Monthly Archives: June 2011

Thursday June 09th 2011 @2:42pm ( bully email send on sunday June5th 2011 @2:53pm)

So a bully article in the  form of an  email was sent to my email address  from my mom’s email address at 2:53pm…. once again not sent from my mother…. how do i know this… because my mom attend mass at 3pm

its amazing how  someone  was able to send a mean and bully  email  that was sent only to cause emotional distress  and cause me to cry… when my mom went  to 3:00ppm mass at st. johns catholic church… so it wasn’t sent from my mother! there  is no way that her getting ready.. and getting to church  on time.. would have allowed her to still have her computer on.. and then to  make a concerted effort to send a bully email that contains the same information sent to me in many anonymous letters  also sent  to cause only emotional distress and to make me cry…  one lady  or person actually had to nerve to say  she never met me… and to use the name of God  to belittle me…. make remarks that  caused me to cry.. 

 So this is the weird part:   i received an email from my mom  saying one of the renters had moved out… then the same night i received the mean and horrid phone call that bothered me for two days…  and the mean email sent to me at 10:50ppm….. I was also told that this same renter that  she wrote about  leaving  and was happy to not have there since he was not   timely on his rent…. was back…   so that is the first  thing that is not consistent with   the manner in which my mother usually handled her  business….

the next thing is that  my mother and i discussed  her emailing the police to notify them  when she was going on vacation… to request that they do an additional drive by to make sure her home was safe…   when i was discussing it on the phone today ( june 9th 2011) I had a horrid person who said thy were not having the police  check her house….That person who did not want to involve the police to make sure my mother’s home was safe… couldn’t possibly be my mother… or any of my family members.. or any of my mother’s friends… 

No real  mother would ever stop the police from making sure her home or possessions or even her family were safe… but a criminals.. now that might be someone who  is more interested in not having  anyone check her home… and try to prevent the law and law officials from stopping any  crimes… and  want to make sure they are not caught!  I hate criminals….

OT my mother  or in the best interest of mymother or her home..or her ossesssions….

Wednesday June 08th 2011@6:28pm ( lookout response to email ) )

## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Ticket #131150: questions concerning spoof card and voice recognition softwar…

Hello Maryjeanziska,

love to hear what you think of our customer service. Please take a
moment to answer one simple question by clicking either link below:

How would you rate the customer service you received?

Good, I’m satisfied

Bad, I’m unsatisfied

Here’s a reminder of what your ticket was about:

Jonathan Richardson, May-26 03:49 pm (PDT):

Hi Maryjeanziska,

to hear about your situation! In general, Lookout is scanning for
malware, including trojans, worms, spyware, and other suspicious

In particular, Lookout scans all apps, including inner
directories and files, on all phones – and also scans devices for any
files that are capable of being executed on the particular device.
Different device types (Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile) allow for
different types of files to be executed on them so our scanning looks
for different types of files on those different platforms.

doesn’t have the biometric voice recognition capability and we have no
plans to implement this in the near future. We are currently unaware of
any company that offers this sort of protection.

Thanks for using Lookout!

Make sure to submit Feature Requests, Suggestions, and other thoughts and ideas to
and feel free to check us out on Twitter at: and Facebook at:

Jonathan Richardson,
The Lookout Team

Maryjeanziska, May-26 12:41 pm (PDT):

want to speak with someone or contact someone who has the information
concerning biometric voice recognition soft ware.. in particular, a
program or some way of eliminating the uses of voice changing software
programs or spoofcard … Help… i have had my life destroyed by false
and fraudulent people on the phone. i was able to find a company who
will be able to get any real phone number when the number is blocked but
i cant find any scrubbing/filtering software to combat voice changing
abilities… thank you for your attention to this email. sincerely, mary
jean ziska ( )

This email is a service from Lookout Support

Wednesday June 08th 2011@6:24pm ( westlaw updates… concerning mail)

Message body

Westlaw Florida Updates
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Recent Florida Cases
Recent Florida Cases
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
In re Franchi ,(Bkrtcy.S.D.Fla.)
Bankruptcy – Service by mail on corporation could not be to unidentified officer or agent.
motion to avoid a lien held by a corporate creditor was not properly
served by certified and regular mail addressed simply to the corporation
care of “Any Officer Authorized To Accept Service,” absent a showing
that the debtors had exercised reasonable and appropriate diligence to
ascertain the appropriate officer’s identity. Moreover, while the
trustee, to properly serve an objection to a corporate creditor’s proof of claim,
did not have to make any attempt to ascertain the identity of the
individual officer or agent authorized to receive service, this was true
only if the trustee mailed the objection to the exact address specified
on the proof of claim.

Back to Top

To visit the complete Westlaw Florida Updates click here

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(C) 2011 West, a Thomson business. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of the original work prepared by a U.S. government officer
or employee as part of that person’s official duties. All rights
reserved. Use of the Westlaw data delivered to your e-mail address is
governed by the Westlaw Subscriber Agreement or such other agreement as
may govern your use of Westlaw data.

Thomson West

Tuesday June 07th 2011@ ( yes again wtih the phones… but had wanted to write thoughts on the movie TAKEN) )

so i just watched “TAKEN” .. and really had wanted to talk
about  it.. and wanted to talk to my mother about it…but instead i
got another  spoofing…   horrid criminal .. one that actually sounded 
drunk… which i know couldn’t possibly be my mother.. or my 
sisters… or any of my friends… and this person  wouldn’t  discuss 
the feelings of a mother when letting her daughter go off to boarding
school when  she was 14 years old.. of traveling internationally when I 
was  14.. or for that matter going into school in France when i was 17-
18….   the spoofing scummmmmm people on the phone… not really 
family or friends…

more than likely since  the phone line
to the one apartment also  is still connected to the main phone lines
and the criminals have been able to manipulate  phone connections.. and
send bully emails… through her wireless internet.. thus  that is how 
the bully girls are sendign emails when my mom is usually asleep… i
really want them in jail…. and no surprise that  they dont want a
police person renting and stayng in her  home … criminals never do…
and so wonder  that  the person  on the  phone is unable to answer any 
questions concerning my  life with my mother or my family… a stranger
never would be able to answer those questions…

thank god i called manuria… who actually said she spoke with my mom…
and no the world is not falling apart… her business is fine and my
sisters condo is fine…  and she promised that no one will do anything
to my life as well…. no matter what the criminals  on the  phone
threaten … and for the past few days they have been threatening…  
one of them actually sounded really jealous .. that i had a nice
life…      now there is a person who is emailing.. so  guess we are
back to the criminals and the spoof cards of 2007…. the one who lets
the phone off the hook and keeps typing… mean emails…  the girl/boy
criminal with a  gregory marion  cell phone caller id…  though now
that i have made this public.. it could possibly just be a copy cat…
who gets a hard on  by inflicting emotional distress… really classy..

 …. but it still only has the one message on the
voice mail…  go figure…. i have to deal with the mean and evil
witch  from2007… and all the bully emails? …  possibly Ohio state
person…. like karen kahel..or one of her counterparts.. or perhaps…
still… or since “Ron”  moved back..or at least  that is the claim it
must be one of the “whore to doors”…  who enjoy  harming me and my
family and the relationships of my life.. they get  a kick off of
causing emotional distress.. probably get sheer pleasure from seeing a
girl cry.. and of course they do this because they sue  don’t want some
one to have the life they have lied and cheated and stolen.. from people
like myself… what  a waste of energy… they will never have ever had
the life i had in the time frame i had it.. and by lying or belittling
my famly or my famly life.. it will not change  it …. it will not
change it at all… it will not change anything

i tried to
called  to  speak to scott renshaw.. but instead spoke to a  person  who
doesn’t under stand the  English language very well… and went to
Baylor university…. and  just told me he was my friend…. when we
Skyped… not the Skype kid who put his hand over the camera the last
time i tried to just skype on a friendly basis….   but  he kept
telling me he didn’t understand.(?) … anyway….  i was going to talk
to him  about the movie..about his daughter traveling at 11 alone….
but   that he didn’t watch the  movie… then almost at every comment
…  he said he didn’t understand…  wonder if he would have understood
if i had said i had won the Florida state lottery…HA! i bet all the 
criminals would be as sweet as anything….  if money was involved… or
maybe just  more evil… who knows? but a very frustrating and
worthless evening  trying to share ideas/thoughts  on a really great
movie… i mean i understand if someone  gets to get someone else upset
they think they have” won” like karen kahel when she jumped up and down
when she made me cry… it gives a sense of power to a bully… just 
ask any of the people who are featured on bullicide...
the website…dedicated to suicide  that were caused by bullies…. or
ask charlie sheen… about winning? right?   that s the exact word used
in a different tense… used by karne kahel when she bullied me to
tears….  that she got me upset.. so she believes she won…

method… this evening….  making someone feel less than  valuable
….. ( ie taking the phone of the hook….  making up lies to upset
them… ie ( lies about my  family… my business.. even the state of
the  economy….  then to belittle a person… by trying to make them
feel like they don’t make sense… or they don’t  matter… or what they
have to contribute to a conversation is not valuable…  even going so
far as to say  they   don’t   make sense… wow... this stuff is good…… or getting someone upset… it gives a bully power…. they get a
thrill from it… and a bullyisnot a freind nor a great family member 
or someone     

 If  it could get a bunch of teenagers to commit
suicide… I guess these same tactics are good enough for the uncaring
and selfish criminals on the the  phone… this evening… using   words
to demean…( though t it is funny  that they get upset at
profanity…. so are they children? or just  screwed up religious freaks
who don’t practice what they preach? or just  frauds ….. all round
frauds…. who use words  to  demean..and belittle.. to  bully and cause
emotional pain and suffering… … or getting someone upset… it
gives a bully power…. they get a thrill from it… and a bully is not a
friend  nor a great family member  or someone  who should be in
anyone’s life…    

would be pretty funny to find out i won
money…. I’ll bet  200 million dollars would change a  lot of people’s
attitudes… but hey would still be bullies and fakes and frauds….
guess its good that i get t o see them all in their true colors…now

Tuesday June 07th 2011 @4:58pm ( wierd when girls wanted to be my sisters)

So as to the identity thievery… and when that all started… i don’t know if this will have any pertinence or not… but i thought i should make not of it..just in case…

it was weird..  but i had a few people  claimed they could be my sisters   ….. one person i thought of as my friend.. ( micky Springer )  the other ( Carla )  i used to think she may have been a friend but then on retrospect she may have not been….  you be the judge…

 Clara ( from Brazil) i don’t know her last name.. i think it begins with  B.  anyway… it may have been after the  Christmas ever when i didn’t get to speak with my sisters or see them as i was in Naples… and her very strange comment  that my family thought I  was dead.. (and i will never forget/forgive  what she said next..) that i should be happy with   whatever family I got….   anyway.. my dad did a some  traveling  after working in Saudi… actually he did a lot of time working elsewhere…even when  we lived there… but he lived in Australia… and also visited  Brazil… and when he was single.. ( and very handsome.. ) he had some girl friends in other areas… as well… Carla at one point in time when we were    talking mentioned that we could be sisters….  guess it was the  bit of time he spent in Brazil… i know i went and  called my dad.. and he said he never had any other families.. especially in  Brazil … and this girl just liked messing with me…   but what a weird comment… both weird comments…

inf act Patrick garland  gave me a lecture once about   me not having any inheritance… about  how I  should just  be happy enough with an inheritance in heaven… i paid no mind to it  since  my entire family was doing  great…especially financially.. my mom’s business…  my businesses had been fine… an i never imagined any of the threats  that were made by the scum Gerard would ever remotely come true…

another person who  became a friend of mine was a woman i met in art classes in Sarasota.. she said her name was Micky Springer and was married to  Jerry Springer the talk show host…   i stated classes  from Julie Hanson…. on a suggestion by my father..  i would often drive up to Sarasota.. visit my aunt and dad and even get my hair cut by  the same  salon Micki went  to…called Studio Aquarius… ( great salon by the way…)    she was one of the first people i confided in about my fears concerning the things that Gerard told me… 

one day when we were visiting… and she looked really really young… she told me that she and i could be sisters…  i remember telling my mom.. because  i  thought it was a nice thought.. i had grown to admire her.. and like her friendship….  one time i remarked i had just gotten a pair of new shoes when i was on a trip with my sisters   to  stay at Karen  terry’s dad’s place in the keys…    cute little sling backs… mine were in black( the only color they had  left HA! )   and Micki had just gotten a pair in navy blue… so i guess when you think of people who are similar to you  with the dame taste and style and  are your friends.. its nice to think of  someone  like that as  your sister….what is even more bizarre is that in our THETA directory… there is now a Micki  Ziska…. .

but the odd thing i wanted to write about… was once when i went to go and visit her… her hands were different…  more like don kensig”s hands.. with arthritis  when she never had that before when i had visited her… so i am wondering if when i meet and befriend people…   can  the very selfish and criminal people who have lied abut me and fraudulently  tried to extract money from people  who were my friends…    I mean how far will the freak go to ruining lives. and friendships.. and using people  to extract money from  anyone i have ever known.?…   once again i hate criminals…. I hate fraud…

i was thnking of Micki when I saw a listing  for a 2002 black  BMW  sitting  on my mothers bedroom  dresser… if someoen has goe to the extent to get a duplicate car of mine.. would they also go to the extent to get a similar car like Micki’s? ….


Tuesday June 07th 2011 @ 4:37pm ( bad memory of gerard ahler that might be a another clue…to criminal conections… uck ) )

 so  a conversation that was weird when  it occurred..but even more so… after seeing that t.v show on the big fat gypsy wedding when the culture of the gypsies and travelers  were exposed… it made me think again…

so the conversation occurred  when i was working at the martucci household…  the  home that was still in  construction.. when Gerard was supposed to be in charge of his sister Christine’s  home… he was asking if i would travel in a  trailer across the country to California to pick up his children… the story he gave me was that he wanted biological children and had a surrogate  get pregnant and he had twins  that he wanted to pick up… 
he was looking for a nurse to travelwith him.. but i guess for some reason he thought i would do… he also quizzed me not only on the finances of my family and the property and my own accounts… but also wanted  to know information like…   how devoted i was to being catholic….    and would i do anything for my family… or for him ….  an example was that  if he wanted me to go into a safe without any questions… would i do it?

what a slimy criminal… uck…. but  the  fact hat he was so concerned abut me being catholic… could be maffia like he said.. or  this tv show  mentioned that people who are gypsies and travelers actually like  traveling in trailers…  and are devote catholcs…

 other than  him claiming he  hated Naples… ( too boring for the track suit wearing scummmmmm)   i’m worried  about   if he actually did anything  anything … he claimed that her would steal all my families businesses… and would buy up the mortgages on all  the property and would ruin my entire family… Oh….   and that he would kill my mother….

I just remembered the trailer  comment… so he might also have connections to the   gypsies or travelers… who are criminals..   especially he was almost trying to  use that sweatheart schemee on me.. ( see blog post with article of travelers and gypsies.) thinking of  that article i never got a response form the man who was  the police officer who was connected to that article……

My mom said that he probably just  got a girl pregnant… an no reputable normal  person goes across the states in a trailer…especially to pick up newborn children …..they fly… which is true…   

Tuesday June 07th 2011 @ 4:17pm ( yesterday evening mean email at 10:50pm from…not from my mother / resonse from me and and email sent to scott renshaw… the one who is my friend for assistance )

 Well, I was checking emails today… and I had a  few really nice emails from my mom’s email address… but one email was very bothersome .. one sent to me at 10:50pm last evening… my mother is never emailing  that late… and she would never threaten my future…and make up a bunch of lies about my sister.. if anything  had actually occurred and my sister  was going  through a horrible experience… my mother (first) wouldn’t  have ever  allowed it to happen… (next), my mother wouldn’t have been relaxing and skyping me the few days before… speaking of going to the Ritz for our birthday….   and would have never said such mean and horrible things and then said for me to pray… and god bless….  and in the same breath… threatened my future…..  so another example where messing  with the  phone people are ruining lives, reputations.. and relationships…..  so who is culpable this time?  i only told one  person about receiving  a mean letter…. but I  never told anyone what  the contents of the mean letter was…unless the person who actually put the mean letter in my box… using my mail box key…    would be the only person who would actually know the contents of the letter… and purposely made sure to upset me and is committing fraud( since the letter was opened and resealed…. like the anonymous  bully letters……….. HUMMMM……. fraud…  (see the post with  the definition for fraud including mail fraud to extort money or possessions….) 

Hi Scott,    June 7th 2011 @3:30pm

I was trying to reach you a few days ago… got a horrid person on the
phone and also on Skype… what is going on?  Also  one horrible mom.
who sent a mean email at 10:50pm last night…. do not ever want her in
my life.. not a real christian.. not my real mom…. but I’m sure it’s
one of the “whore to doors who is after one of you guys for whatever
business or personal.. whatever… just… watch out.. she /he is really
mean and fake…  possibly deals in real estate… the email itself
makes my skin crawl…. My real mom would have been already asleep….
10PM…. not emailing at 10:50pm????? . The other people I’ve talked to
have actually been really nice…”mom’s”. But I need your help to find
out the truth about Mattie?  If this is the mean girl who tries  to
convince me that my family doesn’t love me or want to see me…. she is
probably  also lying about Mattie… but i need to make sure they never hurt
my family… my real family…. i looked up fraud and mail fraud..
concerning  fraudulent possession of property and lies…( put the info
in my blog…

Maura… who owns the home across from rush Limbaugh.. and has been
employing Mattie… to care for her well as she( Mattie )
who  still has her own independent graphic design business.. and
Rebecca carlson who has the magazine and would  hire mattie… and is
one of mattie’s best friends… … and all her friends… would never
allow her to lose her condo…
  its either a lie.. or a
fraudulent criminal act that needs to be rectified… especially since
this same fake mom also  threatening me and as i quote”MY FUTURE”  she
actually has the nerve to be even more fake and sign the email with god
bless… HA !   what a wicked witch…. anyway.. when you get his email
please contact me… thanks… luv mary jean ziska 
who was pretending to be you? on the  phone and on Skype…. when they
put their  hand over the camera.. they  were not like a friend…. and
you had been so nice when we Skyped prior to this…. so
very weird….   I don’t understand why these selfish girls and boys
don’t want me to have real friends…. and get  so jealous  if i speak
with you.? aren’t you still a friend?.. can people be that cruel and
mean? This is exactly why i don’t want to speak to fake  little horrible
potential girlfriends…. of anyone’s ….. especially  when they
pretend to be friends or  or my mother…. and especially when they
threaten MY FUTURE….and hurt my family and my life….  I hope you actually get this email and  can respond… thanks luv mary jean ziska

so besides these really mean and horrid people wanting to ruin my
reputation… and to even try to ruin my family and the relationships i
have with friends or family… I’m trying to guess why?   Do they want
to isolate me from everyone  who actually could make sure i ever get the
life i wanted ….  or they need to  cause this unnecessary drams…
and steal a business?… or a condo?… besides stealing clothing…or
personal  items….

things had actually been really nice  between myself and my mom.. why
all the fake drama now?   anyway if you have any suggestion or can
help.. please let me know… thanks again…  luv mary jean ziska

does it have anything to do with the two different voice messages that 
belong to my mom’s phone? one message has 4 businesses…… and another
one only has one business….  its jsut  rotten how these creeps ruin

other possible email sender… i got a year’s  worth of mean emails in
2007…. rally mean and horrid bully .. remember i was always crying
because of them….. so it could of course be karen kahel… or  a
handyman named Christopher.. who lives in Bonita now….had this really
mean old  drunk girlfriend …. it could be her….  or the  stealer of
babysitting business  from la playa..when i used to call my mom over
there really got some horrible people..on the phone… or your guess… 
anyway…. don’t want to go through any of that ever again… 

A Tender Loving Care Service
Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515
Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-287-2294

Monday June 6th 2011@4:07pm( defination of fraud and conspiracy ) dn

Classification of Crimes

Under Florida’s criminal law, crimes are divided into
two major classifications: felony and misdemeanor.
A felony is generally defined as any crime punishable
by death or more than one year in prison. A misdemeanor
is any crime punishable by imprisonment for less than
one year. Felonies and misdemeanors are further divided
into different degrees, dictating the maximum level
of punishment. In addition, punishments vary depending
on whether a natural person or a corporation commits
the crime.

White Collar Crime

White collar crime is the most common type of business
crime. White collar crime is generally used to describe
crimes that have cheating or dishonesty as their common
basis. These crimes typically are committed by professionals
or entrepreneurs under cover of legitimate business
activity. Such crimes may be difficult to prosecute
because of their complexity. Often, they carry lesser
penalties because they are not associated with violence.
However, defendants convicted of white collar crimes
may incur enormous fines, be ordered to pay restitution,
lose professional or business licenses or spend time
in jail.
As a practical matter, it is impossible to describe
every activity that fits within the definition of white
collar crime, because white collar crime takes many
forms. Some criminal actions are prohibited by specific
laws narrowly drawn to outlaw a particular activity.
Other actions are not covered by specific laws but
instead are prosecuted under one or more catch-all
laws that criminalize dishonest behavior.

Conspiracy is the term for a broad category of crimes
involving multiple actors coming together to engage
in concerted criminal activity. A person or business
generally is guilty of conspiracy to commit a crime
if that person or business does one of the following:
*With the purpose of facilitating or promoting its commission,
agrees with another person or business to engage in
conduct that constitutes a crime or an attempt or solicitation
of a crime
*Agrees to aid another person or business in planning,
committing or attempting to solicit a crime
The agreement forming the basis for conspiracy need
not be written, oral or even explicit, but often is
inferred from the facts of the specific case. If the
parties meet and reach an understanding to work for
a common purpose, there is an agreement. For example,
if the producers of a particular product meet to exchange
information on prices and later they set identical
prices, a prosecutor may be able to prove they conspired
to set prices even though there was never an explicit
agreement to do so. Most criminal conspiracy statutes
also require that at least one of the parties has committed
an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
A procedural issue of great importance to parties accused
of conspiracy is whether government prosecutors try
to frame the conspiracy as a hub-and-spoke conspiracy
or as a chain conspiracy. In a hub-and-spoke conspiracy,
many parties (the spokes) conspire with one person
(the hub) but not with other defendants. In contrast
to a hub-and-spoke conspiracy, a chain conspiracy involves
several parties as links in one long criminal chain.
Defendants in chain conspiracies are responsible for
the actions of all participants in the chain, even
if they never met some of the other participants in
the chain.
Specific federal anticonspiracy statutes are found throughout
the United States Code. Florida statutes also contain
anticonspiracy laws. In recent years, a growing number
of white collar criminal prosecutions have included
allegations of conspiracy.


Fraud is intentionally lying in order to induce someone
into relying on the lie to part with something of value.
Like embezzlement, fraud can be either complex or simple.
The federal government has three general antifraud
statutes for mail fraud, bank fraud and wire fraud.

Mail fraud is a broad crime with two elements: 1) a
scheme, devised and intended to obtain property or
money by fraudulent means, and 2) using the mail in
furtherance of that fraudulent scheme. The “scheme
to defraud” element of mail fraud is deliberately
broad. It encompasses a wide variety of criminal activity,
including credit card fraud, securities fraud, medical
drug fraud and fraud based on political malfeasance.
Because the mail fraud statute uses such broad language
and because it is relatively easy to prove, mail fraud
is one of the most common charges brought by federal
prosecutors. Charges of mail fraud frequently are made
even in cases in which more specific crimes have been

The federal wire fraud statute is similar to the mail
fraud statute, but requires an interstate or foreign
transmittal of a communication by wire, radio or television.
This interstate requirement sets wire fraud apart from
mail fraud. An intrastate mailing is sufficient to
trigger liability for mail fraud, while an intrastate
wire, radio or television communication is insufficient
for wire fraud liability.
The federal bank fraud statute criminalizes the conduct
of any party who “knowingly executes, or attempts
to execute, a scheme or artifice to defraud a financial
institution, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,
representations or promises.” The federal bank
fraud statute is newer than the mail fraud and wire
fraud statutes, so it has not received a great deal
of interpretation in the courts. Because its language
is so similar to that used in the mail and wire fraud
statutes, however, it is expected to be broadly applied
and interpreted.

Monday June 06th 2011 @3:59pm ( laws on conspiracy fraud )

Florida  White Collar Criminal Defense

White Collar Criminal Defense

Reviewed and edited by Leading Florida Attorney E.
C. Deeno Kitchen at the law firm of Kitchen Judkins
Simpson & High
Business owners need to be increasingly aware of how
they might run afoul of criminal laws in the operation
of their businesses. Newspapers today are so full of
reports of corporate criminal investigations and prosecutions
that most business owners do not even realize that
business entities were once thought to be incapable
of committing crimes. Under the common law, corporations
were considered artificial constructs without minds
of their own, incapable of forming the intent necessary
to be guilty of crimes. All this has changed. During
the last two decades, the federal and state governments
have increased the number of criminal investigations
of businesses and the people who run them. High-profile
prosecutions of large corporations have caught the
attention of the press and the public.
Today, business owners and corporate executives should
have a basic understanding of how criminal laws can
impact their businesses. This chapter is designed to
acquaint the reader with criminal statutes that most
affect businesses and the steps businesses can take
to avoid criminal liability. It outlines the fundamentals
of corporate criminal law, such as the elements of
a crime and some of the different types of corporate
felonies and white collar crime.

Criminal Liability of a Corporation

As mentioned earlier, corporations were once thought
to be incapable of forming the intent necessary to
commit crimes. This attitude now has been erased and
corporations have even been found guilty of crimes
requiring specific intent. A corporation may be prosecuted
for any crime other than a crime that is only committed
by a natural person, such as bigamy or rape. The law
recognizes that corporations may be reckless and may
commit crimes requiring specific intent. For a corporation
to be responsible, the action usually must be committed
by an agenta director, employee or officer authorized
to act on behalf of the corporationacting in the scope
of employment. The corporation may also be held responsible
for its part in a conspiracy.

Criminal Liability of a Corporate Officer or Agent

In addition to the corporation’s liability, corporate
officers and agents may be found personally liable
for their criminal conduct. Some businesspersons mistakenly
believe that criminal liability is an “either/or”
proposition. That is, they believe that if their actions
subject the business to criminal liability, they will
be free of personal liability. This belief is incorrect,
however, because many criminal statutes allow prosecutors
to prosecute both the business and the individuals
who run it. Individual and corporate liability are
cumulative, not exclusive.
Participation in business criminal activity does not,
by itself, make a person criminally liable. Usually
the prosecution must show that the participating officer
or agent consciously promoted or at least knew about
the illicit act. Ordering a subordinate to commit a
crime or silently acquiescing to another’s commission
of a crime will make most officers or agents personally
liable for the crime. Some officers within a corporation
have even been held responsible for criminal activity
of which they were unaware because they had an obligation
to ensure compliance with the law or to detect and
prevent violations of criminal regulations. The law
does not look kindly on corporate officers who claim
to have been asleep at the helm while their subordinates
were engaging in criminal activity. Especially in the
context of environmental regulations, with their substantial
penalties, the defenses, “I did not know”
and “I was not aware” are insufficient if
the court or jury believes the officer should have
known or had an obligation to be aware of what was
happening in the company.

Classification of Crimes

Under Florida’s criminal law, crimes are divided into
two major classifications: felony and misdemeanor.
A felony is generally defined as any crime punishable
by death or more than one year in prison. A misdemeanor
is any crime punishable by imprisonment for less than
one year. Felonies and misdemeanors are further divided
into different degrees, dictating the maximum level
of punishment. In addition, punishments vary depending
on whether a natural person or a corporation commits
the crime.

White Collar Crime

White collar crime is the most common type of business
crime. White collar crime is generally used to describe
crimes that have cheating or dishonesty as their common
basis. These crimes typically are committed by professionals
or entrepreneurs under cover of legitimate business
activity. Such crimes may be difficult to prosecute
because of their complexity. Often, they carry lesser
penalties because they are not associated with violence.
However, defendants convicted of white collar crimes
may incur enormous fines, be ordered to pay restitution,
lose professional or business licenses or spend time
in jail.
As a practical matter, it is impossible to describe
every activity that fits within the definition of white
collar crime, because white collar crime takes many
forms. Some criminal actions are prohibited by specific
laws narrowly drawn to outlaw a particular activity.
Other actions are not covered by specific laws but
instead are prosecuted under one or more catch-all
laws that criminalize dishonest behavior.

Conspiracy is the term for a broad category of crimes
involving multiple actors coming together to engage
in concerted criminal activity. A person or business
generally is guilty of conspiracy to commit a crime
if that person or business does one of the following:
*With the purpose of facilitating or promoting its commission,
agrees with another person or business to engage in
conduct that constitutes a crime or an attempt or solicitation
of a crime
*Agrees to aid another person or business in planning,
committing or attempting to solicit a crime
The agreement forming the basis for conspiracy need
not be written, oral or even explicit, but often is
inferred from the facts of the specific case. If the
parties meet and reach an understanding to work for
a common purpose, there is an agreement. For example,
if the producers of a particular product meet to exchange
information on prices and later they set identical
prices, a prosecutor may be able to prove they conspired
to set prices even though there was never an explicit
agreement to do so. Most criminal conspiracy statutes
also require that at least one of the parties has committed
an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
A procedural issue of great importance to parties accused
of conspiracy is whether government prosecutors try
to frame the conspiracy as a hub-and-spoke conspiracy
or as a chain conspiracy. In a hub-and-spoke conspiracy,
many parties (the spokes) conspire with one person
(the hub) but not with other defendants. In contrast
to a hub-and-spoke conspiracy, a chain conspiracy involves
several parties as links in one long criminal chain.
Defendants in chain conspiracies are responsible for
the actions of all participants in the chain, even
if they never met some of the other participants in
the chain.
Specific federal anticonspiracy statutes are found throughout
the United States Code. Florida statutes also contain
anticonspiracy laws. In recent years, a growing number
of white collar criminal prosecutions have included
allegations of conspiracy.


Fraud is intentionally lying in order to induce someone
into relying on the lie to part with something of value.
Like embezzlement, fraud can be either complex or simple.
The federal government has three general antifraud
statutes for mail fraud, bank fraud and wire fraud.
Mail fraud is a broad crime with two elements: 1) a
scheme, devised and intended to obtain property or
money by fraudulent means, and 2) using the mail in
furtherance of that fraudulent scheme. The “scheme
to defraud” element of mail fraud is deliberately
broad. It encompasses a wide variety of criminal activity,
including credit card fraud, securities fraud, medical
drug fraud and fraud based on political malfeasance.
Because the mail fraud statute uses such broad language
and because it is relatively easy to prove, mail fraud
is one of the most common charges brought by federal
prosecutors. Charges of mail fraud frequently are made
even in cases in which more specific crimes have been
The federal wire fraud statute is similar to the mail
fraud statute, but requires an interstate or foreign
transmittal of a communication by wire, radio or television.
This interstate requirement sets wire fraud apart from
mail fraud. An intrastate mailing is sufficient to
trigger liability for mail fraud, while an intrastate
wire, radio or television communication is insufficient
for wire fraud liability.
The federal bank fraud statute criminalizes the conduct
of any party who “knowingly executes, or attempts
to execute, a scheme or artifice to defraud a financial
institution, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,
representations or promises.” The federal bank
fraud statute is newer than the mail fraud and wire
fraud statutes, so it has not received a great deal
of interpretation in the courts. Because its language
is so similar to that used in the mail and wire fraud
statutes, however, it is expected to be broadly applied
and interpreted.