Fri January 27th 2012 @ 4:09pm finally back on line. so ai can catchup on allthe criminal activity…. startign with today…

January 27th 2012, well today is fri and  i woke this mornign at 6am to open the house and turn off the alarm..but to my suprise… the alarm was already off…  i asked casy adn fred if they had turned off the alarm… neither of them had teh code so should not have beenable to turn offthe alarm… well they both said no they didnt touch it… so i decided that i woudl go onine and check out the video camera that i have installed into my home.. there is a harddrive that automatically tapes everything tfriomteh moment theyare hooked up… well another horrid suprise..   the mouse to the dvd player did not work… then when i got it to wrk….  the log in an dpassword i created is not working… so i filed another police report…. i was in teh police station last week wehn the router mymother gave me changed… i had written property of mary  jean ziska on  it.. actually all over it… like i have to do on practically everythgn…  and  when  we started having internet  problems….   i checked to seeitf it was teh router.. and that is when i discovered that it wasnt the same origional router… that caseey had hooked up for wireless internet through out the house…   using the wireless  name of Go duke… the one day when everythign lokedliek it worked… there was no go duke wireless router showing… on teh  check all connections… tha t[olice report was field in perosn  … really nice officer… and the report number is: 12-1874 so today i put in a supplement report… on line relaying all these new developements… i will put  the police report inteh nexr blog entry