Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Auto-Saved: 11:26:35 AM november 10th 2010 events wiht kk and 5th 3rd bank

 I have a feeling that the blog entries will be a running list of both memories and events or experiences that occurred during the yeas of 2003-2010….. they may not be in  chronological order  but the description of the events and the feelings associated with the events will be the truth…..

so while i had my faux painting business i had bank accounts at three  different bank accounts….. I opened an account a safe deposit account at 5th 3rd bank……. at the time karen kahel was working there i know i left not only cash (aprox. 14 thousand dollars at the  time) ….and my extra house keys and car keys and anything that was valuable to me… like my jewelry…. and important papers…. surprising enough people routinely  broke into my home when i was away working on projects… for my faux painting business… and when i was babysitting….

In 2005 when I worked for Karen kahel who lived in Carlton lakes at the time….  babysitting her three month old son….. Greyson … (for a short time)  until I saw her or someone who looked exactly like her in an orange bathing suit  (bikini)  kissing a man in her community pool who was not the man i was introduced to as her husband.. supposedly her husband  was Todd…. and when i met him…. he  was bald… this man in the pool  had a large amount of dark hair….. when i told my dad years later that i was appalled that a woman would be having an affair and having me babysit a 3 month old child…   he concluded that the child was probably the product of the affair….  who knows?… i do know while i was sitting for her she gave me specific instructions on how to walk her child in the baby carriage into my complex…. trespassing ……

the problem  with her instructions was that i knew better.. I lived there…. and knew not anyone could or should just walk into a gated community…. since i lived there… I told her  that wasn’t allowed…. little did i know  then that she not only trespassed into my complex…. ( 2005…) without anyone’s  permission and anyone allowing her to be on their list of guest list … but she made her babysitters do the same…  totally illegal…. but she had no problem breaking rules or laws… then and i later learned she had no problem harming a person and inflicting  emotional harm  by bulling later….. 

I do remember  she wanted me to meet her friend FAVIO… who got her great deals on BMWs from fort myers…. so who knows if that was another scam or even the dark haired Italian she was cavorting with  in the pool…. i really don’t  care about  her life except for when it harmed mine…. and bulling and trespassing into my property definitely harmed my life!  

I think now it was lucky that i didn’t do anything with her BMW connection…. and…. I declined… didn’t really respect her or her choices after that….

 I  do know years later when i emailed a question to  my bank…. the  5th/ 3rd bank concerning  the time frame that  she worked at the bank so that i could correlate if and when items were stolen from  my home  since i knew she trespassed and had her sitters trespass…. Well,  immediately after the email  my bank accounts were closed from that bank.. and not personal bank accounts bank accounts I had established for A Tender Loving Care Service and for A  TLC  PREP ( the etiquette school )   someone mentioned that since she went to Ohio State… and the bank was originated in Cincinnati… since she had worked there at the time she was also kissing a strange man in the pool… that possibly it was someone from the bank who was in the pool with her….  or  who knows…  there was no  end to the possibilities of the  man or men she had been involved with..   HUMMMMM very interesting right?

friaday november 12th 2010: fake conversations/people are not replacement parts

Have you ever had a conversation where you are spilling out your true feelings to someone who really could care less?… i mean someone who doesn’t  care what you think about.. who you are… or really doesn’t care about you at all?  the have an agenda… to mention a new product… or put their viewpoint in the fore front…  whatever it is.. they really don’t care about who is on the other end of the phone… just  as long as they  get their say… honestly you may as well just be   a plant… or a pet… or a piece of furniture…  they treat you as if you are replaceable and they don’t care….

wait til these pompous and egotistical people are perhaps  older  and say …. in a nursing home…  or somehow just  considered a number on a chart… or a person taking up space…. or something  so demeaning as those categories… … maybe  when someone treats them as if they are not the unique individuals they were created to be…when they are not known for the  unique experiences that made them who they are…or even no one knows  or cares about the amazing people they had the pleasure of meeting… or the  amazing life experiences …..  unique relationships… or even… amazing conversations and experiences they  can recant…. MAYBE when they are not valuable in the eyes of some other ego driven/ pompous person… maybe they will  think back to when they decided that they were “too important” …. to be kind or nice to to others…or even honest or ethical… and what about law abiding…  that maybe each and every individual is valuable and not just put on this earth for their own  personal use….. 

which brings me to a point that i have wanted to write about for a really long time… treating people as if they are replacements… replacement parts… that anyone  will do if they are the right height, the right weight, the right hair color… that any  girl is replaceable with any other….

I guess if you were fake… like an actor… you might want to be a replaceable part…. able to be so generic that you could pass for anyone and if you were an actor  or con-artist…. you may want  to  actually be able to be other people….. right?

But for real people… the ones  who want to have real conversations.. want to develop authentic  lifelong relationships… where conversations, memories and events and occasions are unique… are personal and are not replaceable! well….. its not acceptable… being considered a replacement part… or being considered not valuable  …. no… it is not acceptable to be considered not a valuable or unique individual… at least to me it is not acceptable! 

november 10th 2010 fraudulent phone

 quick notes on the problems  with the phone

1. problems with the cell phone
a. emails sent to rectify the situation
b. phone calls made to rectify the situation

2. problems with the mj phone…
a. phone calls where (had to be con-artist on other line…)
b. con-artist tried  to quote me $15000.00 for guard dog 
c. con-artist tried  to quote me $7-8 thousand dollars for nanny cam 

3.  Bullies on the phone

Cell phones with with wrong caller id:
I ended up talking with someone with a caller id that said Gregory- Marion… horrible person.. true  bully….person  would try to pick a fight… ie say really mean things to me and then when i tried to retaliate….  then would try to waste minutes and put the phone right by a television or and not say anything….  thinking it was funny to bully then run away…. 

Since the phones have been messed up for ages…. dont even know where to begin…

Found out about spoofing…. where someone gets a phone call that is similar to your phone number and is somehow able to access your voice mail without a password…

business calls being forwarded … so business was lost…

Wednesday November 10th 2010 another entry for today….

So in my search for justice I have been trying to put together details and situations that may or may not have anything to do with each other… you can be the judge….  they have affected my life and more likely than not seemed to involve con artists or some sort of deceptive nature to gain financial gain for the culprits… if anyone has had similar experiences maybe they can shed some light on the situations so that no one will have to ever endure any other miscarriage of justice… 

Take for example when selecting and choosing my home/condo…. my mother, father and I carefully selected the location….. the level of privacy and the level of security along with the amount of amenities… it was perfect! ….   we put the property in my fathers name  as my business was taking off…. when it came time to switch …. we went to a man by the name of JERRY BEECH.…  (no longer in business… located in Bonita Springs….) somehow he changed my payments and doubled the amount i needed to pay each month…. being  the first time i had ever bought property…  i had no idea what hit me…. and  upon receiving all mortgage companies papers in the mail…… i  payed  a different company  each and every month my money!

Knowing a bit  better now,  something was very fishy/skinky…. but not half as fishy and stinky  as when i met a man by the name of Ein Stein   


Tuesday November 9th 2010 – theft and tresspassing in to a person’s home

 Gosh… in a really rotten mood… late night went to go and find this large blue folder… i had taken the time to print out all the Florida statutes… labeled them … and that file is missing… then went to a file i had created that contained a seriously defaming email sent to my priest… i had emailed my parish to .. set up an appointment… so that i could make sure that the lies told about me from that email were not believed.. to enlist the  assistance of the parish  priest… father/Reverend  John Ludden  in answered a few simple questions  …..( you know what? I will insert the email i sent)

… but what i was trying to say.. is that file as well is missing… and the file  to sell my car is missing…. all those files were locked safely away in my den storage closet… and now are missing… these experiences have been going on since 2003….

2003 I began working for Christine Martucci. and Steve Martucci and met Gerard Ahler who was helping them build their home and was the contractor on the job.  His company  company was PRO LINE CONTRACTING  from Brooklyn new york…. the home was located in Marco Island. 

I had my own faux painting business called M&M Decorating.  I was hired to faux paint a few rooms in their  new home…. I had a minimum of $825.00 to go into any room and do the faux painting.  I had created a very organized and well established business side of my business along with being  able to do the actual artistic work…  It was cute… i even gave m&m cookies and thank you card to my clients because  i   knew even then the value of appreciating my clients… of great and memorable marketing .. and loved both the business side and the artistic side of the business i had created from a hobby….   By . my 5 year plan included going to interior design school….( i never liked working the construction end of anything… I was really a girly girl… and knew interior design would be more my style… l and seeing my hopes and dreams come true….

 By 2003  before I had met Gerard, i had contracts in place… . was living in  a safe the condo  with a guard gate…. my mother and father had chosen with me to be mine… and had back accounts and savings accounts…a great vehicle… and my life was set on its path…   

 1st mistake…
I  innocently gave  my set of car keys to Gerard..  he wanted to detail my car… so handed over my entire set of keys which also contained my car keys.. my house keys… and about three sets of keys for various  million dollar homes and condo’s I was working on…  did i mention that my home had never been broken into or anything stolen or damaged up until  2003?……

He was giving me a present  of a facial from a place in Marco island.  The girls giving the facial  quizzed me on numerous topics…  later i was to find out the the he… actually used them to quiz me and told me flat out that if i answered the questions he asked me differently than the way i had answered the girls  at the spa…  that he would know i was lying.. that “HIS GIRLS”  were asking those questions for him….
2nd mistake:
I  didn’t  think twice of taking  off my diamond ear rings and diamond cross that  had been presents from my mom and dad… and placing them in a locker. on the site where “HIS GIRLS were giving me this “facial”……

Well… giving the keys away… total mistake… not keeping my diamonds on me…. TOTAL MISTAKE!!!!
I later was told by his sister  not to leave my check book out in the open on my desk…. Did I think twice about anything then?… nope… but now thinking about it… after having so many things stolen from  my home…   i think about it every time something is missing…

I think the correct work for what a feeling of loss after having  someone trespass into your home.. and take items that you bought.. that you selected.. that you created …. that are yours… the correct work is VIOLATED……

If you have never been a victim of theft.. of trespassing of vandalism.. home invasion… you may not know what it feels like to have someone go through your personal possessions… to have someone handle your private notes or …. just at the very least.. be in your home… the feelings you once had of safety of security are gone…  they will never really ever return… the  absolute feeling of an invasion of your privacy.. doesn’t even begin to   describe the feeling of invasion… of pure and absolute defilement of your property… of your complete helplessness at the loss of your personal possessions.. and the utter feeling of remorse…anger… hatred.. follow by why me  or tears of either rage or sadness…

but to have it happen on a continual basis… i think if you are raped.. or robbed… maybe one you can get over it… actually no you will never be the same and will never get over it.. but if someone did the same crime… and nothing was done to stop them.. and they continually were allowed to commit the monstrosities…. again and again.. and what if they were allowed to  were even condoned… and not stopped …. or the criminals ever caught  or punished… it is just another set of emotions….  the anger that will build up… at the injustice… the anger at the authorities for not doing everything in their power to stop the crimes…


November 1st 2010…. new month and new blog! 9:24pm

So a new month and the start of a new blog… i had wanted to keep all the wonderful and fun stories for dating… possibly meeting Mr. Right….i mean my gingerbread man… in the website for my gingerbread … but the weird situations and events kept creeping in so i decided to save all the events that have transpired since 2003 and put them in this blog… that way a type of journal.. a type of recording the  past events.. and  any new events… i wanted to put it in a blog so it will be published… all the events.. all the sorted details… out in the open and published for anyone who can help me to find justice for all those people who thought it was fun or alright to lie to me to cheat me out of anything especially these past 7 years… and  so no one will be manipulated, conned or harmed by these people again! Its the only way to stop them… no one else will no one else has… and no one has brought justice to these people ….many who have not only broken laws but should be in jail and who need to pay damages for all the damage they have caused in others lives…. 

definition of seek:  search, look for , pursue, quest , hunt for, follow the trail of look around for cast out ferret out track down, follow up on check out, leave no stone unturned, follow the trace of, scout out, sniff out, dig for delve for……investigate, look into , make inquiry, explore, research, look up inspect, scrutinize, inquire, question, 
definition for justice:  the fair  and proper administration of laws.   
definition for personal justice:  Justice between parties to a dispute, regardless of any larger principles that might be involved
definition for positive justice:  Justice as it is conceived recognized and incompletely expressed by eh civil law or some other form of human law
definition for preventive justice:  Justice intended to protect against probable future misbehavior.