Dear ( friend, family member,  ![]() I am writing to you today because I have a business proposition that may be of interest to you and if you are interested it would help me out of a very horrible situation. July 14Th I found out that my home was set to be auctioned off for back home owners association dues. I have been working on solving and fixing the situation but it was auctioned on the 25Th of July. It was sold back to the homeowners association for the amount due: $ 43,475.58 the assessments: $ 25,715.08 Interest $ 10,997.33 late fees $ 1,241.52 cost of suit $ 740.00 attorney fees $ 4781.65 total due: $ 43,475.58 I’ve been to the bank and a loan from the bank using the equity of my home would take at lest 2-3 months to process. The mortgage on my condo was dismissed due to the fraud involved by the the lender so there is 100 percent equity available on my home. I am offering a $10,000.00 bonus for the opportunity to make this loan with a 10% interest rate. I had 10 days from the sale of my home to try to get it back though a law known as the right of redemption. ( florida statute: section 45.0315: right of redemption): at any time before the later of the filing of a certificate of sale by the clerk of the court for the time specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, the mortgagor or the holder of any subordinate interest may cure the mortagor’s indebtness and prevent a foreclosure sale by paying the amount moneys specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, or if no judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure has been rendered, by tenedering the performance due under the security agreement including any amounts due because of the exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of processing to foreclosure incurred to the time tender, including reasonable attorney’s fees of the creditor. Otherwise there is no right of redemption. As of today I still have 4 days left otherwise the condo title will be transferd and the condo will belong to the condo association and they can sell it for the total worth of $190.000. I woudl like to still have the condo in my name which will allow me to get the bank loan. It has been suggested that to even make you feel more comfortable with the business proposition I am willing to also offer a percentage of my condo until the entire loan is paid off. If you don’t think you can do the total amount, please consider any amount possible that would help me to reach the total amount for the right of redemption. Please consider any amount…. everything will be really helpful. … actually lifesaving… and home saving in this case.. As you know, I am a very independent, hard working woman and entrepreneur. I am responsible. I have no car payment, no credit card debt, and with the mortgage dismissed…. no mortgage. I plan on continuing to work for A Tender Loving Care Service, and will be also getting an additonal job and a roomate to make sure that this will never happen again! I may even go back to faux finishing as the last projects that I completed had a total project cost of approx. $15,000.00 and I still maintained a contract minimum or $825.00. If you have any questions please feel to contact me asap. I know this is short notice. it was a complete suprise to me as well…. I really would appreciate yor assistance… From the moment I found out this disturbing information I have been trying to rectify the situaion. Your assisstance in this matter would really save my home, and me! Thank you for your kind attention to this letter/email… Please contact me either way! If you have any questions please contact me: emails: phone: 561-283-75056 Thank you again for your kind attention to this email, Sincerely, Mary Jean Ziska A Tender Loving Care Service Marion Gregory Director 239-598-1515 Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director |
Author Archives: mary jean ziska
Fri August 5th 2011 @ 2:24pm( emails sent to all business contacts )
Fri August 5th 2011@ 2:23pm ( emails/posts sent to all 530 facebook friends )
My condo ….auctioned today/my condo assoc. bought it for HOA fees…I was the only one bidding … except for them… i found ” right of redemption”.. gives me more days to find funds… Again i am putting out a plea to all 530 friends …Help!… I cann’t do this on my own…whatever you can do…. condo assoc. about to profit $146.000- $186.000 …. Please help & contact asap!…luv maryjean ziska
My condo ./auctioned today/ condo assoc. bought it for HOA fees…I was the only one bidding on my home…. except for them… found ” right of redemption”.. gives me more days to find funds… Again i am putting out a plea to all 530 friends …Help!… I cann’t do this on my own…whatever you can do…. condo assoc. about to profit $146.000- $186.000 …. Please help & contact asap!…luv maryjean ziska
Mary Jean Ziskaposted to all facebook friends
am in dire shape.. my condo goes up for auction tomorow by 11am.. for
back homeowners associtaion fees that need to be paid.. can anyne help? i
will pay back money plus 10thusand dollars at whatever interest… i
cant seem to reach anyone… and the condo goes for 43,000. adn is worth
190.00 please contact me asap… luv maryjean ziska
Mary Jean Ziska i wrote a comment…. and its not here.. th exact amount is 43,475.68July 25 at 8:29am ·
Mary Jean Ziska my bank is wels fargo 5610 strand blvd. telephone 239 594 1655…. i wrote a whole not to youadn it is gone…. are youthere?July 25 at 8:31am ·
Fri. August 5th 2011 @2:21pm ( email sent to all of my email contacts…from my account ) ym
Dear ( friend, family member, , July 30Th 2011 @ 11:04pm
am writing to you today because I have a business proposition that may be of interest to you and if you are interested it would help me out of a very horrible situation. July
14Th I found out that my home was set to be auctioned off for back home owners association dues. I have been working on solving and fixing the situation but it was auctioned on the 25Th of July. It was sold back to the homeowners association for the amount due: $ 43,475.58 the assessments: $ 25,715.08
Interest $ 10,997.33
late fees $ 1,241.52
cost of suit $ 740.00
attorney fees $ 4781.65
total due: $ 43,475.58
been to the bank and a loan from the bank using the equity of my home would take at lest 2-3 months to process. The mortgage on my condo was dismissed due to the fraud involved by the the lender so there is 100 percent equity available on my home. I am offering a $10,000.00 bonus for the opportunity to make this loan with a 10% interest rate. I had 10 days from the sale of my home to try to get it back though a law known as the right of redemption. ( florida statute: section 45.0315: right of redemption): at
any time before the later of the filing of a certificate of sale by the clerk of the court for the time specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, the mortgagor or the holder of any subordinate interest may cure the mortagor’s indebtness and prevent a foreclosure sale by paying the amount moneys specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, or if no judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure has been rendered, by tenedering the performance due under the security agreement including any amounts due because of the exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of processing to foreclosure incurred to the time tender, including reasonable attorney’s fees of the creditor. Otherwise there is no right of redemption. As
of today I still have 4 days left otherwise the condo title will be transferd and the condo will belong to the condo association and they can sell it for the total worth of $190.000. I woudl like to still have the condo in my name which will allow me to get the bank loan. It has been suggested that to even make you feel more comfortable with the business proposition I am willing to also offer a percentage of my condo until the entire loan is paid off. If you don’t think you can do the total amount, please consider any amount possible that would help me to reach the total amount for the right of redemption. Please consider any amount…. everything will be really helpful. … actually lifesaving… and home saving in this case.. As
you know, I am a very independent, hard working woman and entrepreneur. I am responsible. I have no car payment, no credit card debt, and with the mortgage dismissed…. no mortgage. I plan on continuing to work for A Tender Loving Care Service, and will be also getting an additonal job and a roomate to make sure that this will never happen again! I may even go back to faux finishing as the last projects that I completed had a total project cost of approx. $15,000.00 and I still maintained a contract minimum or $825.00. If
you have any questions please feel to contact me asap. I know this is short notice. it was a complete suprise to me as well…. I really would appreciate yor assistance… From the moment I found out this disturbing information I have been trying to rectify the situaion. Your assisstance in this matter would really save my home, and me! Thank you for your kind attention to this letter/email… Please contact me either way!
If you have any questions please contact me:
phone: 561-283-75056
Thank you again for your kind attention to this email,
Mary Jean Ziska
A Tender Loving Care Service Marion Gregory Director 239-598-1515 Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director |
Thursday August 4th 2011 @11:58pm ( case clarity: vacate foreclosure Judgement & Sale? ” no Problem”
August 04th 2011 @ 11:52pm ( Matt Weider – Candidate for the American people)
order that quotes the rules Regulating teh Florida Bar 4.3-3(a) (1)-
” A lawyer shall not knowingly make false representations or fail to correct a false statement of fact made to the court.”
Thursday August 4th 2011 @9:49pm ( articles involving David J Stern.. the lawyer who signed the last mortgage that was dismissed)
When I went to seek advice about this entire mess…( with the auction) in th eprocess i met a woman who was a wonderful and helpful lawyer…. she looked up a bit of additional information concerning the dismissal of the mortgage… and found the lawyer involved was David J Stern…. i am posting a few articels concerning him…
I knew Ean Stein as my broker… and found out that his borrowing money form me the day I received my money from refinancing and then asking to have an aproxx. $3000.00 loan thenof course not paying me back…. or the part i am learnng … that the credit cards ( i only had a two i believe… a capital one bank card and a bank of america bank card…. that were not paid back.. all of the incidences… not professional… not helpful for my credit and definately not helpful for me…
Did i mention that one ladythought it was a miracle that I met these people and by them not being honest… adn basically stealing from me… she thought that it was basically a miracle to have my mortgae dismissed.. personally i hope tha tGod doesn’t work that way…. in teh miracle department…. but i am glad that laws are inplace to protect homeowners from fraud and from theft… and that by doing so the laws will help protect others from going through theft or other bad experiencces…
so thank god for the laws to protect us form theft…. for teh lawyers who honestly do their jobs and assist in following the laws… for the police and sheriff department who honestly aprotect adn serve our community…. these people who create those types of miracles I like see….
thursday August 4th 2011 @ 9:24pm ( order vacating sale)
We received case number (07-3121cc) the the county court in and for colier county florida civil action
order vacating sale
The court here with vacates teh clerk’s salw of teh property eld July 25th 2011.
Hearing date is August 16th 2011 @ 10:30am to determie the status of this case going forward.
The judge will be Judge Vince Murphy
I went online to determine what the order vacating sale means to me…
I found one attorney answer: Gael A Beriro: A motion to vacate Sale and certificate of title isa request to the cort to recind the sale and teh issuance of th certificate of title to the buyer. This will probably give you an extenstion of time to remain in your home uti the bank fixes whatever problem exists with the process.
So i have been trying to reach the lawyers involved to see if we can still come up with the money if th eentire process will stop? but i can’t reach anyone…. my phone is not dialing any of the attorneys number….
Thursday August 4th 2011 @ 2:35pm ( catch up on past few days for home news and for events)
To start with, my mother wrote a note to Judge Vince Murphy concerning the sale and auction of my condo on July 25th 2011. I’m not sure what the letter said…. but it causes the jude to issue notice to vacate the sale…
(google is great)
an order to vacate the sale and certificate of title is request to the court to recind the forelosure sale and the issuance of the certificate of title to the buyer.
There is a new court date of August 16th 2011 for the status of the action.
( my mom has petitioned everyone we know to pray….. but along with prayers… here are some other things we are tryingot accomplish in this time frame )
1. Yeaterday I went online and went though the experian credit report to dispute all the wrong charges….
starting with the charge for capital one that ian stein was suppose to pay with his refinancing …. it was never paid.. infact, it had charges on top of charges that were never paid…. Ugg… amounting to a grand total of debt that shoudl have never been a problem.. and tha i had cosidered to have been taken care after ther ewas a huge mess when he didnt pay off the bank of america card…. ( but then that was before he dispapeared without paying me the 3000.00 dollars he borrowed topay his child support so he would nto be put in jail…( what the hell was i thinking? some sweet talker… and swindler… and crook…. )
also in the report was a $55.00 columbia records…. and $700.oo charge for a t-mobil account that were not my charges…. never bought $55.00 from any clumbia records.. and i had a pre paid t-mobil account at one point in time… wher eyu had to buy cards to use the phone… and the phones have been messed up for ages ( see blog post for virgin mobil… and sprint…. and spoof cards.. and bully calls…. ) .. that is why i only have the magic jack right now…..
I think there are even a few more areas that i had to take care of…. concerning my credit… sheesh… to thnk i had a terrific credit score… I’m still worried aobu teh two credti cards that came in the mail in my name from orchard band that were stolen from my home…. but so far they were not on the credit report.. at least teh one report i was looking through……..
2. Contact: Hertz
called 1-800-654-4173 at @ 3:55pm 8/03/2011 also had a chat with a herts rep. named joanie v. and submitted an inquiry via ( @ 5:02pm ) to find information on the tme frame of the rental for 2005, the cost of the rental and the exact cars rented for the time period my car was broken.
concerning the rental car for 2005…. I know I started a rental ( with a toyota ) when my car went into the shop….. (and here it gets really wierd) …. when i called the auto mechanics where my car was supposed to have been repaired… teh records dont match up….. even the problems i was told that were fixed in my car.. those don’t add up…..the time frames i was without a car… and the repairs and even the costs…. it should be really easy to
I had the rental for the entire summer… they ended up upgrading my rental froma toyata to a cadallic a white one like the cadillac scott renshaw had when i first met him…. ( it was very nice… nice.. i must say….. i loved driving the cadillac..and having on star..and even xm radio…. you can listen to bloomberg… and even the wallstreet journal.. and concerning the service of onstar…… I thought after my expereince with the cadillac.. that every car in the world should have onstar…. terrific feature for safety and for directions.. and for inforamtion….
well i found out that Hertz only keep record of their rentals for two years… so i found a price as if i ws renting the toyota today…. midsized car for the summer woudl run over 2 thousand dollars.
3. auto europa: ( repairs for mercedes ) I had been told that 6,000.00 dollars of repairs had been done ont eh vehical but when i called and spoke with Mike @4:11pm here is what he says ad teh receips that back up his infomation:
May 2005: $165.00
Nov. 2005: $119.00
June 2006: $840.00
October 2006: $ 2000.00
October 2006: $ 254.00
December 2006: $ 214.00
september 2007: estimate for a battery
4. Coastland auto: ( 239-597-4907)
Thursday August 4th 2011 @ 1:55pm ( events… )
Well, to start with today, I cant reach ave maria law school today through my magic jack phone… which i tried to call housing aprox. 10 minutes ago… as it stands now i am planning to get a roomate and a nce quiet and studious lawyer- law student might be a great roomate right? but when i tried housing i coudlnt get though… the telephne number went right to a dial tone with no answer.. no ring… nothing….
I tried to call my mom ‘s number… tosee if she coudl leave a message… but she wasnt acting exactly lke the mother i had knwn for the past week or so… weird.. anywyay she wasnt very positive… also was telling me that my cousin in law ( carol ) who is a lawyer wasn’t nice and jsu twanted to know when i woudl be out of my condo…. which in my belief must be a lie… and also that my sister maura who is a lawyer didnt want anythng to do with me… also a lie… and she mentioned that she was on line trying ot get advice from a website… I mentioned that we have lawyers in ourfamly… that maura went to school with a ton of great lawyers… and they would most probably be happy to direct her in teh correct path of finding out information or giving her advice… now…. i tried calling my mom on her cell phone… and now she is much nicer… she said she was tired adn hungry…??? but i a ableto speak with her like a normal person……. who knows what is going on?
as i have for these past 8 years.. i am so tired of gogn through all these issures and dproblems and having people in mylife whojsut dot live up to the standards of teh people i had known my my entire life… i know i am living my real life .. but no one has to go through all theses problems… ever.. mylfe was pretty mild.. and woderful… had a great childhood got to travel all over the world.. and really had a great famly… I was really blessed…. you might say. i had nice possessins.. and great freinds….. and some really wonderful expereinces…. and yes a problem her ean the r but not like this.. not being selected and picked on ove an dover to go thorugh some horrid expereince.. that not only ruins my life over an over again… but just ruins everything… adn not in any way shape or form has any of this made my life better.. made any of my hpes and wishes come true.. led me to a terrific guy to date adn marry…. or even to brand new friends tha i woudl want to have for my entire life… i definatley coudl have done without any of this… an dreally liveda great life.. i jsut want to know who decide it was alright to sacrifice my lief? huh? who? who thought . ….hey there is a little girl we can pick on… who we will do anything and everything to and see how she fairs….. who played God and thought that stealing or lying… or cheating me out of my life… myfreindhsips.. my future… who thought this was alright?… did someon e decide i wasnt tall enough? or short enough? ot thin enough? or what was the criteria that gave them the reasoning to not allow me to have ANY of my hopes and dreams.. not allow me to pursue any of my goals… not allow me to even meet adn marry a great clean cut preppy guy who is tall blond with blue eyes.. who is smart, intelligent, funny, interesting, hopefully handsome.. and well traveled well read… and shocker..actually likes me….. who can communicate, who is honest, who is turstworthy… who doesnt break the law.. or have tatoos or any messed up problems with alchol ro drugs or any of the messed up problems… … i mean normal.. areal normal but great guy…..
Oh now that i thnkof it…. rihgt now.. is it the group of girls.. i like to call the whore to doors… the girls who manpulate lives for there own selfish intensions? the ones who like to make up lies about families.. or worse yet ruin lives by putting normal girls thoguh horrid expereinces…. or whin this incsidence.. gets to pay God with the phones… i am allowd to speak to my friend Cindy closkey ( who ened up graduating from MIT) and actuallyget a to have a normal and intelligent conversation… while other days i am supposed to be stupid, or uneduacted, or maybe I am supposed to be fat.. or ugly.. or what? or more importantly… WHY?
I’ve been asking Why couldnt these people….. teh people who want to ruin lives……. why coudlnt they leave me alone? why couldn’t they have stolen from someone else?… or lied to someone else? or just cheated someoen else out of ther lives?.. their dreams?.. their busniesses? .. or even out of the lifestyle they were supposed to have… is this group so cruel as to wanat to make sure they ruin lives on purpose? I have cried so much… been bullied soooo much.. gone through sooo much… all for nothing…. nothing good or great… nothing that improves my life.. but instead ruined it…. i have been to the point of jsut wanting it over… allteh buling all the horrible experiences….. jsut wanted it over…. cried begged and pleaded to jsut make it stop…. bu tit seems to never end… never anything fixed… never a winning lottery ticket… or a miracle…. just a lot of mess to clean up ….. it jsut never stops…..
so it is not 3:52pm on August 04th 2011 andi jsut tried to call john t. cardillo ( telephone# 239-774-2229) and once again just as in yesterday my phone would not dial the number but went immediately to a dial tone when i entered the number… now i might ask.. how am i supposed to contact one of the lawyers who is supposed to be involved in this case.. who was involved in the guardianship case? It woudl be helpful to know what informatin he has… what is he goign to say? and if he is actually going to be able to help…
Yesterday i aslo called the florida bar to access ther member data base because the lawyers of john t cardillo was not showing as a memeber when i looked him up on lline onthe fl bar website for member search. I found his info along with the info of Shayna K Cavanaugh and the lawyers representing the Condo and HOA law group.
Here is the informatin from the fl bar website:
Condo &HOA Law Group:
address 2030 Mc Gregor Boulevard
Fort Myers 33901
phone: 239-333-2992
Naples address:
780 5th Ave South
Naples Fl. 34102
telephone: 239-261-9033
* I called @3:30pm 8/03/2011 not able to reach tele# goes right to dial tone on my magic jack phone
Shayna K. Cavanaugh
id #142281
address: Cavanaugh, Kirby,& Cavanaugh, PA
2500 Tamiani Trl N. Ste 218
Naples Florida 34103
phone: 239-434-5454
John T. Cardillo
id# 649457
Cardillo Keith & Bonaquist Pa
3550 Tamiami Trl. E.
Naples Florida
phone: 239-774-2229
* i called on august 3rd 2011 @ 1:45ppm tried to contact John t cardillo and the phne i am using woudl nt allow me to dial through no ringing no busy signal, jstu wnt directly to a dial tone….
* I tried to call again today August 4th 2011 @ and again the phne w
ent directly to a dial tone…
I know for the guardianship case though it seems all a big nightmarsih blurr…. i had a box of paperwork that i brought….detailing the work and money i made adn was making at the time… which was establishing my income…. and ability to care for myself financially…
I had a file on my bills and payment s made that also went to prove my competencey for taking care of myslef…
I had a fully stocked fridge, and a clean neat adn orderly house.. i maintend heigine..and didnt fit into the need for a guardian.. but john cardillo did nothing to prove those facts… and i was given one anyway…. court ordered guardian…
if fact after the entire court fisasco… i wnet and bought a westlaw account to look up all the legal information/case law any informatin that woudl assit in aiding me to prove that i was fine.. that th elies people wer telling about me wre untrue.. and harming my life.. and that all the criminal activity that occurred… had totally damaged my life… ( of course even the use of west law turned into an issue when the account cards were stolen…. and unknown charges surfaced…. one more thng to fix…. )
but westlaw did provide me with some valuable information… and i gave that information to my lawyers at the time… i guess I didn’t really matter to them…either….. so here goes again …. trying to gather information to help me… to stop one more mess….
Oh by the way…having father kelly ( from st john’s ) bless lottery tickets… doesnt work…. not one number was corect on my quick pick for: lottery/ for power ball/ or for even mega money…. ( mega money was an extra ticket .. ususally i get just lotto adn powerball….
To acomplish today….. I also called coastland auto to tell dino ( whom I spoke with yesterday ) that the email i sent to him( with attached photos of the part of teh car in the trunk) from the mercedes… this part i cant recall what it is called… the part that belongs in the frot of the car…. but is and has been in my trunk.. well the email came back as undeliverable… i left a message with Eddie giving him my email address, my phone number and telling him aoub the email i sent that didnot go through…..
I called and was able to get through to the joel osteen ministry… and left a message.. but not to St. John’s church, or ave maria church…
so much for today….. and using the phone to get busness accomplished… eddie said that it will somene how get better…. the phone… we will see…