This is the police report written on September 15th 2006.
Today I went to to ___________bank. and checked on my safe deposit box. I had 3 safe deposit boxes at one time and kept jewelry, personal and private papers in another and cash and travelers checks in another one. I believe I took out all paperwork and items from safe deposit boxes and placed i a locked suitcase. I placed the suitcase into a my storage unit ( Lock up storage ( located off pine Ridge Road When I retrieved my items from the storage unit I went through the suitcase and found empty containers /.cases that used to contain jewelry. Upon advice from people i spoke with over the phone… I didn’t file a police report then, I was told that my jewelry would “turn up” Today I went to my safe deposit box and the last one to check it is empty. I am still being told it is either somewhere else or I’ve forgotten where I put the items but i still have all the empty cases so i know for sure that today they are not in my safe deposit box or in my home or in my suitcase.