So here is the qustion of theevening… I made dinner for me and someone… and he siad that this girl he knew.. her dad was in teh CIA….. when i questioned the reallity / validity.. of what he was saying… he got mad… and was just horrid… to me… so here is the question….
If your dad or relative was in teh CIA… woudl youtell acquantinces… about it…
scott renshw.. the only person who is on my side these days… and whotodl me thetruth…. told me tonight… of course not… you don’t tell anyone …..
so teh perosn i had dinner with.. was a liar.. and either made up the story.. or just lies… adn was mean. called me sick in the head…when he questoned his remarks.. adn when if soeone did have a relaivtive inteh FBI or CIA… woudl you rally let yoru daughter.. date someone who had ben injail… liek say a convicted felon…. yep that convicted felon… was what sparked teh sick inteh head comment… sheesh.. IMISS My MOM AND MY DAD adn MY SISTERS…. ad my GENUINE FRIENDS>>>>>>>> adn my answer… no father is goign to wanqt any daughte to date a guy who has been in jail… let alone someone who works in the government…..
hell my father, mother adn sisters woud be sooooooo against it…. but they are normal…. andreally great… tah tis why i miss them soooooooo much…..
Monthly Archives: December 2011
Sat. December 17th 2011 @ 10:58pm… more info on the GPS tracking device.. and today’s events.. )
So where to begin, i ordered the GPS trackgn device to prevent my car from beign switched… andtaken for rides while i am out babysiting or out anyhwere…. it has the capacity to pinpint the exact location.. i mean exact location… even giign longatute dn lat. markers… it will pin point the address.. the time it has been at that location… if it is moving it will give the milage moved.. the speed …all sorts of facts… and i ordered one to make sure my vehical stays wher i wanat it to stay. and if it doesnst….stay… tehni can calteh police..ihave a record of when it moved.. how far it moved… and where it went… alli woudl needto do is let the polie know that infomation and then they can cathc teh criminals who thought it was o.k. to do what ever to me and my possessioan.. who did so to my mercedes until it wascompletelly broken and is still sitting in my garage… these saem criminals.. i shoud say career criminals.. adn conartists who woue break thigs onmycar.. then when or if i had family who woudl help to fix things.. then they woeudl break something else… andi honestly dont knwo if anything was relly fixed… nto at teh prices that wer charged…. or ws soemoen elses car fixed instead.. or who knwos.. i dont think like these scum bag criminals.. so i cant tell you who or why.. i jstu had to deal with the consequences… and they were never good for me… anyway this little device seems like it would be perfect for stopping all of it…. but get this.. i also ordered the video surveliance… also a great product… adn they both came today….. i was sooo excited..
Last night I actually got myemails and had gone online to check out the log in feature..andto see if it was workign… strange enough.. it was infact it showed that teh GPS device was travelingfrom ponpano beach florida… i also went online to seethe fed ex tracking route..for pkg: ( 053997215090488) it started in brooklyn.. then new jersey.. then to orlando then pompano …then formyers and arrived at my home before 11am…
When i got the two packaes.. i really didnt pay much attention that they looked a bit different… but i put aside the security system..and hurridely opened the GPS…. it was taped with a clear celephoane.. tape and wheni opened it…. the packaging wasnt sealed or anytng jsut the cse in a clear plasic baggie and the GPS device in another clear plastic baggie.. but not oneof those baggies that is sealed.. liek you find from a store room shipment… jsut oened… and lose… again.. i didnt pay much attention because i was sooo excited to get the device… and so i went on line and logged in … and it still said it was at 14percent power… wierd.. usually when you get new products you have to charge then forever to get them to work thefirst time.. and then i slao noticed that in teh email i received it made anotation that i woud be gettign a t-mobil sim card.. for the device… so i looked of r it andit was alsred in teh device… also very wierd.. not even when i get a phne did i ahve th simecard alread in teh phoen and activated adn teha phoen already cahrged… hummmm so i wnet online to tractkmy device thinking ths wilbe fun seeingit at myhouse.. but when I went online… the trackign pased my house.. and went to 566 9 Herron lane naples florida 34110…. a few complexes down… and it jstu stayed there.. iscan see the satelite view of the home.. andit is not my address…
so i called teh security company who sent me the device tosee why ther wasnt any security tape on the package.. theysaid teha the red tape tahat says security seal..andgoes on to say if this seal is broken…. anyway… the perosn i spoke with went to check the shipping department adn toldme tha it was supposed to be packed with the red tape…. i freaked… and then submitted an online police report …. mail tampering is a felony offense… ( see the other blog posts i posted today… )
icalled FEd ex.. spoke aith debra… sheothen put me though to her supervisor in for myers he said the the laws concernignthe tampering with maildontapply with fed ex… can someoen please help me??????????… is that true.. itcant be true… tampering with mail.. is tampering with mail… he did say that if packages get wet soetiems they have to repack the.m .. so i asked him to look atteh log… i men fed ex is sooo organized.. and so well maintained.. tha if soeeon had to repackage my devce.. there had to be a record of it right? well no message… no post.. ntohign inteh records of fed ex sayign tah teh package was repacked… hummmm
i asked him if any other package was sent to the location where my device is tracking…. or is suposedly now…. he codlnt look it up without a trackig number.. so …. where teh hell did the mix up start… or was it doen on purpose.. like th idenity thief..or thief ..who has my neiman marcus towles… or my william sonoma napkins….or what… was it even more sinsiter… i started worring about th orgin of the GPS… brooklyn new york… where gerard adn heis family wer supposed to have been from… sheesh.. that is alli need is some idiot who said on the pone he wanted to kill my mohther..and wanted to ruin my life…. knowing my every move… then new jersey…. on the plus side… oen of mysiter’s law school friends Amy W. is a criminal lawyer in new jersey… ( at least that is the last thing i heard…) but then on the negative side a family who said they were from new jersey… who lived in autum woods here in naples.. suposedly they have moved… but when i baysat fo them… adn i called the police to watch my home… the jobs got canelled… hummmmm HELP….. i am jsut trying to protect myself and my home and my possessions.. which no one seems to want me to do…..
Sat. December 17th 2011 @10:54pm ( police online report conernignthe GPS trackign device and the crime of tampering..( federal offense and the exact location of the GPS registered to me!)
POLICE REPORT ON LINE Submit Report Review Report Please review the report. If all the information is correct, click the Submit button to submit the report. If you need to modify some information, click the desired modify link. This will be your last chance to change information for this report. General Information Incident Type Criminal Mischief (Vandalism) Person Type Individual Reporting Person Information modify Last Name ziska First Name mary jean Home Address, naples , FL 34110, US Home Phone Email Employer Name self Work Address Work Phone Race White/ Sex Female DOB Driver License Licensing State: FL Incident Information modify Incident Location , Naples , FL 34110 Incident Time (start) 12/17/2011 01:35 PM Incident Time (end) 12/17/2011 01:35 PM Location Type Residence – Single Graffiti Involved? No Incident Description I just purchased the nano 3 gps tracking device from brick house security. I received the package form Fed Ex today without the red security tape on the package and with no packing materials and with the sim card already in the gps device. I went on line last night and used the log in information to see where my nano was. It was on its way from pompano beach Florida via Brooklyn new York. I could see where it was heading and through fed ex i saw that it was to arrive today. When i plugged it in today it said that i am located at 5669 HERRON LANE fLORIDA 34110 LAT: 26.277997 LON:81.744699. I have had my life basically destroyed by identity thieves.. And thieves.. I bought the gps device so my car will be protected.. I also got a video surveillance so my home will be protected! That package came unopened.. And with the brick stone red security tape on it.. and with all the normal packing materials it is a federal offense to tamper with the mail. I want these people caught and i want to prosecute! Type: Computer/ Equipment Brand spark nano 3 Model spark nano 3 Color White Serial No How Many 1 Damaged Value ($) 199.00 Property Description the spark nano is a GPS tracking device
Sat. December 17th 2011 @ 10:47pm ( somenotes abouteh past few days.)
Some more notes about the past few days…. Like the mother imposter…. who was sticking up for karen kahel.. the bully and trespassing witch… so this is weird. The person on the phone… wanted me to forgive Karen kahel…. ( of course .. relative or friend or the witch herself… but we went into why the witch would have more than likely not been on the phone on a fri night… HA! ( see last nights blog… )  
so these are the other weird points…
The same woman who threatened that I am not given the freedom of speech that all Americans have but that I should be careful.. and I quote..” be very careful “ of what I wri
Saturday December 17th 2011 @ 10:44pm ( email sentot bricksone and fed ex.)
i jsut received two packages from fed ex today. Both from bricksonne security. One package was not in the official red security tape that thecompany said all the packages should be packaged in. It sia GPS Trackgn device and says i am at a differet location thatn myhome when i log into my accouunt. i have already filed an online police report as it is a federal offense totamper wtih the mail coudl you please help me to find out what happendto my device? as i have to pay for service each month and it was bought to prevent any criminal activity. thanak youfor yoru kind attentionto thisemaili.
sATURDAY December 17th 2011 @ 10:42pm ( summary of where my gps is… and has stayed… note.. not my address! ) …
Summary More GeoFence Alerts Video Links Distance: 171.82 mi Asset ID: Start: 12/17/2011 2:54:07 AM Sawgrass Expy, Coconut Creek, FL, United States Lat:26.304024 | Lon: -80.181256 | Alt: -1 ft Last: 12/17/2011 11:41:14 AM 5669 Heron Ln, FL, 34110, United States Lat:26.277997 Lon: -81.744699 | Alt: 11 ft Duration: 8 hours 47 minutes Direction: North Spd: 0 mph
Sat. December 17th 2011 @10:25PM (laws on mail theft )
Title 18, United States Code, 1701 covers obstruction of mail.… “Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.” Title 18, United States Code, 1708 covers theft of mail.… “Whoever steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains, or attempts so to obtain, from or out of any mail, post office, or station thereof…” “Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” 2 years ago Report Abuse
sat. december 17th 2011 @ 10:22pm ( found a fiel transfer set up on my computer.. when i had to reboot and know i made sre to not set up a file transfer especially with an address… to send my files )
I just found that I had a file transfer set up on my lap top… when I rebooted two days ago.. and made sure to not have any fiel transfer set up….. can you say hacker and can you say criminals…. I was wondering whey it was takeig so long for mytyping to show up on my screen…. And for everything to be soo slow when I actually had everything going really really fast… Of course I thought I was alone in my house.. and left my cocmpute r unattended and whie I was runin gback and forteh makeidn choc. Chipcookies..and finishing allthe laundry..the clothes that seemed to smell like mildwew.. did I have a cirminals who actual was already in my house… is that hwothe “boogy man gets to stay here allday… while one boy leaves.. and I am thinin gtha ti am safe in my own home.. when the criminal is stillin my home…. SHIT! Also I took off the two comfortor covers.. I bought to use in my guest room.. they had the same pattern as in that movie … give them something to talk about .. a nice country floral… and they wer new comforters… wheni went ot put them away.. I found that they no longer matched the origioanls one I had storred away.. they were or are bleached and faded… vompared to the new one.. now lets see… I had no one in theat room… and the curtains wer always drawn… youthink the same bitch who stoel the two towles.. also decide to update her compforters… ????? Also today…. This morngn in fact I had somemoen of (no sifnificance….) …. tellme… like a threat… that if I used the famn in my bathroom.. is willbreak… hummm like when I woa stodl that mycar wouldn’t start.. or what… one of theos ehorrid predictions.. by a criminal.. whoactualy causes the horrid and devastation g events to occur…. God I hat ecriminals….
Sat. December 17th 2011 @ 10:20pm ( i found out who might be my idenity thief… or atleast someoen whotampers with my mail.. they have my GPS device… can pinpoint exact location…)
I found where the identity thief lives in my complex! …. She lives at : 5669 Herron lane Florida 34110 In fact t she just stole the tracking device that I just bought…that was supposed to be delivered today… and I get two packages from fed ex… a boy with long sholder length dark hair and olive skin. With dark sun glasses… and I believe he had a gotee or some facial hair… he was probably about five foot nine inches tall… So when I get email about the package… it mentions that a sim card witll be included.. and that it will have a tracking device.. and the case and just received the tracking device… so that the criminals won’t be able to steal my car .. and I received two packages… one without the red security tape on it .. taped in clear tape.. with the tracking device and the case in an unsealed plastic bag.. and athe package
Saturday December 17th 2011 @ 10:16pm ( mail tampering… howto report)