So actually yesterday was a fine day… i went to saks 5th avenue to see if i could order or find another sweater like the jones of new york sweater i wore to my sisters wedding…. someone must have “mysteriously” washed it in a washer.. and even dried it… it shrunk up about 2 feet… and now is more of a balarrow(sp?)…
(one of those cropped sweaters with a 3 quarter length sleeve…
of course i’ve been told on the phone by the same girls and liars… (and criminals…. property damage… breaking and entering..all against the law….need i remind them…..) that somehow i must have damaged my own clothing?… HA! its amazing that my entire time in college.. in school in france and even here in naples unitl i met that criminal and his co- whores…. i never had any damage to any of my clothing…or personal property….. but those same liars… ( mean girls) will continually try to bully their way into not taking any responsibility for the damages.. ( actuall physical porperty… or emotoional harm or even for the bulling as well…. …) their accusations of me damaging my own clothing all lies to conceal their malicious michief… ther criminal acts … and to try to get from paying damages… in this case where a replacement sweater is no longer available… the damages are ….irreplaceable… ie this sweater… the suede pants.. shoes… even the chanel cosmetics they have stolen… all criminal acts done with clear intention … with damages that can be calculated… and done with deliberate malace…
the sweater …. like the suede pants (that were sliced)… and the shoes… and all sorts of items… that these slimy little girls ruin…
the realization that once again these slimy girls took something from me that cannot be replaced….the feeling of loss… or violation.. of one’s possession.. and even of a personal items that were worn for special events… it startes that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach … knowing some girls who lie for her own pleasure.. for their own gratification and for getting whatever they wants…. at any cost… and just like karne kahel ( and her co- whores….) who got away with bulling… these girls have not yet seen the arm of the law come down and punish them …
(which they should be punished)…. I can’t keep buying items to replace my possessions from some thief… or replace items damaged by these reckless and useless human beings….
sorry. to get off tract…. but i need to get these thoughts of these horrid girls and boys off my chest… here goes….
they have no morals… so of course they will take no responsibility. and i’m left to clean up the mess they make in my life… Gosh i really hope somone would find them and put them in jail… I really don’t care if they are adults… children… or even if they have children… that is still no excuse…. something has to be done to get them to behave.. and to take responsibility for their destructive nature…or it will only get worse… these children/people who are not taught right from wrong… or who do not have the capacity of having morals.. or values… or who have a lack of compassion and a lack of responsibilty for their actions… seriously what is to become of them when they are adults? what is to become of society when they are ruining everything… i mean running everthing ….. HA!
So for most of the day however the day was fine… i was hoping to use the gift card at saks to replace the face cream that was stolen from my purse… the face cream was a present i received on my birthday…. my actual…. real birthday…. but I couldn’t use the card… it was from items I returned from christmas… so i guess i will have to try to sell the card since i dont want to shop at saks off 5th when we have a real saks 5th ave store right here in naples….
Have i mentioned that my life has been pretty peaceful during the holidays and new year.?.. without a phone?… the magic jack number( 561-594-5924) needed to be renewed…
(december 24th so havent used that number since then … and the virgin mobil number (39-287-2294)needed to be renewed December 20th… so haven’t used that number since december 20th…. ) but since i had so many criminals and con artists trying to damage my life any time i was using either phone i jsut stopped using it… and then of course all the messed up problems with the virgin mobil phone… i let that phone and phone number run out as well… i figured why would i pay money for someone to bully me?…. to steal from me? or to steal my messages?..
Especially when no one was fixing anything!!!!! not the police.. not the phone companies no one… well except the congressmen who were making the caller id act into law…
but still no one….. not on a real personal level was standing up and saying what exactly was wrong.. how to fix it . and how to stop the criminals…. how to catch the criminals… and how to make sure thy are in jail so theey will never be able to do anything like this again…..
so it was easier to not have a phone… i have email… but suprising… the bullies seem not to want to put anything in writing anymore… HUMMMMMMM…..
…. so it was a nice day… somehting about mary ( the movie that was the inspiration for my email address… was on tv…. i had wanted to talk to my mom about my friend scott’s visit.. and about contacting some old friends… so i thought it would be nice to speak with my mom… but when i decided to plug in my new magic jack and call my mother at 239-598-1515… no one was there…. so left a message… seemed simple and normal enough…
boy was i wrong……
i did get back a few phone calls from a cell phone with a caller id of 239-821-5515…. one to tell me of a babysitting job… and then needless to say i had to deal with bullies again… and the evening was spent in tears…
lets see… one time when i called… one person was threatening to take away my home….
anothe phone call….of course one girl who liked to make up lies telling me something was wrong with me… and of also telling me if i came over to my mother’s house she was calling the police and have me arested and have me put in david lawrence…
(baker acted)?????
(of course my mother would never say such evil and vile things… and of course there would be no cause for any actions like that at all… these ARE THE THREATS AND THE BULLING TAUNTS …AND HARASSMENT I HAVE HAD TO ENDURE …. SINCE KAREN KAHEL USED TO TRESSPASS INTO MY COMPLEX…. IN 2005…. that makes 7 years not counting the three years prior where gerard threated to harm my family and to kill my mother….
deninately not my mom….
another time a girl who was typing.. bullied me then let go of the phone( similar to the one person who used to have a cell phone caller id of gregory marion….remember me mentioneing her before?) and continued to type…. and type… i assume she may even be the same person in 2007-2008 that sent all those mean and vile emails …the same time period when i was working without out a pay check to help my mother’s business to succeed….. or who knows maybe even the same person who sent me the annomous mean cards that were also mean and vicious… but those had
a cleveland post mark… no retun address.. and of course the coward didn’t put her name to her vile comments… so vivious… so cruel… and such harrassment and so damaging….
the same bully remarks… one girl even went as far to say as when or if i get to talk to any old friends that they will never talk to me again after a few times talking to me…. maybe the same bullies from the la playa… or somewhere else ….
the only time they stopped was when i started telling them that they must get really excited to ham a girl.. i asked them if they also harmed small children or have they started harming animals… ( sign of a real psycho…. ) adn when this argument continued… eh only time they stopped was when i tld them that i aced my psychology course in college.. and did they finish college?…. then they stopped and hung up… leaving me totally exausted… with a horse voice… and puffy eyes that actully burned…. i
if these are actual adults… how woudl they feel if ther children wer to go through such torture… or if they are children… how woudl they feel if someone meaner or bigger did the same thing to them?????
guess i jsut wont use a phone for a while …. i hate these faceless and mindless bullies… i cant wait until someon takes away everything they ever loved or cared about… ( and one day everone will be old an perhaps that will happen to them… sooner… but one day ther has to be justice so they will never do any of this to another person or another family….)
I wish i could find them and faced them face to face… ( with a police officer reader to arrest them on my side HA!) pretty easy to cyber bully or to made damaging comments on the phone…. but wati til the tables turn… i believe that there is a just God… and am hoping and praying for a just legal system… and one day… all the truth will come out and on that day… i hope they will be punished and never be allowed to harm another person again… lets hope… JUSTICE will be served…. and soon…
one more note i wnated to mention…. I dont know if these little girls were so nasty because i had told what i thought was my mother about kissing someone…. or if they were so nasty because knew i had been watching wallstreet II and had had wonderful conversations witha freind aobut stocks and diversified portfolios… or even if they were so nasty because they are jsut that way…or because they were jelious because i really had a great life… my sisters in palm beach florida are really great… my mom really did take us on tons of trips and i got to have a great life…. travel… nice places nice possessions… and great friends and people to be surrounded with… maybe these girls knew that by makign me look bad they could get rid of these great new freinds in my life…. ones i coudl actually talk to about the wallstreet journal.. or about grat places to travel or eat.. or even nice people to know….. maybe these mean people like to isolate people …. ( i mean of course it is sick adn twisted but maybe they are…. sick adn twisted…. and mean….)
no real freind would stop you from succeeding.. from having nice great freinds… from being happy….. that is not a friend … that is an enemy…and this case a criminal as well….
I actually had someone tell me that… they woudl make sure to have people know my name… now i’m worried.. in what context????? is it harsh/false and hurful rumors…. or in a positive light…. and why shoul i have to think about this at all?…..
what has happened to my life due to a bunch of horrible peope is absolutely unforgivable… and i ( in the words of the social network …. ) I want to sue for damages… LOTS OF DAMAGES>>>>>>>>>>>>
but i also wanted to mention that at different times…during the phone calls… there were different answering voice messages…on telephone number 239-598-1515….. one has one business( a tender loving care service ) that is for my mom and the other has all 4 business that she owned…( atlcprep/ a tender loving care service and real estate… and something else…) so can someone figure out who adn who they manipulate the phone service.. isnt that a federal crime? and why cant someone stop them….
also one time when it was a call from the cell number 239-821-5515… the person mentioned that she could not call 239-598-1515…. that is exactly what had been happening when i was calling my mom on my virgin mobil telephone number ( 239-287-2294)…. wonder if they stole that phone from my purse as welll?…..or exchanged it when their service ran out?
honestly… it is too messed up…. i dont now how anyoen can fix it…. i keep trying but it is just a mess and a mess by a bunch of people who are really horrid…. and manipulative and phoney and fake and criminal…..
one more point i want to relate to you before i forget…. one of the girls said she could do anything to my blog or to my website…. but when i told her she couldn’t and that since i bought the webiste… and the blog goes with the website… that it is my personal property…. and tampering with it would be a crime…. it was almost like telling this little girl ,(faith- who i baysat for) and who stole money from her sister olivia.. that the video camera would show if she had stolen money… and guess what….then and only then did she own up to having stolen from her sister….because she thoguht she was going be caught…
maybe these girls dont want me to have mysier in palm beach… or mygreat family or my great freinds.. i mena if they have been stelign form me since 2003… including idenity theft… why would they want to stop now… right?