Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Tuesday February 15th 2011 @11:16pm(email posted to fbi website)

To whom it may concern:                 February 15th 2011

Since 2003, I have been dealing with the aftermath of a man who said his name was Gerard Ahler.  He claimed to be a member of the mafia, and threatened to kill my mother and ruin my life. Since then i have been put through hell.I have dealt with a girl Karen Kahel who has bulled and harassed me and numerous others who have basically destroyed my life.  I created a website and blog to try to document the laws broken, the crimes committed and to try to accurately document any of the assistance I have received in resolving any of the numerous crimes. To date, I am still dealing with nothing being resolved.   Please refer to the website and blog I created to document the worst years of my life. The website is: and please contact me as to what I should do to rectify any of the situations.  I have a few email address to contact me:,,,  
Thank you for your kind attention to this email,
Mary Jean Ziska               

Tuesday February 15th 2011 @11:18pm( fbi website)

While on the internet this evening I found the official FBI website.  I once had someone tell me the FBI had an office here in Naples but when looking on the website  they do not have an office. One more lie… to just make me look stupid?.. or test and see how gullible I would be to following directions?… who knows.. whatever the reason… its just   one more lie/ one more con… anyway…

  It would be great to have actual real FBI people who were law abiding persons… with all the resources they have….. to be able to stop all the theft, the bulling..and con-artists…. to  be able to catch any and all the criminals.. and definitely  give me the evidence so I can prosecute for the damages they have inflicted in  my life for the past 7 years! 

 Wow, that would be a dream come true… to have all the horrid people put in jail!…..I found the website googling:   the loss of revenue from retail theft….. and there was an article with information from Frank Abagnale ( Abagnale and Associates) … remember the movie?… “Catch me if you Can” I actually gave the movie to my old roommate Scott Renshaw… I loved that movie… anyway… 

 Here is the website for anyone looking to ever contact the FBI:

Tuesday February 15th 2011@1:15pm ( third invoice for a cosmopolitan magazine i never ordered and have been cancelling!)

so while opening up my mail this afternoon i received yet another invoice from the Hearst Corporation… for a cosmopolitan magazine that I did not order… ever… and thought i already canceled!  so let’s try to cancel this all over again….

I’ll get back onto the website and blog when I have once again completed this…. and see what happens… 
the order is for cosmopolitan dispatch date of 02/03/11 account # 00 8415 6603  third invoice advisory no.  payment is supposed to be due on 03/05/11 and notification officer is G.L. VAlk the Herst corporation is located :

The Hearst Corporation 
Box 6093
Harlan, Iowa 51593 

Here it is:…. so once again I have canceled the subscription to cosmopolitan magazine @ 2:53pm canceled on line!  
no confirmation number for the cancellation but the note along with the cancellation is:
” your subscription will be canceled within the next few days.  You will no longer receive Cosmopolitan magazine however your request may have occurred after the upcoming issue was sent. If this is the case you will not receive anymore issues after the current issue. ” 
I changed the address and it said”  following magazines will be affected by your change of address:
O- the Oprah Magazine ( which i also never myself ordered but did receive for a while years ago as a gift but do not have a subscription now! 
Cosmopolitan ( which i never ordered and should not be receiving)

Tuesday February 15th 2011 @11:52am( note on gerard ahler or mr gerard i jsut remembered)

Even though this was the  worst valentines day…. I  would have to say  the next worst  valentines day i spent with Mr Gerard… or was it really Gerard Aahler…or some other name he his alias…. UCK….. such a
con-artist and scummmm anyway.. I did remember  recently after “his
girls” quizzed me when I got that facial.. and was stupid enough to give
over the keys of my SUV.. and  take off my diamond earrings.. and
diamond cross necklace… that he checked into the Marco Beach Ocean Resort
under the name of Mr. Gerard…. of course i had no idea that meeting
him would ruin my life but I guess I should have guessed something was
seriously wrong when my SUV had a sliced tire on February 15th  (after he had my SUV most of the day before)….  God I hate criminals.. and I hate slime…. who knows
where  my SUV went while it was supposed to be getting detailed…  wait I’d better put this in the website as well…

Oh and get this…maybe there is no connection but the name…. and the
same personality.. and the entire experience…. just too familiar….
maybe it is just  really coincidental… but I had to babysit at the La Playa for a “Mr. Gerard”..starting late in the evening….He had come over
for the night from Fort Lauderdale… with children.. no diapers.. no milk…  no pajamas… I went to the room and the kids were
there… he said his wife was in Chicago and not to call her if there 
was and emergency… and he proceeded to leave me and go to Trulucks to
meet his”friend” luckily I had a ton of supplies in the car…..  not
that it is the same person but how many  last names of Gerard could
there be? At least my lawyer should know about it… what if the Gerard Aahler had stolen the Mr. Gerards info…. or visa- versa…. I can’t
believe I had blocked out  all this…

Anyway… speaking of Gloria.. ( her new website: ) and then thinking of  horrible valentines days….


I want to preface this blog entry with the events: this day started out great… made the cookies and was really excited to bring over a present and cookies to my mom… when i sent her the email inviting her over for dinner that is when i received the first mean email.. then after i received the email i called… so that was the first bully call to 239-598-1515 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              239-598-1515      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. then one more mean email and one two  more mean calls…. so that is when i decided to put this ll in the blog… and emailed Scott Renshaw and called him then also called Cotton Fletcher, Gloria’s husband….. 

I looked back on the emails and i received a really nice email as a valentines day card… and when I last called 239-598-1515 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              239-598-1515      end_of_the_skype_highlighting I spoke with an elderly woman who actually said god bless and  was nice… so whoever  is the bully… ( and i pray that tonight or soon she is face to face with god and his judgment and punishment.. or in jail… whichever happens tonight I don’t care….) but who ever is the bully she or he is not on the phone line all the time… so I’m wondering if the phone card they mentioned in the CSPAN discussion of “the phone act”.…  is it attached to a cell phone that is casually passed around from bully to bully? So these individuals think that bulling someone  is a game or is fun?   They take no responsibility for causing emotional distress.. or for being deviant in nature… and they actually get pleasure from making a girl cry… is this a pass time fo a bunch of ill manned disgusting slime? I wonder if they rape victims in group settings as well.. or do they bully and harass.. manipulate and destroy families and relationships after they lie cheat and steal from others…? I cant wait for them to be in jail! and for their entire life savings be used to pay for the  damages they have caused!  I can’t even think of another worse valentines day in my life!    
call log:  2/14/11:  3:51pm nice email from
call log : 2/14/11:  4:25pm i sent nice email inviting my mother for dinner 
call log: 2/14/11:   don’t have the exact time… i deleted the mean emails… but i received two of them ( i should have kept them.. it just  always upsets me so much and i end up crying…. then my first response is to get rid of the people or the bulling… somehow…and i know its evidence and i should save it for the police)  
call log: 2/14/11:   6:27pm sent email to Scott and Gloria 
call log: 2/14/11:   11:27pm sent email to Gloria Fletchers  law firm ( new email address associated with new website: ( )
I want them in jail soon! I am not going through another year of these bully selfish girls and boys they are criminals and deserve to be in jail! tonight!   

Hi Gloria,                                                                         February 14th 2011

I just called and spoke with cotton, he said you were in Tallahassee and coming home from a case late… so Happy Valentines Day….. thank you sooo much for the  lovely valentines day card. You always remember me.. you have always been so very kind and sweet to me… and as far as perfect mother’s go.. you have always protected and loved me.. and I wanted to thank you for that….
I have been pretty much staying at home… and haven’t been using my magic jack ( an Internet phone connection) which has been very lonely but I haven’t had to deal with many bullies…but last week my aunt came into town and the situation with the phone started all over again… some pretty nasty evil  little girls were trying to say horrid things about my family.. each and every member of my family when I was just  trying to make arrangements to  go to the Ritz for dinner.. or go to see a movie… it was as if every plan was changed or ruined on purpose… can read about it on my website blogs:  needless to say I missed out on dinner at the Ritz. I missed out on seeing the “kings speech” as a movie… and  now I ‘ve missed out on even seeing or giving my mom valentines day cookies for valentines day!
Here are the emails I sent to my mom… the last time I did go by her home was the day we were supposed to go and see the movie… and after a “mean girl” ( who was supposed to be my mother…. )  was on the phone trying to belittle my entire family… saying horrid things about my family….  even something  was wrong with Maura.. can you believe it?… Maura is amazing.. Mattie is amazing… and for real….my mom loves me and is amazing!
 < /div>

 I want these girls and boys who think they can harm lives and families..I want them in jail… I want them to pay for the damages for ruining lives..  I don’t understand who the hell thinks any of this is o.k.? anyway once again I am alone for a holiday and cried my eyes out… rotten.. these girls and boys are rotten and I know in my heart I will never forgive them… and that is why I started    
Supposedly none of my other two cell phone are supposed to be working… however i did receive an email from Virgin Mobil about topping up my service…. (?) both of the phones are still in my name… but who knows what these criminals have done to all of it….but and this new  magic jack is probably just as messed up… or do you think it is just the numbers I am trying to call that are all messed up? I mean the people on the phone may be using the card that cliff sterns mentioned in “the phone act” on CSPAN? Here is my number… or what is supposed to be:  561- 283-7505 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              561- 283-7505      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.  Is there a way to tell if or when the spoofing or the caller has been altered using that card?  If you read in my website/blog  I actually saw cliff sterns  on CSPAN discussing  the detriments of caller  and caller id altering. If I come to Gainsville will it be possible to have a meeting with him and tell him about these bullies? I don’t want anyone else to have to go through all that I have been through. If you know of any way I can tell if the phone or phone line has been altered by using the spoofing card they mentioned please let me know. I desperately don’t want  any more of my life ruined….this has been too much….
Here are the emails I sent today:
Dear Gloria and Scott,                                                    February 14th 2011
I just wanted to send you a copy of the email I just  sent to… What this is happening all over again? If you keep up with  my blog  you will see that someone started playing with the phones again when my aunt Fran was supposed to be in town.  I missed having dinner with her at the Ritz.. she waited there.. then a mix up for going to see a movie… I think it may be the same girls from la Playa who are interested in getting all the babysitting jobs for the spring? who knows?.. They are evil and vile girls and boys and they really need to be stopped…I am so over being someones punching bag and the brunt of all the lies… so far they have practically ruined all my holidays..this year… and since my birthday last year…  and are trying to make my family into some messed up family with all these issues and problems.. then also ruining reputations.. and business.. it’s very criminal and  I want it stopped. enough is enough!   I thought just staying at home and not going out they wouldn’t be able to hurt me… but here i am crying on Valentines day… all alone because some little girl wants to  to be mean…. I know I have suffered enough I want to catch them and take them to court! I hope you are having a much better valentines day..luv mary  jean ziska
here are the emails i sent today:      
To whom it may concern:                                     February 14th 2011
Gosh i just got the meanest and most vile email from such a rotten and mean person…  Gosh whoever wrote the email… you are rotten….  whoever sent the last email… . you are definitely not my friend nor my mother…. Wow.. my mother would never send such a horrid email.. especially since she loved valentines day and loved sharing it with me… Where do you get off  lying? do you cheat and steal as well? which is it?.. or just ruining holidays?… Is it that your thing? Is it one of the girls from la playa again? The one who was or wants to screw whatever fake “Scott”  or “Jonathan” or whomever is in town?….The mean little short David or Christoper who steals business?  Is it  the furniture you are stealing? or the business? or just the connections that you need to steal?   whatever….  Do you/bully for valentines day do you  like to make girls cry on holidays?… or does it make you/bully or valentines day…  feel big and powerful to hurt someone?…especially a girl…. a 5 foot 4 inch girl who weighs 125 lbs… Huh? does it make you feel so big and powerful to hu
rt someone and make them cry?  
Are you proud that you are just as rotten as Karen kahel and as rotten as Gerard ahler…or as rotten as that little  dark haired girl ( 7 year old) who even stole money from her sister?….I mean are you this evil by nature?.. or is it a learned skill.?.. like all the other criminal skills you must have mastered this far in life.
 I’m assuming that you(the evil and demented bully who sent the mean emails) like to spread rumors and lies.. that you have never heard of defamation of character or that you can don’t understand and will be liable for all the damage you do with your vicious emails… your bulling and your lies.
I understand you are not a very nice person or one who this reply email will even effect. but one day justice  will prevail and one day you will not get a way with hurting anyone else.
I know that since my mother doesn’t have a lock on her security for her emails which gives plenty of people access to using her Internet connection.. so i know this last email was not from  my mother and I hope and pray that you are never a real mother in real life. Today whoever sent the mean email failed as my mother, as a human being and definitely as anyone I would ever want to associate with ever in my life… are a horrible person and as i mentioned.. you failed as being anything close to being my mother or any-ones normal mother as I’m sure you would surely fail as being a nice and normal mother in a real family.
I am not some stupid actor..or con artist.. or someone playing games with lives… this is my real life.. these are my real relationships you are destroying…. 
Yes I was upset the last time i went to my mother’s  house to make sure my mother was  o.k. I needed to stop any of the scummy people who were playing games with the phones( ie. spoofing and some type of card which switches your voice-…see blog entry on phone act )  which is also illegal……
Whoever thinks this is funny it is not!.. is its damaging and I am going to write about this in my blog ……  I  will still bring by the cookies for my mother… as she would love them and the card and she loves the real and genuine  mary  jean ziska.. that is me… 
My mother was and is wonderful. she Loves me and is proud of me … she knows nothing is wrong with me to warrant any such medications you are talking about… she would never make me cry on valentines day with such a mean and vile email. The visit before when I brought  over  a scone and croissant from the Ritz.. then before that I even  spent time with my mom and Ron.. watching movies.its complicated… which is a movie i brought over…. and we got to discuss stocks… and travel and writing a book….
 You must have me mixed up with someone else.. and i am tired of the con artist games…. and criminals and bulling tactics….  This is 7-8 years of my real and wonderful life that have been ruined … May God know  exactly who is responsible for the emails… .. and may the people responsible have to deal with God’s punishment for your indiscretions.  
 Is Don Kensig and his little actors/con artists still in town? Or is it the handyman’s weird and freakish x girlfriend involved? It is someone who is bent on getting babysitting jobs for the spring break? Whoever it is … a horrible and pathetic parasite…a bug who has to feed off other people’s lives…. seems to be a fitting description!    
Luv mary jean ziska
A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              239-598-1515      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director

This is the first email I sent to my friends  and family

Sent on February 14th 2011 @ 

To Friends and Family,                             &n
bsp;  February 14th 2011

I was up early this morning and made a ton of heart shaped sugar
cookies… then I realized I don’t have anyone to share Valentines Day
with… so I’ll freeze them and save them in the hopes that one day wee
can share a heart or two… maybe if this weather stays great …. we
can also share a cup of tea.. or even hot co co… ( even though I’m
really only into ( white ) chocolate… I’ve developed a real passion
for hot chocolate…Yummy…..HA!… must  be the cold weather right?
But what i can do since everyone seems so far away.. is to wish you a
very wonderful Valentines Day!  I hope all your wishes and dreams come
true.. all the romance and love you desire finds you today.. and that
life today and always fills your heart! May  the true love your friends
and family have for you today be with you now an and always… all my
luv and happy valentines day.. Luv, Mary Jean Ziska
o.k. was it too mushy?  I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you today and always..
Thank you for bringing great joy, love and laughter into my life.. and teaching me the meaning of true friendship and family! 

pss:  you’d better hurry up and make plans to share a cookie or two.. or  I just  may eat them all myself HA!

psss I may have to eat one or ….two… Just to make sure they turned out alright… HA! HA! 
Luv mary jean ziska

From: “” <>
Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 4:25:34 PM
Subject: Re: Happy Valentines Day! Mom! Want to come over for a valentines day Dinner?…

This message i sent just  to my mom… then sent the email to Scott and to Gloria after all the horrible bully emails and phone calls!
In a message dated 2/14/2011 3:53:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi Mom,      
February 14th 2011
            Happy Valentines Day!

Hope your having a great Day! I woke up early this morning and  made  some valentines day cookies… I was hoping to bring them by this morning… but the time seemed to just fly by and here it is already 4pm…Do you have any plans for this evening?  I’d love to have some great company if you want to come by for dinner… I can make a nice roasted chicken . or some lamb.. or even if it is chilly..I actually have….. chilli…(HA) or even some spaghetti … your choice…
I was thinking about you yesterday… ( I had some seriously bad cramps.. and while heating my cramps… I watched “Camelot”…( do you still have the record with it… on it? … remember?….  and this great movie called daddy long legs.( with Fred Astair … and the same girl actress from “Gigi”) you would have loved them if you didn’t get to see them… Hope to hear back from you soon…Just pick a time… or If I don’t hear from  you I guess I’ll just  bring by the cookies later… 
Luv Mary Jean Ziska       


A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              239-598-1515      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-287-2294 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              239-287-2294      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-287-2294


Fri. February 11th 2011@2:52pm( credit/debit card question?)

So I’ve been meaning to write about this question I had  about the credit card and debit card I have with my bank account.  Usually when i use the card it  so often happens there is an electronic method for signing when completing a transaction…. so I haven’t been able to notice this…. and this is the question or the comment I pose… I remember ( ages ago) when I was at a store and  had to sign an actual paper for the merchant to have as the merchant’s receipt and then of course you get to keep your own receipt… Well  just  recently.. approx. a week ago( 2/05/11 at 12:32:07   I went to Cotton tails to get some of this  wonderful french  body cream…. ( its a bit of an experiment… trying to  see if stretch mark cream actually  can work on you face?)..

.anyway… that is where I once again saw a receipt that was paper.. and the odd thing is the receipt had my name backwards.. it had me listed as ziska, mary jean … I could have sworn it used to say mary jean ziska .. like the front of the card… 

So this is the question… is this normal for the receipts  to switch the position of your last and first name on a credit card receipt?  I mean is it dependent on the store? on the machine? or the card?   
I am asking this….after finding the letter from my mom yesterday that was from years ago… and a bunch of papers….one was from probably about 2007… where I  had written down all the different  telephone caller ids that had called me as my mother… 
gregory marion
gregory mj ( 239-593-9357)
private caller
a tender loving care 
unknown caller
 and knowing now that when i get a call from a caller id “gregory marion”.. it is usually a bully on the other end… and how when someone started a new phone service that they were using for fraud….. they would change the name on the caller id…to be backwards.. or some variation that wasn’t the original… which is what we usually  would start out with when the original service would be set up…  anyway to make a long story even longer…  

also since no one will/or has  assisted in finding who has the original parcel of papers that contained the two unopened credit cards from orchard bank… and two keys I  got in the mail from direct buy ….my mom’s check (though voided) and other personal papers.. if at that time was the same time any changes had been made to my  original credit card for my bank….how can i tell? 

Can a card be cloned?  and if so… … would it be exactly like the original? or would  it need something  different.. about it to make it work? like the signature would be backwards? or a number off? or how could it be different and still access your bank account?   or would a cloned card be exactly like the original? 

 How  could i know if this had been done? 

my card has my name on the front…  and I even went into the bank and spoke with one of the representatives..with my concerns….. the only thing that is weird.. is that  sometimes things just  don’t show up on my statement or on the teller machine for when the accounting of the past or last ten transactions … on the day they actually occurred… such as when i buy food or deposit money.. sometimes the days are off… … or now  this signature thing… 

I was assured that this is normal.. but i like when the transaction actually matches the day you actually do the transaction with the actual receipt…

Does anyone know if I should be worried?…. most times when I  ask anyone …. everyone says not to worry… but i still do.. i would  just  hate for a stupid thief or con artist.. or fake… to mess up my life again… 

Fri. February 11th 2011@4:34pm ( email sent to orchard bank concerning the credit cards stolen from personal papers)

Here is the email i sent to Orchard Bank concerning the two credit cards that were in the parcel of personnel papers that were stolen… remember i went to church and asked the  policeman to meet me at my home and the mean man who showed up discredited my accounting of my personal information that was stolen.  anyway.. most police officers that i have met have been wonderful public servants who are genuinely interested in making sure to stop crime.. the day i realized  this parcel of papers were wrong.. was a horrible day… anyway.. here is the email i sent in the contact box for the orchard bank company where the two credit cards originated. 

To whom it may concern: 
February 11th 2011 @4:30pm
I received two orchard bank credit cards in my name through the mail.  I had items stolen from my home including these two credit cards and need to see if anything has been done to continue processing the cards?  If anyone has used the cards? What needs to be done for my own security concerning the cards. I need to alert my credit unions of the incident and make sure that they are not stolen or used for identity theft.  I do not know the numbers on the cards.  I hadn’t even opened one of the two envelopes when the items were stolen. Please email me concerning this situation. Thanks you for your kind attention in this situation,
Sincerely mary jean ziska 

I am adding onto this entry/post: today February 24th 2011 @ 8:42pm
I have still not received an email or letter back from  the orchard bank concerning the two credit cards in my name that were stolen.

tuesday february 8th 2011 @ 2;03pm ( so i guess the freakks and frauds are playing car games again)

So i guess some freaks and frauds (shall i be bold enough to call them criminals) are at it again .. I
I mean, is it a crime to switch out a car to use? without permission of of the owner?
Tuesday February 8th 2011 @ 2:03pm ( so i guess the freaks and frauds are playing car games again)

So I’m not sure exactly when it occurred this time but boys and girls started to play games with  my car…

(perhaps this time it started while i was babysitting for a family in the Carlyle.. where the child looked strikingly  like the mechanic who worked at auto Europa… i think his name was something like Andy… I’m not saying that was his child… it just  looked exactly like the guy..) 

Anyway, it’s the same thing ( switching out my car to use ….or to have an alternative car get the maintenance that my father or I would pay for )

I guess it is a pretty good scam when you think of all the monies you can gain by switching out a car for a broken car….or to put additional miles on an alternative car… or have someone pay for the repairs that never get done… or  to use the pass code to access a gated community… .. which in this case makes it criminal..right?for whatever reason… it is still criminal… it is still affecting my life.. and my possessions in the negative…. what i mean is the switching out of my car hurts both my life and the life of my car!

A scam that fraudulently gains monies or services  that are not the owners…. is a fraud..right?. and is not and has not been for my benefit…. so it  is not good…and has to be criminal….. I ‘ll check on the Florida statutes.. and the laws that apply to auto theft.. or to tampering with autos…or for scams involving  autos…. there has to be a few  laws….or statutes….on the books..right?. anyway….

It’s the same thing that has been done to me  for years…..I originally noticed it with the gold 300 Mercedes I own… I told everyone I knew that at times it was a different car… and no one listened… no one cared… and even people told me it was my imagination… (?)  for what ever selfish reasons they did nothing to prevent it from happening… or to prevent me from going through more  expensive and bad experiences… t

I know it( exchanging out cars)  happened with  my gold Mercedes.. and now thanks to all of the switching out of MY car… that I purchased from  my father… who told me when he gave it to me that it was in  showroom condition….  now… because of all the mess the switching  has done to my car…  the gold 1990 Mercedes is completely broken with the head gasket in the trunk…and the car stuck in my garage for months and not being able to sell it ….. lovely right?

One more note on the last  and final switch… after paying 5000 for a transmission that Coast land auto had to get from Germany… ( the first transmission they got for the car didn’t work… so they kept my car for a full month… (me-without  a loaner and me- without any transportation ) anyway… when something else was going wrong with the car after they had already fixed the transmission… we took it to the Mercedes dealership…..and after they diagnosed that it was the head gasket ( which auto Europa had fixed in 2006 or 2008 don’t have the paperwork in front of me… anyway.. we called triple A to come and get the car and tow it home… to my home..a different two truck company came and took away my car……Shouldn’t the tow truck company that the triple A sends be the same tow truck man who actually shows up and actually takes your car where it needs to be?   I had no clue that the car actually had the head gasket in the trunk until  much later when i thought of selling the car….
So fraudulently messing with a car… then leaving me with out transportation until i inherited my dead aunts green Saturn Vue…. and having me go through years of repairs to various mechanics( Who  possibly needed finances.. I guess?) .. since.. auto Europa actually supposedly fixed the head gasket in 2006?…….. and now broken again? hummmm   or was it fixed in the first place?   who knows Ii don’t know really anything about cars.. all  I know is that I used to not have any problems with anything in my life until I met that disgusting criminal.. gerard ahler.. and the bully karen kahel…..and what ever or whom ever the  parasitic criminal scummm that somehow slimed their way into my life through  their  scummy and horrible lives.. families… and i’ve hated every moment they put me through hell… 

but again i got off the subject…
the subject of this blog entry is the messing with personal  property again…

this new evidence…  is pretty simple… and a bit shocking.. I’m not sure when the cars were switched out this time… but while I was loading the green Saturn vue… with items to babysit ( remember for the bay couple from  Virgina or Tennessee…at the carlyle) and the baby that looked like the mechanic from auto Europa….anyway…

I noticed that there were dog hairs in the trunk area… of course also the front  console was a mess… but I discounted that until I saw the dog hairs…I haven’t been keeping track of the mileage to pin point a change but it did jump to a larger number very quickly especially since I never leave my house these days trying to prevent all this corrupt  and deviant occurrences that keep ruining my life….so the mileage should still be pretty low…. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

the many numerous times that my old 1990 gold 300 Mercedes had been “exchanged” for one that needed repairs were numerous.. $5000.00 for auto Europa… $5000.00 for coast land auto.. then the Mercedes dealership… even when i just went  to go and get an oil changes and regular maintenance.. these criminals decided it was totally acceptable for me to go ahead and get the procedure ( like an oil change ) and either  pay double?.. or just  get the repairs to the wrong car? or what actually did happen?….

I honestly  didn’t think this was going to happen all over again.. with my dead aunts Saturn vue… and in a rare…. green color…. Saturn…  for a car/company that no longer exists!!!! I thought the parasites wouldn’t  in a million years be able to duplicate a green Saturn SUV and have the same crap happen all over again…I mean hell, they don’t even make the cars anymore… and in green…????? 

(I don’t mean to sound ungrateful….. to my father who gave my cousin a Rolex for the car.. or to my dead aunt or cousin for it.. I received it with 11 thousand miles.. and hardly used since my aunt had cancer and rarely drive it…. which means it should be in great shape…. now…. )

I inherited the Saturn  from my dead aunt when the criminals had already had me put the new $5000.00 transmission in the Mercedes….. … and then mysteriously the Mercedes…. head gasket (that had been repaired in 2006..). broke….. 

or was it really broken.?.. or just used my car for their auto repair shop just like the criminal girls have  used  my closet and home for their own personal use…
these type of people who are horrible people……  should be in jail… and damages for all the fraudulent and fraud should be recouped…..for me…. my father… and anyone who had unknowingly been conned or stolen from  by these criminals…these are parasites that feed off families and people… these could not possibly be good or great people… they could not be my friends.. or my family… they are con artist… actors.. criminals.. and de
viants….. capable of immense harm.. emotional distress.. and destruction!

But here is a personal note to the criminals:   Can’t you go and pick on someone else for a while?… oh say for the rest of my life??????????????????????????????but from what I heard of choosing a “mark” or some nice sap a criminal can use and ruin their life……. they will use and abuse that victim for every penny they can… just because they are scummm… unethical immoral and corrupt deviant people with no idea of right or wrong….  

but back to the  dog hairs… in my trunk…  when i do not own a DOG… let alone a white long haired dog…
I know I wished and prayed and even checked on getting a dog.. (I originally wanted a guard dog… to protect me and my home ) but I was discouraged by the same people who were supposed to have my best interest at heart.. but also by the same fraudulent people  or person on the phone who wanted $7000-$15000 dollars for a German Sheppard guard dog! what were they going to do?…..( for $15000.00.  go and give me the criminals own dog????) or one that would know the criminals?….. they would probably  not only give me one that would know the criminals….and then…  allow them to steal from me as well? very noble… right? 

This is  ridiculous…if it wasn’t so alarming …. and criminal…. but i guess since these same criminals  have basically stolen money, businesses, all my hopes and dreams… and wishes for whatever fake little impostor girl has been also stealing my identity… why do they care?… the answer is they don’t… not one bit .. they care about themselves.. and” what is in it for them”  could the freak have really  gotten a car the same as mine? and on purpose???? 

But then what was even more hilarious… the reasoning these con artists try to use to excuse their behavior… like… when I went to tell someone someone about these new dog hairs.. in my car (when I don’t own a dog)… the excuse I got was that it may have been from when my dead aunt Rita owned the car… so really?????  what???? over 5 years.????????.. and at least 2 professional detailing.. and my own vacuuming and even using tape to make sure there was not one bit of dirt/hairs or anything  in the trunk…. somehow.. mysteriously… the dog hairs showed up???? again??????? what did they have a life of their own… wait… they were ghost dog hairs???? UGGGG  give me a break!  

Nope .. I mean telling me that things disappear and it’ s my fault… making me feel stupid…or unorganized… or  trying to discredit me when  I eventually notice  the criminal’s after effects….and freak out!!!!! telling me something is wrong with me for getting upset that my possessions were stolen… or upset when I was lied to or conned… or bullied… any of it….. is wrong.. but what is worse… is  that these people try to make it my fault!!!!it is not my fault….  nope…  not buying these lies again… or taking the blame for what someone did wrong in my life….

The even worst part is that I got the mean email telling me that I imagined things.
(the white dog hairs in my car??????). and in a way trying to discredit me so they could continue their criminal  behavior without having anyone believe me… really mature…UGGGGG  and sooooo evil but then these are not nice people.. they are not my friends or my family they are only for themselves… they are  out to get something for themselves… whether it is conning someone who has money into believing something.. or lying.. or cheating or stealing they have done it all and as far as it seems….. it is still not stopping…. 

side note…. i just  realized that the Saturn vue that has the white dog hairs also has a leak of some yellow or greenish yellow fluid.. not a lot but i now have dots of the stuff on my garage floor…..Ugg… So now what else will eventually go wrong with a  car that had no problems…. when i got it… it better be nothing…  

I’m sure our legal system would have a ton to say about it… but who knows if any of my correspondence has reached its destination.. I mean how invasive and criminally arrogant are these people?? If they are as criminal and corrupt as they seem they are then as criminal and corrupt as they come…. I just picture them as a group of cackling witches without  one ounce of decency or morals.. . of the lowest scummiest of human life… Uck… my life would have been so wonderful without any of these horrible experiences….  I honestly  hope and pray every day they are caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law… each and everyone of them…        


Tuesday February 8th 2011 @1:36pm ( article from wsj: faceboook firing case is settled)

 Gosh what a worthless morning… i was trying to go  online all morning  so i could post this article and a few other blog entries… and couldn’t….. and the weird thing is that when i finally did log into my account both the gingerbread man and my search for justice were already hyper linked… as if i had already used them today.. another wired thing is that  instead of having my igoogle account as my home page.. i have yahoo… that hasn’t happened since Celia ( pronounced Shelia ) lived at my mother apartments… and the weird thing is that she disappeared as quickly as Ron.. and any of the recent tenants that seem to disappear with some of my inheritance.. and some of my mothers possessions… weird huh? i cant say for sure its criminal but i know my mom has had the three apartments since the early 1990’s….and it just hasn’t been the same….  

Should i be worried that in 2004 Carla told me that my family thinks i am dead and that i should be happy with what ever family i get?  or that i was told that my inheritance was already given to someone else… and i will get nothing.. that they are using my inheritance ? i mean who are these freaks? but i am off the subject… i was going to  post the article from the wall street journal…. 
here it is:


A company that fired a worker after she posted negative remarks about her boss on Facebook has settled a complaint brought by the National Labor Relations Board by agreeing to revamp its rules to ensure they don’t restrict workers’ rights, the NLRB said.

A separate, private settlement was reached between the employer—ambulance service American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc.—and the employee, though terms of that agreement weren’t immediately available. The worker, Dawnmarie Souza, was a member of the Teamsters union and the Teamsters represented her before the NLRB.

The case had become a test of how much latitude employees may have when posting comments about work matters from their home computers on social media sites such as Facebook.

When the National Labor Relations Board issued its complaint about the firing last fall, it alleged the firing was illegal because the online posting constituted “protected concerted activity” under the National Labor Relations Act.

That law allows employees to discuss the terms and conditions of their employment with co-workers and others, and the employee involved in the case had posted comments about her supervisor and responded to further comments from her co-workers, the NLRB said.

The NLRB had also alleged the company maintained and enforced overly broad rules in its employee handbook regarding blogging, Internet posting, and communications between employees.

At the time the complaint was announced, American Medical Response of
Connecticut denied the allegations and said the employee in question was discharged “based on multiple, serious complaints about her behavior.” The employee was also being held accountable for negative personal attacks that she posted on Facebook about a coworker, the company said at the time, and added that it believes those statements were not concerted activity protected under federal law.

A spokeswoman for American Medical Response of Connecticut didn’t immediately respond Monday to a request for comment. A Facebook spokesman declined to comment. Ms. Souza couldn’t be reached for comment.

Under the terms of the settlement approved by the NLRB’s Hartford, Conn., Regional Director Jonathan Kreisberg, the company agreed to revise its rules. The company agreed not to discipline or discharge employees for engaging in discussions about wages and other work issues when not on the job, the NLRB said.

The problems began when the employee, a Teamsters union member, was questioned about a customer complaint regarding her work.

The NLRB alleged that the employer illegally denied the employee union representation during an investigatory interview about the matter. The employee later posted the negative remark about the supervisor on her personal Facebook page from her home computer. The comment drew supportive responses from her co-workers and led to more negative remarks from the employee.

As part of the settlement with the NLRB, the company also promised that employee requests for union representation will not be denied in the future and that employees will not be threatened with discipline for requesting union representation.

Write to Melanie Trottman at

Copyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved



sunday february 6th 2011@ 12:02pm( gosh I thought it was going to have a great day but one phone call ruined it all…. what a horrible day already!)

So I thought this was going to be a great day…. boy I was wrong again,,, I woke up early.. Actually in enough time to see the business show your business on MSNBC… had an apple with some hummus… then into workout clothes… and watched Joel Osteen,,,, I had already been to st johns catholic church for the 3pm mass.. supposedly my mom was going to be there… but I never saw her….
guess I should just know since my aunt Fran Bodnar is in town.. and someone started playing with messing up phone messages and arrangements for dinners and now the movie… these  messed up games with my life so I would miss seeing her and the rest of my family….. they have been doing this for about 7 years by now.. the parasites want to manipulate situations…. Get/give mixed up phone message or even email messages so that all plans fall through or are so completely confused as to what is supposed to be the real plans… then they can then swoop down and claim the Christmas presents,  the parties.. the luncheons.. all the fun and wonderful events and people… then they try  to pass me off for someone I am not… or use me or my likeness for someone I am not.. These freaks actually think that a person can be categorized by their country… or by what they are wearing…or what their hair cut is like… I know Gerard started using my likeness in 2003 when I met him and he wanted to see what my hair was like.. and how I looked in a baseball cap.. and from the back of my head… then of course  .. Depending on my weight.. and my likeness what clothes I am wearing..

but most importantly…. who i get to meet with or talk to … and have plans with…. and  who I get to talk to on the phone… or email.. poof….my life is instantly destroyed..… voila… I am supposed to be someone else.. or some other freakish and vile  use of me, my name, or my likeness…  so like yesterday when I was wearing the same cream brooks brother dress but with a cutter and buck cream and white checked button down over it and a tan/taupe/ or whatever color you want to call it… ( see me in face book with my niece .. it’s the same profile picture… with the same dress… ad sweater set…)

anyway… the same basic outfit I  have worn babysitting.. and meeting my aunt.. and getting scones and croissants  and  ice cream at the Ritz…..  me mary jean ziska…. the same regular yet very normal and  very real person who gets mixed up withal sorts of girls who play games with my life for there own selfish intentions….

And  it is happening now as much as it has been the past 7-9 years……  very manipulative and destructive to my life…. It’s as if they have systematically taken every single person and opportunity   and ruined it and taken it out of my life… and they did it on purpose.. like having me eat certain foods I normally would not eat… they did that for thanksgiving.. and even yesterday  when I was told to leave Wess a note telling him to watch a movie with me..  I’m guessing this  was to make it seem like  I even know this person Wess? Or I’m dating him or something?…. they are always manipulating something……   Which I do not even really know him…..

then today on the phone.. the conversation with the fake and wrong person on the phone… conversation started with the person asking why did I ask Wess if he was Brazilian..having to explain that even  simple and small things that were bad experiences.. are still traumatic…
the Brazilian comment came from my mom having this book out on the coffee table of Monet…   Carla made  me  get a Monet date book… and she tried to run my life while  she was my roommate… she went through my business cards and actually threw cards away that she decided were not people she wanted me to know or meet… she also one time tried to get me to sell my condo… and basically tried to get these people to hire me as a live in nanny  telling me that I could probably fit most of my things  in storage and I’d have one room to live in!!!    When I had a successful business.. a great condo… and a life….what the hell???!!!!!

 I guess she wanted all that i had?.. and  what….just wanted to take it from me?…. … anyway.. its not anything against anyone from any country…even the united states (which by the way I am a proud  American citizen)… but I was blessed to have been able to grow up overseas in Saudi… and to have had the opportunity to go to boarding school… and got to travel all over the world…and i think i made friends all over the world… or all through my life.. at least i remember them being  real and genuine friends…. and had a great life before these  idiots thought it would be fun to manipulate my life.. and lie and cheat and steal…. 

It is individual people who  have harmed my life…..that  I will never forgive and I do not like them because  of the way they manipulate my life…or what they said to me.. or what they did to my life… !   I explained that I was made to live  with a girl Carla from Brazil who liked to manipulate my life and was the liar…..I told you she  lied about her portfolio..( Scott showed me she took pictures from someone else on line..and claimed them as her work )  then wanted me to teach her how to run and do my business.. then tried to make me look stupid by instead of putting money in the bank accounts… I had 3 of them at three different banks at the time  she wanted me to put money in envelopes(?)…. With labels on them as if I couldn’t handle money…. She also wanted me to marry her brother who was psycho…so he could get a green card… and also wanted to know if i could live with 5-10 people in my condo…(?)
So this morning’s telephone conversation was like that… first not being able to reach my aunt…( she couldn’t  hear me on the phone when I called her… I checked and made sure the magic jack was set to  telephone not headset… then tried again…. No… couldn’t get through… then called my mother to see if we could make a time for the movie…she or whoever did a conference call and then plans were made for 2:30 movie…  but my aunt Fran sounded weird… so I ended up going to the front of the guard gate to call…. And there was no answer on my mother’s phone line… NONE.. and I had just supposedly spoken to her…        


So it started all over again.. with these horrible girls and boys playing games with  my life… and manipulating my life…. All over again!!!!!… ie mixing up messages..   not allowing the real people I have been trying  to call or contact to get in touch with me……. all the same tricks and things…the parasites( which is exactly what they are….they feed off of others…)  have been doing for the last 7 or 8 years of my life.. they attach themselves to any or all of my wealthy family
members.. or friends..or even clients . and then they use the phone as a method for manipulation( see the congressman blog entry on  phone act as for laws being broken…)  or emails for manipulation somehow they hack into email accounts… or even phones over the internet.. or  …they make claims that they need :  a new house or a new car… or something like new furniture or whatever .. and so many times they actually use me and say it is for me… but to be honest I  have never seen any of the proceeds or gifts that were meant  for me… these criminals .. they take the proceeds or profits or gifts for themselves…they manipulate even to the extent of attending parties or functions that they were not meant to be a part of…. Or ever invited to… but they “act “ / manipulate and steal not only opportunities… but lives… and leave everything  for the real person in a complete mess….  …. as if they are  so this is how it worked this morning……. .

.so as I mentioned earlier… I thought this was going to be a great day…. boy I  was wrong again…I woke up early.. actually  in enough time to see the business show “your business”  on MSNBC… had an apple with some hummus… ( which by the way doesn’t make  me Arab…. Just healthy…. ) then into work out clothes… and watched Joel Osteen…., nice positive  message about having a great year.. blessing overwhelming…..people…. . god having the right people  lined up….for business… for connections… it was nice… and  I had already been to st johns catholic church for the 3pm mass.. supposedly  my mom was going to be there… but I never saw her….

So the messing up of my life… started with my aunt Fran Bodnar  is  in town… I am assuming also one look alike for Scott Renshaw… and  probably a look alike( double)  for a cousin or two….. .. ie mixing up messages..for the dinner at the Ritz on Thursday…. and on Fr.i when I was babysitting from 6:30pm-11pm then ran  a few errands.. ie getting mascara at CVS( Saks 5th ave want open at  that hour to get any of the great Chanel mascara .. so I got  replacement . and gas…. then tried  going back to the Ritz Carlton to … but the security guards didn’t want me there(?) …I was trying to just  kill some time until  the gourmet  shop opened so I  could get the croissant and scones for  my mother, and my aunt, and myself…. I thought I ‘d bring them by a bit later in the am for a surprise  breakfast….

Anyway.. I’m assuming if there is a very important girl and boy….lets say an Italian boy with a Canadian girl…..or I don’t even know where to begin with all the people it could have been… whom ever is was….  perhaps they didn’t want to be “found out”..   or once again i wasn’t supposed t get  in the way… depending on games or conns or what ever they do…..   

I even  was wondering how far karne kahels power had in hotels? ….  or who she was with this super bowl weekend…. or if not her…. ( because I would  really like her to be gone….) but what i am more interested in these days… is  who was so interested in manipulating my life and my family?……. …

anyway… ( from the last time I was on the phone)… and had the people telling me to take off the information on my websites that she was mean.. or a bully or was messing around with a guy  in a pool…while she was married… 

usually the retaliation is pretty harsh…those mean girls can get pretty mean..and with their boyfriends money they have the capacity to do a lot of damage…. anyway… since my aunt Fran was in town I thought I was safe….. OPPPs…. not today….or the last few days….

anyway…I was trying to kill some time until  the Gourmet shop opened so i could get the croissant and scones for me, my mother and my aunt….and back to yesterdays events: then I went by my aunt Frans condo… when she wasn’t up yet.. I went by my mom’s house..waiting until I could again go by my aunt Frans…  in the meantime  I had some breakfast….

And an aunt Fran came by…… she told me to bring by the scone after church….kept changing the time and the   day… but I ended up going to 3 pm mass where my mom supposedly was going to  be there but never saw her…. Then to aunt Frans and gave her the scone.. and made plans for today.. the movie…it was going to be either 1pm or 2:30 pm… and I was to call my aunt this morning by 10am  so we could finalize plans…  which is why there was such a horrible morning….. UGGGGGGG

After aunt Frans… ( I saw a  girl from  England…..or Ohio..or I even  thought she  may have even been one of the  Czech republic nannies… where ever)  she is the same girl  who looked so strikingly like the  girl that was supposed to be in this  couple that I babysat for at La playa…when there was a wedding… and while i was babysitting….someone  was in  my home and and in my clothes  and wore this brown polka dotted dress  I own….and left it inside out in my closet….. whoever she is… and .who knows who she really is…. Anyway… she or someone who looked like her… was sitting by the pool while I was visiting with my aunt…. 

 After leaving the beach condo… I went to my mom’s to tell her of the plans.. then  went to waterside shops… where I stopped into the Chanel counter to say hi then onto the apple store.. to discuss an idea…  after  I finished with that and really having a great day.. I went and met with Mr. Webber who lives in the same building we used to live in… and wasn’t home until probably 8 or 9 pm if not later…. This all in contrast to the manipulation of this morning and the entire day…..  

Anyway….back to this mornings events… (all so that I won’t go to the movie with  my mom and aunt)… or (so that I will be out of the way)… so that  these idiot girls(I’m assuming it’s still the same con artists…”whore to door servic
e girls”… can still lie and cheat and steal.. and the actors or scum who act like they are big deals can ruin lives.. and connections…  can steal events and can manipulate lives… they get some kind of sick pleasure out of ruining events .. lives and families….

Starting  today… I checked my emails and for the telephone number I am not even supposed to have anymore( 561-594-5921)…. There was a message/number called at 4am…. but the new number that is also completely messed up…. Obviously….from today’s  occurrences….

Money and the control of a person’s contacts gives these criminals power…why doesn’t someone sop them!!!!!

So  when I called my mother’s home from the magic jack number… I had this “fake mom” who was trying to convince me that there are these horrible issues and problems with basically every member of my family……  of my family.. this horrid girl was trying to tell me something bad about every single  member of my family… saying  my sister maura was horrible.. that my sister mattie was horrible and that my aunt and mom were fighting..   completely wrong!!!!! AlL of it!!!! ...

Completely  evil to try to manipulate and cause havoc and drama and trauma and emotional distress for one phone call… and one movie!!!!  It got me so mad I packed up everything and went to my guard gate and  after calling from the guard  gate…I took my car and raced to my mom’s house when I  couldn’t  reach her on the phone… then when I saw she was alright… I raced home wondering what  damage the idiots could have done in a few short minutes…  and why they   could have wanted me out of my home?…

If it was the same girl from la playa.. i know the face but not the name .. they /she lies….. and may be one of the girls who has been stealing jobs from the  babysitting businesses with whatever her partner in crime is….…

once someone who looked exactly like her…( was actually by my aunts home once and she  said she was British) but when i was babysitting for the look alike of this girl she said she was from Ohio(?)..but here again I could have been sitting for the babysitters.. and the fake couple was a liar… again… because they had said they were from  ohio… but then from England????? What is going on????…a really mixed up story..

Anyway…thought i saw a girl like her hanging out by my aunts condo… wonder  if she is conning her way into pretending to be me… and was someone who met my aunt at the ritz for dinner when all my  communications  got totally mixed up… i seriously hope there  is karma.. and a god who is just and that all these girls get all tangled up in their web of deceit!!!! and choke!!!!

anyway it is now 1;35 and i did not go to the movie…. will not  go to the 2pm movie… so another holiday  weekend ruined by manipulative disgusting worthless human beings… how self centered.. how rude. and how horrible..ruining phone conversions.. ruining relationships… ruining  holidays….  

(excuse my typing… its going  to be worse than ever… my  1st nail  on the right hand completely broke off… totally bleeding and the band-aid helps a bit but it still hurts to type…)

So now i know for certain that the magic jack phone is absolutely worthless.. but I figured it would be when the parcel of important papers and two credit cards and two keys were stolen… but then I keep forgetting that these can artists have somehow decided  that I don’t matter…. I don’t matter right???… so its o.k. to harm my life to ruin holidays… and to manipulate  my life and my family….  and it is o.k. they have already stolen all my money.. businesses…business ideas…  and done everything humanly possible to give me the worst 7 years of my life… for no reason at all.. I mean …. Am I in some type of competition to be me? to have my family?  for a husband?? for a new business?? for what?  I never signed up to have my life destroyed… never signed up and gave anyone permission at all to ruin any part of my life… and I want to know who is responsible for today’s  disaster… what a waste….. what selfish and horrible people… I  think I  will also put this in the blog as well…    