Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Thursday February 3rd 2011@6:36pm( googled: damages…..and restitution… and )


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Civil procedure in the United States
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In law, damages is an award of money to be paid to a person as compensation for loss or injury;[1] grammatically, it is a singular noun, not plural.



[edit] Compensatory damages

Compensatory damages, called actual damages, are paid to compensate the claimant for loss, injury, or harm suffered as a result of (see requirement of causation) another’s breach of duty.

[edit] Quantum/measure of damages

[edit] Breach of contract duty – (ex contractu)

On a breach of contract by a defendant, a court generally awards the
sum that would restore the injured party to the economic position they
expected from performance of the promise or promises (known as an “expectation measure” or “benefit-of-the-bargain” measure of damages).

When it is either not possible or not desirable to award sured in
that way, a court may award money damages designed to restore the
injured party to the economic position they occupied at the time the
contract was entered (known as the “reliance measure“), or designed to prevent the breaching party from being unjustly enriched (“restitution”) (see below).

Parties may contract for liquidated damages
to be paid upon a breach of the contract by one of the parties. Under
common law, a liquidated damages clause will not be enforced if the
purpose of the term is solely to punish a breach (in this case it is
termed penal damages).
The clause will be enforceable if it involves a genuine attempt to
quantify a loss in advance and is a good faith estimate of economic
loss. Courts have ruled as excessive and invalidated damages which the
parties contracted as liquidated, but which the court nonetheless found
to be penal.

[edit] Breach of tort duty – (ex delicto)

Damages in tort are generally awarded to place the claimant in the
position that would have been taken had the tort not taken place.
Damages in tort are quantified under two headings: general damages and special damages.

In personal injury claims, damages for compensation are quantified by
reference to the severity of the injuries sustained (see below general
damages for more details). In non-personal injury claims, for instance, a
claim for professional negligence against solicitors, the measure of
damages will be assessed by the loss suffered by the client due to the
negligent act or omission by the solicitor giving rise to the loss. The
loss must be reasonably foreseeable and not too remote.[2]
Financial losses are usually simple to quantify but in complex cases
which involve loss of pension entitlements and future loss projections,
the instructing solicitor will usually employ a specialist expert
actuary or accountant to assist with the quantification of the loss.

[edit] General damages

General damages, sometimes styled hedonic damages,
compensate the claimant for the non-monetary aspects of the specific
harm suffered. This is usually termed ‘pain, suffering and loss of
amenity’. Examples of this include physical or emotional pain and
suffering, loss of companionship, loss of consortium, disfigurement, loss of reputation, loss or impairment of mental or physical capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, etc.[3]
This is not easily quantifiable, and depends on the individual
circumstances of the claimant. Judges in the United Kingdom base the
award on damages awarded in similar previous cases.

General damages are generally awarded only in claims brought by
individuals, when they have suffered personal harm. Examples would be
personal injury (following the tort of negligence by the defendant), or
the tort of defamation.

[edit] Speculative damages

Speculative damages
are damages that have not yet occurred, but the plaintiff expects them
to. Typically, these damages cannot be recovered unless the plaintiff
can prove that they are reasonably likely to occur.[4]

[edit] Quantification of personal injury claims

The quantification of personal injury is not an exact science. In
English law solicitors like to call personal injury claims as “general
damages” for pain and suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA). Solicitors
quantify personal injury claims by reference to previous awards made by
the courts which are “similar” to the case in hand. The guidance
solicitors will take into account to help quantify general damages are
as hereunder:

1 The age of the client

The age of the client is important especially when dealing with fatal
accident claims or permanent injuries. The younger the injured victim
with a permanent injury the longer that person has to live with the
PSLA. As a consequence, the greater the compensation payment. In fatal
accident claims, generally the younger deceased, the greater the
dependency claim by the partner and children.

2 The nature and extent of the injuries sustained.

Solicitors will consider “like for like” injuries with the case in
hand and similar cases decided by the courts previously. These cases are
known as precedents. Generally speaking decisions from the higher
courts will bind the lower courts. Therefore, judgments from the House
of Lords and the Court of Appeal have greater authority than the lower
courts such as the High Court and the County Court. A compensation award
can only be right or wrong with reference to previous judgments.
Sometimes it is a matter of opinion of how much an injury claim is worth
and the skill of the solicitor is persuading the opponent and
ultimately the judge that their assessment is right.[citation needed]
Solicitors must be careful when looking at older cases when quantifying
a claim to ensure that the award is brought up to date and to take into
account the court of appeal case in Heil v Rankin [5] Generally speaking the greater the injury the greater the damages awarded.

A quick guide to assess personal injury claims is by reference to the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases [1]. Some case examples can also be considered [2]

3 Gender of the client

Generally speaking damages for personal injury for males and females
are the same. However where there can be a difference weighted in favour
of females is where the injury results in permanent scarring to the
skin.[citation needed]
Where the scarring is clearly visible such as the face, legs, and arms,
females will usually obtain an greater amount of compensation than
males. The compensation reflects the general assumption that females
will be affected more than males by scarring and thus will be awarded
more. However each case will be decided on its own particular facts. For
instance a male model who sustains a scarring tissue to his face may
obtain just as much as a female.[citation needed]

4 Personal attributes and fortitude of the client

This heading is inextricably linked with the other points above.
Where two clients are of the same age, experience and suffer the same
injury, it does not necessarily mean that they will be affected the
same. We are all different. Some people will recover more quickly than
others. The courts will assess each claim on its own particular facts
and therefore if one claimant recovers more quickly than another, the
damages will be reflected accordingly. It is important to note here that
“psychological injuries” may also follow from an accident which may
increase the quantum of damages.

When a personal injury claim is settled either in court or out of
court, the most common way the compensation payment is made is by a lump
sum award in full and final settlement of the claim. Once accepted
there can be no further award for compensation at a later time unless
the claim is settled by provisional damages often found in industrial
injury claims such as asbestos related injuries.

[edit] Special damages

Special damages compensate the claimant for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered by the plaintiff.[citation needed]
For example, extra costs, repair or replacement of damaged property,
lost earnings (both historically and in the future), loss of
irreplaceable items, additional domestic costs, etc. They are seen in
both personal and commercial actions.

Special damages can include direct losses (such as amounts the claimant had to spend to try to mitigate[6]
problems) and consequential or economic losses resulting from lost
profits in a business. Special damages basically include the
compensatory and punitive damages for the tort committed in lieu of the
injury or harm to the plaintiff.

Damages in tort are awarded generally to place the claimant in the
position in which he would have been had the tort not taken place.
Damages for breach of contract are generally awarded to place the
claimant in the position in which he would have been had the contract
not been breached. This can often result in a different measure of
damages. In cases where it is possible to frame a claim in either
contract or tort, it is necessary to be aware of what gives the best

If the transaction was a “good bargain” contract generally gives a better result for the claimant.

As an example, Neal sells Mary a watch for £100. Neal tells Mary it
is an antique Rolex. In fact it is a fake one and worth £50. If it had
been a genuine antique Rolex, it would be worth £500. Neal is in breach
of contract and could be sued. In contract, Mary is entitled to an item
worth £500, but she has only one worth £50. Her damages are £450. Neal
also induced Mary to enter into the contract through a misrepresentation
(a tort). If Mary sues in tort, she is entitled to damages that put
herself back to the same financial position place she would have been in
had the misrepresentation not been made. She would clearly not have
entered into the contract knowing the watch was fake, and is entitled to
her £100 back. Thus her damages in tort are £100. (However, she would
have to return the watch, or else her damages would be £50.)

If the transaction were a “bad bargain”, tort gives a better result
for the claimant. If in the above example Mary had overpaid, paying £750
for the watch, her damages in contract would still be £450 (giving him
the item he contracted to buy), however in tort damages are £700. This
is because damages in tort put her in the position she would have been
in had the tort not taken place, and are calculated as her money back
(£750) less the value of what she actually got (£50).

[edit] Various matters

[edit] Incidental and consequential losses

Special damages are sometimes divided into incidental damages, and consequential damages.

Incidental losses include the costs needed to remedy problems and put
things right. The largest element is likely to be the reinstatement of
property damage. Take for example a factory which was burnt down by the
negligence of a contractor. The claimant would be entitled to the direct
costs required to rebuild the factory and replace the damaged

The claimant may also be entitled to any consequential losses. These
are the lost profits that the claimant could have been expected to make
in the period whilst the factory was closed and rebuilt.

[edit] Foreseeability and remoteness

Damages are likely to be limited to those reasonably foreseeable by
the defendant. If a defendant could not reasonably have foreseen that
someone might be hurt by their actions, there may be no liability. This
is known as remoteness.

This rule does not usually apply to intentional torts (e.g. deceit), and also has stunted applicability to the quantum in negligence where the maxim Intended consequences are never too remote applies – ‘never’ is inaccurate here but resorts to unforeseeable direct and natural consequences of an act.

[edit] Quantifying losses in practice – expert evidence

It may be useful for the lawyers for the plaintiff and/or the defendant to employ forensic accountants or forensic economists to give evidence on the value of the loss. In this case, they may be called upon to give opinion evidence as an expert witness.

[edit] Statutory damages

Statutory damages
are laid down in law. Mere violation of the law can entitle the victim
to a statutory award, even if no actual injury occurred. These are
similar to, but different from, nominal damages (see below) in which no
written sum is specified.

For example, the possible remedies for misrepresentation in the United Kingdom are codified in the Misrepresentations Act.

[edit] Nominal damages

On the other hand, nominal damages are very small damages awarded to
show that the loss or harm suffered was technical rather than actual.
Perhaps the most famous nominal damages award in modern times has been
the $1 verdict against the National Football League (NFL) in the 1986 antitrust suit prosecuted by the United States Football League. Although the verdict was automatically trebled pursuant to antitrust law in the United States,
the resulting $3 judgment was regarded as a victory for the NFL.
Historically, one of the best known nominal damage awards was the farthing that the jury awarded to James Whistler in his libel suit against John Ruskin. In the English jurisdiction, nominal damages are generally fixed at £2.

Many times a party that has been wronged but is not able to prove
significant damages will sue for nominal damages. This is particularly
common in cases involving alleged violations of constitutional rights,
such as freedom of speech.

[edit] Punitive damages (non-compensatory)

Generally, punitive damages, which are also termed exemplary damages in the United Kingdom,
are not awarded in order to compensate the plaintiff, but in order to
reform or deter the defendant and similar persons from pursuing a course
of action such as that which damaged the plaintiff. Punitive damages
are awarded only in special cases where conduct was egregiously
invidious and are over and above the amount of compensatory damages,
such as in the event of malice or intent. Great judicial restraint is expected to be exercised in their application. In the United States punitive damages awards are subject to the limitations imposed by the due process of law clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

In England and Wales, exemplary damages are limited to the circumstances set out by Lord Patrick Devlin in the leading case of Rookes v. Barnard. They are:

  1. Oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional actions by the servants of government.
  2. Where the defendant’s conduct was ‘calculated’ to make a profit for himself.
  3. Where a statute expressly authorises the same.

Rookes v Barnard has been much criticised and has not been followed in Canada or Australia or by the Privy Council.

Punitive damages awarded in a US case would be difficult to get
recognition for in a European court, where punitive damages are most
likely to be considered to violate ordre public.[7][2]

[edit] Restitutionary or disgorgement damages

In certain areas of the law another head of damages has long been
available, whereby the defendant is made to give up the profits made
through the civil wrong in restitution.
Doyle and Wright define restitutionary damages as being a monetary
remedy that is measured according to the defendant’s gain rather than
the plaintiff’s loss.[8]
The plaintiff thereby gains damages which are not measured by reference
to any loss sustained. In some areas of the law this heading of damages
is uncontroversial; most particularly intellectual property rights and breach of fiduciary relationship.

In England and Wales the House of Lords case of Attorney-General v. Blake opened up the possibility of restitutionary damages for breach of contract. In this case the profits made by a defecting spy, George Blake,
for the publication of his book, were awarded to the British Government
for breach of contract. The case has been followed in English courts,
but the situations in which restitutionary damages will be available
remain unclear.

The basis for restitutionary damages is much debated, but is usually
seen as based on denying a wrongdoer any profit from his wrongdoing. The
really difficult question, and one which is currently unanswered,
relates to what wrongs should allow this remedy.

[edit] Legal costs

In addition to damages, the successful party is entitled to be
awarded his reasonable legal costs that he spent during the case. This
is the rule in most countries other than the United States. In the
United States, a party generally is not entitled to its attorneys’ fees or for hardships undergone during trial, although a few exceptions exist, such as discrimination.[9] See American rule.

[edit] History

Among the Saxons, a price called Weregeld was paid for homicide by the killer, in part to the family of the victim, in part to the local king.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ International principle:, Garner, p.416
  2. ^ Remoteness in English Law
  3. ^ Beaman, Richard (2010-09-22). “Loss of Amenity”. Douglas Wemyss Solicitors. Leicester.”> 
  4. ^ “Legal Definition of Speculative Damages”. Retrieved July 4, 2010.amages”> 
  5. ^ Heil v Rankin & Another [2000] EWCA Civ 84, Court of Appeal
  6. ^ There is a duty to mitigate losses
  7. ^ H Koziol/V Wilcox, Punitive Damages: Common Law and Civil Law Perspectives (2009).
  8. ^ “Restitutionary damages – the unnecessary remedy” [2001] MULR 1; accessed via on August 16, 2010
  9. ^ “Remedies for Employment Discrimination”. Retrieved July 4, 2010.amages”> 

Thursday February 3rd 2011 @5:16pm( phone conversation bully girl)


So i got to call my mom this evening…( her home phone number239-598-1515 from my magic jack….which I rarely use and somehow  I never seem to reach the people i am trying to reach when I try to  call  anyone… somehow no longer seems to get either the right number or the right people or both…. 

I saw this one law and order episode…with robin Williams… where he was a criminal who had a ton of cell phones all set up to answer different numbers… then he used his voice manipulating skills… and pretended to be the people at all the various locations…. Could it be possible that no matter where i call.. i ma getting the same group of con artists??????  sometimes it sure feels like the same people….the same….. bullies…. the same lies….I just don’t know how to find the location….i have tried calling the phone companies.. the police .. anyone and everyone….l

…. we( my mother my aunt Fran and   myself) were  supposed to go to the Ritz this evening…. possibly for dinner or a snack.. not really sure what the exact purpose was. but it was supposed to be a nice visit.. and include a meal…..

 ( then again… the information I had received concerning  the evenings plans were  made over the phone..and if the problem is the phone…. or whoever screws up the destination of my calls… or who i am supposed to be speaking with…. why would i think that making plans over the phone would be any better?)

Anyway,  I first talked to my mom… she wasn’t feeling well… and wasn’t going  to meet my aunt….  she told me of a great invention by mc hammer… wasn’t  exactly like  like my invention… or the thought of my invention….. (the app that could not only track clothing… purchase clothing and keep tract of clothing…but be instrumental in use with Alzheimer patients.. or high end clothing..)
 the phone was breaking up and so i hung up and called back… but this time the second time i called i got a woman who was horrible… like the girls from la Playa..( in  my blog entry where the guy on the phone said his name was  Dave.. the girl who manipulated my phone…was (?)

 hummm  but then that is who  these people said they were on the phone..and since they are liars.. who can believe anything?….. 

anyway… the”mom” on the phone for the second call… the one who was horrid…. reprimand me about calling karn kahel a “whore”.. I guess I just thought that was an appropriate  name or category…. since i babysat  for her….and instead of being at 5th third bank i saw her in the pool in an orange bathing suit making out with a man who had a full head of hair… while i babysat for her son Greyson and the husband i was introduced to was named Todd and had no hair at  all on is head…

I was told that “whore” was not an appropriate terminology for what she is.. and i should go back to just calling her a bully since she used to trespass into the strand and took it upon herself to taunt me and to bully me and to call me names.. to the point where i was shaking … sobbing and ready to throw up….

 I was then  told that she will  hurt my life …..and on the phone this woman told me ( me as the victim who was harmed by the bully karen kahel from Ohio state and lives in Carlton lakes) is allowed to do anything she wants… as I said.. the phone was the right number… and the right message on the phone..( with 4 different businesses) …..but most of the times i was calling….the person on the other end of the phone… just horrible…. How is this still happening??????

we are talking about a group of people who can’t remember any specifics about my life… such as the fact that my mother gave me a bin full of personal  papers and memorabilia…  and  instructions about the songs and specific instructions about her funeral.. about who was to get what items if or when she died… about how much she loved me… the person couldn’t  recount any of that at all… I wonder if this was/is the same group of bullies even on this phone…

 again I did get two phone calls back that had no caller id…  and as i mentioned before.. it is usually the bully girls who don’t want to be caught for their threatening and abusive calls….  i was also threatened that if i didn’t take off the “whore” comment and the spreading of her legs and screwing guys to get things like her BMW…

(wait she actually wanted me to meet favio(SP?) from  the fort myers BMW…..did i mention that before? i guess  she may have thought  that if she had people use “her guy”  so could  get a good deal on a BMW..( i dont know what she ever thought i would do for her.. maybe her other babysitters  allowed  themselves to be pimped out… but i did nothing to help her get her silver BMW!

Oh i was also threatened on the phone that if i didn’t take off the comment  in association with karn kahel  being a “whore”… that i would lose my home… and that no one would want babysit  for them since this girl was allowed to bully me and threaten me and make me cry.. and allowed to trespass into the strand …. it doesn’t make any sense.. that i am the one who is supposed to be punished because this girl was horrible.. doesn’t it  sound like these idiots on the phone….could possibly be her family?????.. or her boyfriends????..or someone who also went to Ohio state???? HUmmmmm .

It makes me embarrassed to have been born in Ohio…   to have blond hair and to be a catholic girl who ever met her and had my life ruined by her and gerard ahler!
As i mentioned before and in the website home page.. i want damages... today i actually googled damages…  and restitution…. for seven years of damages… of ruining a life.. a reputation… of emotional distress… and compensation for all the loss…… especially all the harm and damages that i am supposed to be able to endure so that karnen kahel is not harmed.. nor inconvenienced… but somehow these people seem to think it is perfectly acceptable for this or any bully girl to damage my life.. make me cry… to steal from me harm me.. lie to me

Am supposed to be quiet?.. Am  I supposed to sit by and passively allow anyone to harm my life my reputation and my family? … because to these people I do not matter as much as karne kahel who went to Ohio state and who lives in Carlton lakes and who goes out( i am not supposed to say she has sex or whores around with these peoples’ sons…and that she did the same things while she was married and had a three month old son…. so…..that is why she needed a babysitter…. )

Some how it is supposed to be o.k. for her to harass me.. to bully me… and to ruin my life… and once again I am supposed to allow it to happen… according to these people giving me advice on the phone… I should be the nice  girl that  I am… and I should be quiet because she is much more  valuable than I am….  

I was actually told it was not classy on my part to point out that bullies exist…and by mentioning the bullies name…(Karen Kahel)  that was not classy?????

This website is to find justice where none has been found.. that means telling the truth and the whole truth so help me god… ( as they say in court right? so that is exactly what i am doing.. i am telling the truth i am using names… and i am asking for the authorities.. ie police, lawyers and senators and congressmen to make sure that justice is sought for the wrongs and criminal acts that have been committed…..

is  wrong… harassing people and trespassing is wrong.. stealing is wrong and against the law…even impersonating someone on the phone (check the caller id act) is wrong.. this  illegal behavior is against the law….and laws were made for the protection of the society to keep order and to make sure that people aren’t harmed… not the other way around.. not to protect the bully.. or the people who break the laws… what are these people thinking???? me…( and this is just a moral and value call on my part.)…keeping vows like being faithful…. is one i would keep… if married.. taking  a vow that most married people keep….not to have sex with a strange man in the carlton lakes pool with while a babysitter is watching your three month old baby boy… )  I don’t know.. call me old fashioned… but  sleeping with someone other than your husband when you are married is wrong… but these people keep trying to convince me that  somehow karen kahel is allowed to harm lives. to harm my life…  and that it  is alright… the thing is.. it is not alright…. being bullied is not alright at any age… and peole should speak out about it..

My mother would have stood up for me… my mother would have   made sure that no one harmed any of her 3 daughters.. that we all had the very best life had to offer.. and that we were all  blessed… i mean she did that for my first  years of life… and beyond.. and i am eternally grateful and love her for it….               

Wednesday February 2nd 2011@6:33pm ( somthing wrong again today with my hard drive and my stored documents…)

So this morning before babysitting was harsh.. i had locked up my briefcase and additionally locked an additional combination lock around it…. so it wouldn’t walk off  while i was sleeping…. this morning I got up early… walked on the  treadmill…did laundry… got everything ready for babysitting.. showered.. watched morning Joe and alternately watched CNBC….. then after i showered i went to get my briefcase…

surprisingly,  the code that I had changed for the combination lock wasn’t working … I tried a bunch of different variations of the numbers I used in case i mixed up the numbers… but i had written down the combination before i went to bed…. and all the other combinations were working just fine….  but the combination  lock for the briefcase…..  it wasn’t  working… not at all… so i had to take out my laptop…. and my modem and all the chords.. and lug that to babysitting… stopping off to get another  combination  lock to lock up the bags in hopes that  nothing would happen to my things while i was sitting this time..

The guys I bought the lock from were really sweet….. i told them it was to protect my things… that i had my keys and briefcase tampered with the last time i went babysitting…. they actually thought it may have happened at the airport… guess i was supposed to have gotten the chance to go on a trip(?)… nope that wasn’t me..though it would  have been lovely if i had.. but no…… no vacations.. no trips no new friends to share memories.. none of that for me… but i did get bullied.. and had the worst experiences of my life to write about…and worked for free and had jobs stolen… and had to go without anything I ever wanted or planned to have in my life..  

They also said I was valuable or something  like that……..or something  really sweet almost sounded or seemed to me to sound like they said I was special… of course I had to correct them….. It  couldn’t possibly be me that was valuable… from the bulling to the harassing phone calls to the liars.. to the thieves.. to everything that ruined my life… for the last  7 years of hell I  have had to endure.. from the sheer loneliness.. of being isolated from every family and friend… genuine friend….  there is no way that someone who was manipulating my life and ruining it on purpose  thought that i was valuable in the least…. especially when it started in 2003… that disgusting gerard ahler… and his gross martucci family… and the bully karen kahel….. with what they were allowed to do to my life… there is no way that i was even in the slightest considered valuable…

if i had been valuable.. i would have had a terrific life.. diner parties.. and new clothes.. new cars.. new furniture.. dates.. and just friends.. real and genuine friends that i could have known and grown together  with tons of wonderful memories… and laughter.. and fun…. real honest to goodness fun….  where someone wasn’t trying to put you down.. or lower your lifestyle or degrade your self esteem…trying to make you shop at walmart or target when you actually had  a Neiman Marcus card of your own and a gold American Expreess when your were traveling internationally to and from boarding school when you were 14  years old….or  have you go through traumatic experiences that will forever change who you are…. and change how you view the world and view every  person you meet…..with the skepticism… knowing that most of the people  you meet had harmed you and lied to you and didn’t care one bit about  it….  
Anyway… back to the lock that wouldn’t open…. then when i got home… i got on the computer.. mostly to use the magic jack.. to alert everyone that that gross fat disgusting gerard was here…in naples… by my home…. that i saw his fat fingers his gross and disgusting face.. hiding behind a steering wheel.. his greesey and disgusting seriouses  ridden body… UGGGG UCK>>>>> Gross……the pig who ruined my life…… 

Again.. off track… and in tears…but when i went to  go online again the hard drive is messed up.. all the corrupted files are on my hard drive… but just yesterday  it was fine.. all my files.. in neat folders as they should be.. all my documents and emails in order and with their corresponding titles…now everything is all messed up again.. and if i know anything about computers… this just  doesn’t happen all by itself… i even asked the guy at staples… and no it doesn’t happen all by itself… 

I had my money  belt on all day… never took it off while babysitting.. so the only conclusion that i can come up with is that somehow… someone  must have actually tampered with my money belt.. and with my briefcase lock.(?) but how… when i was in the shower??? when i was sleeping???? it was in my closet….and if someone was in my closet long enough to tamper with my hard drive…. and my briefcase… what else did they do????and who the hell is it??????….who thinks my life if theirs for the taking??????… and how were they  in  my closet long enough to mess with my locks and change my day and my life…. again ….. my life is not for sale.. for you to harm…… for your amusement… I am valuable.. i am not a replacement part that you can use in place of someone… i have my own wants.. and dreams.. and desires.. i had my own goals.. and wishes.. and my own life to live…

the third thing that is wrong… the magic jack..( yes.. due to all  the bullies.. and all the manipulation and con artist on the phone… and it seems like the millionth phone services i have tried…. ( o.k that is exaggerating a bit…. but it has been a lot…. )  I have resorted to using a magic jack… no cell phone since December  20th…(virgin Mobil… and the other magic jack number….  which no one ever helped me to fix…).

   I tried calling my aunt and was hung up on three times…( or disconnected… or she couldn’t hear me….)  I tried calling Mr. Dee a man I met at church ….. the phone  hung up on me  before i could get in a message..about three times…  and when i tried  calling Naples bay resort.. I got hung up on three times as well….then a few times when i tried calling and got the people they couldn’t hear me…  so to me it seems that my phone line is not as it should be…or definitely  not as it was yesterday.. or when my life was  just  working normal… too many coincidences for everything  to just  be  a coincidence and be all wrong….really wrong…..  wrong….. or or my one mode of communication to not be able to get a hold of anyone on the phone……and then i have to wonder if the criminals  are tampering with the phone again.. who the hell am i really talking to???? 

I have one  idiot on the phone who is supposed to be family… who is sticking up for the ohio state whore…. who wants her to  have everything she ever wants???

Noone i ever knew who ever loved me was ever like that.. also they now have a thyroid problem???? on top of cancer??? on top of  a heart condition??? on top of what other lie am i supposed to believe…… and before that ….. they used to ask for money…. $32,000.00 dollars for teeth repair.

I also have someone on the phone threatening me that I will get in trouble for telling the world that karen kahel is a bully for telling  the world that
gerard on the phone threatened to kill my mother… and had me in tears and shaking and crying while I begged him not to hurt my family…. that he or whoever was on the phone  got off harming my life… why should i get in trouble for telling the truth… when these peole are allowed to lie and cheat and steal… allowed to harm my life and make  me go through years of hell because they are evil…..and have nothing done to them….. who the hell threatens me???? says that i will get in trouble for telling the truth….

Could  it possibly be the whore or her buddies on the other end of the phone???? who but her buddies would ever say such horrid things to a victim????…..the  con artist and scummm of the earth….but then there was a silver mercedes with an ohio  state plate on the front that pulled into the complex  today….when i was pulling into my area of the complex……. and mysteriously I have been invited out tomorrow evening… is it enough time to what??? lie.. or cheat or steal something from someone…see even any simple invitation…  makes me wonder about the motivation.. or wonder how my life will be affected…. after everything that has happened.. it just  may never be the same again… and i will never forgive them for that… for taking away my pure joy and excitement in  honestly believing the best in people….  
like today… i saw all the cars going into my complex when i was leaving.. getting ready for a nice luncheon…perhaps.. a wedding or an engagement..or some other function…. but these mean and vicious girls….. who separated me from  ever having any of those great moments in my life… ever… who put me through hell… instead of great memories… who changed who i am … who i will be forever.. i will never in my life ever forgive their manipulations.. or them… who do they think they are….GOD??????? I hope their lives will be destroyed…on purpose…. then lets see what happens…..i honestly learned to hate…. never knew how to hate before .. but i know how to now… your girls and boys should be really proud of your selves …

Instead of helping anyone to achieve their own goals… or dreams… their passions or their heartfelt  mission in life….. nope… you taught me to be afraid…. to not trust.. to hate… and you taught me what it was like to be bullied.. to be tormented… or be lonely… to go without anything I ever wanted… are you proud of yourselves???? i guess you must be…… you won… right karen kahel?.. Isn’t that what said as you jumped up and down at my guard gate and told me in sheer joy and glee…while i was shaking in tears…….  that once you made me cry… that you won …….you won????        
I miss mom and my father and my family and my genuine friends……. i miss laughing on the phone getting funny emails… sharing funny stories….. not constantly being lied to…….. being conned… being harmed and being the brunt of some evil girls joke….so what… she can make me look bad…. really classy girls…. wait….. so they can date and marry some really terrific boy?…steal a business? what is the real motivation?????  so they need to lie about where they have traveled.. or their education level… or what???? they will never be me… never know all my stories..or know all my experiences… 

I mean it was odd that i had people take   pictures of me while babysitting and while feeding their children the food they wanted them to eat… not what i would ever eat… not what i would want to eat… EVER…. but what the supposed parents asked me to feed them… they are not my children..

 Anyway… it legal to take such photos?  is that a form of invasion of privacy?  …. I mean the only reason they are doing it is to manipulate  an image… something i would  not normally do….or something that  makes me look a certain way…in order to what?… have someone view it and think they wouldn’t possibly like me…. say a person was to  feed a child a certain food that to me wasn’t very healthy… but  they have it on film… to it must be what i normally do right?? i mean if it is on film.. it must be the truth right?…no…

But they never seem to get me reading the Wallstreet journal.. or watching CNBC or MSNBC.. or even reading articles from some of my favorite magazines…like Harvard business review…. or Forbes…or Robb report…or Entrepreneur….. or even Conte Nast….

I have had horrible women walk by and say under their breath that i was dressed inappropriately… as if my brooks brothers conservative cream dress and tan cashmere sweater wasn’t good enough… but these woman lie.. and tell lies all for what purpose??? Is there some great bachelors who needs wives???? and if  so…. these women will tear apart everyone for a chance to date them???? what type of a wife and friends of the wife would that eventually make???Sheesh… sounds like a horrible combination… mean girls to the hilt….. who destroy everyone for their own selfish intentions… what values and morals will they provide for their children?  to lie and cheat and whore around to get what you want??????…. wow…. really classy women…  

….or what about all the fake emails… that discredit what i am trying to achieve.. like protecting my identity… or protecting  my finances.. or protecting my life and livelihood……        

but then the idiots who think it is funny to ruin my life.. to hand over my life my business, my hard drives,.. my house keys,… my personal life, and my professional life….   to who?????  the cleaning crew?.. or the gardener?.. or the garbage man?… or the mechanic… or just  anyone who needs to have me work for free…. who wanted to steal from  me?… who wanted to  oeo the construction idiot who ruined my life?… anyone who knew them form new york?????… that karen kahel.. or some other girl who spread her legs to screw these boys who had money could get anything they wanted???……and if they  get knocked up will allow them to do and have anything they want and hurt anyone they want ….

where is JUSTICE AGAIN??????

I am not playing… this is my real life.. and you are ruining it!!!STOP IT!!!!!!!! 


Wednesday February 2nd 2011@ 5:34p( that fat disgusting pig who threated to harm me and my mther is in my town i just saw him!),

I am totally freaking out right now… raced home after babysitting firm 11:30-3:30pm when I saw him and in teh middle of drivign freaked out!!!!!!! i saw his fat fingers… sitting on teh drivers stering wheel… i cnat he was crouched down… like he was nhiding… and i knew i a million years that it was gerard ahler the scum form brooklyn new york…. the fat construction owning scum….. then i thought of the people i was babysitting at teh caryle.. and when she sid her son was in construction… wht if i had been babysitting his daughter???? ehrn when i cam into my complex at teh strand… a silver mercedes ( samll and sporty one) was drivign in to mycomplex iwth an ohio state liscennse plate….

I am still crying right now.. i sont knwo what to do…. i am crying to the point of actually choling… teh huge sobs and tears youcant breath through… and i dont know what to do… for 7 years this scummand all hsi partners in crime have done dontihing but ruin my life… they have bullied me they have made me look bad.. made me the brunt of ther jokes.. had take the blame for things i never did… had me go through absolute hell… ove r and over.. and i dont knwowhat to do…  heisolated me form everyone i lvoved form everyoen who velived inn me who loved me and ruined my life… he ruined my kife.. and he is nto in jail… he is her ein naples… that disgusiting fat wothliess italian pig is here in naples…… HELP!!!!!!!!!

 jsut got teow calls without a caller id.. which usually has been teh bulies who make me cry….. but al ‘m already crying… i sont knwo who to call i tried callinng my old rooate scoot renshaw.. but since everyone io th phon  is not a firnd.. i have no idea… if i can even reach him or anyone…. HELP!!!!!!!!!!

How can one stupid girl  from phio state wh osopread her legs and ahd a bastard kid.. be come so powerdul and so horrible.. how cold one slimy adn wothless individual who claimed to be in ath emaia.. who wanted to fill my mom  and treated tha the would ruin my life.. how can ther ebe a god or honest polilce or anyoen   who can help…. when these horribel people are free thy belong i n jail or dead…. and yet they et away with everythong…. everythign!!!!!!! how is this possible!!!!!

if you read this blog.. ou will know the last time i emailed the police it was worthless… I used to beiev in the police being a hero… being there to fight crime and be the good guys… what happened?????? 

i ws supposed to meet my mom at the ritz… i called her home andthere is no answer… i called her cell and ther is no answer… what if she isnot o.k.? Why is that marco island discgusting italina pig in town…?????????????????????????????????

This is my real life he ruibned,,, ECEERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tuesday January 25th 2011@3:26pm( swiping drivers liscense at guard gates)

so last evening i went to  babysit and the guard at the guard swiped my drivers liscense… after having my credit cards and drivers liscense stolen in 2005… i was really wary of this procedure… i emailed the police to see what type of information  anyone could gain  from a swipe of my drivers liscnese and if this was a commaon procedure that will not compromise my idenity…. does anyone know if this could lead to any problems or am i being overly worried?… i have no problem someone seeing mydrivers lisence and knowing that i am who i say i am but the swiping  of my drivers liscense.. is it just like  swiping of a credit  card?…  i did a google search of how mush infomtion can be swtored on the magnitic strip of a drivers liscense card… but am a bit worried… if anyone has any answers as to if i should be worried or not be worried please  let me know.. thank you… below is the email i sent to the company that advertisd a swiping system for guards at guardgates.. i don’ t know if this system was the one used or not   … i jsut don’t want someone taking myinformation and somehow wiht the computer hackng tha tseems to be available… creating an id for a false person… then i will be in real trouble trying to get the criminals to stop their behavior…. there were a lot of police cars in the complex where i was babsitting so hopefully eveything will be fine…

email sent to on today (january 25th 2011) 
” I just went babysitting at a complex in naples florida that was using a swipe system to verify my idenity.  i had credit cards adn drivers lscense stolen in 2005.  is ther any way for myinformation to be compromised now that they have already swiped my drivers liscense? i will also email this to the local polce but i thought you might have a great answer. thnks you for your kind attention in this matter, sincerely mary jean ziska  ”

email sent to police:   and/or   ( couldn’t read the small print very well.. so sent it to both addresses…

To whom it may concern:   January 25th 2011 @3:53pm


 I have a quick question.  I just went babysitting at a complex in Naples Florida ( Briarwood ) that was using a swipe system to verify my identity.  I have  had credit cards and drivers license stolen in 2005. and am a bit worried about  the safety of my identity.   Is there any way for my information to be compromised now that they have already swiped my drivers license? I have already emailed this same question to a company that has an on line swiping services called “on guard.” so see if they also have any answers. and i went on line and googled the information contained in the magnetic strip for my drivers license… can this information be duplicated for a fake id? or harm me in any way?


I am assuming that it is legal for police to do this but is it legal for others( non government officers) to request swiping a drivers license? What does the law in Florida state concerning this matter?  I have no problem  showing my drivers license to prove my identity but  i rarely if ever have been asked to have my card swiped by a guard at a guard gate.  I thought you might have a great answer.  If there is anything i need to do to protect myself please let me know.   Thanks you for your kind attention in this matter,


Mary Jean Ziska  


 Please email a response to:



Personal information, including highly restricted personal information as defined in 18 U.S.C. s. 2725, contained in a motor vehicle record is confidential pursuant to the federal Driver’s privacy protection act of 1994, 18 U.S.C. ss. 2721 et seq. Such information may be released only as authorized by that act; however, information received pursuant to that act may not be used for mass commercial solicitation of clients for litigation against motor vehicle dealers.


Emergency contact information contained in a motor vehicle record is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

*the guard at the guard gate (name): william
*the guard at the guard gate ( description): african american male age aprox 30years old/ aprox. 5 foot 10 inches/ wearing a white shirt with dark pants- uniform dress attire  
*the policy told to me by the guard at the guard gate about storage of the      informarion from a swiped drivers liscense is: 

Here are the emails to the sheriffs office her in naples florida concerning swiping of a drivers license information as use for personal identification:

Dear Ms. Gonzalez,                             Tuesday February 1st 2011 @5:42pm  


As per my question I was more concerned with the laws designated for the protection of a person personal idenity and a person’s drivers liscense information when an individials drivers liscnese is swiped by a private individual at a guard gate.  


I am sure as an officer of the law you are aware of various florida statutes and lasws protecting an individual and the privacy and laws governing both the state of Florida and the United States of America that protect an individual from the attempts of conartis and others who may use illegal means to gain personal informtion that  could harm your identity. 


I am a bit shocked that you did not answer my question but instead reprmaned me on my decision to babysit for my company in a gated community. As aGrown woman and the assistant director of a business i am well aware of the options i have for the sitting jobs that i chosse to take and the locations i choose to babysit. 


I have placed informtion I learned from the internet concerning the florida statutes that will govern the protection of privacy for an individial.  perhaps you may want to  educated yourself aon this matter incase th istuation arises agian concerning the swiping of an individuals drivers liscense and the privancy and protection of a person’s idenity.


My website is and the blog enty where i mentioned this incident is: tuesday January 25th 2011.  I will add this email along the first  emails i sent to the police departmant concerning this matter to further educate the public on the prevention of crime and the eventual stop of any type of criminal behavior  that has harmed my life.  I ‘m sure you can understand an individuals interest of prtecting my idenity.. and my drivers liscense information. 


ps.  By the way what a beautiful font you used in your reply email… i have never seen such a decorative font/script used for a reply from any public servant’s /political officials office.  


Thank you for your kind attention in this matter,


Mary jean ziska  


Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director

From: Rebecca Gonzalez – 0980 <>
To: mary jean ziska <>;;
Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 9:27:11 AM
Subject: RE: question concerning the swiping of a drivers liscense at a guard gate last evening

Ms. Ziska,


Several businesses are now capturing information via Driver’s License swipes.  In this age of advanced technology, many are utilizing this method for their protection as a crime prevention approach. The position is if someone is there for illegitimate purposes, they will likely not wish to provide their information for fear of getting caught. Basically, if you want to do business, or be allowed access to private gated communities you are requested to provide this information. Yes, it is legitimate. No, you don’t have to provide your information – however, understand they in turn do not have to do business with you if you don’t. Without legitimizing your purpose for being there you will likely not be permitted access or be provided services at these establishments. If you are uncomfortable with this practice, your choice is not to participate at all.  If your credit is compromised or identity stolen, please report details of all points of sale, or access areas you provided your Driver’s License information to the Sheriff’s Office immediately. If there is anything else we can do, please let us know.   




     Sgt. Rebecca Gonzalez

 Community Outreach Division

    Crime Prevention Unit


From: mary jean ziska []
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:54 PM
Subject: question concerning the swiping of a drivers liscense at a guard gate last evening


To whom it may concern:   January 25th 2011 @3:53pm


 I have a quick question.  I just went babysitting at a complex in Naples Florida ( Briarwood ) that was using a swipe system to verify my identity.  I have  had credit cards and drivers license stolen in 2005. and am a bit worried about  the safety of my identity.   Is there any way for my information to be compromised now that they have already swiped my drivers license? I have already emailed this same question to a company that has an on line swiping services called “on guard.” so see if they also have any answers. and i went on line and googled the information contained in the magnetic strip for my drivers license… can this information be duplicated for a fake id? or harm me in any way?


I am assuming that it is legal for police to do this but is it legal for others( non government officers) to request swiping a drivers license? What does the law in Florida state concerning this matter?  I have no problem  showing my drivers license to prove my identity but  i rarely if ever have been asked to have my card swiped by a guard at a guard gate.  I thought you might have a great answer.  If there is anything i need to do to protect myself please let me know.   Thanks you for your kind attention in this matter,


Mary Jean Ziska  


 Please email a response to:


A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director


A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-287-2294

Fri. January 21st 2011 @2:18pm ( concerning bullies on the phone yesterday… thursday january 20th 2011- evening)

So actually yesterday was a fine day… i went to saks 5th avenue to see if i could order or find another sweater like the jones of new york sweater i wore to my sisters wedding…. someone must have “mysteriously” washed it in a washer.. and even dried it… it shrunk up about 2 feet… and now is more of a balarrow(sp?)…
(one of those cropped sweaters with  a 3 quarter length sleeve…  

of course i’ve been told on the phone by the same girls and liars… (and criminals…. property damage… breaking and  entering..all against the law….need i remind them…..)   that  somehow i must have damaged my own clothing?… HA!  its amazing that my entire time in college.. in school in france and even  here in naples unitl i met that criminal and his co- whores….  i never had any damage to any of my clothing…or personal property….. but those  same liars… ( mean girls) will continually try to bully their way into  not taking any responsibility for the damages.. ( actuall physical porperty… or emotoional harm or even  for the bulling as well…. …)  their accusations of me damaging my own clothing all lies to conceal their malicious michief… ther criminal acts … and to try to get from paying damages… in this case where a  replacement sweater is no longer available…  the damages are ….irreplaceable…   ie this sweater… the suede pants.. shoes… even the chanel  cosmetics they  have stolen… all criminal acts done with clear intention … with damages that can be calculated… and done with deliberate malace… 

the sweater …. like the suede pants (that were sliced)… and  the shoes… and all sorts of items… that these slimy little girls ruin…
the realization that once again these slimy girls took something from me that cannot be replaced….the feeling of loss… or violation.. of one’s possession.. and even of a personal items that were worn for special events… it startes that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach … knowing some girls who lie for her own pleasure.. for their  own gratification and for getting whatever they  wants…. at any cost… and just like karne kahel ( and her co- whores….) who got away with bulling… these girls have not yet seen the arm of the law come down and punish them …
(which they should be punished)…. I can’t keep buying items to replace my possessions from  some thief… or replace items damaged by these reckless and useless human beings…. 

 sorry. to get off tract…. but i need to get these thoughts of these  horrid girls and boys off my chest… here goes…. 
they have no morals… so of course they will take no responsibility. and i’m left to clean up the mess they make in my life… Gosh i really hope somone would find them and put them in jail… I really don’t care if they are adults… children… or even if they have children…  that is still no excuse…. something has to be done to get them to behave.. and to take responsibility for their destructive nature…or it will only get worse… these children/people who are not taught right from wrong… or who do not have the capacity of having morals.. or values… or who have a lack of compassion and a lack of   responsibilty for their actions… seriously what is to become of them when they are adults?  what is to become of society when they are ruining everything… i mean running everthing ….. HA!


So for most of the day however  the day was fine… i was hoping to use the gift card at saks to replace the face cream that was stolen from  my purse… the face cream was  a present i received on my birthday…. my actual….  real birthday…. but  I couldn’t use the card… it was from items I  returned from christmas… so i guess i will have to try to sell the card since i dont want to shop  at saks off 5th when we have a real saks 5th ave store right here in naples…. 

Have i mentioned that my life has been pretty peaceful during the holidays and new year.?.. without a phone?… the magic jack number( 561-594-5924) needed to be renewed…
(december 24th so havent used that number since then … and the virgin mobil number (39-287-2294)needed to be renewed December 20th… so haven’t used that number since december 20th…. )    but since i had so many criminals and con artists trying to damage my life any time i was using either  phone i jsut stopped using it… and then of course  all the messed up problems with the virgin mobil phone… i let that phone and phone number run out as well… i figured why would  i pay money for  someone to bully me?…. to steal from me? or to steal my messages?..

Especially  when  no one was fixing anything!!!!! not the police.. not the phone  companies no one… well except the congressmen who were making  the caller id act into law…

but still no one….. not on a real personal level was standing  up and saying what exactly was wrong.. how  to fix it . and how to stop the criminals…. how to catch the criminals… and how to make sure thy are in jail so theey will never be able to do anything like this again…..  
so it was easier to not have a phone…   i have email… but suprising… the bullies seem not to want to put anything in writing anymore… HUMMMMMMM…..

…. so it was a nice day… somehting about mary ( the movie that was the inspiration for my email address… was on tv…. i had wanted to talk to my mom about my friend scott’s visit.. and about contacting some old friends… so i thought it would be nice to speak with my mom… but   when i decided to plug in my new magic jack and call my mother  at 239-598-1515… no one was there…. so left a message…  seemed simple and normal enough…

boy was i wrong……
i did get back a few phone calls from a cell phone with a caller id of 239-821-5515…. one to tell me of a babysitting job… and then  needless to say i had to deal with bullies again… and the evening was spent in tears…

lets see… one time when i called… one person was threatening to take away my home….

anothe phone call….of course one girl who liked to make up lies telling me something  was wrong with me… and of also telling me if i came over to my mother’s house she was calling the police and  have me arested and have me put in david lawrence…
(baker acted)????? 

(of course my mother would  never say such evil  and vile things… and of course there would be no cause for any actions like  that at all… these ARE THE THREATS AND THE BULLING TAUNTS …AND HARASSMENT  I HAVE HAD TO ENDURE …. SINCE KAREN KAHEL USED TO TRESSPASS INTO MY COMPLEX…. IN 2005….  that makes 7 years not counting the three years prior where gerard threated to harm my family and to kill my mother….  

deninately not my mom….  

another time a girl who was typing.. bullied me then let  go  of the phone( similar  to the one person who used to have a cell phone caller id of gregory marion….remember  me mentioneing her before?)  and continued to type….  and type… i assume she may even be the  same person in 2007-2008 that sent all those mean and vile emails …the same time period when i was working without  out a pay check to help my mother’s business to succeed…..  or who knows maybe even the same person who sent me the annomous mean cards that were also mean and vicious… but those  had
a cleveland post mark… no retun address.. and of course the coward didn’t put her name to her vile comments… so vivious… so cruel… and such harrassment and so damaging….

the same bully remarks… one girl even went as far to say as when or if i get to talk to any old friends  that they will never talk to me again after a few times talking to me…. maybe the same bullies from  the la playa… or somewhere else …. 

the only time they stopped was when i started telling them that they must get really excited to ham a girl.. i asked them if they also harmed small children or have they started harming animals… ( sign of a real psycho…. ) adn when this argument continued… eh only time they stopped was when i tld them that i aced my psychology  course in college.. and did they finish college?…. then they stopped and hung up… leaving me totally  exausted…  with a horse voice… and puffy eyes that actully burned…. i
if these are actual adults… how woudl they feel if ther children wer to go through such torture… or if they are children… how woudl they feel if someone meaner or bigger did the same thing to them????? 

guess i jsut wont use a phone for a while ….  i hate these faceless and mindless bullies…  i cant wait until someon takes away everything they ever loved or cared about… ( and one day everone will be old an perhaps that will happen to them… sooner… but one day ther has to be justice so they will never do any of this to another person or another family….)   

I wish i could find them and faced them face to face… ( with a police officer reader to arrest them on my side HA!) pretty easy to cyber bully or to made damaging  comments on the phone….  but wati til the tables turn… i believe that there is a just God… and am hoping and praying for a just legal system… and one day… all the truth will come out and on that day… i hope they will be punished and never be allowed to harm another person again…  lets hope… JUSTICE will be served…. and soon… 

one more note i wnated to mention…. I dont know if these little girls were so nasty because i had told what i thought was my mother about kissing someone…. or if they were so nasty because knew i had been watching  wallstreet II and had had wonderful conversations witha freind aobut   stocks and diversified portfolios… or even if they were so nasty because they are jsut that way…or because they were jelious because i really had a great life… my sisters in palm beach florida are really great… my mom really did take us on tons of trips and i got to have a great life…. travel… nice places nice possessions… and great friends  and people to be surrounded with…  maybe these girls knew that by makign me look bad  they could get rid of these great new freinds in my life…. ones i coudl actually talk to about the wallstreet journal.. or about grat places to travel or eat.. or even nice people to know….. maybe these mean people like to isolate people …. ( i mean of course it is sick adn twisted but maybe they are…. sick adn twisted…. and mean….)
no real freind would stop you from succeeding.. from having nice great freinds… from being happy…..  that is not a friend … that is an enemy…and this case a criminal as well….

I actually had someone tell me that… they woudl make sure to have people know my name… now i’m worried.. in what context????? is it harsh/false and hurful  rumors…. or in a positive light…. and why shoul i have to think about this at all?…..

what has happened to my life due to a bunch of horrible peope is absolutely unforgivable… and i ( in the words of the social network …. ) I want  to sue for damages… LOTS OF DAMAGES>>>>>>>>>>>>  
but i also wanted to mention that at different times…during the phone calls…  there were different answering  voice messages…on telephone number 239-598-1515….. one has one business( a tender loving care service )  that is for my mom and the other has all 4 business that she owned…( atlcprep/ a tender loving care service and real estate… and something else…)  so can someone figure out who adn who they manipulate the phone service.. isnt that a federal crime?  and why cant someone stop them….

also one time when it was a call from the cell number 239-821-5515… the person mentioned that she could not call 239-598-1515…. that is exactly what had been happening when i was calling my mom on my virgin mobil telephone number ( 239-287-2294)…. wonder if they stole  that phone  from my purse as welll?…..or exchanged it when their service  ran out?

honestly… it is too messed up…. i dont now how anyoen can fix it…. i keep trying but it is just  a mess and a mess by a bunch of people who are really horrid…. and manipulative and phoney and fake and criminal…..   

one more point i want to relate to you before i forget…. one of the girls said she could do anything to my blog or to my website…. but when i told her she couldn’t and that since i bought the webiste… and the blog goes with  the website… that it is my personal property…. and tampering with it would be a crime…. it was almost like telling this little girl ,(faith- who i baysat for)  and who stole money from her sister olivia.. that the video camera would show if she had stolen  money… and  guess what….then  and only then did she own up to having  stolen from her sister….because she  thoguht she was going  be caught… 

maybe these girls dont want me to have mysier in palm beach… or mygreat family or my great freinds.. i mena if they have been stelign form me since 2003… including idenity theft… why would they want to stop now… right?    


Fri. January 21st ( joel osteen dvd’s that never got to me)

 so in november i ordered a free with any donation dvd set called GRACE…. it was confirmed but i never received them….. and still have never received them….  i cant tell if this is a case of mail theft…  or of the phone fraud… or what/who  is responsible…. but the last time i tried  contacting someone on my phone to try to find out about  the “where  abouts” of the  order… the posts from my email address were canacelled….   sheesh…. 

i saw on the website:
joel steen will be in Corpus Christi tx on feb. 25th 2011 and Nashville  Tn on march 18th 2011

maybe since i know some friends in Texas… maybe they can go to one of his meeting then talk to someone in person…. HA! just kidding.. i’m sure it will be returned or everthing will be put right….  right?  

I know that dvd’s do come to myaddress… because i already have received:
Miracles Happen ( anythig is possible when you believe)
God wants to amaze you
Imagine ( life the way you want it to be)
Double for your trouble( God’s reward for staying in faith)
all of the above dvd’s reached my address without any complications and without a delay of 3 months…

Tuesday January 18th 2011@3:35pm ( wsj article/ video concerning i pad hacking)

I do not have an ipad… or an i phone ( though  I woudl have loved to have one… ) but there was an interestign article in today’s wsj( on line of course) wiht a video link… so i will try to eiter embed teh link or lin it somehow… to this blog… and hopefully you can see…

What is interestign is the charges for hacking…. if convicted the charges will be manimun penality of 5 years in prision adn afine of 250 thousand dollars…

“criminal charges in connection with an alleged hack of AT&T’s serves and thnet of email addresses adn personal information of approx. 120,000 apple Ipad users who accessed the internt via AT&T’s 3 G network.”.. clink on the hyperlinked text below to see video:

video link for article concerning hacking into Ipad

Does anyone think that the penalities for such an injustice… are a bit low? I do… maybe the congressmen who were able to work on the  phone act… can also do a bit for this crime… but at least it is a crime and criminal charges can be brought against these criminals…  so maybe if the stricktest penalities are enforced… less damage for the public… let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope and pray…. 

January 11th 2011 @11:43pm ( additonal crimes-money stolen from me from babysiting jobs –crime purpertrated repeately )

So  I wanted to mention additional crimes and  criminal activity.  These crimes were perpetrated against me and my mother’s business. 

I realized one con that people have repeatedly done and hurt my life  is by stealing or siefening  off money designated to me from well meaning family and friends.  These con artist have taken items /possessions  for their own personal uses….    its almost been as similar as stealing/pickpocketing…  when they perpetrated these crimes…i dint even realized how much they had stolen…. they might fish for the information… like the woman who was supposed to be on the Saks Fifth avenue all center at 11pm???? and surprisingly  sounded just like the con artist on the phone who lied to me about my electric bill and this time when i asked if a gift card could be used at the real store… didn’t know the answer and  wanted to get the number to the gift card… which luckily i did not give to her..

anyway… the point is they will steal any amount of money gift card or gift…

 if you remember the blog entry where i was told i was getting a pair of cashmere pajamas and ended up with a picture frame. and one time i was being given a gift of pillows.. they were supposed to be brand new pillows… but instead they were not packaged…

 and i believe the girls who have tried pretty successfully stealing my identity.. using my home for their encounters with boys who actually think these criminals live in my home…. and probably bless them  with all kinds of gifts, items for their home… (my home actually) and probably why when i go babysitting i come home to a broken house… after they have destroyed anything they want and assume i will work and be responsible and repair all the damage these horrible people do to lives to homes to relationships and to lives….. my life in particular….. and as i have mentioned so many times i have been through more unnecessary hurt and pain because of these horrible whores/criminals and identity thieves…. 

so from lying and pilfering  about items and monies that were suppose to be designated to me…. or gifts for my benefit….  like i mentioned even this Christmas for some reason i was told the sweaters were worth $340.00 but were actually only worth $99.00. silly to  actually lie about it unless $340.00 were supposed to be spent and someone  else got the remainder of the money…. ????? right????

another way the people on the phone would steal babysitting money from  me would be to day that a deposit was taken on a credit card …. and then a few times these obnoxious criminals wouldn’t even give me the money owed me… ( I got full pay for the babysitting i did since  that is the money i was living off and since i was Marion Gregory’s (Ziska’s )  real daughter and that had been happening since  i ever babysat for my mother starting  in 1996….   anyway one example was babysitting for the Sierberts at the Hyatt.. the amount  that was deducted from  my pay for the sting job on Fri October 1st 2010 was $79.20. that to me is stealing! when the person on the phone manipulates and lies… ( see the penalties from the  phone act see the congressman blog)  to fraudulently  steal  monies  for themselves…

 criminal actions  of fraud and theft…..