Monday august 27th 2012 @ 11:08am: fraud aid credo

Our Credo   from  fraud aid :

We are committed to fighting fraud on every front.

We do not tolerate conditions in which

the defrauder can thrive, free of the fear of justice.

We are dedicated to bending mind and spirit toward making the business of

fraud difficult in the extreme, if not outright impossible.

The civil rights, welfare, and well-being of the fraud victim

become our primary concern once contacted by that victim.

We do not criticize. We do not pass judgment.

We do not do or say anything to compromise

the fraud victim’s dignity and feeling of self-worth.

We give each fraud victim our undivided, intelligent, serious, and unflinching attention

until such time as that man or woman can return to the community

a stronger and wiser person who no longer needs to rely on us.

We do not turn anyone away: If we cannot provide the needed solution,

to the very best of our ability we find another source that can

We stand between the fraud victim and the systems,

be they legitimate or fraudulent,

that seek to overwhelm that victim.

We provide assistance to those who stand up for the victim by sharing

our knowledge and expertise as they pertain to their prevailing challenges.

We educate.

We actively seek out any and all information related to fraud

and present our findings in an easy to understand manner



such that anyone in the world,

regardless of their culture and circumstances,

can apply what they learn to their personal situation.

We encourage members of the world community, both public and private,

to avail themselves of our gathered knowledge

toward the application of efficient fraud prevention practices

that ensure the safety of their personal funds and possessions,

and that of those for whom they are responsible

We bear in mind, at all times, that those who come to us to learn,

regardless of their reason for doing so,

will impart to others the knowledge they gain from us and it is therefore

our distinct responsibility to ensure that

each fact we present is supported by

meticulous, judicious, and independently verifiable research.

We offer the full scope of our cooperation to prosecution and defense attorneys,

investigative agencies, public and private,

at every level in the course of an investigation,

in the furtherance of the goals of justice.

Message from the founder   About us    Our Mission    About the Founder   History

What is a Fraud Victim Advocate?    The Fraud Aid Credo