Monthly Archives: November 2010

November 15th 2010/ video voyerism Prevention act

Federal video voyeurism prevention Act /aims to protect privacy in public places.
article by mark sullivan Medill news service

Washington- Cell phone camera voyeurism will soon be a federal offense if the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act of 2004 continues its unopposed march through congress.

The bill designed to protect people’s privacy from prying camera phones, needs only to pass the house of representatives….
Privacy in Public:
The Video Voyeurism Prevention ACt
prohibits photographing or videotaping  a naked person without his or he consent /”a reasonable expectation of privacy”  Punishment would include fines up to $100,000 or up to a year in prison or both 

s. 1301 first introduced in 2000 :
privacy infringements using hidden video cameras

S. 1301 ( 2002 and 2003: cell phones  with cameras language was added specifically addressing their potential

“The road toward a federal video voyeurism law began with two cases, one in louisiana and one in Washington state

In the first case, Susan ad Gary Wilson of Monrow, Louisiana discovered a neighbor had installed hidden cameras in the Wilons bathroom.  To the Wilsons’s surprise and dismay, Louisiana authorities said their neighbors action s were not criminal offenses .  After the Wilsons learned their neighbor had similarly victimized others in the community  the couple urged the state review the law.  On JUly 12th 1999, the Louisiana governor signed a bill making video voyeurism a felony.  
The second case occurred in Washington state  where Richard Sorrelis secretly aimed a video camera up a woman’s skirt in 2000. 

In July 2002 state lawmakers changed the law to give legal recourse to people whose privacy was violated in public. 

Setting Precedents :

OXLEY’S Video Voyeurism Prevention Act  

November 15th 2010 @6:24pm/Essence magazine order i never ordered

You know when wierd things happen and you think nothing of it?…. Well that doesn’t happen to me anymore.. the “not thinking anything of it”… I go immediately to try to  figure out if the incident will harm me, my credit, my idenity, my business or my family…. the days of believing things “just happen”… or are “just  mistakes”.. not since 2003….. not much has “just happened” without some intentional planning or direct action….

So i received an order of Essence magazine that i did not order.  It was in my name with my correct  address.   I tried contacting anyone that may have gotten  me the subscription and could find anyonee who would say they got the magazine for me.   I am not african american and have never ordered such a magazine before.  

I tried contacting the magazine company to find out who ordered the magazine.  I was able to contact  Media 2 group ( 866-441-1281)  and was told it was ordered by a third party and unless i knew the last four digits of the credit card used i could not find out who ordered the magazine.  When I called and spoke to Media 2 group ( 866-441-1281).   I was also told that i could  not cancel the subscription.   Spoke with fairly rude person on 7/02/01 who would not cancel subscription.  They said I could cancell the “sending”  of the subscription but the entire order would still be in affect.  
I told the company that i was a bit worried about idenity theft since i nor anyone i now ordered the magazine, it is not a customany magazine i would ever read and i had heard of people making   change of address on magazines and credit cards and other mail  to establish  a new address if someone was  stealing  an idenity.  

I had a much better response when i emailed Essence magazine directly  to cancel the magazine.   I received a reply email on July 02nd 2010statng they receivced my email 3:09:46 pm on 7/2/2010 and was assigned the incident number 11513695.  The magazine was stopped.    I still dont know how or why teh magazine ended up in my mail.

Has anyone else ever had any odd experience like this concerning mail or magazines?  Or had any experience in idenity theft  startitng with mail problems?  

November 15th 2010 ( mail tampering/theft )

 So another Monday/ back to working on making sure everything is documented correctly and precisely .   Today is Monday November 15th 2010.  I am backtracking and going through the different issues and crimes i have had to deal with since meting gerard and karn kahel ( 2003-2010)  Today in dealing with mail fraud/ mail tampering and mail theft

upon looking up information I found a few interesting quotes

Stealing or tampeing with another’s person’s mail is a serious crime.  and serious punishments .  In the United States it is illegal to take another person’s mail from a postal truck, a collection box, an apartment mailbox, a mailing rack, or a neighborhood delivery or collection box.  The united states Postal service is a federal entity and therefore stealing or tampering with another person’s mail is a federal crime. 

The law concerning mail theft is under Title 18 of the US Code ( crimes and criminal Procedure ) section 1702. Obstruction or correspondence and states:
Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository of mail mater or from any letter or mail carrier or which has been in any post office or authorized depository or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier before it has been delivered to a person to whom it was directed with design to obstruct the correspondence or to pry into the business or secrets of another or opens, secures, embezzles or destroys the same shall be fined under this title or imprisoned

on answers .com
an answer concerning the  the penalty for mail theft from a judge: 
What type of crime is mail theft.  It is a federal crime 700+ words
On a single count of mail fraud federal sentencing crime carries a maximum penalty of 20 years. 

Email I sent ( subheading: contact us
subheading file a complaint:   Monday November 15th 2010 @1:48pm
To Whom it may concern: 
I called your toll free line#877-876-2455 and spoke with a woman named Mary from Miami ( no id) who told me to call Tampa because my address had a zip code of 34110.  The telephone number she gave me was (813-281-5256) ( not listed on your website ( .

I originally filed a complaint /police report with the post office and the police concerning mail  theft and mail tampering. 

In  2006 i requested an additional birth certificate for reissue of my USA passport.  Upon receipt of the birth certificate the letter had been opened and tampered with
( you could tell that the letter had been re-closed and resealed. )   Upon opening the birth certificate one of the receipts that should have been attached to the certificate was missing. 

In 2007 I ordered my West law account and west law id and password information and card  were sent with my account information.

* In December 22nd of 2006 one password and pass code id were sent to my address.

* On March 19th a second id was ordered and sent March 19th 2007.  I never received  that card /including the pass code and password id in the mail.  I called West law and it was sent but i never got it in my mail.   I believe it was stolen.

*On April 5th 2007 the 3rd of the 3 cards were sent to my address. 

In addition, I ordered a copy of Blacks family law terms handbook full set  
( item #17464515)and had to reorder an additional copy when the first didn’t show up in may mail.

I met a con artist by the name of Gerard Ahler ( 2003)and additional Bully in 2005 Karen Kahel and believe that their associates may be responsible for numerous crimes that occurred in my life between the years of 2003-2010.

I want to press felony charges for  all the postal crimes committed.  The crimes of tampering with my mail/mail theft and probably will be dealing with identity theft and other numerous related crimes as well. 

If you have the additional reports or additional information on the crimes i mentioned please email copies to me so i may keep in my files and update the police on the progress in  catching these criminals.

Thank you for your kind attention in this matter ,
Mary jean ziska (

 I will have to fill out an additional form and have an additional email sent concerning the mail sent from Cleveland Ohio.  the letters that corresponded with the bully telephone calls, and bully emails and contained articles with the intent of causing emotional distress and pain.  Letters that had Jesus stickers on the outside with no return address /just a postmark from  Cleveland and had no personal note, nor any signature of who sent the damaging/defaming  articles.  

Saturday November 13th 2010 personal note

 So i guess it was a fairly productive  day… it’s acutally really difficult to write  some of the things i need to write. to have the public know exactly what i had to endure these past 7 years  even while i wore a smiling face… or had to keep silent …. 
 moments when i dint understadn why these people needed to pick on me… needed to harm me or my reputation…. when i created files to try to catch and punish any criminal act… do thee people think that by the fiel disappearing the memory aor the horrible experience will jsut go away? no it doesnt work that way…
i wrote something in a journal  so here goes….

“Its always so disheartening fnding out that people are untrue… the joy/smiles rlationships that could have been realized.. jsut manipulations what .. to profit others and break me? doesn’t  seem fair.. or right… or just …. 
So i want to ask.. when did it all start> who is responsible for the tears?  When soes it all end? 
YOu made me afraid to open my mail
YOu made me afraid to open my emails 
You made me afraid to ope my door to answer my phone 
You will never know what it has been like.. 
You will never know how much it changed me…
who i ws- who i could have become…
All my dreams/ wishes and prayes wne unanswered and unheard 
instead of laughter i received tears 
instead of hope you brought fear into my life 
 I cannot forgive you all of you It wanst fair.. you shouldn’t have picked on me.. 
Instead of knowing love you taught me hurt and hate
Are yo proud of  what you accomplished?
You had a choice to make me smle and laugh
 to build my spirit and soul 
instead today you chose to make me upset and cry
Yor choices are a reflection  of your tattered soul
some say only hurting peole hurt people
and they say ignorance doesn’t  excuse bad behavior 
My sould is terrified of your net response
this has not made me stronger..
it has crushed the me i once was…
it has changed who i am today and who i will  forever .be
the tme to heal was never allowed… ope sores are now scares on my personality and on my soul
 you can take credit for the damage you inflict 
may one day the pain you cause others be yoursto endure  alone    

 To the peole who gain sheer enjoyment and pleasure by  deciding that it was alright to put me through horrible expereinces…… i guess the girls who like to cut peole down ..or make them look bad…
 it must be their only way to keep a guy… or to make themselves feel better…. its still not an excuse… theris no excuse… what occurred is still unforgivable ….

Saturday November 13th 2010 at 1:14am la playa hotel and bully phone calls

 so here it is ….  after many tears,,,,  and a bit of anger at the horrible people on the phone I called  this hotel  with the initials….of LA P located in Naples Florida…  it is where my mother was supposed to be baysitting for the evening…    I wanted to see if my mothers cell phone was left in her car  and to try to see who could possibly be respnssible for the horrible phone calls that  came from her cell phone… I know before when i had left my car there when babysittign I had DVD’s stolen from my gold mercedes … so perhaps someone had taken her cell phone…. as for the horrible people on the phone i wanted to find out who may have been on the other end of the phone…

I called and spoke with Jr. hadley… who i thought was the manager…but was a security guard… and then Melissa ( couldn’t  get her last name…. who worked at the front desk… )  the Johnathan  Beaumont who was the valet ( he was the only one who was nice and hlpful at first….) and this guy David…. got to say the rudest of them all…. don’t know what he did or what his last name is…. hhe wouldn’t give it… guess he didnt want ot get in trouble when his name is listed as people who were not helpful…  i was really suprised that each and every person i spoke with sounded so young and even melissa i could barely hear .. msut have bgeen some party goign on there…. so since no one was  being ncie or helpful ro professional… msut say david was really very childish and rude……. it even gets worse…. 

anyway … the stink gets even worse…. 
  My cell phone gives out when i am supposed to get a call back from  melissa  and when i go to find out what happened… i put in the top up card  # and the phone says the top up card for the phone i am usinging is not my cell phone of 239-287-2294…… i get a message that i need to add 4 dollars for the balance of my month to start… when it  was supposed to start on nov. 2nd…. so not only is someone bulling me… but whoever is doing all there manipulating with the phones… is really screwing up accounts…. and phones… and most likely phone numbers…. do you think they just  stole my phone again?….  iguess when people are criminals and have no problem breaking into homes… or stealing possessions… that what is a phone account to boot?… Gosh these are some seriously mean and devient and horrible people…..   

what if it is actually  creating  a type of fraud…  or would it be idenity theft?  What if you were not talking to the correct people… but insteaad these criminals… were jsut saying they were who  they were supposed ot be…. and what if…… you werent even talking to the correct people… at all…… i know it is a felonly to represent a police officer ….  but i guess i will have to look  up the exact laws broken when  concerning a civilian…. I do  know that definately  the  fraudulent  misuse of cell phones to commit any type of crime …  .. perhaps even falling under the  cyber criminal laws… or cyber stalking laws… or idenity theft.. or misrepresentation …. but criminal charges are in order along with harrasement and defamation of character and all sorts of  laws that are being  broken at this moment…

So i called the police department and  spoke with a John Arena badge #1916 /and … also spoke with Deputy Simeon #2719 and asked about representing  a police officere officer… It is a  felony….  wanted to know about civilians….

 Someohow the police department will not  do a phone report until  monday…. and i am not wasting tax payers money  to have an officer come out to file a report …. but it is   plenty of time to contact lawyers and make sure this blog is out to the public and the proper authorities  are notified….

Fri. Nov. 12th 2010 bullies on the phone again!

 so tonight while  at 8:50PM to 8:53pm…. i was trying to actually call my mother…. on her cell ( 239-821-5515 .  instead i  got a person who told me that while writing in my website…. or blog…. MY SEARCH FOR JUSTICE I  should LET IT GO>>> AND I QUOTE… >>>>>>GET OVER IT”

 I was trying to ask  my mom to remember  some of the many times that jobs were stolen… or other crimes committed against me…

( just recently learned  through  the entire experience of Virgin Mobil.. that my phone has probably been spoofed since i got the number originally from  Sprint!) my cell phone is supposed to be 239-287-2294. but i was getting up to 12-13 calls a day with a phone number of:  11239-287-2294 when contacting intellius.. there was no such number….. when doing research.. found that a similar number from a sprint phone allowed people to get messages without using a pass code… called spoofing… and is illegal in the state of Florida!

That means  not only one job or one message that was stolen.. but years of stolen messages and stolen jobs and years of items  that  were stolen ..

I was  told by a very nasty person that it was alright for things to be stolen from me … in fact may i repeat.. i was told….. ” TO GET OVER IT!” ..… 

 the words just don’t  make sense….

when you think of it…. in the context of having a personal possession stolen from you….   no matter who says those words….. and possibly the only person i could see ever saying something /or anything like (get over it in dealing with a crime against a woman…) must be  someone who  commits crimes and doesn’t want to get caught and wants to be allowed to continue with their crime spree… any law abiding person would enlist the assistance of a real police officer and a real lawyer… to stop the crimes from continuing…. .. obviously  the only type of person who wouldn’t  want any crimes to be told to the proper authorities would be the criminals themselves! not someone who wants to be caught for committing the crimes..

When I tried  to attempt to explain that laws were broken… that you don’t get over it when you are violated over and over and the criminals are not caught but continue to  not only invade your home…or your car… but these narcissistic criminals  seem to have a belief that  they are above all laws .. and above any retribution that laws provide.. that since no criminal punishment has ever come down upon these slimy criminals.. that they can continue to break laws… and harm families.. businesses and individuals like myself!

So needless to say I ended up in tears… ( probably the objective right?   Bullies usually want the end result of harming someone to be a victim so they can feel powerful… example of karn kahel jumping up and down after bulling me to tears… and her saying she “won”… yep… bullies tonight on the phone… for a few phone calls..

and this is classic… the bully wants me to go and see a therapist instead of contacting a lawyer…or  the police….

clearly trying to what?…. discredit me?…. that i am not supposed to get upset when something is stolen?… i am not supposed  feel violated when people break into my home?… but instead i am supposed  just of what was that again… ohhhh right…. i am jsut supposed to ” GET OVER IT”>>>>

Damaging…. absolutely!!!!!!… upsetting!!!!!!!!!… YES!!!!!!!!!!…. not only discrediting or not validating….  me. or the crime that occurred  over and over and over… but discrediting any victim…… or anyone who is a victim… much like a rape victim is brutalized … told it was her fault... that if she hadn’t worn the short shirt… or hadn’t been pretty…. the crime wouldn’t have happened…

 So in my case… since these crimes have been occurring since 2003… and no one will stop them... then what?

I started taking proactive measures…  putting everything in writing…. making sure the proper authorities are notified… that means the police and the lawyers.NOT  a shrink… what  a  evil and vile person to even suggest that …. but then that’s how they have been bulling for years…. of course with no one stopping them…. or any punishment…. not exactly like the moment when Gerard was on the phone threatening to kill my mother and i begged him not to hurt my family…. …… I was also crying and shaking and ready to throw up… but crouched on the floor…. not being able to move.. i was in no position to fight back….  then…. now it is a different story…. hey wanted me    “to change”……  to “toughen up”  i am not the same sweet and nice person i once was that is totally due to the events of these past 7 years….. and i cant wait to take them to court for damages……

so for this case….  what?  if i had just  not allowed someone to break into my home?… or  If i had  not allowed anyone on the phone to know when i was home? or not home?… or what?  if i had never  trusted anyone ever again?…. or the best is when someone told me  not to have anything worth stealing? ….. maybe   i didn’t contact enough of the proper authorities.. …  or  didn’t pray  for protection enough?…..

 what a horrible bully session….and very harmful bully session it was! Karen kahel would be sooo proud! wonder if she was behind it…. or any of her scummy friends….
luckily when i called back i got a great person who actually prayed.. and seemed nice… .. maybe there are people who still have morals?.. values?… and actually ethics?… who aren’t into  bulling and harming people for their own selfish intentions…  but i sadly must report there are not many  people like that out there….

 Its a shame I’ve cried sooooooooo many tears these past years….dealing with such horrible and awful people …. who i would never in a million years bring into my life intentionally….  DEFINITELY>>>>>  a rotten Fri. night…. but then there are a few weddings going on and in my experience….  I have often gotten bullies on nights like these…. when these bullies… enjoy harming other girls… especially me… so i don’t go out…. don’t go to the Ritz… or meet anyone nice or actually see some person who is supposed to be a friend.. but is just a FAKE…. a fake friend who lies about being in town… or worse one of those fake and horrid actors who who have no real  personality… at all… but then i guess that would be a real con artist... right? someone who lies about who they are…. and just acts a “PART”…. pretty selfish and very fake….
anyway the plan worked… to get me to cry… i mean (who would  go out with blood shot eyes after crying…. right?)  and but they wouldn’t want anyone to   interrupt their scheming and manipulative ways of “HOOKING” a guy or two…. or conning someone……  soooooooo  disappointing…. soooooooo not my  family or friends…. luv mary jean ziska 

sunday november 07th 2010 naples international film festival

  Sunday november 07th 2010 Yesterday went to a film from the film festival… the last showing ( starting at pm ) for a movie called the chameleon …. what a movie .. actually really liked it… set in hungry… about a con-artist who was in love with his mark. guess you could call a mark a victim….  anyway… my mom brought up the new yorker who was such a liar and con-artist… and once she mentioned that … throughout the entire movie i saw one criminal act after another.. in the end of the movie the con-artist got beat…. preformed some sexual act with a man he wanted money from…. and his friend died.. lost all his money.. and to be honest i guess i was  for a moment i was sympathetic… but then i thought of all the woman he had conned to get their money..all the lies he told… and  i actually thought maybe in small way justice has prevailed… of course the best would have been for him to have been caught.. to have to pay restitution for all the crimes committed and  definitely to apologize…. but jail time and a bit of legal justice would have been nice… maybe what . karma did prevail… or God did prevail.. or somehow this world does balance out the good and the evil… we shall wait and see.. .   …