so a conversation that was weird when it occurred..but even more so… after seeing that t.v show on the big fat gypsy wedding when the culture of the gypsies and travelers were exposed… it made me think again…
so the conversation occurred when i was working at the martucci household… the home that was still in construction.. when Gerard was supposed to be in charge of his sister Christine’s home… he was asking if i would travel in a trailer across the country to California to pick up his children… the story he gave me was that he wanted biological children and had a surrogate get pregnant and he had twins that he wanted to pick up…
he was looking for a nurse to travelwith him.. but i guess for some reason he thought i would do… he also quizzed me not only on the finances of my family and the property and my own accounts… but also wanted to know information like… how devoted i was to being catholic…. and would i do anything for my family… or for him …. an example was that if he wanted me to go into a safe without any questions… would i do it?
what a slimy criminal… uck…. but the fact hat he was so concerned abut me being catholic… could be maffia like he said.. or this tv show mentioned that people who are gypsies and travelers actually like traveling in trailers… and are devote catholcs…
other than him claiming he hated Naples… ( too boring for the track suit wearing scummmmmm) i’m worried about if he actually did anything anything … he claimed that her would steal all my families businesses… and would buy up the mortgages on all the property and would ruin my entire family… Oh…. and that he would kill my mother….
I just remembered the trailer comment… so he might also have connections to the gypsies or travelers… who are criminals.. especially he was almost trying to use that sweatheart schemee on me.. ( see blog post with article of travelers and gypsies.) thinking of that article i never got a response form the man who was the police officer who was connected to that article……
My mom said that he probably just got a girl pregnant… an no reputable normal person goes across the states in a trailer…especially to pick up newborn children …..they fly… which is true…