Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Wednesday september 19th 2012@ 4:24pm any information on thee criminal thieves will be rewarded HELP!

If any one knows anything about  the criminal scum that have ruined mylife…. please contact me asap! 

i am broken hearted …. knowing tht there are many perople who know exactly how tehis started… who scamed or lied or cheated me out of what? i need names adnd times and dates.. to helpprosecute… to make sur eno one is ever sacrificed ever again…. 
i break out in tears thining of how much i had to sacrifice.. of what my life shoudl have been like… of the years adn monent i can never get back…..These criminals  had no right… these criminals shoudl have been punished…. a long time ago…. 
 my life was sacrifieed for what???? money???? for the idenity thief.. or thieves…  WHY?
 Why didnt anypne stop them!

Wednesday september 19th 2012 @ 4:23pm last will adn test. fro mary jean ziska

hey did i happen to mention that i just now figured out that th same scum that had ruined my life actually must have started in 1999…. the idenity theft for the redit cards for capital one stated in 2002… but ther is anothe mortgage on my home by my dad… th origional one  listed in his name only for when we boguth this conodo..when he bought theth is for me… in 1999…. adn  it wwas for only 132,000.00…. i was lied to that it cost my dad 169,000.00….. so someoen might have scammed my dad adn bougth it from hiem.. and made a 32,000.00 profit… on mmy lis tof mortages the ones that included an entire fake or false line… of mortages someone  kept buying and  selling…   sother ethey made hundreds of thousands of dollars.. but for me alsone they made a profit of  82,000.00 before my name was on the mortage… and another lie… tha ti owed money to the IRS…. which i didnt … and which was the reason i didnt put my name on my mortage in 1999….. criminals all criminals… lall liars and all scum since 1999….. not one honet rpersonin teh bunch,,,, so this is why i wrote my will…. 

funural arrangements:  
   as for my funeral, i would  a final blessing in a catholic church  but more of a concert… during and afterwards and some of my favorite christian and regular  songs sung or played… 

toby mac:”made to love you”/ james taylor”you’ve got a friend” & thought i’d see you again”/eric clapton wonderful tonight’/news boys”shine”/song from  stigmata “what ever happend to mary”/dido”life for rent”/.

special initentions: want Karen Kahel and her group along with  Gerard Ahler and his group to be sued  for their part in ruining TEN or MORE  years of my life. I want a private investigator to find each and every conartist/criminal/idemnity theif responsible for lying/cheating/stealing/hacking/manipulatiing/starting from when my dad/mom helped me buy my condo(strand).I was lied to about the cost of the condo/lied to/manipulated/stolen from/harmed every  minute of every day since…  I want the state of Florida to be sued for their misconduct and negligence in never listening to me about the abuse,  the harassment,the stealing, bulling and their disinterest in assisting me to bring justice for all of it!  I want the state of Florida including patrick weber and everyone involved since 2006-2012 to be included in the law suit and in the changes that need to be made in their policies/procedures for guardianship criteria and guardianship assistance and monitoring!  I want sanctions/disbarment   for them to be held responsible for the  misconduct/ negligence and their part ruining years of my life ( from 2006-2012)  instead of helping/assisting my life! I want the police/sheriff’s  department sued for not stopping the people responsible for continually stealing from me or harming me. for not writing up official reports or doing any thorough investigations into the identity thieves, the  thieves  who stole my personal physical property.. and the thieves who stole  my intercultural property from my website, my external hard drives or internal hard drives.. who stole files and businesses and who were allowed to bully harass and manipulate/spoofed numbers never investigated… hacked voice mail and accounts never stopped… businesses stolen/ lives/families  ruined and no police ever stopped anyone! Caught anyone! but instead in some incidences… they actually protected the villain/ the identity thief and belittled the damage and harm done to me…  no one was ever prosecuted or  put in jail

condo dostribution: my condo in the strand golfing community located at 5632 Whisperwood Blvd. 1601  Naples, Florida 34110 to my  blood related DNA verified family my condo in Naples Florida.  I want to make sure that my  mother and my sister Mattie have a residence they can call their home and no one can take away from them. If both of them have  a residence  that is safe from foreclosure and they  want to stay  in their own home /and if an agreement can be made by all 4 remaining members of my family to sell the condo and split the proceeds equally. If one or any of the  members needs a residence, then a payment should be made to the remaining members  who will not be residing in the the residence to eventually equal the  value of  a sale. this seems very fair.. i want the payment to the other members remaining to be only what they can afford so as not to be a burden as i want the condo for once in its existence since i started owning it  in 1999… to be place full of love and hope where  dreams can come true and opportunities can succeed… instead of being the place where I  have lived the worst experiences of my entire life.. and where i have had to experience due  to criminal intent..the worst crime and loneliest years of my life…crime, abuse manipulation which caused so such emotion devastation i would not want them to go thorough any of those experiences in my condo which was supposed to  be full of promise and joy and it was not due to the  horrid people who lied, manipulated, and cheated me out for the life I envisioned, in the life ,i planned, and in the life i wanted!… No one  stopped them…ever…. and they ruined my life forever! i don’t want my family to be hurt by the same scum that hurt me….  I want their lives to be happy and this condo to be an asset to their lives… to be helpful and to be a  wonderful experience for living here. i loved you all and missed you evey minute of every day!.

september 17th 2012 at 4:00am life lock alias list anc my comments

Sep 08 2012

Public Records Summary Report

Public Records Alerts and Reports provide a historical look
at postal addresses associated with your identity information.

Check this Report to ensure all addresses listed match your
previous residences. An unknown or incorrect address may be a simple data entry
error, but in some cases may be an indicator of identity theft.See the ‘WHAT TO
DO’ section at the bottom of this Report if it contains address information you
do not recognize.During our recent Public Records search, LifeLock found the
following address information associated with your identity:


1.       This name is
incorrect  I use  my full name “mary jean ziska” .  The address is inncorect as well there was no
unit 3 .  

First Name  info    MARY/Last
Name  info  ZISKA


 This name is incorrect 
I use  my full name “mary jean
ziska” .  The address  may be correct it was either 301 or 302 I
cannot remember the exact unit number

First name :  MARY/  Last
Name  info           ZISKA

Address  info     


Date  info            1999-12-30


This name is
incorrect  I use  my full name “mary jean ziska” .  The address is inncorect as well .. what is
general delivery? I have a street address 5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples
florida  34110. 

 First Name  info:MARY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     GENERAL DELIVERY

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34102-9999


Date  info            2004-08-12


This name is
incorrect  I use  my full name “mary jean ziska” .  The address is inncorect as well .. what is
general delivery? I have a street address 5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples
florida  34110.             

First Name  info                E

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     GENERAL DELIVERY

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34102-9999


Date  info            2004-08-12


6. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34108-0130


Date  info            2008-02-19


7. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34108-2305


Date  info            2007-10-23




8. This name is partially incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 

First Name  info                MARY

Last Name  info 

State  info           

Zip  info                34108-8746


Date  info            1990-09-26


9. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 
The address is inncorect as well .. I have a street address 5632
whisperwood blvd. 1601   naples
florida  34110. 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPERING WOOD

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2007-01-29


10. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 
The address is inncorect as well .. what is TBD general delivery? I have
a street address 5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples florida  34110. 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     TBD

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2006-10-17


11. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 
The address is inncorect as well .. what is general delivery? I have a
street address 5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples florida  34110. 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPER WOOD BV 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2006-10-17


12.  This name is incorrect 
I use  my full name “mary jean
ziska” .  The address is inncorect as
well ..  I have a street address 5632
whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples florida 

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WJISPERWOOD BV 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2005-11-18


13. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 
The address is inncorect as well 
I have a street address 5632 whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples florida  34110.  

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPER WOOD BLVD 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2005-06-10


14. This name is incorrect  I use 
my full name “mary jean ziska” . 
The address is inncorect as well .. what is general delivery? I have a
street address 5632 whisperwood blvd.  
1601 naples florida  34110

First Name  info                E

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPERWOOD BLVD APT 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110-3308


Date  info            2002-10-24





Please take the following steps if this Report contains
address information you do not recognize:

Step 1


Review your other Reports to see if this address appears in
any of our other LifeLock Identity SDSTM searches. If the unknown address does
not turn up in any other Reports there is a low chance of identity theft.

Step 2


If, after taking the above step, you believe you may be a
victim of identity theft, please contact us at 1-800-LIFELOCK (543-3562) or
click the Member Support tab at the top of this page and submit a support
request. Our Member Services team will further research the issue and determine
the next steps to tak
















Sep 08 2012

Public Records Summary Report



Public Records Alerts and Reports provide a historical look
at postal addresses associated with your identity information.



Check this Report to ensure all addresses listed match your
previous residences. An unknown or incorrect address may be a simple data entry
error, but in some cases may be an indicator of identity theft.


See the ‘WHAT TO DO’ section at the bottom of this Report if
it contains address information you do not recognize.

During our recent Public Records search, LifeLock found the
following address information associated with your identity:


First Name  info                MARY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     6151 PALM TRACE LANDINGS DR # 3

City  info              DAVIE

State  info           FL

Zip  info                33314-1843


Date  info            1996-11-02


First Name  info                MARY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     901 NE 3RD ST APT 302

City  info              FORT LAUDERDALE

State  info           FL

Zip  info                33301-1624


Date  info            1999-12-30


First Name  info                MARY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     GENERAL DELIVERY

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34102-9999


Date  info            2004-08-12


First Name  info                E

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     GENERAL DELIVERY

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34102-9999


Date  info            2004-08-12


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     PO BOX 111766

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34108-0130


Date  info            2008-02-19


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     9202 VANDERBILT DR

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34108-2305


Date  info            2007-10-23


First Name  info                MARY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     853 VANDERBILT BEACH RD

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34108-8746


Date  info            1990-09-26

First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPERING WOOD

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2007-01-29


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     TBD

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2006-10-17


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPER WOOD BV 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2006-10-17


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WJISPERWOOD BV 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2005-11-18


First Name  info                MERY

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPER WOOD BLVD 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110


Date  info            2005-06-10


First Name  info                E

Last Name  info ZISKA

Address  info     5632 WHISPERWOOD BLVD APT 1601

City  info              NAPLES

State  info           FL

Zip  info                34110-3308


Date  info            2002-10-24





Please take the following steps if this Report contains
address information you do not recognize:

Step 1


Review your other Reports to see if this address appears in
any of our other LifeLock Identity SDSTM searches. If the unknown address does
not turn up in any other Reports there is a low chance of identity theft.

Step 2


If, after taking the above step, you believe you may be a
victim of identity theft, please contact us at 1-800-LIFELOCK (543-3562) or
click the Member Support tab at the top of this page and submit a support
request. Our Member Services team will further research the issue and determine
the next steps to take in restoring your identity if it has been compromised.


I went to look up the alias reprot and i have never used e
ziska as my alias… my dad was ej ziska…. but i have definately never used
“MERY”…  i dont even like to
use mary…. my name is mary jean ziska and iwant to always have my full name
on my credit reports and for any credit i receive!   to stop further identity thieving! my
identity was stolen in 2002…. and it is still a mess…

incorrect information:

what is general delivery?  
they have listed both me as mary instead of mary jean  adn then an e ziska that if it is supposed to
be my mail box if should have read whisperwood blvd. naples fl… not general

2.  i never used MERY

wrong name and address for : mery p.o. box 111766 naples
fl.  I had a p.o. box but under my name
nto MERy

3.  Mery aiska at 9202
vanderbilt drive     /

Never used mery Ziska especially at whisperingwood …
naples  fl 34110 *wrong name and wrong

Never used mery at “TBD”… don’t know what that
is? *wrong name and wrong address

never used mery ziska at my address 5632 whisperwood

never used mery at 5632wjisperwood bd. 1601?????

and if ther was an ej ziska that woudl be my dad but i dodnt
know about an e ziska at my address unless they shortened his full name…..
HELP! take those off my use af any alias…. adn i was jsut woried about mary j
and  the use of plain mary… i want to
be only MARY JEAN ZISKA on all my accounts so there will be no conflict wtiha
possible alias…. thank you  pleae email
me what youcan do for this situaton… thanks   

Monday Septembrer 17th 2012 @ 8:32pm I love the police… but dont understand why my laptop is still showing at the home off 489 9th street naples florida 34102

 so i wrote the police report online… and   had  called for a police  person to come  and  write up a report …. about the  missing info on the hard drive.. about the  missing pictures… … to prove to them that the pop up on my lap top showed my computer all the  way across town….. 

three police officers showed up one woman (deputy DeSimone id # 3312)  and two men…. I didn’t catch the men’s name but  they looked familiar…. the woman was really nice  and deputy DeSimone  gave me a card… They were really nice especially since i was sooo upset…. and no one was understanding that my laptop was showing up across town… that i had both of them working  perfectly last night… I had downloaded my new Microsoft office 2010…( for only three computers.).. i had downloaded this anti theft program ) only for three computers…. and had even tuned up and done all the free protections to stop any viruses..and everything else….  
the pop up only showed only   laptop “whatabtmary” and  showing it located  at  489  9th  street is think i may have been called to babysit around  there and there was this guy in a yellow and blank hummer who lived there….   I never got to babysit…  anyway… when they left they said they would I have  someone go and get my laptop…. but so far it is still registering at the same location…  and the weird thing.. i called my mom… or at least i called her number… and  she had to go when i mentioned the police… and the location of my laptop….. hummm …. 
so after the police left i went to log int o my go daddy account and couldn’t…. so had to call go daddy and nothing  was working…  to access my account… luckily i had a really nice guy… who said it would be fun for me to mention him and his name… STEVE.... who was the hero of the day…Thanks again Steve…. who helped me to log into my account and change everything.. so impostor identity thieving scum  can’t harm my account … or at least i can try to stop them from accessing my account…  and Steve being the hero that he is.. said he wished he could come to Florida…. he said he  would even get a gun and   sit while i slept  to make sure no one comes into my home and steals ever again…. ( well maybe the ever again was bit of an exaggeration.. )but  wouldn’t it be nice to be in your own home and not have to worry about the lying thieving sum who have harmed my life for the  past ten years…. now if i had won the lottery… i could hire him as a body guard…. ha.. hell i could have a lot of protection at my fingertips…. but if there was even a slight chance of me winning anything i sure the identity thieving scum would try to steal it…. hell they have stolen everything else… and this is what i am soo amazed about… no one can stop them….  so I am counting on Steve.. but mostlyteh Naples police department.. and sheriff department.. to  help…i know you can do it! … you have the technology….the manpower… and have to be smarter than this group of criminals… just think if  you stop them… you may be stopping  future victims… hell they found  my life pretty profitable and I’m sure they have done all of this to more people….   
Oh by the way i was doing research on my condo… the one my dad and  mom helped me pick put and helped me buy…. i saw the  first price and  company that my dad bought it for….  about 30,000 dollars less than i was told it cost… I’m thinking the con may have started  even then…. that was 1999…. my credit cards duplicated in 2002….. and identity stolen …business stolen..files stolen even material on my hard drive stolen..,….  clothes and jewelry and everything …  as early as when i first moved in here?????????.. or  not until 2002??????…  then the  mortgage people… i remember that scum  jerry beach from Bonita giving me a mortgage payment double what it should have been… UGGGGG…..double than what my dad wanted me to have…..  i figured  tha soemone even got about 82,000.00 from  me from my home…. and mortgage fraud…. and i guess they are tryign to do it all over again….. 
as i told you my alarm has been gogn  off a lot lately: 
8/14/2012:  7:58pm alarm full alarm went off 
8/15/2012:  3:31pm 
8/23/2012:  4:59am
8/24/2012  7:27 am
9/26th  2012:  8:48pm 
8/29th   2012:  11:09…. actual power cut for a minute then alarm went off with beeping sound….
8/30/2012:  5:49pm 
8/31/ 2012:  1:05am 
9/4/2012:  1:50pm
9/6/2012:  10:42am
9/11/2012:  10.00am 
9/11/2012:  10pm again….
9/12/2012:  2:06am
9/12/ 2012:   4:30am
9/12/2012 :  9:15  dint write if am or pm,….
9/13/2012:  2:01pm
914/2012:  3:26pm 
now I keep being told that  it must be an animal  in my attic…. wouldn’t you think that an animal would be afraid of the alarm and leave if it went off that many times.????.  Good thing i had  a roofer live above me….  right???? or his brother went to jail for 4-5 years…. at least that is what he told me…. or that i stupidly believed that a guy worked for the FBI but his probation officer showed up at my door….. and  this guy who was supposed to go to duke…bu tshook his head like someone  first generation from india….  and wanted to do an internship here … and  start a bible study….. but  didn’t honor  his agreement…. yep there have been some doosies… no wonder why I don’t trust….
what a rotten day… and still the idiots on the phone  are fishing for info to try to not get in trouble…for their criminal behavior….. what sum…. HELP naples police and sheriff… HELP!    

Monday september 17th 2012 @ 8:29pm email to norton anti theft device team after phone calls


To whom it may 
concern:     September  17th 2012 @ 8:23pm

 sent two emails…. i
have been on the phone since ..September 17th 2012 I called Norton live
services and talked to someone at 7:05 who then put me on hold until
7:25pm  in the Philippines… then as he
transferred me to India and I spoke to Rahav of course no id at 7:26 who
proceeded to not help me then put me on hold when I wanted to talk to his
supervisor…. Then he put  me in touch
with gowtham at &:41pm…. One  whole
hour with no help and  being transferred
to two countries…  my laptop is showing
across town…. And  no one will help me to
get it back.. and tell me why my service is not showing on the lap top sitting
right in front of me…. When  I
purchased  the service of anti theft I
downloaded it to two of my laps at the same time…  and now only one lap top is showing on my
account and it is showing all across town…. 
At 489 9th
Naples  Florida 34102……long
81.7948 and lat 26.14198998 the service has a total of three downloads for
three separate laptops…. I wanted help for finding  why  my
account changed…  to only one  lap top showing … and it showing up
downtown…. I actually think it is a house I was supposed to babysit for….  A guy in a yellow and black hummer.. that I
never sat for ..i got a call that it was cancelled… probably a lie and another
criminal… that isn’t  caught for

 After speaking
with  rahav from India an no id….
Who   lied.. and said  threatened 
that if I got upset again… that 
he would disconnect the phone.. when I 
I said since he didn’t now anything 
about the anti theft product to please 
send me to  his supervisor….  

He put me on the 
phone with GOWTHAM at 7:41pm…. He also could not  help… and he hung up on me.. at 7:51pm

No help…. And I still have one en  laptop sitting in front of me that is
not  listed on my paid account… and
one  lap top that shows it is across
town…. What the hell?… and I need t   get
immediate help! Look hacker freak is bad news.. when I wen to log into my bog
account I couldn’t .. when  I tried to
access the one computer that should have been 
hear  and the second laptop on my
devices… it showed a black screen and would not 
go to windows…. and I an not access any of my  material on the laptop.. I cannot access the
new Microsoft office I bought or the anti theft device I bought or any of
the  free Norton downloads I bought….

I am trying to protect myself from someone trying  to steal my home.. to steal my identity to
steal my processions and  to steal my
intellectual property…. And  no one is

Who an I contact… and more 
importantly how the hell can I actually reach a person who knows
something about Norton anti theft ! help! Sincerely mary jean ziska ….

monday september 17th 2012 at 2:57pm

i called the police again after sergent mosbach’s blatent disregard  for assistance.. and the woman dispatcher who answered the phone said she will call  and have someone one  go to the location where my lap top is located and  then  send someone   here .. to my home to see if they can find out how the hell this could have happened …. 

hoepfully an honorable policeofficer……HELP! 

monday september 17th 2012 @ 2:34pm (police report filed today)

       police report filed on line: # T10200061 

       september 17th 2012

       When i called  spoke with  police officer Heaslip  who said  he would  send someone out 

then spoke with Sargent mosbach badge #532…..(NOT GOOD !)  who didn’t seem to understand the importance of actually going  to get the  lap top at the location  where it says it is…. must say he was eating and seem really disinterested in helping me….or locating the lap top with all my information on it…   the person on the phone who called me was not a good police officer if he really was one… the spoofed caller id cannot be identified….  snd  don’t think he wanted to come out in the  rain to catch the same people who have been violating my life and me for the past ten years….I am in tears… and  it doesn’t matter as long as the girl in zip code 34012…. royal harbor..(ish)  an get away with whatever she wants…. wonder if she is wearing my khaki cashmere sweater or my pearl earnings or spending the1000.00 also  stolen….from me…. .. .. but more like  hotel Naples bay resort.. or somewhere around there…  the address is:  489 9th street s. 

Naples Florida 34102  long. 81.7948   lat 26.141998…. when i first purchased  the       

where are he heroes?… the great and protective people not the ones bought off by a group of scummy criminals who believe  they are above the law and  I guess they believe correctly….  guesstehy believe 

. Theft:   Start                     













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Review Report

Please review the report. If all the information is correct,
click the Submit button to submit the report. If you need to modify some information,
click the desired modify link. This will be your last chance to change
information for this report.

General Information     

Incident Type    Theft

Person Type       Individual


Reporting Person Information   modify   

Last Name           ziska

First Name          mary

Middle Name   

Home Address  5632
whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, naples, FL 34110, US

Home Phone     239-234-4065


Employer Name               self

Work Address  

Work Phone      

Race      White/hispanic

Sex         Female

DOB       07/07/1966

Driver License No             Z200590667470

Licensing State  FL


Incident Information      modify

Incident Location            
5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, NAPLES, FL

Incident Time (start)       09/17/2012
01:20 PM

Incident Time (end)        09/17/2012
01:20 PM

Location Type    Apartment/condo

Theft Type          Other

Method of Entry              Other

Point of Entry    Unknown

Incident Description       i
worked on my computer until aprox 4:30am on Sept. 16th 2012 and went to bed
after emailing my lawyer putting posts in my blog. When i woke up this morning
I have nicknamed “whatabtmary” would not boot up and not got to
windows… this weekend i purchased from norton this anti- theft protection for
my computers… i went online with the other computer it said that my ocmputer
is located at last known location: of 489 9th street s Naples Fl. 34102 long
81.7948 and lat. 26.141998! i have not left my home in weeks… and i live at
5632 whisperwood blvd. in the strand..the compete other side of town…. it
said the reading for my lap top was at least 16 hours ago… i tried to update
the location thinking it was a mistake… bu it still came up the same
location… when i first signed up for the service i place two of the three
laptops I have… and just a few weeks ago this same thing happened to my
toshiba… i always thought i had bad luck with computers but now i have proof
that they are being taken from my home… and i am left with the mess of a
broken laptop to fix… or one without any of my information… this has been
happening for years( ten to be exact… where my identity , my personal items
and my life have been stolen and ruined…. … Please help at least now you
know where it is… i want all my original things back… check to see if they
have my pearl earnings… or the $1000.00 last stolen from my home… i feel
completely violated each and every time they get away with stealing from me…
Please HELP! sincerely mary jean ziska


Person Information        modify


Property Information     modify

Property 1           modify   delete

Type      Computer/

Brand    dell

Model   latitude d810


Serial No             

How Many          1

Market Value ($)              600.00

Property Description      silver


Cancel Report                    Submit



Copyright 2012 Coplogic,

Monday September 17th 2012 @ 2:29pm filed a police report on line my lap top would not work adn is now located in port royal…. WHAT THE HELL??? more idenity

worked on my computer until aprox 4:30am on Sept. 16th 2012
and went to bed after emailing my lawyer putting posts in  my blog. 
When i woke up this morning I have nicknamed “whatabtmary”
would not boot up and not got to windows… this weekend i purchased from
norton this anti- theft protection for my computers… i went online with the
other computer  it said that my ocmputer
is located at last known location: of 489 9th street s Naples Fl. 34102  long 81.7948 and lat. 26.141998! i have not
left  my home in weeks… and i live at
5632 whisperwood blvd. in the 
strand..the  compete other side of
town…. it said the  reading for my lap
top was at least 16 hours ago… i tried to update the location thinking it was
a mistake… bu it still came up the  same
location… when i first signed up for the service i place two of the three
laptops I have… and  just  a few weeks ago this same thing happened to
my toshiba… i always thought i had bad luck with computers but now i have
proof that they are being taken from my home… and i am left with  the mess of a broken laptop to fix… or one
without any of   my information…   this has been happening for years( ten to be
exact… where my identity , my personal items and my life have been stolen and
ruined…. … Please help at least now you know where it is… i want all my
original things back… check to see if they have my pearl earnings… or the
$1000.00 last stolen from my home… i feel completely violated each and  every time they get away with stealing from
me… Please  HELP!  sincerely mary jean ziska   

monday september 17th 2012 @ 4:15am email to police to have patrick weber removed as guardian

From: Jim Williams –
0847 []

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 10:42 AM


Subject: FW: notify police about complaint for guardian
patrick weber

Ms. Ziska…I have forwarded your e-mail to our Financial
Crimes Bureau for review…either I or someone from that Bureau will contact you
following the review.  Jim Wms


Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 7:59 AM

To: Jim Williams – 0847

Subject: FW: notify police about complaint for guardian
patrick weber

From: mary jean ziska []

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 2:29 AM



Subject: notify police about complaint for guardian patrick

My name is Mary Jean Ziska and I would like to file a formal
complaint against my guardian Patrick Weber. 
When  researching the Florida bar
association  their form for the official
complaint enlisted the criteria for actually suing your  attorney:

1.            The
claimant    can prove the lawyer owned
him a duty  to provide competent legal

2.            The
lawyer breached his duty

3.            That the
breach caused actual damages resulting from his breach

4.            That
damages would not have occurred otherwise. 

Is this the same criteria 
needed to file a complaint?   I
have had Patrick weber as my guardian since 2006 where by he  is supposed to be in charge of legal matters
and financial matters. As of this last year, he was supposed to be assisting me
in addressing a foreclosure suit by my condo HOA ( home owners
association).  The last time we met at
court he actually  took it upon himself
to tell the HOA attorney that he would waive the statute of limitations for the
foreclosure suit since  the statute of
limitations runs out  in august.   Instead of actually consulting an additional
attorney who knows anything about foreclosure defense,  (which he personally claimed he knew nothing
about) he went  against my research,
my  requests and my wishes and his
actions or non actions….( He was supposed to file for a continuance)  actually allowed the HOA to file a date of
sale with the court!  I was livid to say
the least, and  upset that this person
ordered by the Fla. Court system  to
protect my rights was instead abusing my rights and basically using his power
to make sure that my home and the protection of my home ownership would be
violated!  At  the court house, he told me to sit down and
shut up and not to interfere….  he
threatened to have me baker acted for 
standing up against his actions And telling him what he did was wrong
and would hurt my home ownership.    
After I received the paperwork with the date of sale for July 18th  I again was upset, cried and tried to reach
him.  I was told he has 150 cases to work
on , that he has never read any of my emails, and  he not only doesn’t  keep me notified of any court dates or  anything that is happening to my life and my
homeownership which is also violates  my
rights as his ward.   Without being
notified of any  additional court
hearings, or any return emails or phone calls to rectify yet another messed up
situation he created…. I received paperwork that stated he  has taken service on the foreclosure of
my  home…. He had told me  to sit and wait,  that his plan had been to not accept service
since the  law was on my side  concerning the home owners association’s
foreclosure suit  because mistakenly they
served papers to me while still having a guardian  who was supposed to be served instead of me…
Due to this  mistake on the HOA the laws
were on my side….  And since  the decision for guardianship and evaluations
still had not been completed…  He was
supposed to be asking for continuances from the court until other issues had
been rectified.  

My  condo’s mortgage
situation has also been a mess  with
multiple mortgages on my credit report and fraud from robo signers like David
stern and Ian stein who not only lost my original note but  David stern was also even sued by the state
of Florida for his fraudulent practices. 
Due to all the mishandling of my mortgage  I am under the impression that my mortgage
was dismissed.  This leaves a very nice
condo who has a value of aprox. $350,000 that many people are interest in
gaining  ownership to at a very low
price.      I cannot prove that he will
benefit financially form such an underhanded deal but what I can prove is that
he went against my request, my research, and my best interest and I may lose my
home,.  I 
have been threated continually 
that I need to  shut up  and 
that I need to allow people to steal my home…. When  this was not what should have happened…. I
have been threatened that I will be baker acted if I intercede   on my own behalf or if I contact anyone and
tell them what is going on.  I have been
told  that I only have Patrick Weber to
help me as no one else wants to or will help me… but his help is now hurting me
and my home ownership.   

What else do you need to know?  His actions are hurting me and my home
ownership and my life,  when  if he had actually read the Florida
statutes,( 744) if he had asked for competent counsel  to assist him in making g any statements in
court, if he had even read any information on the statutes of the mortgage
companies and the fraud… or even the effects of his actions on my behalf .,,, I
wouldn’t be in this situation Please Help! (I have been through ten years of
hell where my life has been  destroyed …
from identity theft, to actual theft, to bulling and and eventual nervous
breakdown,  and now my home basically
being stolen for  what is owed the HOA….
A mere 20-40 thousand dollars…. HELP!

Sincerely mary jean ziska                                                            
whisperwood blvd. 1601 naples florida 34110/239-234-4065/ /


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monday september 17th 2012@ 4:13am email between marion and patrick weber


Friday, August 24, 2012 4:28 PM


“Marion Gregory” <>


Dear Mary Jean,


I have enclosed the latest email from Pat Weber.  Let’s just SIT TIGHT and see what Larry is
able to accomplish in reducing the extra charges at the next hearing.  I got the 
Notice of the Hearing in the mail today so you probably also got yours
today. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, 
Sept. 20th at

2:00 PM. You can let me know nearer to the date if you want
to go by yourself or with me.


In the meantime keep looking for the lost money and put
together all the money you have.  When
you get your SSI at the beginning of Sept. don’t spend a penny of it but save
it toward your $500 monthly payment that will be due October 1st. Somehow I’ll
get the lump sum payment together but will need some help from you so please
don’t hold back any money from me. I’m doing everything I possibly can to save
your place but I need your cooperation.


I’ve asked Pat to see if he can work on getting your SSI
increased especially now that you have no steady job….or roommate.  I think he can sign for you or else he can
make an appointment for you to go there yourself.  I’m sending him a copy of this email so he’ll
let us know.









—–Original Message—–

From: Patrick C. Weber, Esq. <>

To: naplesmarion <>

Sent: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 11:41 pm



I am aware of the circumstances. I can’t get any further
with the HOA.

I have asked attorney Larry Pivacheck to now try intervening
on Marry’s

behalf and see If he can have any luck negotiating down the

and late fees. Bottom line, as I have advised everyone, the
HOA is

upset that no one has made an effort for six years to
resolve this

issue and the fact that they have been forced to take this case

far to collect the HOA fees. They are not sympathetic to

circumstances. I am hoping that Larry can now use his angle
as Mary

Jean’s attorney in the guardianship to try and renegotiat
some of the

terms of the settlement prior to the hearing date of Sept.
20th. I

still must file an answer to the complaint by Sept 1st. All
I can do is

enter a general denial and demand strict proof of the
allegations. This

will ultimately result in a summery judgment against Mary
Jean because

there is no legal defense for non payment. Therefore, I hope
Larry has

success in reducing the amount. If not, the only option is
to accept

the settlement agreement to get the foreclosure behind us
and then have

Mary Jean go forward on the quiet title action. If she wins
the quiet

title action, she can then look to refinance the condo and
pay off the

settlement thereby reducing her monthly obligation. I have
done all

that I can do under the circumstances that I was presented
with and

cannot pull the so called rabbit out of the hat. Six years
is just to

much time to let go by without makeing any effort, and that
fact has

just put everyone on both sides in a very bad place. Let’s
hope Larry

has some success, but between now and Sept. 20th, I would
ask that you

work with Mary Jean and whomever to see if the payments can
be made. If

not, then I must suggest that the family start looking for

living arrangements for Mary Jean, because she will loose
the condo in

the foreclosure for non-payment. I wish I could sugar coat
this in some

way, but time is up and we have to make a move, one way or
the other. I

will let you know if Larry has any luck and if anything else
were to

develop between now and the 20th.




Patrick C. Weber, Esquire

Collier/Charlotte County Public Guardian

4670 Cardinal Way

Suite 301

Naples, FL 34112-6783

Office: (239) 417-1040

Fax:    (239) 417-1042