A few months ago, I entered a statement concerning forced placed insurance with Litton Loan; I am yet to get a response. They have placed $4700 additional escrow, and my payments have gone up 400 more a month. I need help, please.
Litton Loan Services has continued to modify the date on my credit report for a loan that I defaulted on in 2003. My report has been modified on at least two separate occasions so they could extend the time my credit would be negatively affected.
The first time I noticed this happening was in July of 2007. The most recent was August of 2011. The account in question was originally charged off in 2003. When I noticed the discrepancy this month, I disputed the negative item. They responded by listing the debt as charged off as of August 2011. They refused to remove the debt even though the debt is much older than the maximum seven years.
Erik of Webster, TX
We applied for a Loan Modification to lower our payment and interest rate due to the economy. My husband is 100 disabled since 6/02 receiving SSI and obtaining VA Disability in 9/05. I retired early 12/04 to care for him. We have struggled financially. Litton has repeatedly lost parts of the application. We have had to fill out and sign forms numerous times. We are still in the process of completing the Loan Modification. We received a letter dated 6/25/11 stating an escrow account was added to pay our taxes.
We have since the Mortgages inception in 2005 paid for taxes an insurance monthly ourselves. I called and adamantly declined the escrow account. I was told by their Representative that this escrow was for the Loan Modification and that we would need to sign before it was final. I indicated that this was not the reason for the loan modification application. We clearly stated in writing the reason for the application several times during the process that is still 5 months later not complete. Ms Gonzalez never returns my voice messages, I have to call back. On 8/2/11 Litton Loan Servicing LP withdrew the loan payment including the escrow amount totaling $866.87. Our payment is 787.24. I immediately contacted them by phone, once again leaving a message for Ms Gonzalez and then speaking with Samantha Gater, a Representative, who advised me they need additional documentation as usual before the decision could be made for the modification.
I was transferred to the Escrow Dept. I was notified the modification had been approved,the escrow account was set up,that was the reason the payment increased and I would have to talk to the Representative handling our file to get it corrected. This whole process has been so stressful. Litton is charging us $100.00 to process the modification. They have drug this out for 5 months, losing documents, needed documents to be corrected,more documentation etc. We feel they are dragging their feet in an attempt to get us to drop the application. We have spent hours redoing documents,paid for faxes and I have resorted to sending any documentation priority mail with delivery confirmation to avoid countless delays. Now they have increased our mortgage payment with the escrow account added to our mortgage.
I am now taking care of my 81 yr old mother since my step father passed away 4/12/11 as well as my husband. My husband has COPD with asthma, allergies and PTSD. Some days he is good other days he is in bed for days. In 2008 he had brain surgery for a cavernous angioma, in 2009 he was hospitalized 3 times from 3/09 to 6/09 with pneumonia. On 9/09 he had emergency surgery for gall bladder removal that was gangrenes then 1 week after being dismissed admitted for an intestinal infection. I hope you can help us bring this ordeal to an end. I feel we are being treated unfairly by big business. I am afraid we could end up losing our home after 6 years of on time payments because of the financial drain., etc has continued to increase.
Joy of Wittmann, AZ
Problems of no assistance in modification, and now a Short Sale. They are refusing the American decrease in property value and want to over-ride the price in my area, asking qualified buyer to pay more than property value, asking for pictures and contractors to come out to property and give their input. Prices across the nation for owners are at a lost. I have a buyer and they are keeping me from selling property and giving my brokers the run-a-round. It was to be completed by August 05, 2011, and they are sending for more information, which has all been submitted to them and a letter to me and brokers, asking for more money than property value. Do I go to court or what do I do?
If you want to lose your home, just have Litton Loan handle your mortgage.
Litton Loan has many lawyers on the payroll, and many people have tried to bring them down. My best advice is to get away from them as far as you can. Litton knows that home owners in distress don’t have the money to hire good attorneys.
Litton can get away with murder. Get away from Litton!
Vince of St Charles, MO
After two years in a row and submitted every single document request for modification, I finally received a call from modification department payment. From 1,200 it was lowered to 678. I requested document via mail and the next thing I know, the person handling my case resigned and nothing done and everything was set aside.
beatris of Lehigh Acres, FL
I am going through similar crap with Litton for a year and a half now. We either have too much or too little income for a change. I am so mad and tired. I can’t believe how many people here are having the same nightmare and nothing has changed.
Only we can change it. Let’s get in gear and do something about this! IT’S TIME TO GET LOUD!
Maureen of Weaverville, NC
I was out of work for almost two years and fell behind in my mortgage for most of that time. During that time, I never received a letter, note or telephone call from Litton. In December 2010, I was back on my feet. I was able to begin paying my mortgage, and I hired an attorney to help make arrangements. My attorney was not able to this day receive all the documentation; so that I can begin repaying past payments, and start paying current payments. Now I received a letter from Litton telling me that I could lose my house.
Joseph of Greenlawn, NY
As I read the previous entries from other victims of Litton Loan Servicing customers, I don’t feel alone.
I have gotten the run around from Litton for 2 years requesting “missing” paperwork which I sent it four times, delaying the auction of our house, and getting transferred from dept to dept.
Finally, last month Jeff Altman from Litton calls me and tells me my loan mod has been declined and that Litton just came out with a new program and they would offer me $12,000 to move out by a certain date as a “voluntary foreclosure”. I said I need that in writing, and Jeff tells me that it is so new that they don’t even have it in writing yet but promises me that they will honor it. So I move my family out by the agreed date BUT to only find out that Litton says on the date of the auction there is someone that has been added to my title and so they could not foreclose.
Since then, I have gone to the title companies and clerk’s office and verified that NO ONE is else is on my title, but since then I cannot reach Jeff Altman and they keep transferring me to Bankruptcy and Loss Mitagation and no one knows about the $12,000 they have offered me to move out nor can I reach Jeff.
This company is full of lies and are a bunch of crooks. Someone needs to do something about this company.
Julie of Irvine, CA
Litton acquired my mortgage in 2005. If I would have known how horrible this company was, I would have tried to get out of it at that point. But anyhow, here is my current situation. I am trying to do a modification with this company since August 2010, and every time I have tried to do this, I have been denied.
First they didn’t receive the documents, then they were cut off while being faxed, then they were misplaced. They just don’t want to help. I cannot afford my payments and they just don’t want to work with me. Every time I talk to someone whether it be the same person or someone different, I get totally different answers and they repeatedly ask me why I am late in my payments. Do they really have to ask that?
I lost my job, I found a new one that pays almost $2,000 less per month and I cannot catch up. I have received ‘intent to foreclose’ notices. I have followed thru on them and contacted the company and then all they can tell me is that I am in default. I am only one month behind. They can help me with a repayment plan but unfortunately, I cannot afford my payment now so it will not help. She tells me I can do a short sale. I told her I just want help to keep my home.
I then tried calling someone to refinance and they just informed me that all of my payments since Feb 2011 have not been reported to the credit bureau so my credit is showing serious delinquency so they can’t help because of this. I then spoke with the representative at Litton and she can’t tell me why this is happening. She is my account manager and she cannot answer the question. Wow! This company really sucks!!
Tammy of Winsted`, CT
Litton holds 2nd Mortgage for us — subordinate to my main mortgage. I have opportunity to refinance my first mortgage with much lower fixed interest rate. Litton has told me and the new primary lender that they will not sign a “subordination letter”. Thus, I will never be able to refinance, unless I pay off their mortgage. They say the “investor” will not allow any subordination to another loan — but when they bought the loan, it was subordinate already! I am not asking them to change anything.
Stacey of Omaha, NE
Did a modification Jan 2010, was finalized and everything fine. Prior to the modification, we paid our own taxes and Insurance. With the modification we had it added into our payment. They stated that they would pay taxes and insuance. A year later we received a new payment plan stating that our loan payment will be going from *$894.00 to $1194.00 a month. they placed forced placed insurnace on us for the amount of $4700.00. Then stated that our escrow was $8000.00 in the negative.
We have since called, and they refuse to straighten this out. Mad as hell. not behind in payments, but the reason why we did the mosdification was to lower our payments. Did alot of research, and I have come across so much inforamtion about litton Loan and their practices. i am so disgusted and frustrated, Please can someone help.
Jacqueline of Palm bay, FL
I am looking for help with a “Making home affordable” Loan modification nightmare that we have been dealing with Litton Loan LLC I will try to explain bullet points without creating a novel.
We qualify for the loan modification no problem and were approved on our second mortgage with fifth third bank no problem filled out one form sent it in with requested documents and it was done in a week. Very professional friendly staff.
Litton Loan LLC complete nightmare:
Started the loan modification over 20 months ago. We filled out the original forms sent in all documents requested and they have been asking for more and more documents every time. We have sent 100’s of copies of everything and it’s never enough they always have “something else they need” Some mistake we need to fix or send written statements. They are all very rude are not friendly to deal with and stall stall stall is the game they are playing.
It’s always a new customer service agent to deal with. And I guarantee they are trying to make it so frustrating that we just give up. My wife and I have sent them everything they ask for over and over for the last 2 years. We Dont know what else to do?
We have sent 2 years of bank statements from all 4 accounts that we had to hand sign the bottom of every page and send back again? . Then they made a mistake when they thought we had an account that did not exist? we sent them statements from all accounts as requested and we have to send a written statement saying “the **” account that they made up does not exist”????? They need proof of unemployment, then proof of unemployment ending? They have been stringing us along over and over and making us wait weeks to mail stuff back and forth. They never call back when they promise they will. They never send us anything telling us what they need we have to call over and over again to check and see what the new demand is and then wait weeks for it to “show up in the system after faxing”???? And then learn about more and more demands its ridiculous! Spent over $100 on faxing docs. Every time they assure us they have everything and just need this “one more hoop to jump through” But its never ending. HELP?
ryan of arvada, CO
My wife and I went through a loan modification through Litton Loan Servicing dealing with a Markus Williams our loan was reduced from 1478.17 to 1258.83 I cant remember if it was for 3 mo or 4, anyhow we have all payments as of January 2010 when it started electronically taken from our account the trial payments and full payments after that. Thus they transferred us to a company called Green tree Servicing who we are going through modification.
Sent all required paper work in and they said we were qualified then we recieved a trial period with them 1450.98 for 3 months to be taken out as of 4/1/2011 Then we get a call 3 to 4 days later saying we dont qualify. Because our payments green tree claimed litton loan said we were late I sent in all bank statements from 2010 all 12 and now green tree says that Litton Loan Never gave them all paperwork and we need to send in all information fortunetly I dont have the agreement I have the persons name and the amounts that were taken out.
I just dont know how we are responsible for sending in paperwork when Litton has all of it and transferred us over to Green tree dont you think that the paperwork should of been sent. We have done our part and it’s been almost 2 years we have been trying to Modify and sending all necassary paperwok for modification we get approved and then we get a phone call stating there was a clinch in the computers and we were not the only one its all about the trail of paperwork that Litton Loan Servicing did not forward to green tree but kept taking our money. Now we are in foreclosure we have been still paying our mortgage until today which is 6/1/11 Which green tree wont take until we give them the contract that was done with litton loan (paper trail) We dont have all that paperwork. We made the payments faithfully right out of our checking.
Burton of Acworth, NH
My husband and I married in Sept 2010. Shortly after, I had permission to open his mail with his consent. I was aware that there had been an attempted foreclosure by Litton Loan Services in early 2007 and I was aware that Titanium Solutions were involved. A hefty sum was wired quick collect through western union to temporarily resolve the situation . Litton loan referred to it as good faith money. A fixed interest rate was agreed upon and the principal was increased by approximately $12000 . Some of the principal increase was to cover what litton loan deemed as unpaid property taxes.
Ann of West Haven, CT
last month, i was having trouble with my computer, so i made a pay by phone to the above, the tape asked did i want to use the last bank payment
/i said yes and it turned out to be the wrong bank account number in the system, they did not receive my payment,my next move after calling
litton and calling my bank, i sent a overnite check in the mail. wrote a long letter to them, telling them to check their system, because i have been paying with the same bank for years, same route nos.
it took two weeks for them to receive that payment . this month, may, i am still having trouble with my computer, it is under some attack (virus) or something. so i sent the may payment earlier by mail with the stub that comes with the statement on may 2nd, my account is due on the 9th. i have contacted them by e-mail because the amount had not been deducted, today by phone. the lady today said the stub somethimes gets separated from the check and call back in a couple of days.
it has been 15th days since i mailed this payment. i just can’t see why they are holding or if they are holding and what their purpose would be. i was thinking about asking for a reduction in rate because i now live in the house that the mortgage is on but i pay my bill. what other motive could this be or am i being overly nervous.
Joan of Philadelphia, PA
Re: Litton Loan servicing
We have been having issues with Litton Loan. First In April of 2009 our home was sold, we found out when someone knocked on our door “cash for keys” it was due to our neglect on making sure the payments were coming out of a checking account. We explained to the attorney at the time that we had no idea it was even going to sale and that we had the money in the bank for all of the missed payments so they agreed to rescind the sale but we had to scrap up another 8000.00 because it was now almost 21,000.00 in order to get our house back. We did and exhausted every resource we had. Two months later I had to have surgery that took me out of work for two months without pay, so we had been struggling to make our payments. I then got with Litton and explained the situation to them and tried to get a modification done, their idea of a modification was to raise my payment!! So we started working with a modification firm in November of 2010 to try and help us. They were working with Litton since then communicating and submitting all paper work, the last call I received from the processing dept on the beginning of May was that our home had already been sold back to the lender on March 9 2011! They were as shocked as we were. Once again we received absolutely no notice, nor did the company that was modifying our loan that our home was sold, Litton up until then had been getting and requesting information as if they were working on it!! It is now May 15, 2011 I am still in the house and still haven’t been notified as of yet that it is no longer ours. It is only a matter of time before we are homeless! Litton received funding to help keep people in their homes; the only one to benefit from it was Litton. We have had our home for 9 years and I feel that they should have done everything in their power to give us the help we needed to get back on our feet but they didn’t. They are very unfair and do not care one bit about their customers. They have my phone numbermy address so why wasn’t I notified!!! We are so distressed right now and can not understand how they can get away with this! It is so unfair!!! I can not pay them another 21000.00 this time to get it back.X I NEED HELP!!!!
Retha of Fort lupton, CO
every time I call to talk to someone about my request for loan modification I get the run around. I’ve faxed all the information they’ve requested, yet they keep saying they haven’t received some of the documentation. I just called and apparently someone new at Litton works on my case every month. When I call and leave voice mails for specific case workers, I don’t ever get calls back. I am very close to foreclosure, apparently, but when I call they give me varying foreclosure (sale) dates, two of which are in May 2011 (May 15th and May 23rd) and I haven’t received any notice of foreclosure yet (it is now May 4th).
Rod of Salem, OR
I have a question. After many calls & 3 months of headaches and tears to litton to get my modification processed. My loan was modified by $13,000 and my interest rate lowered to 4.3%. Later we received a 1099 for $13,000 as income earned? Was this legal? This put us in a higher income bracket and we owed $10,000. We were only able to pay our taxes through a payment plan. I’m confused how did this help?
Pat of Whittier, CA
after several years they ended up with my mortgage. They raised my payments claiming escrow was short??? It was temporary. They have never lowered it back, and my Insurance was never raised, nor my taxes. They seem to have scammed me? Cannot get answers to calls.
I learned that there are millions of complaints about them.
Jay of Pegram, TN
I fell behind on my payments due to financial loss wages and more.I got to a point where I needed help -went to a lawyer for help with modification with Litton.At first they offered me the mod. saying I did qualify (mind U I was making payments regrdless)how behind I was.I was given a 3-month trial period and did everything right-they kept stating didnt have all documents -to resend-then they returned all three checks i sent them ..making lawyers crazy..finally to say they denied me modification..ended going to another lawyer by now they stopped accepting my payments totally..for over 8months now they keep saying they DONT want to modify me cause I make too much income.now im so behind with foreclosure on Hold by bank and very upsetting to me and my family-have a sick mother-i have never wanted to loose my house.Ive lived here for over 22yrs.its too hard on us I dont see why Litton wont cut us a break..We are still pending..Is there anything that can be done..all hopes fail.I am very hard working mom and I really want another chance.I feel they did not work fair with me they gave me the run around WHY!?
Ileana of Hialeah, FL
I was being helped by NACA (NeighborhoodAssisstance Corporation of America) They was tryingto help get my home loan modified and during this process Litton oans sent my home to the aucton on Dec.7, 2009 where it was immediately sold for $45,000 to a third party who in return evicted me and my family and we became homeless. Loan # was ********
Property address was ********
Darlene of San Bernardino, CA
I started a loan modification process last week of February this year. It is true about the complaints from Litton in requesting the same paperwork. I have sent everything they requested the very first week I started the request, Litton sent me a letter a week later stating that my application was incomplete. I sent again the same requested paperwork and after being on the phone for more than 20 minutes I asked the customer service rep. to review my paperwork. I was told everything was complete that I had to call in a week or two to follow up. 4 days later I received a phone call to tell me that I needed to send the same paperwork and a statement in writing of my answers to questions of my income tax return. I hope after all these questioning and resending paperwork Litton gets the modification done.
Jesus of Humble, TX
Litton loan servicng has failed several times to timely post my payments to my account, causing late fees problems. Litton loan servicing has always refused to transfer my phone call to a supervisor or manager.I have never been late with any of my payments, and always mailed about 10 days before due date.
On May 2009 billing statement appeared an illegitimate charge of $ 197.50 that Litton Loan decided to add to my account. Almost 2 years later and that issued has not been resolved, supervisor or manager never returned any of my phone calls.
On October 2010 billing statement appeared an illegitimate charge of $ 2,829.29 amount that was added by litton loan servicing with out my knowledge making my monthly payment double. I have called more than 30 times and asked to speak to a supervisor or manager and the customer care department they always denied my request. 6 months later and those charges still appearing on my monthly statement. I have not been able to resolved this problem because nobody from litton loan customer care can explained why that amount was added to my account, I have left numerous message for the supervisor or manager but they have never returned any of my phone calls. Every time I spoke to the customer care department they always asked me to sent that late payment immediately or late fees and interest will be added.
On February 13, 2011 I mailed a written inquiry which was certified with a return receipt. I was very clear what I wrote, if they don’t corrected those illegitimate charge I will needed to talk to my attorney and go to court,but I also sent the last 13 copies of my return checks from my bank. It shows that I have never been late with my payments.
But,on March 2011 I did not received my billing statement so I called Litton loan immediately and I was told that I have changed my home address and will not received any more statements and for now on they can only talked to an attorney or I needed to hire one. I told litton loan customer care that I have been living in the same house for the past 15 years and I did not moved or changed my home address and I did not have an attorney. Litton loan wants me to requested my monthly statement in written because they can not longer sent one.Litton Loan is refusing to sent out my monthly statement.
Talking to the customer care which they are very rude and unwilling people is just a waste a time. I have spent countless hours trying to resolved this issues. As todays April 05, 2011 I have not received a response from my inquiry neither my monthly statement.
Another problem, I have an escrow account for my property insurance and taxes, but every year litton loan failed to made my house insurance on time. Every year the insurance company almost cancel my policy because of late payment. They do not sent the payment on time and I have called litton loan many times and complaint about this problems but they done nothing. I’AM SENDING MY HOUSE MORTGAGE MONTHLY PAYMENT WITH OUT THE STATEMENT, BUT MY BANK IS DOING A DIRECTLY PAYMENT TO LITTONLOAN SERVICING
Fernando of Hawthorne, CA
This is a copy of the complaint lodged with the FTC:
Litton was given my “interest-only” mortgage by Chase Bank, which Litton refers to cryptic-ly only as their “investors”. I sent duplicate copies of my records on Litton’s request, by mail and fax; over and over again. They were called many times over the course of several weeks before and after a notice of intent to foreclose was issued. No one in the Customer Service Department could or would pull up the account information; despite my giving reasonable verification of who was calling.
On some of the calls they claimed that the information given to them / requested by them for verification (such as phone numbers) did not match their records; and at other times they touted having no records on file whatsoever (even system-based notes on previous calls). The operators were extremely aggressive, rude and all together inept. They evidenced having little to no experience / knowledge in the areas of account maintenance, their company’s policies or customer service. When they didn’t parrot the same simplistic, scripted lines over and over again, they only barked at me to pay or made sarcastic barbs. They could be heard laughing like hyenas. They sounded much more like a “fly-by-night” back room collections agency than the well-trained financial industry professionals I was accustomed to dealing with in Chase and GMAC. My attorneys (appointed by a local NGO) were only able to exert marginal influence when confronting them. (Later it was discovered that a large percentage if not all of their then current “customer service” hires were Katrina victims and inmates from a work rehabilitation program. A large rash of identity thefts were linked back to Texas and Litton.)
An open channel of communication came only after a motion to stay the foreclosure was filed (on the basis that Litton had no proof of their rights to the account). They began a dialogue with my current attorney via email and records of all of Litton’s emailed statements have been kept. They continued and continue to ask for copies of documents that were already sent to them. For 14 months Litton held and continues to hold an uncashed check written by USAA to me (which unfortunately lists them as a joint payee). The sum is between $8,000 and $9,000; and was intended to pay for repair of the severe storm damage done to my house by the Blizzard of 2010. Because of neglect the house deteriorates at a rapid pace.
They forced a short sale a few months ago (which thankfully never materialized). They sent a real estate broker over to do a “BPO” (Broker Price Opinion) but would not engage a certified appraiser / appraisal. The contract for the short sale contained a very strange clause which prohibits the resale of the house to a family member or another associate despite the associate’s ability to pay (even on a cash sale). It was later discovered that Litton had published a guide for short sales which was placed on the website of a real estate association which dealt strictly with short sales. Access to Litton’s report was available only to paying members. (Unfortunately the site was taken down shortly after discovery.) Also, Litton continues to refuse PNC Bank’s ample reverse mortgage offer after 2 years of negotiation. It covers the certified appraisal PNC issued, and would yield Litton approximately $290,000 in a lump sum. The original amount of sale was about $369,000. I have already paid $186,000 on my own toward the house, which includes a $93,000 down payment. Litton wants the house.
IN ADDITION TO WHAT IS STATED ABOVE – Litton has just now decided to release the funds of the check issued by USAA; providing that the contractor consulted for the repairs signs a waiver on a mechanic’s lein for the $2000+ difference in costs that arose out of more than a year’s neglect of the house. This coincides with their sudden decision to send a Broker over again to do a BPO “in the next few days”. They want to short sale / sell the house even though an offer from PNC Bank for the reverse mortgage is still on the table (and though lower than before, it would still likely yield them much more than the short sale at this point). There may be a consortium of investors that they’ve made arrangements with for exclusive access to their (Litton’s) distressed properties.
Also, a year ago, when I gathered the documemtation to do income taxes, I realized that Litton never sent any interest withholding statements for the years 2008 and 2009. Repeated requests over the months through my attorney for the said statements yielded nothing until 6 months passed.
Thank you for reviewing my complaint.
Darlia of Laurel, MD
I began the Loan Modification process with Litton Loan in October of 2010. I have made my mortgage payments on time; however, as these economic times become increasingly harsher I am finding it more and more difficult to make my mortgage payments. With recent hospital bills the month payments become even harder to maintain. I have provided Litton Loan Servicing with many copies of the required documentation (multiple copies of the exact forms within a month of each other). Litton continues to say my application is incomplete. I then provide new or additional information to them as requested. Another month goes by and they request the exact same paperwork I provided them the month prior. It is now the end of March, beginning of April (6 months) and still I am providing them with documentation I have already sent them many times. I am convinced they are dragging their feet so I’ll give up, get frustrated, and quit the process. It takes less than a month for a new mortgage or even to buy a new house.
They have a total lack of customer service. Each time I call to check on the modification they act as they are my customer and I should bend over backwards for them, rather than vice versa. They have no concept of helping the customer. It’s not like I want out of my mortgage, I am willing to pay it in full, I just need a reduced rate or month payment for a time being.
d of Cheney, WA
I have just received forclosure papers today from a law firm representing litton loan services. What I don’t understand is why. In the last three weeks I have sent them 4000.00, but they only have accepted 2000.00, they have not cash one of the checks I sent them. This problem with litton loan started when popular sold my mortgage to them we have owned this house for ten years and been with litton for three of them and all of a sudden I am two months behind in my mortgage. This is so untrue when you call to speak to a representative they tell me they received my payment, but it is not for what I sent, so you argue and pass me to someone else, who says yes we received that amount that you sent.
They just don’t know what they are doing over there. They claim my escrow is negative balance of over 1000.00 how is this possible if I send my monthly payment plus escrow? I just don’t know what to do anymore. I think it is time for the government to step in with this company, because so many people are losing there home falsely because of litton loan. I have talked to someone who said he would help for the tune of 1200.00 it would be ok if I really could afford to pay this amount, and If i really knew this would help resolve my problems.
Stephanie of Jaffrey, NH
I sent the following recently to every Litton executive for whom I could find an email address:
“In 2004, I bought a home; at the time I was making $700 a week, and while I struggled somewhat with the payment even from the onset, I got by, but unexpected bills led me to take out a second mortgage for the property for $40,000 in early 2007. The payments for the two mortgages combined were $12,10, but they were still manageable. Several things happened over the next couple years, however, that have strained my ability to pay those mortgages.
“First and foremost was the loss of my long-time job; while I was fortunate to find another job in the same field within a week, the pay was $200 less weekly than I had been making previously. Also, I remarried, and because my wife’s home was only 25 miles from work, as opposed to 50 miles from mine, we chose to live in her home, and rent mine out. At the time, I was hoping to be able to sell it within a couple years, but then, the real estate market crashed, and I found myself with negative equity on the property, and little hope in the foreseeable of getting back above water on it.
“These financial problems with the property were exacerbated by costly repairs that have arise and cut deeply into a once healthy savings account, including $6,000 for a new roof and $3,000 for a water filtration system. Additionally, one tenant did more than $2,000 in damages to the home, which I had to pay out of pocket.
“In short, this property has been a steady drain on my finances, costing me thousands of dollars more than I have taken in. I have been able to keep payments up to date, but only by dipping time and again into savings…and one more major problem will probably tip me over the edge financially and probably force me to abandon the property, at which point everybody loses; a foreclosure or short sale with a deficiency judgment would lead me into bankruptcy and leave you folks tens of thousands of dollars short on what is owed. What I am trying to do instead is to take a proactive approach to ease the strain before it becomes unmanageable.
“I would add that I am not asking for a reduction in principle at this time, although if one was granted, I certainly wouldn’t say no. What I am asking for is a reduction in the interest rate to make the payments more manageable; hopefully that will solve my problem and enable me to continue to make payments.
In mid-January, I outlined my situation to both your company and GMAC, which holds that second mortgage; in less than a month, GMAC offered me a modification, which helps somewhat. But as for your company…I have sent the documents for a modification repeatedly, both via mail and fax; sometimes it’s this document missing, another time it’s that one, another time the rep wants another document that was not asked for previously. After weeks of sending and resending I thought the problem was solved when I spoke with a rep,on 2/24, who assured me all the documentation was in hand and would be going to a processor for review….but then on Tuesday of this week I received a response to an email inquiry (which was sent just prior to when I spoke with that rep, on Feb. 23…13 days to respond to an email?) saying a document was still missing. I then got a call last night saying a different document was missing. Does anybody in your company have a clue what anybody else is doing? They apparently can’t even keep their lies straight any more.
“Quite frankly, your company has the worst…and I mean the absolute worst…customer service I have ever encountered. It’s been more than two months, and all I am getting is what is an obvious runaround. I am asking for a fair shake and at the least to have my request reviewed in a timely manner.Is the idea to make the process so difficult that people give up? And if that’s the case, how would Litton like it if I just gave up on my mortgage?”
No answer yet, and I’m not holding my breath on getting one. These jackals deserve to be driven out of business.
Greg of Ellsworth, ME
We had our Loan motified as of Jan 2011 and we have made every payment that they required of us. In Jan 3,2011 they said a certified check was returned. It was not . Us not knowing anything about this continued to make a monthly payments, so our payment that we made Jan 29,2011 for Feb 2011 was applied to Jan 2011. Now they continue you say that we are behind a payment. Every payment that has been made, is made by certified checks and I have all the reciepts. They are now reporting us as being late every month to the credit agencies and they have now added over 3000.00 in service fees to our account.
Edward of Spotswood, NJ
To say that Litton Loan is “less then easy to deal with” is a big understatement. We started dealing with Litton 7 years ago when we started struggling due to the fact that my husband lost his job, and for a long time was not eligible for unemployment. We had tried to work it out with Litton hoping that they can help us a little bit to stay on track but they just kept making situation worse from month to month. When we finally heard that need to come up with 6K for them to even consider, we knew right then that any conversation is useless. We have had houses and mortgage companies before, and I have to say, this one is most unprofessional, and dishonest, the people that work for Litton (with few exceptions) are rude and with no compassion what so ever.
At that time we had no choice but to go through bankruptcy. We wanted to save our home and paid some of our obligations instead of wiping all off, so we declare chapter 13th.
We struggled for 5 years. Soon after declaring chapter 13th we find out that the interest for our loan is not fixed but adjustable and soon 1200 mortgage became 1600. We Begged Litton to do the modification because it is very hard for us to pay 1600 for mortgage monthly on top of the 800 dollars per month for bankruptcy payments. No luck.
We were not able to pay taxes (they were not escrowed at that time), so Litton every year bought out our real estate taxes. Nothing was done with the delinquent taxes until after the bankruptcy discharge.
Fortunately we made it to the end; we were even discharged a few months earlier. In May of 2010 we were better off financially, out of bankruptcy ready to resume our lives that was put on hold due to un-foreseen events like loosing a job.
Boy were we wrong?! Our lives are still on hold thanks to Litton. The whole time we were in Bankruptcy I felt so guilty going over situation a million times, thinking what we could have done differently to avoid the situation we were in. Now, on the other hand, I want to make it right and I want to stay on track and I have the means to do it and guess what? We cant!!! Last July (two months after discharge) we called Litton to make a payment over the phone and customer service wouldn’t even give us minute, they refuse to talk to us since we are still in bankruptcy status. We were transferred to above department were we were told that our account is under audit due to the fact that we have some past due fees and on top of that, money in forbearance account but Litton has to make sure that forbearance is legitimate.
They don’t have any doubts about our past dues but they questioned the forbearance before they let us use the money for delinquent taxes or anything else.
I got the paper soon after telling us again about the audit and stating that we should get the response from Litton about the results within 30 days. It is February of 2011. I still dont have the results, we are still in bankruptcy status, and customer service will not talk to us without transferring us to bankruptcy department. BD is stating that there is nothing that they can do because we need to talk to Litton since the file is closed on their end and Litton is the one that should change the status.
I am now even more depressed about the whole situation since us trying so hard to stay on time and not to be late even one day and for the first time in 18 months we are probably late on our mortgage due to Litton’s mistake. I talked to BD on February 15th and they transfer me to very nice lady Mrs. ****** from Dallas Texas office. She suggested I pay my basic mortgage and they will take the forbearance account and move the remaining balance to make the payment full.
Since that was I think first person that I could talk to and she was very helpful with explanation I wanted to talk to her every time I call. She told me that all I have to do is call and tell them to send the e-mail and provide phone # where she could reach me.
She also told me about the modification and I requested the papers to be sent out to me.
Called Litton on February 24th and of course I can’t, in any way get in touch with Mrs. . Again I am transferred to Bankruptcy department, my payment is not applied at all, on the contrary, the minimum payment that I made was put into forbearance account and I am showing no payment for February was made. BD is transferring me to Mitigation Department where another lady is putting another request for the money to be taken out of forbearance account and applied as a February payment. Ask so many times if that is going to happen and if there is anything that may prevent for the transaction to take place. We were close to month end and I didn’t want any problems and late charges, but most of all I didn’t want to be late.
Each time that I called I spend at least hour on the phone going from one department to another hearing over and over at this time.
Well, I came home from my work on Monday the February 28th and there was a letter that my February payment was short 800 dollars and I am being charged late charges. It meant that they took the minimum payment and applied towards the February payment but didn’t make the full payment like requested.
I called on March 1st and told them that this is unacceptable and of course the first thing that I heard after they transferred me to BD was am sorry but at this time.
They didn’t finish the audit but they know that I own around 4K for legal fees from 2004, 2005, and 2006 where it is physically impossible because if you want to stay in bankruptcy you need to be up to date, and if you fall behind with the regular payments and you doing the extension and adding the past dues into the plan it is with the legal fees.
How the hell we got discharged being past due for 4K. But at this time Litton is not available to give me any information due to ongoing audit.
And by the way did you know that if your grace period is until 15th and you call and make the payment over the phone (on that day) and you get the CONFIRMATION #, but Litton will pull the money in 3 days from your checking, they have a right to charge you late fees?
I know it is very long story, but I felt like sharing with you guys. I don’t remember being so depressed even when we were in bankruptcy struggling and barely making the ends meet.
I don’t know where to go and what to do. We are going in circles, nobody will refinance our home because of the continuing status, and Litton will not help us at all, on the contrary they’re making situation worse.
I don’t know if it is even legal or not to keep somebody in bankruptcy status for almost a year after they have been discharged.
And I get it, we were late and we repaid everything. I get the fact that they bought our taxes and we now have to repay the taxes and the escrow for current taxes.
But that was established right after the discharge, so it didn’t delay the process of an audit.
We paid our dues and we want start over and right now we fell like we are in square one and there is no way out.
I am not going even start anything with the modification because I am scared that they will screw my mortgage even more and I won’t be able to ever repay.
Modifications are for people like us to help us stand on our two feet and start over. Where is the money that Litton took for that reason so they can help people?
I see there is another class action starting in Tennessee. I am from Wisconsin and I don’t think we have any class action here. I, sure, though, would love to see them forced to refinance our mortgage for the lowest interest possible, with no fees hidden, as reward for us for punitive damage and distress.
Joanna of racine, WI
my husband and i just found out that a house we bought in 2001 and sold around 2004 we payed off a 53,000 dollar home loan to them and they say and reported to and on our credit that it is a outstanding loan which has ruined our credit!!! we sold the home and paid them the 53,000 dollars
brandy of robinson, IL
I purchased my home in 2004. ARM to be exact. Since 2004 i have had litton loan. I never had amy problems with them until 2010 and now. I required a surgery and had also three separate student loans as i dont qualify for any financial aid. My bills started to mount up and i ended up behind on my home payment. Until 2010 I had never made a late payment.
I had called to see what i could do. All they say is pay or you’ll be charged a late fee. I asked about assistance or partial payment. And I quote ” litton does not accept partial payments because it would be a breach of contract”. What kind of crap is that? They don’t want to take my hard earned money? Who does not want to take your money. In 2010 I applies for modification.
They told me i was not approved because the economy didn’t allow for my home to be worth anything. My realtor has given me the option to place my home on the market or short- sale but i refused. I kept to my payments and then fell even more behind in late 2010. My car was having problems with the transmission and some minor home repairs.
I called litton again asking for help but nothing came to be. It is now March 1st and i am now waiting for my foreclosure paperwork. I was given the option to applu for modification again but i highly doubt that getting approved is something that will not happen. I am frustrated because they dont help, their reps. Have given me different stories and i am ipset that they dont even want to take my hard earned money as a partial payment. Other companies help why does this one suck so bad. On top of that those late fees are rediculous. I cannot find a loan with anyone because my credit that was once great is now ruined. I have no choice but to short-sale or just go through foreclosure.
Adriana of Evans, CO
March 01, 2011
Re: Litton Loan Servicing
In October 2005 we received a loan for $112,500 from New Century Mortgage Corporation. In March of 2007 when the New Jersey banking regulators barred New Century from doing business in the state, our mortgage was picked up by Saxon Mortgage Services.
On September 28th, 2007 we were approved for a loan modification by Saxon Mortgage Services that stated, that as of 11/01/2007 our Unpaid Principal Balance is $111,058.37 and that we should begin making our monthly payment of principal and interest the 1st. day of December 2007. In March of 2008, we received a Servicing Transfer Information Document from Litton Loan Servicing that stated: Effective April 01, 2008, please begin remitting your payment to Litton.
After making our April and May payments that was deposited into a lock box account of Litton, we were informed by Litton that we had not made our first two (2) months mortgage payments. Please not that we