Well get this.. remember i mentioned that karen kahle used to work at 5th 3rd bank… and i had an account there…actually i had not only a checking and saving account there ( the branch of 5th 3rd bank right by the strand…. ) ( I’ll look up the exact address…. and insert it later…) here is the address: 5636 Tavilla Circle Naples Florida 34110 telephone # 239-514-7575) anyway… i had called up a woman Monica waleres… who i think works in their finance division… I called her to say hi and to see if she thought this business idea i had just come up with … would be a great idea… anyway…. when i called her, we discussed that i had introduced her to his friend of mine fred who’s sister wanted to purchase property and who wanted to get a loan from her and her bank( 5th /3rd bank…)
well… she mentioned in passing that her manager (I will also get this person’s name to put in this blog post… ) that the manager decided that he did not want any of my business….so i couldn’t try to get a loan or open an account there…. hummmm
pretty interesting development in bank accounts since my bank account was closed at that branch immediately…. i mean immediately after i emailed the head of 5th 3rd bank to get the information regarding wanting information when karne kahle worked there and when i had things missing from my home… and missing from my safe deposit box….
funny enough… when i started working for her… she was working at 5th 3rd bank… that is when i saw her with some dark hared guy in her pool at carlton lakes… and when she gave me instructions on how to walk her child ( not in her property…. ) and told me specifically how to trespass… into…. the strand… which is what she was consistently doing in 2005…. and for years after until she got her name on someones list…. in fact the exact day she was trespassing and she bullied me to tears.. at the main guard gate of eh strand…. and was jumping up and down saying she won .. she won….
anyway because of her trespassing practices…. and her association with the 5th 3rd bank… and since i had extra keys in the safe deposit box… and money.. and jewelery… and all important papers…hummmmm
Now that i have actual proof of identity theft from my credit reports that started in 2002…. i think i have a right to find out who the criminals are.. and to make sure they are punished to the full extent of the law… but instead of 5th 3rd bank cooperating… or giving me any information… instead of trying to protect their reputation…. it just felt that someone needed to protect their mistress… HUmmmmm…. anyway… even though the person on the phone may have been one of the bully girls and not Monica… i still asked for the letter to be in writing.. so i can post it in my blog and let the world know… the truth… especially since i really want to make sure all the lies and manipulation… and harm stops….
my dad thought that since she was screwing around when her son was 3 months old.. that maybe it was the father of her son…( the guy in the pool….) and when i told him that after I had sent a 4 paragraph email… requesting information on when she worked… to either verify or exempt her from being a suspect at the times i had items missing from my home… when i told him they closed down my bank account in retaliation of the email…. he said that perhaps the man who was in the pool.. and trying to protect her… worked at 5th/ 3rd bank or was associated with the bank.. hummm
either way.. i can use the letter to strengthen the defamation law suit…and her bulling and harassment… and the fact that she ruined my life.. and i want restitution… and i want both civil and criminal law suits… and charges made against her .. and anyone else who decided it would be fun to bully me .. to steal from me… and to harm my life in every way possible… … she is not above the law.. the real laws of florida or even the united states of america for that matter!.. even though she thinks she can do anything she wants to anyone she wants.. I’m sure one day the truth will be revealed.. when it does she will have to be subject to all the Florida state statues.. laws and penalities....