Author Archives: mary jean ziska

August 16th 2011 @2:43am ( genworth life surrender of policy.. problems)

T whom it may concern:     August 16th 2011 1:50am

I am trying to surrender an insurance policy by Gen-worth  financial.  I have a few questons  concerning their policy and prcedures and the safety of my information.


(Gen worth life insurance company  is based out of Virginia

I started the process of surrender of my policy on august 2nd 2011.


spoke with Sheri on august 2nd 2011 @ 800-628-2238 no extension just her name for reference purposes

spoke with Vince on august 2nd  2011   @800-628-2238

received an email ( form to surrender policy on august 2nd )

emailed policy back at 3:01pm  to: 

 Vincent R (Genworth) Hicks <>;


vince confirmed receipt of policy at 4:06pm and said he was sending it to  processing at 4:52pm.  We discussed option of expediting the policy by sending  back via email.   I also mentioned that  I did not feel comfortable putting my social security number  on the form and Vince told me that the last 4 digits would be enough. So that is what I placed on the form.


I scanned the signed  form and emailed it back as an attachment. 


I called and spoke with cathereine hamlet at 1:23pm ( 8/8 2011)  who confirmed that there was a letter to expedite the process.  My mom  mentioned that to expedite the process I could have them send the check  fed express or  ups…. so i told catherine hamlet of this  idea and she said she will make a note of it and toexpect the check on fri the 12th. She asked for a verbal o.k. to take out the $8.50  for FED.


I called on Fri the 12th at 6:53pm and spoke with  Robbie Crewz  to see about the check that never arrived.  To get a tracking code and to see where it went. I also called fed ex and ups to see if they could do anything about locating the check. but it ws not in either of their systems. Robbie said that he coudl give me no mor einformitn tha any  average gusy ont eh street and to call back on Monday.


On sunday I received a letter from  Gen worth in my mailbox ( when mail usually doesn’t come on sundays)… but it was the same letter my mother had received on fri. to notify that my  address had been changed on the policy… 


So today, I called  800-628-2238 and spoke with Debbie Millner at 11:54am.  she said that the check was not  processed because i didnt put my full social security number  on the form.  I am a bit worried  and nervous to give out my social security since one of the  idnetifier  they use is your birthday when you call in.. and they have my address.. and with my social security it could be idenity theft all over again.. How can  I be sure that whom ever Ii give my social security number to will not use it fraudently? and why woudln’t the company have mentioned a problem with my form when they acknowledged my change of address?


i went on  the websiteL and in teh contact info page is a competely different telephone number to contact  the company  ( 888-436-9678)


So i called and spoke with

Shamonique Chapman at 12:53pm ( 8/15/2011)  she had a n exension  number that was her id number but none of htother employees ever had that…. onthe other number. i was told  over the phone, that i have to have my social security  on the  form even though it is in an area of the form  where you can  opt not to  put your social security number if you dont want to withhold the 10% federal and any  applicable state taxes ….


Debbie Millner told me the check had not been  sent because there was a capital gains on the  money and that was the reason the they needed my social security. I asked why no one had told me the other times i had called .. and why  vince had told me my last 4 digits were enough….  she said that a call and message was left by someone on the 9th but my phone is not sethis evenign i thought of  another question that i nver did get to ask them. Why didnt  it say anything on the letter sent to me acknowledging my  change of address…. I was also told that a woman called to leave me a messge telling me of this problem hoever my phn eis not set up to accept messages….  isnt that strange to say that. theyleft a messge when it is not  even possible?


Shamonique said i cudl fax her my social security number. but I told   shamonique that I was really hesitant to fax my social security number to her ( i thought it woudl be more of a paper trail if i emailed it.. )  ( sendign it to a direct email address veres a  fax machine… or printer… tha tothers coudl possibly see it…  she told me to  go to the IRS website and fill out a W9 form… but that is to verify my social security ..not to report any capital gains….. I am really confused.. and don’t want to make a mistake by giving my social security number out   to anyone  when I dont  need to … I asked to see information on the website…. anything written about  the capitol gains requirement   but it is not  there…


What do you think? It just feels funny… all the innconsistanancies… and for some reasodn i have this gut feeling… Pese advise me  if you  know of any fraud cases like this…  or am i just being really  too cautious… thank you for your kind attenton to this email .

Sincerely, MaryJean ziska 

 I am putting a post of this email in my blog  and also sending a copy to the  genworth company via ther website and see if i receive a response.



A Tender Loving Care Service

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director

I just went on line to see abut submitting  this form on the website… under the “contact us” page..and ont he page it says not to give yru social security number….  now what?  

Sunday August 14th 2011 @ 3:28pm ( sorry to say.. no miracles… stll have to go to court to try to save my condo on tuesday…)

I am sorry to report… two years of praying to St.Jude for protection from harm… for  a huge financiel miracle… well no prayes were answered no miracles occured…. 

I am a bit frustrated… and very disapponted…. in these past 8 years…. in a lot of horrible expereinces that it should have never had to go through… and of the friends and family members who not only haven’t contacted me..or helped me… but have pretty much abandon me…  
Yes i am frustrated…. and disappointed…. and yes,  probably everyone and their brother prays for  some sort of miracle.. at at one point in time I had people trying to convince me that not evreyone gets a miracle… or that these  really stupid incidents were miracles… like having to deal with a crook  and a screwed up mortgage… and a broker who stole $3000.00 ( in some twisted way they were trying to convince me that is a miracle…  Not my idea of a miracle…  )

defination of a miracle:  “an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws..”  def  2: a remarkable thing….   

anyway…. its not like I  was delusional  and thought that God himself was going  to  come down from some clouds… and  banish all the bad people using a lightening rod or anythng….  I just thought that some really wonderful blessings … would actually occur and woudl occur without  anyone threatening me.. or scaring me.. or  harming me or my life…

and   these miracles … would be real… not  some made up story  trying to explainaway another horrible experience…. with some lies and twists….. not some freak who is narrating  or trying to predict the events outcome… like an idiot who thinks they are an actor.. or some  freak who thinks they can manipulate a life …my life and   then not be responsible for the aftermath… the consequences….  

I known some or most of  the idiots (the bullies… and  girls who were lying… and/are  stealing babysitting jobs or just manipulating things ….  )   the same peole i had to deal with  on the phone who don’t always have my best interest at heart…  
I’m just tired of them  “winning”…..( go ask karen kahel.. or any of the mean girls… what it must feel liek to bully and to ruin lives and businesses…. and they call it winning…)

I guess I thought God was supposed to be bigger than that….  bigger than a hacker  who steals phone messges… or a thief who steal files… for a busines… or an idenity  theif who steals clothes or jewlery…. 

 that God wasn’t some wealthy guy or girl or family who actully had to “sponser your life”…. ( that  is how it feels now.. that unless you have money and soembody who approves of your actions .. you really don’t  get anythng you want doesnt matter how much you work.. what choices you make.. people will make decisions  based on what they want  your life to be like… and then you have to deal with the consequences… 

for example… i dislike Walmart.. and mcdonalds.. and other businesses… and i had a fake mom on the phone… basically  giving a play by play of her directions using the places i dislike as lanmarks.. as if she were marketing those establishments.. and as if I or my family actully go to those establishments….  which i dont like… then i get this really poor family on the phone who does like mc donalds… or whatever… its like in the truman show..when the wife  was trying to sell these products by using them…. it’s  freaky and unnatural.. and seems so fake…..

also…. by putting someone thorugh hell ( I unfortunately became the person who was somehow chosen to go through hell….&nbsp  then i am supposed to just bounce  back and not only pretend that it never happend or affected my life… but i am supposed to “deal with it”  and figure out how to fix the mess they made… So where is God in all of this… . he seems to be absent… his blessings seem to go to anyone who can steal them… or lie and cheat and steal….  because being honest hasn’t helped me one bit.. telling the truth.. working hard.. and  planing for a great future.. nope… no miracles…. when you are acutlly telling the truth….  and praying for them… or expecting them ….it goes to someone younger.. prettier.. thinnner.. and who can manipulate lives…. or who can steal without it bothering them…  what a shame…. i actually thought i could give this big testimony… of how God answers prayers…   how having faith for 8 years… and prayeing a St Jude novena for two years actully will work eventually  it will work … but i am really sorry to say … i cannot… as off today.. i can not… this real life… average perosn.. can honestly say…. that i will still be going to court to try to make  sure i keep my home….. this tuesday… then going through more hell after that… so much  for positive thinking .. prayers.. and God’s miracles….  

i guess al the negative people were right…. and I guess I was right.. i didnt matter…..     

and if that is true.. then there really isn’t a God… just a bunch of people who  use people like puppets….  and if that is the case.. what the hell have i been dong praying to a being that might not even exist? Who doesn’t   seem to answer prayers… and who doesn’t even  seem to care one way or another….   

I mean, did mark zuckerberg ( facebook)  pray to  God?  or
Bill Gates did he pray? or what about Warren Buffet? …. Does anyone know if he prays? I haven’t really heard that any of the billionaires actualy prayed… they just  became succcessful  perhaps without  having  to pray.. so what exactly  does prayer do?  

No priests I have spoken to lately have  told me of examples of miracles happening though prayer…  i meet a lot of messed up people who pray… and  people who have problems who pray…. but the really succesful  happy people…. who have more  than enough of everythng… do they have to pray?  

Does anyone have any real answeres?

to end this blog on a positve and funny note….  the joel osteen  joke was funny today….  about a catholic school ( i thnk) anyway there was a lunch line…  and a nun had written  a note on the bowl of apples… ( just take one…God is watching) ..further down the lunch line a child had writen a note on the choc. chip cookies…. take all you want.. God is watching the apples…. HA!  

Sat. august 13th 2011 @ 11:39pm (Another Post by Matt Weidner… concerning foreclosure info and the fraud forgiveness act of 2012)

BOMBSHELL-The Banksters Strike Back- The Florida Foreclosure Fraud Foregiveness Act of 2012


The banksters are in trouble.  Big trouble.

They have made a crime scene of our nation’s formerly sacred public records.

They have blatantly and without remorse ignored hundreds of years of real property law.

They have blatantly and without remorse ignored and disregarded fundamental and Constitutional law that form the very foundation of our entire country.

They have blatantly and without remorse disregarded rules and procedures that have governed and kept secure the court systems all across this entire country.

And now they want a free pass.  They want to just walk away from it all.

They have introduced souped up version of the prior (and very ugly) non judicial foreclosure bill.  Make no mistake this is one of the ugliest, most anti-consumer pieces of legislation ever introduced in this state.

This is the Bad, Bad Bankster Fraud Forgiveness Act of 2012!

Have a read at some of the lowlights!

  • Once suit has been filed, the public interest is served by moving foreclosure cases to final resolution expeditiously in order to get real property back into the streamof commerce… (NO FOLKS, ONCE A SUIT HAS BEEN FILED OUR COURTS SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON UPHOLDING HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF LAW)

  • Section 57.105, Florida Statutes, (Upon the court’s initiative or motion of any party, the court shall award a reasonable attorney’s fee) is repealed. (THE FRAUDCLOSING PLAINTIFFS ARE PAYING ATTORNEYS FEES FOR IMPROPER CONDUCT, THIS WOULD PROTECT THEM FROM PAYING FOR THEIR IMPROPER CONDUCT.)
  • Following dismissal of the foreclosure case, and upon request of the plaintiff, the clerk may return the original promissory note without need for further order of the court. (WHY, SO THE NOTE CAN BE SOLD TO A ZOMBIE DEBT COLLECTOR?)
  • In any action or proceeding in which a party seeks to set aside, invalidate, or challenge the validity of a final judgment of foreclosure or to establish or re-establish a lien or encumbrance on the property in abrogation of the final judgment of foreclosure, the court shall treat such request solely as a claim for money damages and shall not grant relief which adversely affects the quality or character of the title to the property. (THIS IS A BIGGIE PEOPLE, THIS IS THE REAL BIG ONE HERE, THE GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD!)
  • After foreclosure of a mortgage based upon the enforcement of a lost, destroyed or stolen note, a person, not party to the underlying foreclosure action, who claims to be the Actual holder of the promissory note secured by the foreclosed mortgage, shall have no claim against the foreclosed property after it has been conveyed for valuable consideration to a person not affiliated with the foreclosing lender. (ANOTHER RED ALERT BIGGIE HERE, A TOTAL REWRITE OF EXISTING LAW)
  • In uncontested mortgage foreclosure proceedings, the court shall enter final judgment within 45 90 days from the date 0of the close of pleadings. (GOTCHA!)
  • Where the amount of principal and interest, exclusive of fees and costs, owed to a foreclosing lender equals or exceeds 120% of the just value of the property subject to
    foreclosure, as determined by the county property appraiser in the most recent certified tax roll, the foreclosing lender may elect to foreclose without a judicial sale of the property. (THIS HERE IS THE REAL THING, GOTCHA!, GOTCHA!, GOTCHA! WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ JUDGES OR COURTS OR DUE PROCESS!)

  • In any mortgage foreclosure action, upon the court’s initiative or motion of any party, the court shall award a reasonable attorney’s fee, including prejudgment interest, to be paid to the prevailing party in equal amounts by the losing party and the losing party’s attorney. (REMEMBER ABOVE WHEN THEY ELIMINATED THEIR OWN LIABILITY FOR ATTORNEY’S FEES IF THEY WERE CAUGHT? WELL, THEY ADDED FEES AGAINST DEFENDANTS.  THIS PUNITIVE SECTION WILL PREVENT ANY CONSUMER FROM HAVING ANY ATTORNEY REPRESENT HIM IN COURT.)

Now, the real question is who is going to sponsor this MOST ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, ANTI-CONSUMER legislation?  Now just for starters, even before session begins, this thing has already been drafted.  Who drafted this bill? What special industry group paid for and submitted this?  What banking group, what group of foreclosure mills?  What special industry groups?





Concerned reader:

Thanks Matt for this post. While I’m not in a position to comment on the entire bill, I know section 57.105, Florida Statutes is a double-edged sword that has been used to sanction nonlawyer pro se litigants thousands of dollars over pleading errors by judges who favor the banks or other strong party. And 57.105 could never benefit a nonlawyer pro se because they cannot collect attorneys fees regardless of the circumstances.

I see the demise of 57.105 as a good thing. In any event, doesn’t Section 16 of the bill creating Section 702.12, Florida Statutes, accomplish the same intent as 57.105? So why the change?

Also, doesn’t Florida already have a way to set aside, invalidate, or challenge the validity of a final judgment? Is it Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.540(b)?

This might be a bad bill for the reasons you articulated, but this is my view as a nonlawyer pro se. Thanks again for the post, hope your petition drive is going okay, sent mine in already. Looking forward to seeing Florida Representative Matt Weidner in Tallahassee soon!

  • John Anderson:

    What about the ex post facto clause in the constitution? A bought off legislation can effect future cases, but not ones that happen before a bill passage.
    I am sure that you&me and other activist will protest the hell outa this!



    Monday August 8th 2011@ 9:43pm ( horrible evening with ohio people)

     So I actually had promising new today… ( or so i thought ) a woman had come up with this brilliant idea for me to get $680.00 each month…

    she came over brought oatmeal choc. chip cookies and  some paperwork for me to sign….. seemed easy enough… well it was not honest…. was not legal… and i wont do it…. and  well all hell broke lose…

    here it goes again.. trying to make  sure that somehow…. or someway… karen kahel and any of the low life scummm from ohio get to indirectly bully me…. and to ruin my reputaion.. and   harm me and my life… God adn th e police department… and anyone whoactualy is honest….  I really hope you  listeneing… I never ever want ot speak to the iditos I had to deal with tonight… they are not friends, ( friends don’t harm you life  or want  you to lie or try to ruin  your reputation…or your business… or your life….. .  they are not family ( family never woudl ever harm me… and they lie, and think it is alright .. they cheat and they think  it is alright… alright ..and they steal and they think it is alright…..
    and they  bully and they think that is alright as well…. 

    so here are the papers that were brought  to my condo when i made  a herb cursted lamb dinner complete with dinner rolls… peas… and baked  potatoe….

    First . there was one page ,  witha signature bar on the  bottom of the page… and on  the top is said page 5 of 5…. yes… was the last page of  5 papers…  yep…. with  just  a signature at the bottom of the page….  the 4 first pages were missing…  and low and behold… it woudl have acutally harmed mylife….
    there was another page with my social security number… with my name  typed on it…  and with a nice little arrow where I should sign….FOR MEDICAL DISABILITY……  ( wow…i didn’t nwo how far the little whores i mean witches from hel woudl go to ruin a life… but i sure have goten a taste of it….  and I want to  sue them for every penny they ever made for al the damages….    

     I flipped…

    not only are these people dishonest ….. they actually told me that they chose the least medical condition… on a list….. for me to have … to get money…. and they decided it shoudl be “bi polar”… i am not “bi polar”… nor  have I ever been “bi polar”… and i will not  claim disability for some scam that these assholes have devised to ruin my life… just  as they have for the past 8 years of my life… why is it sooooo important for me to have something wrong with me… why cant they just  let me have a great life?   

    I was bullied to the point of losing 20-30 pounds by a bunch of horrible  and mean people… and it was not my fault… they were never anythng anythng wrong with me … and now karn kahel and her scummy whores from  hell  want to make up a lie.. so  the whore doesn’t have to take  any responsibilty for  being a bully or tresspassing or even for screwing  some guy in a  pool when i was babysitting her 3 month old son greyson! 

     I will not say i am” bi polar” when I am not “bi polar”…. nor do i have any of the other diseases.. and afflictions that this group of con-artists and bullies have wanted me to have…. this has been going on for 8 years…. harming my life.. my reputain.. everythng in my life…. they have ruined my life and they should  pay for it …..not damage it  more than they have already….  

     It coudl be the girls who hve  basically stolen  my mom’s babysitting business….. who had me work two years without a paycheck… because they were dishonoest… and  too stupid to create anyting on their own…  plus they are used to  lying and cheating and stealing… they were probably brought up that way…and  will never be honest.. or trustworthy… or have any decent human  characteristics…. and because they were allowed to harm my life… and others… they will still get away with harming.. and stealing and  cheating…    these girls and boys.. are  not th esort of people i would ever want in my life….  and now that they have slimed ther way in… How the hell do I get rid of them? 

    I don’t want to deal with people who have alchol problems or drug problems or are criminals….. I just don’t…  

     This is what really agrivates me… To cheat the  government out of money …. money that should  go to people with real problems…  is horrible.. and seems so morally wrong….. 

    Once again I will say… I don’t have any medical problems… I  never had any… and I have been dealign with  a bunch of scum who use and abuse a system for their own scams.. and I dont want any part of it….  what low life criminals… honestly…  really… just like Gerard Ahler..and the Martucci family and Karen Kahel…


    so the  scam.. whch i am nto a part of… and will not  be a part of… and one that  an ohio state idiot has chosesn  is by picking a problem i dont have… then they can  scam the government….

    A few weeks ago I had  this guy Ed Sawin ( who i dont really knwo but i did knwo his father… actually spent my 21st birthday at his place in Jamica… ) intead of helping me with a bridge loan he told  me to go and claim bankrupsy…( over $43, 000.00… to claim bankrupsy… )  is absolutely the  worst advice ever.!   

    I had even  called  a guy Wade Iassics who ‘s son had rented an apartment from my mom…and hadn’t paid her teh 1400.00 he still owed her… my mom was even going to  alleviate the debt from his son if he was willing to help with a bridge loan …. ( personally I dont know if i really got a chance to speak with him.)    but i did spend 35.00 to sent him a fed ex package with the details of the loan and  information on my condo….  
     now tha ti thinkof it i wonder if oen wof teh whore to door service girls is teh real estate girl who wants to make a profit off my condo… or is trying to sell it out from under me… they are sneaky little witchy slime… those  girls who ruin lives on prupose…. adn tehy laugh  at it.. but only becsue they will have the bastard babies.. they will lie and they wil cheat and they will setal… to get anything and everything they want…  and te funnythng… they will actually try to pray with you…. as if it is alright as long as they pray….and laugh at you…. while they manipulate yoru life and harm you or make you cry…. 

    like tonight… the  lady was actully watching her watch to make sure that I was staying at my home… while  I was getting more and more upset…… that once again……..  somene was tryign to stick me witha bunch of peole withproblems… that will and has ruined mylife…… o go through papersnot to inturupt a party.. or  function where the whores wer aallowed to go adn get drunk… or party… or whatever… jsut as long as they r

      you nver know… I mean if they are able to break in.. and to lie and steal and cheat without blinking an eye.. you really have to watch your back… they will  harm anyone  but especially me.. since they have been able to get away with it for the last 8 years….

    he o know his LAast wepvernemnt  as a problem i should have.. the excuse is to scam teh government out of money….&n
    bsp; to ruin my reputation…. and to protect karen kahel adn gerard ahler fromthe defamation law suit and bulling and all the charges i shoudl be able to  use against her ….. unless i actually have the probelm that she bulllied me about…. HUmmmmm….. now is someone realy trying to help me… or karen kahel from actully owning up to her buling or tormenting or trespassing or from her harming my ife an d i’m sure the life of many ofhters as wel… youdont actuallythink that i am the only  innocent person she  destroyed… for her own bvenefit… for heer own selfish pleasure(rmember..her jumpingup and downsayng i won i won… when she made me cry .. don’t tn  ever forget it Iwont…. and i want to make shure the in a cour tof flaw she never forgets it either….  that she shoudl pay for the damage she has sone to my life.. and teh lies she spshe spread..and the 

    ets see…..  facts…..  

    Monday August 8th 2011@ 12:16pm ( free credit report … and experian telephone calls and emails)

    Well last evening i was trying to get some work done and went back into my emails  to answer an email i had received concerning the disputes i have had with a few companies   on my credit report… 

    i had received an email from:  “” < your resultCDF_redir.html

    it went to a site:

    I clicked on the  link and it took me to a very official experian looking page….  i submitted allthe information except it wsn texceptin gmy social security number… i tried to  fill in the box… tried to tab.. but the only box that woudl fill in was the fist box of  my social security. # …   thinking that ther emust be some problem and i woudl deal with it tomorrow… which is today… i called the experiean comapny ….

    today i called the telephone number (877-284-7942)
    spoke with Joanne @ 11:38am

    she was unable to help  with teh  website  and put me on hold to speak with  another Representative…  so after a few minutes i spoke Patrick….. he asked me immediately for my social security number… to pull up my account…  since Joanne was a bit shocked that  the email had requested my social security number… when it already had the informaiton…. i asked partick for his identification id…

    get this : he said his id for experian.. was the “team long horns.”……

    come on guys… i really need to get this fixed not play games…   so i guess the phone and fixing anythng over the  phone is goin g to be useless today…. UGG i have so much to do….  I dot mind having friends form Texas helping me… but what if these are not friends? and i give out my social security number….  thnking that they must be freidns of mine from texas…..

    anyway… i went  back to the website i first mentioned… and when i put in my social security number… it went to a blank page… so did i sen d out my social security t and personal information to another conartist? who is really good at faking  pages from  a credit report….  or what ?

    Hope the police  (  can see this page of my website…. and if there is anything wrong they can do something about it…….

    email i received: 

    Your Experian Dispute Results are ReadyThursday, August 4, 2011 4:02 PMFrom: “” <>Add sender to ContactsTo: whatabtmary@yahoo.comThe results of your investigation of information in your Experian personal credit report are now available for online viewing. For your protection, please review your results online within four days of the following date: 08/04/2011
    To review your results, go to the following URL and enter the requested information.
    Your Report Number is: =
    Your Investigation ID is:

    What’s your credit score? Find out by ordering your VantageScore® from Experian for only $7.95 plus applicable state sales tax. To order your VantageScore, call 1 888 322 5583.

    VantageScore is owned by VantageScore Solutions, LLC.

    This notice is systematically generated. Please do not attempt to reply or send email because we cannot receive it.

    Sunday August 07th 2011 @10:08pm ( without a shadow of a doubt.. i can say the group of people whodecide to lie to me to bully me to steal from me… ruined my life…. ) or .

      I was going over the note/letter or email i had written to the friends from facebook… to kappa alpha theta….  and my mom was hoping that no one ever sees this website… or the blog….  that all the horrible incidents i had to go through will just  be hushed up and not mentioned…   i have been told that by saying anything it will be hard for anyone to ever want to date me( unless they had to go though horrible events as well… and believe me  i don’t  want to date anyone who had to go thorough  horrible events…  who would?  then of course i was told to keep quiet otherwise no one will hire me….    and then of curse now with the entire housing delima…  that no one would ever want to  help me .. or make sure that i can keep my house… 

    So i can definitely say… these people  this group  of scum…. defininately  ruined my life…  they lowered my lifestyle… they destroyed every hope an dream and goal I had for myself and my life…. and prevented me from having the life   i worked for, the life i wanted, and the life i dreamed about having…..and even though this is forgiveness day… i will never be able to forgive them.. they stole precious moments, memories, and events that i can never get  back…..   

    They absolutely, ruined my life…..

    when i think back before ever meeting criminal scummmmmmm…… wow seems like a life time ago…  just even to the point of moving into this condo in 1999…. working on a business i had created from  a hobby…..  i stil had a stong faith, strong and loving family, and tons of friends  i had made and kept in touch with  who lived all over the world ….  i had plans, goals, and dreams…. i worked hard…. enjoyed going out…. hadn’t  delt with  any criminals… or any crimes…  had been in love… had traveled all over the world …. enjoyed  life…. had hobbies…. and  and was actually a really happy, positive, person….( most of the  time)  i even had positive quotes on my computer….  

    so when i am told i should be quiet …. not tell anyone  about  the scummmm…. the  criminals  who got away with ruining my life…  i dotn want anyone else to have to go through any of this…. becausse they will do this to another person… they will separate them from the  people they love.. they will steal their businesses .. their possessions.. their identity… they will ruin their credit … and ther feeling of safety of hope and of having  a great future…… unless someone speaks up and stops them…. or has the  proper authorities stop them…  if i can prevent these disgusting worthless human beings from scamming and stealing and ruining one more life… and i get to see them civilly  and criminally charged for ther crimes….  to have them have to pay damages to all  the people they harmed…  especially me….. then  speaking up about all of these years…. will at least  be a start….

    I didn’t do anything wrong…. i didn’t ask to have criminals lie to me, steal from me,… or ruin my life….  I didn’t give the permission to break into my home, or bully me, or make me cry….. I didn’t ask for any of these bad experiences.. I didn’t do anything to deserve any of this….. they selected me to pick on….. to steal from…. to ruin my life….to bully… 

    and they should  be held accountable … they should have to  pay damages… and I’m sure i am not the only person this slimy group has harmed….     

    Sunday August 7th 2011 @10:03pm ( post of letter to kappa alpha theta sisters hopefully with out overlay…..of web site page )

    Dear Kappa Alpha Theta Sister ,                                              August 5th  2011 @3:10pm 
    am a Kappa Alpha Theta alumni living in Naples Florida.  I became a
    Kappa Alpha Theta at the University of Florida as well as my two
    younger  real life sisters, Maura  Ziska and Madelon Ziska .   My name is Mary Jean Ziska
    and I am trying to contact  the sisters of Kappa  Alpha Theta to see if
    anyone would  be interested in assisting me in my attempt to save my
    It  is  a bit embarrassing to write this
    letter and to ask for assistance from a group of woman  for whom many of
    you I may not know in person but have the common denominator of
    Kappa Alpha Theta Sisterhood.  I don’t know if in a letter I can  convey
    my genuine  and sincere gratitude  for  being able to  not only be  a
    part of an organization like Kappa Alpha Theta  but also getting to meet
    some really great,amazing women.        
    I am requesting that you  read  my proposal and if this idea of a bridge loan to save my home is not something  you might consider,  perhaps you may have another way to solve this dilemma that I have not yet  attempted. 
    While writing  this letter, I was considering whether or not I  would  have enough trust in someone emailing
    me a note requesting my assistance…. and personally I might not even
    consider it if I did not know the person directly.   I  understand  the
    hesitation  as there have been many emails 
    and requests I have received from strangers  that  I
    wouldn’t consider.  Most of  the people involved have not had any
    common connection such as  a real sorority organization, but I am an
    actual alumni of the University of Florida and of Kappa Alpha
    Theta.  I’m not sure how to reassure you of my qualifications for my
    honesty and integrity.  I don’t know if I can tell you in a letter how
    hard working I am or  how much  I am willing to do to save my home.
    I have attached a bio used for the website  to assist in my profile.  It will give you a bit more knowledge  of who I am and my life experiences.  
     I am
    petitioning you today to please take a moment to read this letter and
    consider my proposal.  I thank you for your kind attention to this
    letter/email and  appreciate the opportunity to contact you  today.    
    I am writing to you today because I have a business proposition that may be of interest to you and if you are interested, it would help me out of a very horrible situation.  
     On July 14Th
    I found out that my home was set to be auctioned for back home owners
    association dues. I have been working on solving and fixing the
    situation but it was auctioned on the 25Th of July. It was sold back to the homeowners association for the amount due: $ 43,475.58
    the assessments: $ 25,715.08
    interest $ 10,997.33
    late fees $ 1,241.52
    cost of suit $ 740.00
    attorney fees $ 4781.65

    total due: $ 43,475.58

    been to the bank and a loan from the bank using the equity of my home
    would take at least 2-3 months to process. The mortgage on my condo was
    dismissed due  some fraudulent  practices set forth by the
    lender/company  and fraud from the broker himself.  Due to these
    instances,  the mortgage was legally dismissed and there is 100 % equity
    available on my home.

    am offering a $10,000.00 bonus  to be paid to the person who would
    assist in the opportunity to  loan  the $43,475.58  with a 10% interest
    rate. I had 10 days from the sale of my home to try to get it back
    though a law known as the right of redemption.

    (florida statute: section 45.0315: right of redemption):
    at any time before the later of the filing of a certificate of sale by
    the clerk of the court for the time specified in the judgement, order,
    or decree of foreclosure, the mortgagor or the holder of any subordinate
    interest may cure the mortgagors indebtedness and prevent a foreclosure
    sale by paying the amount  of moneys specified in the judgement, order,
    or decree of foreclosure, or if no judgement, order, or decree of
    foreclosure has been rendered, by tendering the performance due under
    the security agreement including any amounts due because of the exercise
    of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of processing to
    foreclosure incurred to the time tender, including reasonable
    attorney’s fees of the creditor. Otherwise there is no right of

    As of today  I have until the end of  this week, ( August 5th
    2011)   to buy back the title by paying  the $43,475.58  otherwise the
    condo title will be transfer and the condo will belong to the condo
    association and they can sell it for the total worth of $190.000. My
    goal, dream, and wish at this point in time,  would  be  to  retain the
    condo title in my name.   I wish to pay  back the  bridge loan that made
    keeping my title and home as  quickly as possible .  I was told that if
    I retain the title in my name, I can use the equity in my condo to
    secure a bank loan thus paying back the lender in an expedient
    It has been suggested that to even
    make you feel more comfortable with the business proposition I am
    willing to also offer a percentage of my condo  as collateral until the
    entire loan is paid.
    If you feel you cannot
     assist   in  this bridge loan for the entire amount, perhaps there is a
    way to have a few investors assist  in securing the  total amount. 
    Please consider any amount  for a loan  would be really helpful.  I will
    make sure that legal papers are drawn  with repayment schedules,
    interest and additional bonus amounts based on the amount loaned. 
    It is
    not a part of my character  to plead for assistance… however, at 
    this point in time, I calling upon  all my sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta
    to help me.  Whatever amount you deem appropriate… it would be really
    helpful…. actually lifesaving… and home saving in this case..
    may or may not know, I am a very independent, hard working woman and
    entrepreneur. I am responsible. I have no car payment, no credit card
    debt, and with the mortgage dismissed…. no mortgage. I plan on
    continuing to work for A Tender Loving Care Service, and will be also
    getting an additional job and a roommate.  I may even go back to faux
    finishing as I had worked very hard in creating a fairly lucrative
    business until I started to assist my mother with upgrading her business

    ( and also worked on her dream of starting an etiquette school
    faux painting business I created (M&M Decorative Business )  was a
    hobby I turned into a business.  Many of  the last projects  I
    completed  for M&M Decorative Painting, had a total project cost of
    approx. $15,000.00 . In fact I was  able to maintain a contract minimum
    or $825.00 which was my base price to start any project.  
    you have any questions please feel to contact me asap. I know this is
    short notice. it was a complete surprise to me as well…. I really
    would appreciate your assistance… From the moment I found out this 
    disturbing information I have been trying to rectify the situation. Your
    assistance in this matter would really save my home, and me!
    you for your kind attention to this letter/email… please contact me
    either way and again if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or
    Contact  info.: 
    phone: 561-283-7505
    Thank you again for your kind attention to this email,

    Mary Jean Ziska

    P.S. Update as of today: August 5th 2011 @2:58pm
    A letter was written to the Judge, which caused him to grant  an
    “order vacating sale” concerning the sale of my property  on  July 25th 2011.  I have a date of August 16th
    to appear before the Judge, at which time decisions will be made
    concerning  my home. My hope and prayer is that I am able to gather the 
    finances  and stop all the  proceedings alleviating the need for a
    court appearance,  thus stopping the entire process all together.  I am
    sincerely grateful for all your advice, your support and assistance. 
    Loyally in Theta, Mary Jean Ziska

    A Tender Loving Care Service
    Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director

    Fri August 5th 2011 @ 2:22pm ( email sent to all of Kappa alpha theta sisters )

    Dear Kappa Alpha Theta Sister ,                                              August 5th  2011 @3:10pm 
    I am a Kappa Alpha Theta alumni living in Naples Florida.  I became a Kappa Alpha Theta at the University of Florida as well as my two younger  real life sisters, Maura  Ziska and Madelon Ziska .   My name is Mary Jean Ziska and I am trying to contact  the sisters of Kappa  Alpha Theta to see if anyone would  be interested in assisting me in my attempt to save my condo.
    It  is  a bit embarrassing to write this letter and to ask for assistance from a group of woman  for whom many of you I may not know in person but have the common denominator of Kappa Alpha Theta Sisterhood.  I don’t know if in a letter I can  convey my genuine  and sincere gratitude  for  being able to  not only be  a part of an organization like Kappa Alpha Theta  but also getting to meet some really great,amazing women.        
    I am requesting that you  read  my proposal and if this idea of a bridge loan to save my home is not something  you might consider,  perhaps you may have another way to solve this dilemma that I have not yet  attempted. 
    While writing  this letter, I was considering whether or not I  would  have enough trust in someone emailing me a note requesting my assistance…. and personally I might not even consider it if I did not know the person directly.   I  understand  the hesitation  as there have been many emails  and requests I have received from strangers  that  I wouldn’t consider.  Most of  the people involved have not had any common connection such as  a real sorority organization, but I am an actual alumni of the University of Florida and of Kappa Alpha Theta.  I’m not sure how to reassure you of my qualifications for my honesty and integrity.  I don’t know if I can tell you in a letter how hard working I am or  how much  I am willing to do to save my home.
    I have attached a bio used for the website  to assist in my profile.  It will give you a bit more knowledge  of who I am and my life experiences.  
     I am petitioning you today to please take a moment to read this letter and consider my proposal.  I thank you for your kind attention to this letter/email and  appreciate the opportunity to contact you  today.    
    I am writing to you today because I have a business proposition that may be of interest to you and if you are interested, it would help me out of a very horrible situation.  
     On July 14Th I found out that my home was set to be auctioned for back home owners association dues. I have been working on solving and fixing the situation but it was auctioned on the 25Th of July. It was sold back to the homeowners association for the amount due: $ 43,475.58
    the assessments: $ 25,715.08
    interest $ 10,997.33
    late fees $ 1,241.52
    cost of suit $ 740.00
    attorney fees $ 4781.65

    total due: $ 43,475.58

    I’ve been to the bank and a loan from the bank using the equity of my home would take at least 2-3 months to process. The mortgage on my condo was dismissed due  some fraudulent  practices set forth by the lender/company  and fraud from the broker himself.  Due to these instances,  the mortgage was legally dismissed and there is 100 % equity available on my home.

    I am offering a $10,000.00 bonus  to be paid to the person who would assist in the opportunity to  loan  the $43,475.58  with a 10% interest rate. I had 10 days from the sale of my home to try to get it back though a law known as the right of redemption.

    (florida statute: section 45.0315: right of redemption): at any time before the later of the filing of a certificate of sale by the clerk of the court for the time specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, the mortgagor or the holder of any subordinate interest may cure the mortgagors indebtedness and prevent a foreclosure sale by paying the amount  of moneys specified in the judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure, or if no judgement, order, or decree of foreclosure has been rendered, by tendering the performance due under the security agreement including any amounts due because of the exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of processing to foreclosure incurred to the time tender, including reasonable attorney’s fees of the creditor. Otherwise there is no right of redemption.

    As of today  I have until the end of  this week, ( August 5th 2011)   to buy back the title by paying  the $43,475.58  otherwise the condo title will be transfer and the condo will belong to the condo association and they can sell it for the total worth of $190.000. My goal, dream, and wish at this point in time,  would  be  to  retain the condo title in
    my name.   I wish to pay  back the  bridge loan that made keeping my title and home as  quickly as possible .  I was told that if I retain the title in my name, I can use the equity in my condo to secure a bank loan thus paying back the lender in an expedient fashion.    
    It has been suggested that to even make you feel more comfortable with the business proposition I am willing to also offer a percentage of my condo  as collateral until the entire loan is paid.
    If you feel you cannot  assist   in  this bridge loan for the entire amount, perhaps there is a way to have a few investors assist  in securing the  total amount.  Please consider any amount  for a loan  would be really helpful.  I will make sure that legal papers are drawn  with repayment schedules, interest and additional bonus amounts based on the amount loaned. 
    It is not a part of my character  to plead for assistance… however, at  this point in time, I calling upon  all my sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta to help me.  Whatever amount you deem appropriate… it would be really helpful…. actually lifesaving… and home saving in this case..
    You may or may not know, I am a very independent, hard working woman and entrepreneur. I am responsible. I have no car payment, no credit card debt, and with the mortgage dismissed…. no mortgage. I plan on continuing to work for A Tender Loving Care Service, and will be also getting an additional job and a roommate.  I may even go back to faux finishing as I had worked very hard in creating a fairly lucrative business until I started to assist my mother with upgrading her business
    ( and also worked on her dream of starting an etiquette school
    The faux painting business I created (M&M Decorative Business )  was a hobby I turned into a business.  Many of  the last projects  I completed  for M&M Decorative Painting, had a total project cost of approx. $15,000.00 . In fact I was  able to maintain a contract minimum or $825.00 which was my base price to start any project.  
    If you have any questions please feel to contact me asap. I know this is short notice. it was a complete surprise to me as well…. I really would appreciate your assistance… From the moment I found out this  disturbing information I have been trying to rectify the situation. Your assistance in this matter would really save my home, and me!
    Thank you for your kind attention to this letter/email… please contact me either way and again if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or email.
    Contact  info.: 
    phone: 561-283-7505
    Thank you again for your kind attention to this email,

    Mary Jean Ziska

    P.S. Update as of today: August 5th 2011 @2:58pm.  A letter was written to the Judge, which caused him to grant  an “order vacating sale” concerning the sale of my property  on  July 25th 2011.  I have a date of August 16th to appear before the Judge, at which time decisions will be made concerning  my home. My hope and prayer is that I am able to gather the  finances  and stop all the  proceedings alleviating the need for a court appearance,  thus stopping the entire process all together.  I am sincerely grateful for all your advice, your support and assistance. 
    Loyally in Theta, Mary Jean Ziska

    A Tender Loving Care Service
    Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director

    Mission Statement:
    A TENDER LOVING CARE SERVICE’S  mission is to provide safe, quality care for children and peace of
    mind to parents, guardians and adults  by creating  a sitting experience that  promotes professionalism within the
    child care industry  and  truly exhibits a sincere commitment to excellence and integrity.   

    Marion Gregory and her daughter, Mary Jean Ziska reside in Naples Florida  and are working together to create
    the finest child care agency and kindergarten preparatory and etiquette school in the South West Florida area!  

    Their individual strengths, personal experiences, and diligence to excellence, combine to create a team that
    warrants excellence in their employees and in their service.

    Most importantly A TENDER LOVING CARE SERVICE  is noted for its . . .  . .  Tender  Loving   Care!!!!!!     

    Who We Are
    Marion Gregory  is a 40 year resident of Florida. She
    resides in Naples Florida. Her devotion to the care,
    well being and education of children has been a life
    long pursuit.  Her dreams include creating the finest  
    child care service  and kindergarten preparatory and
    etiquette school in the southwest Florida Area.  

    Marion Gregory  is not only and educator but also an
    accomplished business women.   She originated  a
    travel/tour business and ran the operation for years
    from Ras Tanura,  Saudi Arabia where she and her
    family resided.  
    She personally  chartered planes, planned and  
    escorted tours for thousands of residents within the  
    oil company  communities.  She  traveled
    extensively  bringing along family members and
    creating memories, experiences and life
    learning/altering adventures.  Marion  brought along  
    her family members  on every tour to exotic lands
    and through numerous unique adventures such as
    safaris in Africa, trekking in Nepal, sightseeing trips
    through the United States, moon gazing at the Taj
    Mahal in India, houseboat adventures in  Kashmir,  
    island hopping in Greece,  excursions through
    Europe,  exploring the Middle East, Australia and
    New Zealand.

    All of these personal and business experiences have
    created a woman with an abundant wealth of
    knowledge and  wisdom  who utilizes her strengths in
    the formation of companies  that  incorporate the
    excellence she embodies in life and in education.    

    • Marion Gregory was on the opening team of
      the Ritz Carlton Beach Hotel in Naples Florida.

    • Marion Gregory  held the position of Director
      of  Resident Service for Bentley Village in
      Naples Florida.  

    < /font>

    • Marion  Gregory is  a Multi-Million Dollar
      Producer  with Sun Realty in Naples, Florida.

    • Marion Gregory volunteered for six months in
      Nepal where she taught school,instructed   
      local women  to market their hand woven
      items and volunteered  in the dispensary.

    • Marion Gregory  taught classes in Saudi  
      Arabia  where she developed a passion for
      educating and working with children.

    • Marion Gregory is the Director of A TLC
      Kindergarten Preparatory & Etiquette School,
      a private school for girls ages 3-5. The  school
      appropriately  named  A TLC Kindergarten
      Preparatory & Etiquette School  offers a small
      class size and the opportunity  to give special
      attention to each student.
       Marion’s  goals
      include assisting  each student in satisfying
      their individual quest for knowledge and
      potential.  Most importantly, these young girls
      will be taught good habits and manners while
      developing their intellect and character during
      their formative years.

    Who We Are
    Mary Jean Ziska  is the daughter of Marion Gregory
    and has been assisting  with A Tender Loving Care
    Service since it’s inception in 1990.   She recently
    has joined both companies  in assisting  the
    implementation of new and exciting advancements
    for both businesses.  Many of  these new  practices
    and programs are being created to solidify and
    affirm  A Tender Loving Care Service as one of the
    best and well established sitting services in the area
    and also establish
    A TLC Kindergarten Preparatory
    and Etiquette School as an equally important and
    viable extension of A Tender Loving Care Service.

    Traveling at an early age developed  a passion and
    quest for the  knowledge and education  of various
    cultures, places  and people.  The skills and art of
    travel and tourism gleaned from working  closely
    with  MET (Marion Gregory’s company) in Saudi
    Arabia expanded her education and gave her the
    desire and knowledge for independently owning a  
    business  and developing a well rounded education
    in life and in school.

    Her stay at boarding school  realized  a continuing
    interest in preparatory education, knowledge and
    the ambition for the  fulfilment of educational
    goals.  The pursuit of excellence and higher
    educational achievement was instilled  through
    boarding school experiences and maintains a high
    priority even in her life today.

    She attended the Centre Mediterraneen, located in  
    Cap D’Ail France  situated on the Cote d’Azur,/
    south of France.  At this school, she was able to
    work on acquiring a level of language skill achieved  
    when submerging oneself into a culture.  This
    unique experience contributed to advancing her
    education and belief in the variety of educational

    She attended and graduated  with a Bachelors
    Degree from the University of Florida.  She was
    initiated into the  Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority  and  
    also became  a little sister at Chi Phi.   She  is
    currently an alumni member of Kappa Alpha Theta
    where she was  the VP of Philanthropy for two
    years.   In this position,  she assisted in the
    acquisition of contributions toward a number of
    worthwhile philanthropies.

    Her last business enterprise was based on a hobby
    she turned into a thriving business.
    Her background includes ten years and all elements
    of creating, implementing and executing her own
    business, including business administration and
    management skills.  Her marketing,  advertising
    experience and branding of services was unique and
    inventive thus encapsulating  the design arena to
    the eventual conclusion of producing awards within
    the industry and  having her work  featured in a
    local television commercial.

    Utilizing the same passion,  she has devoted herself
    to the pursuit of excellence within the business of   
    A Tender Loving Care Service devoting her
    strengths to be Assistant Director of both A Tender
    Loving Care Service and
    A TLC Kindergarten
    Preparatory and Etiquette SchoolPreparatory and
    Etiquette School.

    She is currently working on her  teacher
    certification  through  American Board for
    certification of Teacher Excellence.  Once
    completed, she will assist  in maintaining the
    accreditation  standards set forth by the school,  the
    iteria  necessary for teachers, and assist in the
    creation of internship programs  for
    A TLC
    Kindgergarten Preparatory & Etiquette School         
    as well as interviewing, hiring and training  the
    sitters for A Tender Loving Care Service.

    photo:  Mary Jean Ziska
    Photo:  Marion Gregory
    About Us:
    A Tender Loving Care Service

    Fri August 5th 2011 @7:48pm ( very odd incident with my white d/g dress)

    So today i went to iron my white dress i had washed it  by hand  and let hang dry…. the same dress i wore for my b-day dinner… i bought  the  dress years ago… classic shell dress. I bought it at saks 5th ave, It  is a white dolce gabana dress that cost between $500.00-$1000.00  so i take very  special care of it…. ( actually i had almost all nice classic clothes…( before 2003…. i thnkof the time meeting scum as the end of the time i had a great life…. wtih great possessions and was protected,,, and loved…. and well had a great life….)    My clothes adn possessions….  they were quality  and usually lasted forever.. my  mom taught me to shop that  way… infact i even have some of her old dresses… (now considered vintage)… but in great condition…  anyway… i know the dressI purchased  was understated… the only way i knew it was a dolce gabanna was the lineing that had the words dolce/ gabanna all over the  lining… and the zipper…. and of course the tag…. but i have found that  some of my other  clothes have the l tags… but the items  were altered without my consent or knowledge…. 

    anyway.. as of today… while i was ironing… i noticed that the hem was curling up….  and the lining had no  dolce gabanna name printed all over  it…..  now i know i never got back my cashmire kaki sweater that  was a part of a sweater set i got for christmas…. and of cours the jewlery i had been given  from my dad was never returned… and over teh years other articles of clothing of mine have been altered and even damaged…. so i am just  adding  one more great dress…  that i cant afford to replace…..   to a list of damages…. all caused by a simy group of scummmmmmm

    The  origional i bought because it  was quality.. because i liked how it fit me… and because  i actually worked for the  money and selected it and bought  it for me… the origional…. and real and regular person…. me-  mary jean ziska to wear…..   

    seriously … who would  go to all the  trouble of  continuing to  steal… is  it a  clepto problem?  They can’t resist.. or a wanna be problem  that  they have no genuine  personality and so they  have to steal other peoples  possessions…maybe they have no taste or style of ther own? …or again i  sent  an email to scott or others and attached a picture of me in that dress….from my birthday….  so of course  they woudl have to ruin it right? . .Iis it still the idenity thief?/conartist?/actress?. who is definatley a freak…..   I can honestly say without a shadow  of a doubt… these con artists .. and thieves and criminals have done everything possible to ruin my life…. I was even thinking  that perhpas since i  took a birthday picture in my dress…. that the freak may be even trying to  lie to someoen that she is me….Ii mean what a real freak… to have  to go to that extreme  to be an imposter…. (?)  a doubleganger… a look alike…. a fake …. an imposter?????  or just a criminal who likes nice things and  has no morals or values.. and being a thief is the way they were raised…. and the way they will always be….   

    God i hate criminals….. absolutely hate them…

    when my mom came over the other day for lunch…. and later we went to a movie… she helped me to zip up mydress… so i called her today to see if she remembers the lining…  but i never got a complete answer to my question…..  

    so when  could  my $1000.00 dollar dress have been changes/altered for a dress of lesser value?  God only knows…..  but it must have been  recently…I had only taken it out for my birthday in july… Sheesh… is this ever going to end?  If it is  not bulling… or beign lied to.. or going thorugh some horrid expereince…. then it is my personal  possessions destroyed, or stolen, or even my  safety jepordized…..  or what is next?  

    I had someone   who wanted my condo   try to tell me that i shoudl move… because of all the  bad expereinces…. but it is not  my  condo.. that is  to blame… crimes are commited by individuals… they are committed with intent… and with forthought….planning,  and precision  of execution….
    it is not an accident… nor a mistake… to steal…  it is a crime…..

    when are these people ever  going  to be punished? caught? stopped?  or should  I ask…… are they ever going  to be punished , or stopped? 

    Fri August 5th 2011 @5:02pm ( called to get info from Matt Weidner)

    Facing Foreclosure

    If a foreclosure
    case has been filed against you, it is critical that you hire an
    attorney who has experience doing battle with the lenders and mortgage
    companies. A variety of new laws and government programs exist to
    help homeowners and borrowers, but you need an attorney experienced in
    this unique area of the law to help ensure your rights are protected.
    Contact my office directly for a free review of your case and advice
    on how I can help you. I charge a reasonable fee to aggressively
    represent your interests and will use my experience and commitment to
    protecting consumers to stand up and fight for you!

    short sale pinellas
    Short Sale – Can be very difficult to negotiate, requires the cooperation of an aggressive and experienced short sale realtor.
    Loan Modification – Not usually a good option if income has declined significantly.
    Consent to Foreclosure Judgment – Good option if client has another place to go.
    Deed in Lieu – Only a good idea if lender will agree not to pursue a deficiency judgment.
    Bankruptcy – A last resort and not usually necessary if foreclosure is the only issue.
    Cash for Keys – Can be a good option especially if income is lower and borrower is ready to move on.
    Deed Your Home Then Rent From Lender – A great and brand new option for many homeowners.
    cash for keys pinellas

    Foreclosure – Stand up and Fight!

    When you have been served with a foreclosure lawsuit, you
    have only 20 days to file an answer with the court or risk having the
    property sold in foreclosure. You may face significant risks in
    addition to losing your home such as having your wages garnished and
    being subjected to additional IRS tax liability. Foreclosure is a
    significant event and the consequences from the foreclosure may follow
    you for the rest of your life. With something this important, you
    need experienced attorney you can trust.

    Foreclosure Rescue Scams – Don’t be a Victim!

    Borrowers across the country are falling victim to “loss mitigation“,
    “mortgage negotiators”, realtors and other companies and individuals
    who suggest they can assist borrowers with their foreclosure case. If
    you have been served with a lawsuit, it is important to understand
    that only an attorney licensed to practice law can file an answer on
    your behalf. You should also understand that even if you are working
    directly with your mortgage company and believe you have entered into a
    settlement agreement, they may still proceed with the case against
    you unless they agree not to pursue the case in writing. As a public
    service, we will take the time to review your case free of charge and
    provide you with the legal options that are available to you.


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