exactly what the necessary and legal requirements for appointment are.      


    From: ckclawyers

    To: naplesmarion

    Sent: Wed, Dec 12,
2012 2:00 pm

    Subject: Send data
from MFP07304165 12/12/2012 16:02/    

    Scanned from

    Date: 12/12/2012

    Pages: 4/    Resolution: 200×200 DPI/

december 13th 2012 ! 1:04am get a restraining order to keep patrick weber out of my life

Dear larry,  I  got a call from  239-598-1515 …. supposed to be  my 
mom’s number right?… and telling me that she went to the court case
today… and that judge Murphy decided he will appoint me a guardian by the
21st What the hell is up with that?…. he has no jurisdiction over the
guardianship… and we have Scott Renshaw 
selected  as the guardian to
replace Patrick.. and then who ever was on the phone went on to say that she
was talking to  Diane… and  that Patrick was there…. what the hell was
he doing at the court house?   at a case
where he had been dismissed….  that
means fired right.. you said he would no longer be in my life to screw up
everything and to abuse me…


I want a restraining order 
filed to make sure he can no longer harm me… or be involved in
anything to do with the guardianship or the 
HOA case… i had someone on the phone tell he that they thought that
their prayers were being answered….that i might lose my home … and that
Patrick Weber is friends with judge Murphy… and  that is why he tried to say he is writing up
an order to have a stranger put in place as my guardian… NO WAY>>>

 I will not accept
another opportunity for abuse….   by a
guardian who is what?.. another friend of Patrick Weber?… no way….. I want
real justice… and fairness… and for this to be done right…. so that i can
get the money they want .. but now i have to do everything Patrick Weber did
not do…. which is why we are changing guardians….. to get real help… and
get real legal help….. 


This is getting really out of hand… and totally against
the law…. and soo biased in favor of the HOA lawyers…  and at the exact time I was finally able to
remove remove Patrick and  get   Scott as my guardian… they are trying not
to  do this all before Christmas…  what evil and calculated people…


speaking of the HOA… this person on the phone also said
they were speaking with…. the head of the HOA… and i saw Joe outside when
he was parking his car and he said he was not at court today… whoever was on
the phone was lying to me.. and my mom would not be talking to Patrick Weber…
or to Diane simons- burnside….


 whoever was on the
phone didn’t seem to have any idea about the motion…I tried to write.. to ask
for a continuance… and  Judge Murphy
ignored it completely… and the laws to protect me completely…



Since I don’t leave 
my home these days.. i need to get the paperwork to  file a restraining order against Patrick….
Weber.. immediately.. so he cannot show up at court  cases 
where he has been fired  as my
guardian.. cannot bully me by being present anywhere near me or any of my
cases…  Can I get you to email me the
paperwork?… l should have filed a restraining order against  Karen Kahel years ago …but was too chicken
then…to stand up for my rights….  
but now i will be very vocal about his intrusion his misconduct,  and his abuse…  and  i
want protection from him and   anyone
working under his name or on his behalf…






A Tender Loving Care Service


Marion Gregory  
Director 239-598-1515


Mary Jean Ziska  
Assistant Director 239-287-2294

Thursday december 13th 2012 @ 1:01am emails to remove patrick weber from dec 10th to dec 12th 2012

Re: hi larry… please tell the judge of the statues…. 744
and my rights… and the status of scott being put inplace as my new
guardian…. please …. before the court date tomorrow… thanks mary jean

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 8:11 AM

From:”mary jean ziska”                                                                                                       
To:  “Larry Pivacek”
<>Cc:mary jean ziska” <>,
“mary jean ziska me!” <>,

Message contains attachments    File (31K 

    Motion for
Continuance Petition by Mary Jean Ziska final draft december 4th
2012.docxMotion for Continuance Petition by Mary Jean Ziska final draft
december 4th 2012.docx

no larry i am not going 
in front of the judge without having a lawyer on my side to help to
speak for me…  if they decide to harm
me any further by ignoring my rights.. I will have grounds to have a higher
authority  step in… i don’t care if i
have to contact every   news station or
the governor himself …. but i will not be bullied or pushed around by the
mean HOA lawyers…for  own benefits and
have my rights violated…  and made to
defend myself….  in a foreclosure
suit…. to a an make sure that  they are
penalized for harming me by violating my rights…  you are supposed to be protesting my right to
have a guardian… why are you doing nothing? to protect me…..  I’m glad i am not in a coma… you would suck
at protecting my right to have a guardian as the official guardianship

i’m sure the news stations would hate to make you look
negligent in this incident when i specifically asked for your help… that is
your job.. to help with my wishes concerning guardianship…. and i
specifically put it in writing… and emailed you more than  one time.. was it 4-5 times i have asked you
to specifically asked you to contact judge Murphy office and tell them the
status of the guardianship and that scott 
is not in place yet…. and that i will not go to court  and be bullied by the HOA lawyers… all on
my own… just as i would not go and be threatens by Patrick Weber…. 

this email sounds as if you are almost threatening me… is
that your intention?… you want to scare me as well?…bully me as well… i
am supposed to do what you and everyone 
wants but my wishes are ignored…. and i am supposed to do this and not
be represented?. I specifically asked for your help… as the person put in
charge of the guardianship who is supposed to protect my rights…… not in
defending me but in telling the judge that i have a right to have a guardian
… and a right for competent legal counsel…..    you sound completely different…. from
your last email yesterday you told me not to worry… now this morning you are
threatening my home ownership if i don’t go to court… when i would go all
alone without any representation…. at all … not a guardian… or even a
lawyer in place or a lawyer in place to help defend…. hummmm    

it would make great news covrerage… to have a person
declared incompetent be bullied by the big HOA law firm… be ignored when she
asked her guardianship lawyer to tell the judge there is not a guardian here to
help…. and to have a group bully me when no guardian is in place yet and no
legal rep is helping yet….. and see what they have to say about justice….
freedom and the collier court system and guardianship system here in
naples…..this is unforgivable…again…. to have to beg you to tell the
judge about my guardian ship rights…my civil rights…that are written to
protect me from these situations… in Florida statutes 744…..    I the HOA lawyers get to break and ignore
laws… and the old guardian patrick weber gets to be abusive, negligent
and   his misconduct in court…. is

what the hell is with the protection awarded by the Florida
statutes…. for all the wards in the state… or at least in collier
county…someone better notify the proper authorities for a full fledged
investigation…. of all the people who may have been harmed! 

You are supposed to be helping me… not the HOA like
Patrick Weber did right?

I havn’t slept yet and it is now 7:55am trying to work on
fixing things i was not supposed to have to do all by myself.. and have Patrick
Weber get paid to do nothing for me…. 
i was going to go to sleep but thanks to your email my stomach is upset
.. and i hope i don’t start throwing up and my anxiety doesn’t  get really bad this morning….

i did not need this from you… you were supposed to be a
safe person who was put in place to help me… i am completely disappointed in
this last email from you … please don’t 
ever write like that to me again…. i don’t want to  need to worry about opening your
emails…like I  have to worry about
opening my mail box and getting bully cards sent with mean articles  and no signature.. but they actually had
Jesus stickers on them….   or having
mean phone calls…or anything  that
ruined my life these past 13 years…. that caused my nervous breakdown….

I will ask one more time will you please notify the judge
that i do not have a guardian or legal representation…. and give him a copy
of the motion i tried to write…. since i had no help for that as well…..
and did not have anyone to do that as well…. i emailed it to you …again i
sent  everyone copies…  here it is again..    mary jean ziska

— On Tue, 12/11/12, Larry Pivacek
<> wrote:

    From: Larry
Pivacek <>

    Subject: Re: hi
larry… please tell the judge of the statues…. 744 and my rights… and the
status of scott being put inplace as my new guardian…. please …. before the
court date tomorrow… thanks mary jean ziska

    To: “mary
jean ziska” <>

    Date: Tuesday,
December 11, 2012, 11:12 PM

    Dear Mary Jean

    The judge has been
notified (through his Judicial Assistant) that Patrick Weber is no longer your


    The HOA has agreed
to the removal of Mr. Weber as guardian and understands that you are in the
position of attempting to retain a new guardian. 

    These are good
aspects of your case and this means that the HEARING will PROBABLY not go
forward on the HOA motion tomorrow.

    However, and as I
have advised you many times in the past, I am not your attorney in that case
and I do not have sufficient knowledge of that case and the law of that case to
advise you as to what may happen before Judge Murphy.     

    I must recommend to you in the STRONGEST terms
that you should APPEAR as ordered in the foreclosure case tomorrow. 

    If you do not
appear at the hearing it will not AUTOMATICALLY cancel the hearing – the Judge
may proceed anyway.

    In other words do
not count on the hearing being cancelled because you do not appear.

    Even if the
hearing does not go forward, which is probable, the court may wish to discuss
the status of your case as well as when the HOA motion and hearing should be

    You should be
present for such discussions.

    This will be your
opportunity to tell the judge what you have done to secure a new guardian.

    Please Mary Jean,
you have to summon the strength to appear in court.

    Everything I have
learned over the past nearly 25 years as an attorney tells me it will not be a
good thing for you if you do not appear at the hearing.

    My prayers are
with you!       Merry Christmas and God
Bless you!      Larry

    On Tue, Dec 11,
2012 at 1:46 PM, mary jean ziska <> wrote:

        Hi Larry,                    Tuesday Dec. 11th 2012

        I am not going
to court tomorrow…. not without a guardian in place nor a lawyer representing
me….i would gt bullied by the HOA….I 
thought my request and that petition for a delay  would at least be enough grounds to have the
judge … not the HOA lawyers listen…. 
how is a case hearing  still going
through?  I don’t understand… how this
is still going through?…. Did Judge Murphy get the same info i emailed you?(
my attempt at a motion for continuance) 
are the fl statutes 744 still in place? 
Are my rights…  as a ward…
still the same as in the statutes…. and still being upheld by the judicial

        When john
cardillo was my guardianship  lawyer …
and i had no guardian in place… and they were trying to get someone….   he told the judge and they postponed until i
had a guardian… then the guardian (patrick) was supposed to get the necessary
legal representation…. Isn’t that how it works?….

        How can they
have a ten minute hearing when i have no guardian set in place yet…..( who is
supposed to be helping with legal and financial matters)… and  a lawyer who is supposed to be able to
represent me… so i don’t  get  bullied by the HOA lawyer…. Did you notify
Judge Murphy that i do not have scott’s paperwork filed out  yet? 
who was or is supposed to represent me…. anyone who shows up?? and
they get to say anything?????

        Am I supposed
to try to call him?….I tried calling before…. and can’t email…   this all seems to be wrong…..  please tell judge murphy that scott will be
my guardian but is not officially sworn in yet…. please do this for me
today…. please Larry….please larry please….. i don’t want someone
going  in as my representative…. when i
did not ask anyone but for your help…. you to tell the judge about the status
of scott being my guardian…and that he is in process… but not  officially put in place yet….  can you get him a copy of the email i sent
where I tried  to write a motion….so he
is aware of fl statute 744….. and my rights as a ward…. i’m thinking he
must not have gotten the same paperwork 
my mom  was supposed to have sent
him… the paperwork i just emailed you…. how could he still have a hearing?
….. are laws put in place protect?  

        I had also
asked  my mom to have shanya to do the
same….( tell judge murphy)  I don’t
want anyone to have the power  to  screw up anything even worse….

        This is all so
unbelievable that the HOA is allowed to do whatever they want… did i tell you
that who ever was LIN on the phone.. said that since the HOA chose to have the
hearing…they are the only people to cancel it?  What the hell does that mean… is there
still a judge involved at all?  Did
they(HOA) become a higher judicial power than the judge? how are they allowed
to go above the florida statutes… and allowed to still continue the
foreclosure when i do not have the guardian or lawyer in place…. I hate being
bullied and  harmed…..

        so where am i
supposed to find this paperwork for scott? 
or is the lawyer scott contacts will he have the paperwork?  official paperwork…. not just something the
HOA types up so they think they have the authority to foreclose…. and bully
me without legal representation… what is this case number… the same as in
2011?….the case that was dismissed right? 

        Please help me
as my guardianship lawyer….. representing me in this guardianship …. please
notify the judge that the guardianship is still in process… and not even
completed yet…and will not be completed by tomorrow…. and ask him to
cancel…. are you allowed to ask him to cancel?….. or just notify him that
the guardianship is just not in place yet…. I want real help to fix
everything… and do all that Patrick did not do for me…. and time to finish
fixing everything Patrick did not fix for me….     Please help…. Please email and let me
know that the judge murphy knows the progress/status of scott as my

        thanks… yes
i hope that the bully calls stop… but i have been hoping for that for a long
time…. thanks mary jean Ziska


        — On Mon,
12/10/12, Larry Pivacek <> wrote:

Larry Pivacek <>

Re: got horrid emails and phone calls… about guardianship pushed to be in
place by tomorrow for court with judge murphy… not my mom or my friends doing
this…. help

“mary jean ziska” <>

Monday, December 10, 2012, 8:14 PM

            Mary Jean

needs to fill out an Application For Guardian.

            He may
wish to consult a lawyer about getting that work done.

represent you so I can not represent him and give him legal advice.

            But the
first thing he needs to do is get the application filled out, completely, and
file the original with the Probate Department and copies to you, me, you Mom,
Shayna and the HOA attorney.

            Let me
know when that gets filed.

            Try to
relax and not worry about the situation with Patrick. 

            Just bring
the Order discharging him to Judge Murphy’s court if you think the judge needs
to see it.              As far as the phone calls go, I am
sorry that you are having to endure that, but I do not know where they are
coming from and who is calling you. 

the calls will end after your next foreclosure hearing.

wishes,               Larry

            On Mon,
Dec 10, 2012 at 6:51 PM, mary jean ziska <> wrote:

i went to bed after emailing you thanks for getting rid of patrick
weber….  and woke up at 5pm… to find
a ton of emails from  someone pretending
to be my mom trying to  have scott sign
paperwork… and trying to put him in place for the court date of tomorrow…
what the hell is going on again….  the
caller id of the “fake” mom was #8…. when i hung up does that mean
anything to do l… my mom’s phone number 
should have been  239-598-1515
….. and to be perfectly honest she was a bitch….  more like that mean HOA lawyer… or nurse

claimes she got paperwork from a company called CLC…..  telling her i needed to have a guardian in
place for the court date tomorrow….   
i had emiled my mom the good news that patrick was out… and then
this??????????????????????????????  again
with the bulling and the pressure…


                i need
your help as my guardianship lawyer…. i just got the email from you on the
9th… and she is saying that the paperwork this person got in the mail is from
the 5th of  Dec… how can she have
paperwork sent to her before the official outing of Patrick…. its more
lies…  and you would have received paperwork
and told me… and what the hell is cwc… never heard of it….

                God these people are soooooooo
evil… they have ruined my holiday Christmas season…  and with the 
same malicious intent.. of the bulling and stealing in the past….

got to be with the same evil group of that abusive guardian….

HELP… please get a message to judge Murphy…. and make sure Patrick
is not there…PLease….

are the official papers that Scott needs to sign?….   thanks for your help and honesty….i feel
like i am surrounded by crooks again….and manipulators… and bullies…
defiantly not my family or my friends… hell, i just had my mom and sister
over to make cookies….  completely
different than talking to these crooks on the phone….

again  mary jean ziska





Wed. December 5th 2012 motin fo rcontinuance that i sent out yesterday and was received at least by my mom today

Motion for Continuance Petition by
Mary Jean Ziska:  December 4, 2012

Filed by Petitioner:  Mary Jean Ziska paperwork copied and sent:

Judge Murphy :  Collier County Government Complex 3315 Tamiami Trail East
Suite 307 Naples Florida 34112

HOA for Cypress Cove: (Diane M Simons-Burnside:  780 Fifth Ave South Naples Florida 34102

Marion Gregory : 
9202 Vanderbilt Drive Naples Florida 34108

Shayna K.  Cavanaugh: 
Cavanaugh, Kirby, and Cavaneaugh PA. 2500 Tamiami Trail N. Ste. 218
Naples Florida 34103-4470    

Probate Court: 
Collier of Circuit court 3315 Tamiami Trail East STE 102 Naples
Florida  34112-5324

Lawrence S. Pivacek PA:  2262 Royal LN. Naples Florida 34112-53233

Scott Renshaw:  
When in Naples will be: 5632 Whisperwood Blvd. 1601 Naples Florida 34110.
Scott Renshaw is presently residing in Texas.


 Mary Jean Ziska is Petitioning
the Honorable Judge Vincent Murphy for a continuance of the Case between Mary
Jean Ziska and the Homeowners Association for  Cypress Cove  in the Strand. 
 Case# (07-3121-CC).   I am requesting this continuance on December
4, 2012 for the court case scheduled to appear in your court December 10th or 12th
2012.  I am petitioning the Court of
Collier County and Honorable Judge Vincent Murphy to change the dates from the
10th or 12th of December 2012 until at least February
2013 to be heard within the Collier County court system.  There are very substantial grounds for this
request and many specific justifications and explanations for why the later
date for this court case should be granted. 

 As grounds for this motion, I, Mary Jean Ziska,   am still
technically declared incompetent until the three positive evaluations allow for
complete independence.  The  requirements for the limited guardianship   maintain specifics such as retaining  the court appointed  guardian  and for this guardian to assist with  legal  and  financial matters .  The information that follows pertains to the
Florida statutes 774 describing the rules regulations and requirements of a

1.      As per  pursuant to the  744 Florida Statutes, a ward declared
incompetent and court ordered to have a limited guardianship is guaranteed  rights that are to be protected by the court
system and the  United States legal
system .  These rights include  competent legal representation and assistance in
the specified field where legal representation and knowledge is required.  Presently I have an attorney for the
guardianship but not for the other legal matters at hand.  An “Attorney for the alleged incapacitated
person” means an attorney who represents the alleged incapacitated.  Such an attorney shall represent the
expressed wishes of the alleged incapacitated person to the extent it is
consistent with the rules and regulations of the Florida Bar.  This attorney Lawrence Pivacek is my
guardianship lawyer not a lawyer to represent any dealings in  foreclosure cases or mediations between the
HOA and any settlements.   He has not and
will not be representing me in any other legal matters concerning the
Homeowners Association.    

To quote from the Florida Statutes:

* 744.3215 rights of person determined incapacitated (3b.) to
sue and defend lawsuits           (this right may be removed from a person by an
order determining incapacity and which may be delegated to the guardian.)   

*744.3215rights of a person determined incapacitated (1.k.)
to have access to the courts

*744.3215 rights of a person determined incapacitated (1i.)
to counsel

*744.3215 rights of a person determined incapacitated (1d.)
to be treated humanely with dignity and respect and to be protected against
abuse, neglect and exploitation.   

*744.3215 rights of a person determined incapacitated (1e.)
To have a qualified guardian     

2.      As  the definition of  due process when establishing a guardianship
and  for legal proceedings as well: Due Process:  “Because establishing a guardianship is a
legal process that involves the removal of the individual’s rights,
considerable due process
protection often exists when the guardianship is established.

They include:

*Notice to the individual of all proceedings.

*Representation of the individual by counsel.

*Attendance of the individual at all hearings/court

*Ability of the individual to compel, confront and cross
examine all witnesses.

*Allowance of the individual to present evidence.

*Appeal of the individual to the determination of the court.

*Presentation of a clear and convincing standard of proof.

*The right of the individual to a jury trial.

*Individual rights removed and due process rights may vary
from state to state, the final authority is the state statues where the person
with the disability lives.  In any type
of guardianship the court may limit the guardian’s authority. The guiding principle
in all guardianship is that of least intrusive measures to assure as much
autonomy as possible. The guardian’s authority is defined by the court and the
guardian may not operate outside that authority. A guardian may be a family
member or friend or a public or private entity appointed by the court.

3.       My limited guardianship allowed Patrick  Weber to assist in financial and legal
matters only.  As per  the documentation already accomplished through
the collier county court system, the petition for removing Patrick Weber as the
limited guardian of the ward (MaryJean Ziska ) was granted (November 15th
2012).  I was emailed by Larry, that the
approval of all parties involved is still pending and has not been approved to
make it final.  

4.      The assignment of a new Guardian (Scott
Renshaw) has not yet been officially approved since the removal of Patrick
Weber has still not been finalized.  This
approval and assignment of a new guardian 
includes completing the application for appointment of guardian, ( see
section 744.3125 FS) Documentation elaborating points  for the  petition and   appointment of a guardian still  needs to be verified  and  needs
to contain  statements  showing specifics for the limited
guardianship.   I believe there are even
oaths, paperwork and a class that need to be attended to allow a person to be a
qualified guardian (744.3215 1 (d) FS. 

 *Since Patrick Weber
did such a horrendous job at  not  assisting me this past year as my guardian,
noting all his negligence, misconduct, and abusive behavior and actions.  I do request that I have a qualified guardian
who can assist as a true advocate.  I
feel that Scot Renshaw will be prepared once the classes, and all necessary  information, paperwork are completed.    I
believe that Scott could even be considered a “standby guardian” until al
paperwork and necessary qualifications are in order.      

5.      I have been emailing Larry concerning
the qualification for a non- resident to be my guardian since Scott is
presently in Texas.  I believe establishing
a mailing address such as a mail box and being issued a Florida driver’s license
may be the start of the criteria for a residency in Florida.  Scott’s daughter being a Florida resident
here in Naples may also be a helpful contributing factor for establishing
residency in Naples Florida.   However, I
still need to find out all the specifics and make sure they are in place so the
residency or duel residency can be accomplished quickly. 

6.      Scott Renshaw will not be here in Naples Florida for the scheduled dates
of either December 10th or 12th 2012.  The earliest dates for him moving back to
Naples to assist in this matter are being considered for the end of January,
beginning of Feb.  These tentative dates
are for him to arrive here let alone be able to begin and complete with his
assistance in all the listed areas where Patrick weber failed to give me (Mary
Jean Ziska-the ward) any assistance at all.   
I am very grateful for his decision to make such a large sacrifice, and move
away from his work and family to assist and make sure I have a proper advocate
on my side to help with all of these complicated situations.    

7.      Larry Pivacek will not be available
either of those dates (December 10th 2012 or /December 12th
                                                                    December 10th 2012 schedule on his
website readsa as “Date Closed” :                                                                             Dependency
court from 1-2pm.

December 12th has a schedule on his website that
reads that this date also is closed:             * Summerville –Toscana Homes Wed
December 12th 2012 from 1pm-2pm.                         *Summerville-Tosconna
Homes Wed December 12th 10am     

8.      The case at hand is a legal matter
that I am neither equipped to handle myself nor am I presently represented by a
guardian or represented by any legal counsel at all!                    ….. Let alone any legal
representatives who have knowledge and experience in dealing with mediation of
HOA Cases or foreclosure cases.  Competent
legal representation needs to still be hired and briefed on the case.  “The legal system is incredibly complicated
and it has twists and loopholes that even an experienced lawyer cannot
predict.  A person without legal training
will face many difficulties when trying to satisfy all the demands of the court
on their own.”     

9.      Patrick Weber attempted to retain only
one specific person and attempted to obtain legal counsel only one time and was
refused based on the complexity of the cases. 
The specific knowledge of law is extensive for both foreclosure and
guardianship and the overlap from the guardianship case into the Homeowners
Association case may require multiple lawyers to adequately represent my best
interests.  I was told he contacted legal
aid in general and contacted only one lawyer, Darrin Phillips.    

10.  As an example of good faith in attempts
to obtain legal counsel …practically all members of the Florida Bar with proper
disciplines in the specific legal matters are being contacted to request
representation.  Also, a membership to
has been started which would allow discounted legal assistance and representation
from their list of lawyers in Naples. 
They also are able to do any legal filings or motions and letters or any
legal paperwork after the initial time period is concluded (this delay in time
frame for assistance is designated by the form of payment by the customer… when
paying in monthly installments there is a delay, if membership is completed in
one full payment there is no delay.    At
present, monthly installments are being made to style=”mso-spacerun:yes”>   

11.  Enclosed is another good faith
representation of the diligence for which I was attempting to have Patrick Weber
removed so that I could have real assistance in the matters at hand.   The package mailed to you concerning his removal
contains 33 documents and emails describing the guardian negligence, misconduct
and abuse and requesting multiple times for his removal from various legal and
guardianship agencies.  No one listened
and no one removed him from his guardianship position until Larry Pivacek
successful was able to remove him on November 15th 2012.     

12.  Without a proper advocate, and
guardian, nothing has been completed to assist with all areas Patrick Weber was
supposed to take action.   I am basically a year behind in accomplishing
all tasks necessary for being prepared for litigation and settlement negotiations.
Items including a forensic audit  and an
investigation into the  predatory
lending, fraud, and identity theft  still
need to be cleared before allowing  for
an equity line of credit to be established to assist with negotiations.  I am trying the best I can, but a true advocate
as a guardian would be very helpful. 

13.  Just as  when the HOA lawyers for Cypress Cove
attempted to foreclose upon a person (me,Mary Jean Ziska) while still declared incompetent,
by having paperwork  misdirected  (to me the ward),  and not addressing the proper channels through
the limited guardianship (mail and documentation mailed to Patrick Weber my
guardian), they are unreasonably and excessively  weighing 
this case in their favor.    At present
the changes in guardianship and legal representation are in flux leaving me
without any guardian and without any legal representation.  I am actually left without any guardian to actually
be in Florida and assist with gaining legal representation until after February
2013.  If the court date remains in
December, this would be a   grievous
error in justice.   It would benefit the
court system and the case in its entirety for the continuance to be granted.  Otherwise, it would seem to resemble the
original foreclosure suit brought by the HOA in which there was a complete
dismissal of the case.   Another
dismissal would be warranted based on the specifics of a great  injustice dealt to a person deemed by the court
to still have a need to retain a guardian for legal and financial matters  but denied such representation.    This
violation of a person’s rights for representation by competent legal counsel
especially when directed by the court itself is mandatory and is a primary
reason for this court to allow the continuance and prevent a miscarriage of

14.   In addition to the above mentioned example of
what would be deemed injustice by the Collier County  court system, (if the ward, is not allowed to
have any guardian or legal representation for this case involving the Home Owners
Association,) this travesty of injustice would allow my home ownership to be
personally threatened and also allow me to be personally harmed by the loss of
my residence.  This injustice  would 
be setting a  horrid  example  depicting the lack of  care and diligence exemplified by  the Collier County court system concerning
guardianships and the rules and regulations 
to protect wards within the guardianship.  Based on the right for all (especially people
who are court ordered to have assistance through the courts) to not be allowed
to have assistance is unspeakable.  For this right to NOT  be upheld based on a time limitation for putting
proper legal representation in place,   is
not only appalling but biased.  For such an
oversight to take place where rights were not upheld within the court system
and the   guardianship system, the   proceedings on December 10th or
December 12th would be unjust.   

We are
respectfully requesting a fair amount of time for these changes to be put in
place and for proper legal representation to be hired.  We are requesting for a 60 to 90 day
continuance in the court date and we respectfully request this petition for
motion of continuance to be granted based on the reasons stated within this

Tuesday November 13th 2012 @ 2: 17am joel osteen ( also put in mygingerbreadman blog )

Say “Yes” to His Yes!


“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him
Amen, to the glory of God through us.”

(2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria


When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!


The question is, are you going to say “yes” to God’s “yes”?
Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement with His promises?


Start right now by declaring His promises over your life.
Start declaring that He is good and that His plan will come to pass. Don’t let
doubt and discouragement distract you keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is
faithful. His promises are always yes and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!


Father, today I say “yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your
promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to live a life pleasing to You and
bring You glory in all that I say and do, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday November 13th 2012 @ 2:15am correspond. between mary jean ziska and larry P

Mary Jean

I understand and will make all efforts to have the
magistrate discharge Mr. Weber as your guardian on Thursday, November 15, 2012.

I will let you know as soon as I hear the magistrate’s

Take care and I will talk to you soon.

Larry P.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:11 PM, mary jean ziska
<> wrote:

Pivacek,         November 12th 2012  at 5:43pm

     no i cannot
attend….the court case on the 15th of December 2012…. I do not want to be
in a court room with patrick weber who threatened me ever again!  Plus that is only a few days from
now….  I have not left my home in
months….my anxiety level is extremely high when people harm me and my home
ownership….   I can be present via
skype if that is what the judge wants.. that way we can video tape it  and have it for  evidence 
if needed later for other cases…. but really?….What  the hell is going on?   I thought we had to have someone in place to
be the guardian when we request he (Patrick Weber)  be removed?  
and i told you i haven’t been able to reach scott renshaw…. He is
located in Texas…. right now living with his parents… but other wise fits
the criteria… I will still try to reach him maybe he can come here for a few
months or just a month when i can have a real 
evaluation by qualified persons to give me back all my rights….

    (is this the court
hearing that my mother mother was speaking about concerning the HOA?  )  ( i
wrote this line before speaking with you…. and knowing it was concerning the
guardianship  case…. )

     I want you
to  ask for a continuance…except for
removing  Patrick Weber…. for
everything especially  if it is….   and to still have him removed…do i need to
send information to the judge…. did you send the paperwork in the  mail? 
Aren’t  I   supposed to be made aware of these things  things way in advance?.. you told me the next
date for the court to be available l would 
be after Christmas.. remember i told you while in tears the last time we
spoke… that this would be the worst Christmas ever? ….

    Is there another
letter to bring  up my anxiety lever and
start me crying / throwing up? 
another letter to make me throw up? definitely don’t need  all this hardship for trying to remove a
guardian that does not do his job.. ( from the beginning he never even did a
plan of action report and i can site tons of infractions and neglect and
misconduct charges that he has doesn’t 
throughout this past year while he has been my guardian… )   i cant believe that the judge have me keep a
guardian that  made me  so upset that i was shaking… and ready to
throw up at the court house…..

    I just  finished 
speaking with you concerning this whole ordeal…. I am hoping that you
really are  on my side in this court
case…   my wishes are to not have
Patrick Weber as my guardian especially since he has harmed my life… and my
home ownership… why would i think he would actually do anything to epresent
me  and help me when he has not done
anything so far…. .  I do not want him
representing me anymore since his actions have directly affected my life and my
home ownership….  in a negative

     What type of
judge would make me have an abusive guardian?  
I  was supposed to have
someone  who i could count on who helped
me not hurt me… 

    I am also
requesting the court records… reporting…. right?   i think you said they were in the form of
CD’s of the court proceedings I  was not
able to attend… how much are they?

    As per the  bank account 
i thought i emailed you…about that….. i know i  filed a police report… someone opened a
bank account using my name and my social security number…. in late Patrick favorite bank… regions bank… where he had my mo go to
try to get a loan for me…. i still have not been told where the $5,000.00 is
that my mother put aside for me…. to use for this mess….   also i was told that a woman went into the
social security office and asked to have my medical disability sent to her bank
account… when i asked my mom she said it wasn’t her it must have been Patrick
Weber who was trying to get my money… these are the situation i have had to
deal with  while patrick weber has been
my guardian …. along with  his
threats… at the court house and 
his  sick amusement at  causing me to get upset….  His unprofessional behavior with the HOA paralegal….
when i guess he tried to waive the statute of limitations…  flirt with the  HOA paralegal / lawyer….His conduct
disgusts me… and already i get upset just thinking of how horrid it is that
someone who was entrusted by the courts… 
to help me… has damaged my life 
in such a short  amount of
time…..  Its worse than tragic….  It is unforgivable…. I needed his help
legally …. and his negligence and misconduct and abuse have left me with even
worse anxiety… and time limits  on a
horrible situation that i told you anything that happens to me is on his
head…. he is  directly responsible….
whatever happens…   i hold him and his abuse,
neglect and misconduct completely responsible!

    i can
definitely  say… He is no hero….       sincerely mary jean ziska 

    — On Mon,
11/12/12, Larry Pivacek <> wrote:

        From: Larry
Pivacek <>

        Subject: Re:
hi larry, message from mary jean ziska nov 12 2012 concerning removal of
patrick weber, HOA deal, guardianship fl statutes and my wishes

        To: “mary
jean ziska” <>

        Date: Monday,
November 12, 2012, 4:37 PM

        Mary Jean

        As per your
request, attached is the Notice of Hearing for November 15, 2012 where we will
ask the judge to remove Patrick Weber as your Guardian.


        I really hope
you can attend the hearing.

        Thank you for
your attention.        Larry

        On Mon, Nov
12, 2012 at 1:13 PM, mary jean ziska <> wrote:

            E-mail to

November 12, 2012 at 10:57 AM

Larry, is there something I should know concerning court dates in the HOA? Or
removing Patrick Weber? I called my mom’s phone 
and received a message that she was expecting to go to court and to hear
from the HOA next week by Wednesday or Thursday ?  what does that mean?   when we’re in the process of trying to
remove  Patrick Weber as my guardian? Why
would my mother be going to court concerning my HOA case and not you or Patrick
Weber? I know this only because I researched information for retaining a new
lawyer with the legal experience in real estate law, homeowners Association
law, and mediation disputes. The company I located which would assist in
finding a lawyer appropriate to my needs 
and they required a retainer fee of $180. A  membership with the company would reduce  the cost of the lawyer’s hourly fees and
include  other benefits. When I first
spoke with my mother, she thought this was a great idea and requested the
telephone number and name of the company. The company is known on the web  as www.rocket   I think this is a wise idea since legal
advice and assistance  is expensive and
Patrick weber was not able to retain anyone to assist when he contacted legal
aid.  I was looking at the Florida
statutes and it looked like legal representation would be assigned on a
rotating basis in  an office such as
legal aid… isn’t that the case?   When I
next called my mother’s phone/ home phone line I was told the services of this
company would be retained after decisions from the HOALA were made? Which was
completely different than when I spoke with her and she liked the idea of beign
proactive and  retaining  competent legal help asap!… What is going on?                                                                           
per the Florida  statute 744 I am
guaranteed legal representation. I am guaranteed competent legal representation
in the fields necessary for any court/legal/financial areas under the
guardianship ruling. Since Patrick Weber has no knowledge of how to defend any
foreclosure suits, as it is not his expertise, I am by law guaranteed a lawyer
who can do what Patrick cannot do. Does the HOA understand this legal
principle? I was told the verbal agreement between Patrick Weber and the
homeowners Association was not binding and so I was upset for weeks over
nothing? I am glad that his horrid deal is not binding especialy since  he never discussed it with me nor did he even
take into consideration  my budget..
which he was well aware of  when I gave
him a copy in march….  I also was told
the homeowners Association is deciding whether or not to even  take a settlement deal concerning  payments on the back fees owed….? I thought
the whole court case was based on their acceptance of a settlement and that the
settlement had not been decided upon. If this has not been the case, please
explain what has been going on for this entire year.


            Since I
was told the idea Patrick Weber came up with is only a verbal agreement not
sanctioned by me or even discussed with me and not binding  in the courts, therefore I am not being held
responsible for his horrid deal and mishandling of this  legal situation  or his mishandling of my guardianship and my
freedom and my life am I?                                                                                                     
I also want to make sure that he cannot touch my medical disability
money especially since he was basing his stealing of my money to pay the HOA……(
which was a deal that  was only  based on his verbal agreement and his lies
for trying to obtain my money under false pretenses and false accusations
of  how the money is being spent each
month!)Did you know his lie in a legal document represents fraud uponthe court…
and is in itself a reason for removal of a guardian!   Within the court paperwork I received, he
lied…. By saying he did not know where my money was being spent  and continued to lie by saying I was
mishandling my money.  It is the exact
opposite!  when in fact I am paying my
bills with the medical disability money.  
I have and can’t produce paid bills to that fact concerning my electric,
and other bills necessary to living expenses… I can  prove I can and have been paying my own bills
appropriately in full amounts and on time 
for years!    I even wrote him and
you concerning my concerns about how unreasonable his offer was concerning  the HOA 
which would have left me without any money for buying items such as
tampons, and toilet paper… should I send those emails to the  judge or can you tell him or her for me…

            As per my
request for complete independence I thought of another way to prove my ability
to care for myself  and my  home….. A have 
eight cameras throughout my home for security purposes that record
everything!  The tapes would prove my
ability to care for myself , ie daily chores… such as dishes, cooking,
eating,  cleaning, laundry,  etc.  
All the  proof of howl I can care
for my self  is not really even
encompassed within  the  guardianship parameters….. I still believe
that a 1500.00 is not  necessary and is
another example of his mishandling and mismanagement of the entire case….  How much is he being paid again to be my
guardian? And at what intervals are his payments begin made?….. just wondering
…. What his motivations is for not allowing my complete  independence restored, or legal council… it
would appear to me that since he was overburdened  to the point that he could not and does
not  return any emails or phone
calls  from me…  that he must be over burdened at work and  I would assume that  he would want this mater resolved and off his
case list  as soon as possible unless
there is a financial motivation I am unaware of that  makes him keep me as his ward and want  unnecessary 
tests that  cost sooo much to the
tax payers… when he is still not addressing the entire reason  he was 
enlisted as my guardian, and why he lied to me about  keeping him as my guardian the first day I
met with him and with you in his conference 
room…. And he told me that I needed to keep him as my guardian for
financial reasons so that he could represent me in legal matters…. I even   put a request  for independence in  a letter requesting my complete independence
restored in March 2012….and he convinced me to do otherwise…. I can prove that
I can cook or clean or care for myself and 
take care of my home and my resources….. But it seems absolutely  unnecessary to do so since Patrick weber’s
assistance was only as  a limited
guardianship and was only to assist in the financial and legal matters pursuant
to the problems with the homeowners Association past-due fees.  As per the Florida statutes ,  when a limited guardianship is put in place
for a specific purpose…. When that purpose is over,  or no longer necessary….the independence of
the ward is restored….  Patrick Weber was
not able to assist in any way possible 
and since Patrick Weber was unable to assist with the homeowners
Association negotiations I’ve been trying to contract other lawyers to assist
me where Patrick Weber failed. 

            Also based
on the grounds that he has not been able to assist me  with the legal matters at hand, I have been
trying  to have him removed so that legal
assistance can be provided that will legally represent me… not assist the HOA
….( as Patrick did when he tried to waive the statue for limitatieon.. and he
threatened to baker act me when I spoke up for my rights… and my wishes…. And
when I spoke up for his mishandling of my case) 
I want  a guardian and a  legal representative  that does not intimidate and threaten
me,  or 
neglect my needs or wants, and who can actually really represent me and
assist me which is what a guardian is supposed to do ….   

            When we
last spoke, I told you I was  trying to
contact Scott Renshaw to substitute for Patrick Weber’s guardianship until full
independence has been restored …..have you looked at the Florida statute 744
recently?  As per who can be a Guardian
,Scott Renshaw is located in Texas and as per 
the statutes unless we were married or related by blood he may not
fulfill the criteria     Are there  other parts of the statue I should look at or
other rules  and regulations that
could  apply so that he could be my
guardian and I can remove Patrick?  Can
you direct me to those rules and regulations?

            Also I was
told over the phone my mother wrote an e-mail (which I did not receive a copy
of) concerning her moving into my condo to assist with payments for the
homeowners Association past-due fees . 
When I spoke with my mom at my home, 
we discussed the option of her moving in here moving everything of value
out of her home  and that she was
planning on renting out  the top area of
her home ( she has a three-bedroom two-bath home upstairs and three apartment
units underneath )and   thereby saving
her home from any  foreclosure
proceedings and also saving my home from anything detrimental to home ownership
as well.   I am a bit worried…. I have
been received all types of different  
messages from people on the phone telling me all sorts of  variations of 
what  I was originally told….
Since I have been the victim of identity theft and so many  con artists have lied cheated and stolen from
me  I want to make sure these same
criminals who ruined my life  are not
harming my mother as well….  There are
laws that could ensure her homeownership is intact and that she can retain  the additional income  from her rental property….    Please could you check on the true facts…
its hard since I don’t leave my home… to verify in person who is telling  me the truth or not….. and who is once again
trying to swindle money from my family…. And a million dollar income producing
home is a large thing to lose because of a 
con artist…. Especially since she had to 
evict a girl who stole paintings from her….

also  don’t know what was in the e-mail
she sent you and the homeowners Association can you fill me in? My
understanding is she was still holding onto the $5000 just in case that is
needed for my condo homeowners Association negotiations, but I still need to
have a competent legal attorney represent me in this legal case! It is not
acceptable that not only did Patrick weber 
not obtain any legal counsel on 
my behalf, that he does not know how to defend such a case himself….
But  the verbal agreement  caused 
my anxiety to be so elevated that I started throwing up again at his
horrid handling  of the entire case and
at my loss of power and control over any of it….  At his negligence at even conferring with me…
and his abusive behavior when I did express my 
wishes and wants….. I just want to reiterate…… concerning the homeowners
Association deciding on  the negation…
I’m under the impression I am allowed legal representation for my side …… It is
actually required by law… that I am represented…. By a competent legal
representative….. it is not completely up to the homeowners association with
they want…. To bully me…. 
especially  since everything they
did by trying to foreclose on my when a guardian was supposed to be assisting
…. And going g behind my back and trying to sell my condo  without even consulting my guardian.. was not
only underhanded …. It was illegal… and 
was inappropriately and illegally pursued.  Does anyone pay attention to the law

            Larry you
are the guardianship lawyer and I  need
your legal assistant/advice in an e-mail ASAP acknowledging receipt of this
e-mail and this information. Thank you for 
your  kind attention to this
email, sincerely mary jean ziska                                                                                                                              
Quotes from the Florida statutes:

statutes 744.446: conflict of interest: it is essential to the proper conduct
and management of the guardianship that the guardian be independent and
impartial. The fiduciary relationship that exists between the Guardian and the
ward may not be used for private gain of the Guardian, other than the payment
of fees and expenses reimbursable to the Guardian as provided by law. The
Guardian may not incur any obligation on behalf of the guardianship that
conflicts with the proper discharge of Guardian’s duties.

statute 744.4463: Restrictions: if the Guardian engages in any prohibited
activity without first obtaining a court order authorizing the Guardian to do
so, activity is voidable by the court in the Guardian may be removed. The
Guardian may also be liable for surcharge or subject to other sanctions
available under the law. The Guardian is not sure about the appropriateness of
a particular action or about the Guardian’s relationship to the ward, the
Guardian should consult an attorney.

statute 744.3873 a court approval is required to settle any claims of the ward
arising before or after the appointment of the Guardian. The Guardian  may settle contract claims against the ward’s
estate  and claims by the Ward’s  estate with court approval.  Examples include claims to extend or modify
any mortgage claims to enter into fair compromise powers without court approval
the Guardian also has the authority and flexibility to perform without prior
court approval routine acts and pay items that are normal and necessary to
protect manage and preserve the assets of the estate however  exercising his or her  duties, the Guardian should interpret the law
very strictly, and if the action contemplated is not mentioned and approved
specifically in the law, the Guardian should seek advice of an attorney as to
whether the approval of the court is necessary.                                                
Florida statute 744. 3725: Before the court  may grant extraordinary powers to the
Guardian to exercise any of the above enumerated rights the court must appoint
an independent attorney to act on the incapacitated person’s behalf who who
must have the opportunity to meet with 
the incapacitated person at a few full judicial hearing present evidence
and cross-examination witnesses on behalf of the incapacitated person: received
as evidence independent medical psychological and social valuations with
respect to the incapacitated person by competent professionals or point its own
experts to assist in the evaluations; personally meet with the incapacitated
person to obtain an impression of the person’s capacity, celestial for the
incapacitated person the full opportunity to express his or her personal views
or desires with respect to the judicial proceedings and issues before the
court; find by clear and convincing evidence that the person lacks the capacity
to make decisions about the issues before the court and the incapacitated
person’s capacity is not likely to change in the foreseeable future be
persuaded by clear and convincing proof that the authority being requested is
in the best interest of incapacitated person and the case and in the case of a
dilution dissolution of marriage find that the wart spouse has consented to
that dissolution                                                                                                  
            Florida statute
744.3312 the award retains the right to have his or her own attorney and
various proceedings during the guardianship. For example an attorney will be
appointed for the ward in a hearing for extraordinary authority to be granted
to the Guardian, Florida statute 744.37251 or any hearing to determine whether
all or some of the warts right should be restored Florida statute 744.4642            Florida statute 744.1021: The attorney
for the alleged incapacitated person must represent the allegedly incapacitated
person’s expressed wishes, unless they are contrary to the Florida rules
governing attorney conduct                                                                                                                                                          Four statute 744.3312 a: When a
court-appointed attorney for an ad legend incapacitated person, the court must
appoint an attorney who is included in the attorney Registry compiled pursuant
to the Florida statutes second sections 27.40 and 27.42. Appointments must be
made a rotating basis taking it to consider conflicts

of a Guardian: Guardian is a person who’s been appointed by the court to act on
behalf of awards person, property, or both. Florida statute 744.1029. The
Guardian may exercise only those rights that have been removed from the Ward
and delegated to the Guardian Florida statute 744.3611        

            Limited guardianship: in situations
where the court finds that the incapacitated person lacks some but not all of
the capacity necessary to care for his or her person property or after the
person voluntarily petitions the court for appointment of a limited
guardianship, the court will appoint a guardian to exercise only those legal
rights and powers specifically designated by the court order. Florida statute
744.1029 a         

concept of a limited guardianship recognizes that the incapacity of each person
is different and permits a guardianship to be imposed only to the extent
required by an individual’s actual mental and functional limitations. The
limited guardianship is this designed to encourage the most self-reliance and
independence possible and to be the least restrictive alternative to a complete
or plenary guardianship.       

Guardian must be independent and impartial. Guardian he was appointed to manage
the incapacitated person’s financial affairs must protect and preserve the
incapacitated person’s assets and manage the assets is a prudent person would
in managing the financial affairs of another.       

            Who may
serve as a Guardian? Any resident of the state of Florida who is 18 years old
and a sound mind is qualified to act as guardian. In addition, a nonresident
may serve if he or she is related to the wart by blood, adoption or law.
Florida statute 744.3092.

            Also I
trust company, State Bank, national bank, or Federal Savings and Loan may be a
Guardian Floirida Statutes:  744.3094. A
nonprofit corporation organized for religious or charitable purposes may be
appointed a guardian. Florida statute 744.3095

statute 744.347: oath: prior to exercising authority, every Guardian must take
an oath that he or she will faithfully perform his or her duties as guardian.

            Rights of
the award: the Guardian’s role is to balance the protection and care provided
to the ward with genuine respect for and encouragement of the independence
still exercisable by the ward.

            Write to
the incapacitated wart that are retained by the Ward: Florida statute 744.32151

            1. Having
annual review of the guardianship report and plan.

Continuing review of the need for restriction of his or her rights.

            3. To be
restored to capacity at the earliest possible time.

            4. To be
treated humanely, with dignity, and respect, and to be protected against abuse,
neglect, and exploitation.

            5. To have a qualified Guardian.

            6. To
retain as independent as possible, including having his or her preference as to
place an standard of living on Earth, either as he or she expressed or
demonstrated his or her preferences prior to the determination of his or her
capacity or as he or she currently expresses his or her preferences insofar as
such request is reasonable.

            7. To have
access to the courts.

            8. To be
represented by counsel and attorney.

            9. To
receive notice of all proceedings related to determination of capacity and

            Most of
these rules regulations have already been violated I’m counting on you to make
sure that

competent legal representation can be procured for assistance in the homeowners
Association negotiations.

            2. Patrick
Weber’s will be removed based on his negligence or misconduct and abuse

            3. No
monies will be removed and no rights will be removed and work on restoration of
independence will begin immediately.

            4 lies,
accusations, bullying based on the guardianship will receive sanctions
appropriate and in accordance to the law.

            5. As my
guardianship lawyer will keep me informed.

             Again, Thank you for your kind
attention to this matter sincerely Mary Jean Ziska





family invite for thanksgiving dinner ( put also in my blog) are

Dear everyone, family and friends…  hope all is well….  getting excited for my 2nd home made attempt
at thanksgiving… and my cooking of all of it…. last year turned out delicious…  or so i was told..hopefully everyone was
honest…. ha… I plan on the same dinner menu…. turkey… and stuffing,
cranberries, and green beans and peas… and corn souffle  and spinach souffle, mashed potatoes.. and
apple pie and pumpkin pie….  maybe
an  hor’ dovier   … and mom said she will bring the
salad…  but the best will be the
company…. my Mom and Mattie will be here … and Maura, Eric, Caroline and
Ella   and Dad you are invited as well…..
and Scott if you were in  town of course
you and Olivia….  are invited as
well…    so i was thinking  that 1pm would be a great time to start
dinner…. well actually lunch then 2nd time eating may be dinner…HA… and
we can visit and watch a movie … or if you bring swim suits  or walking shoes you are welcome to go for a
swim or a walk….    please email back
your plans.. and  who can and can’t
come….  so i can know how much to
prepare…  i missed watching Joel Osteen
this last week.. I did watch a couple great catholic masses….(Joel)  he had a great email sent today… .  i wanted to share… no pressure  hint on the answer  for 
the thanksgiving invitation… but hopefully you will enjoy the   email…. luv Mary jean Ziska…. I love and
miss my family every minute of every day…. 
and today and every day i am thankful and grateful for having you in my

so remember time approx. 
1pm…. location:  5632
Whisperwood blvd. 1601 Naples Florida 34110  
( remember in the strand at cypress cove complex.. Maura and dad.. if
you want i can write out more specific directions…  if you decide to come…  just let me know…

hey remember that song….” thanksgiving day is coming
.. and Mr turkey said… ” How very careful i must be or i will lose my
head… said the pumpkin to the turkey.. I’m frightened me oh my.. they’ll mix
me up with sugar and spice and I’ll be pumpkin pie!”.. HA!  . that is all i can remember with a bit of
prompting from mom ha…. anyway great memories…  of great holidays with great family
luv mary jean ziska  /

Say “Yes” to His Yes!  
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE:  “For all the
promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through
us.”  (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)    TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the
right people, the right breaks and the right open doors. In other words, He
already had your “yeses” planned out — Yes, you can accomplish your dreams.
Yes, you can overcome that obstacle. Yes, your children can fulfill their
destiny. Yes you can succeed. YES is in your future!  The question is, are you going to say “yes”
to God’s “yes”? Are you going to dare to believe Him — to get into agreement
with His promises?    Start right now by
declaring His promises over your life. Start declaring that He is good and that
His plan will come to pass. Don’t let doubt and discouragement distract you
keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is faithful. His promises are always yes
and amen. So say “yes” to His “yes”!    A
PRAYER FOR TODAY    Father, today I say
“yes” to You. I say “yes” to Your promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to
live a life pleasing to You and bring You glory in all that I say and do, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.    — Joel &
Victoria Osteen                                             Tender
Loving Care Service     Marion
Gregory   Director  239-598-1515  Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director  239-234-4065

Tuesday November 13th 2012 59 letters and articles for real estate fix

letters to be put into real estate packages  to fix real estate mess

1.       Mortgage Assignments s as evidence of fraud

2.      GMAC 
Fraud fabricating evidence needed to facilitate a Foreclosure

3.      Foreclosure Mess:  More Shoes to Drop?  Money talks news   Http:// talks
Foreclosure-Mess-<pre-Shoes-To drop/ by stacy Johnson October 22nd

4.      Article:  GMAC fraud fabricating evidence needed to
facilitate a foreclosure

5.      Complaint:  Inacio Domino Figuaroa vs. Mers Corpt Inc. A
Foreign Corporation Law Offices of David J Stern Pa. A Florida Professional
Association and David J Stern Individually.

6(C.)   Motion Hearing
/ Enforcing Loan Documents Collier County Clerk of Courts March 24th
2009 Presidential Funding Motion Hearing Mathew Kahl

6(B.)  Complaint to
Forecloure Mortgage and To Enforce Lost Loan Document ( Count II) Signature
Page with Mathew Kahl Residential Funding / Mathew Kahl / David J.  Stern

6(A.)  Complaint to
Foreclsoru Mortgage and to Enforce Lost Loan Document ( Count I) /Residential
Funding Mathew Kahl / David J Stern

7.       Assignment of MOrtgae Different Signature for
a. Argondi

to Prove Assignment of Mortgage ( fraud)

8.      Another Mortgage Assignment Example
for Option One

signature for a argandi


9.      Homeward Residential


10. (A)  Transunion
Info for Dispute / Remove  Form

10.(  Equifax info
for Dispute/Remove Form                                                                                                          10.(C.)
Experian  Info for Dispute/Remove Form

11.  Credit Letter (
Dispute/ Remove Item /Litton Loan Account # 1927xxxx September 28th

12.  Transunion :  Request For Investigation

13.  Law Offices of
David J Stern” Mistakenly Files Foreclosure on Sarasota Florida Man Includes Federal
Tax Lien… Article by Bill Warner April 7th 2009

14.   Article:  Mortgage Paperwork Mess:  The Next Housing Shock?  ( CBS News)

15.  Credit Letter (
dispute /Remove Item )

a.  Aegis Account
20037xxxx September 28th 2012

b.  American Servicing
Letter Account 10611276xxxxx  September
28th 2012

16.  Bill Warner
Sarasota Private Investigator View on crime, Terrorism and Cheaters                          ( 941-926-1926)  October 22nd 2010 

17.  Notice of
Dismissal without Prejudice Case No 0801272CA 
Residential Funding Company LLC vs Mary Jean ziska

18.  Assignment of
Mortgage ( AM) Option one – Residential Funding

19.  Supreme Court of
Florida Florida Bar vs David J Stern

20.  Article:  Internal Doc. Reveals GMAC filed false
documents in Bid to Foreclosure

21.  Article:  tired Robo – signature let other people sign
their names by Stacey Johnson October 20the 2010

22.  Photo copy of
Drivers license ( MJZ)

23.  American Home
Mortgage for Wikipedia filed for bankruptcy

24. History  of

25.  9/27th
2012 Collier county /clerk of court results to send to companies to send to
mortgage full report.

26.  Article:  Florida bar Files complaint against David J
Stern over MERS case Housing wire: 

27.  Florida
Foreclosure King Investigated for Questionable practices  ABC /Florida Foreclosures

28.  The cautionary
tale of Aegis Mortgage Bankruptcy (August 2007) 
CNN Mang.  The Darker Side of buy
out firms.

29.  Aegis
Mortgage  Corp. files for Bankruptcy by
Flood copy right 2007

30.  Credit letter (
dispute remove)  Homeward Residential
American Home Mortgage September 28th 2012.

31.  The Florida
Deceptive Trade Practices  Act Consumers
are unable to defend themselves adequately against the unlawful practices as
this court implicitly recognized ( Pino vs Bank of NY) 

32.  Credit Letter (
Dispute/Remove Info Article “ Foreclosure King David Stern Shuttering his law

33.  Lexis Nexis
Comminutes Bankruptcy Law Community ( Article )

34.  Article:  American Home Mortgage Info. Form Wikipedia

35.  Predatory Lending
laws” Politicians are become more aware of the problems of predatory lending
laws and are realized the need for laws against predators

36.  Foreclosure Fraud-
Fighting foreclosure fraud by sharing the knowledge David j Stern v. State of

37.  GMAC residential
capital declares Bankruptcy

38.  Mortgage Paperwork
reveals GMAC filed false documents in Bid to foreclose

39.  Internal Doc.
Reveals GMAC filed false document in
bid to foreclose

40.  Article /website
Mortgage Assignment s as evidence of fraud by Lynn Szynaick Esq, Editor Fraud
Digest Fraud   2010

41.  Article “
Foreclosure Mil David J Stern Firm to close by end of march  on behalf of the law office of Jeffery A

42.  Florida Chapter
755  Definition, general Penalties
Restrictions of criminals entire chapter

43.  Article:  Fabricated Evidence is Fictions Testimony or

44.  Article” Credit
Reporting is Regulated by the Federal Government under the fair  credit protection Act (FCPA)

45.  Article GMAC’s
full letter to agents something does not add up by Tyler   created 09/20/2012 

46.  Article” Created
Assignment and cloned officers yield fraudulent foreclosures across the county
by Cynthia Kuril  Monday April 19th
2012 12:27pm

47.  Article:  Florida Bar vs. David J Stern- complaint /consent/
judgment/report or referee and judgment From: 
Foreclosure Fraud –Fighting Foreclosure Fraud by sharing the knowledge

48.  Assignment of Deed
of Trust Having Jeremy Brown as collateral specialist ( use for option one
–Residential Fraud assignment of mortgage)   

49.  Article:  When a borrower signs the mortgage security
instrument at closing they  grant and
convey the legal title to the mortgage ( MERS) Mortgage Registration System

50.  Article:  GMAC Bankruptcy Petition for official
Borrowers committee Posted by 4 Closures Fraud on June 19th 2012

51.  Bloomberg GMAC
Residential Capital Declares Bankruptcy

52.  David J Stern –
The Florida foreclosure King Is  under
investigation and doing layoffs by morning docket

53.  Article
foreclosure Fraud- Titles used  by
Jeffery Stephan of  GMAC

54.  Florida
foreclosure King Investigated for questionable practices                                                        
ABC NEWS.GO.COM/Business/Florida/Foreclosures 5JE9S

55.  Online sunshine
logo / official internet site of Fl. Legislature October 11 2012 statutes

56.  Monday September
20 2010 More On GMAC and foreclosure Fraud Mess:  The Shit is hitting the Fan” 

57.  Residential
Capital / GMAC Mortgage Proof of Claim

58.  foreclosure Mill
David J Stern Firm to close by end of March on behalf of the law offices of
“Foreclosure King” David J Stern will be closing his law firm by March 31st. 

59.  Letter From:  Offices of David J Stern PA.  To Honorable Lee Hayworth