Wednesday september 19th 2012@ 4:24pm any information on thee criminal thieves will be rewarded HELP!

If any one knows anything about  the criminal scum that have ruined mylife…. please contact me asap! 

i am broken hearted …. knowing tht there are many perople who know exactly how tehis started… who scamed or lied or cheated me out of what? i need names adnd times and dates.. to helpprosecute… to make sur eno one is ever sacrificed ever again…. 
i break out in tears thining of how much i had to sacrifice.. of what my life shoudl have been like… of the years adn monent i can never get back…..These criminals  had no right… these criminals shoudl have been punished…. a long time ago…. 
 my life was sacrifieed for what???? money???? for the idenity thief.. or thieves…  WHY?
 Why didnt anypne stop them!