This incident has been reported to the
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
and is pending approval
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
3319 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. J
Naples, FL 34112
General Information
Incident Type
Criminal Mischief
Temporary Report Number
Report Date
08/28/2011 01:49 AM
Reporting Person Information
ziska, mary jean
Home Address
5632 whispewood blvd. Boulevard, 1601, naples , FL 34110, US
Home Phone
Employer Name
self employeed
Driver License No
Licensing State
Incident Information
Incident Location
9202 vanderbilt Drive, naples , FL 34108
Incident Time (start)
08/27/2011 09:15 AM
Incident Time (end)
08/28/2011 01:15 AM
Location Type
Residence – Single
Graffiti Involved?
Incident Description
I called my mothers cellphone this evening she was supposed to be babysitting at one of the hotels… The conversation was nothing like her on the phone… So after I tried to contact her a few additional times on the phone…and She didn’t answer I called her home phone… She couldn’t have been home but someone answered the call and hung up on me three times.. Not saying a word.. Since I have had people break into my home while I was out babysitting before, I called the police… I had the worst experience with these very young sounding police people on the phone. See blog entry for they sent out a corporal Florence who was sent to my mothers home home. my mothers silver Volvo was not there and corporal Florence did not call my mom on her cell( 239-821-5515) but someone answered the door and told her that that were visiting my mother and were allowed to be there … I saw my mother on Monday and she never mentioned that she was having a visitor at her house while she was not there… I believe that a huge injustice occurred. And a criminals was allowed to stay at my mothers house.. and i hold the people mentioned on my blog responsible for any damages anddn anythng missing…This must be the same young group of kids whoused to break into my house and have stole personal items.. have also don e the same to my mother’s house… i am completely dispaointed in whoever i was talkingto this evening.. as hey did not do their job adn protect my mothers house, i bet that there wasn’t even a report written up… total injustice… and i actualy really admire the police..adn like when they protect and serve the community… but these kids have been abel to get away with too m any crimes… and need to be stopped and punished… trespassing, breaking and entering, stealing and probably over the phone cyber hacking… possible impersonating officers… thank you for you kind attention to this matter. sincerely, mary jean ziska
Person Information
No 1
gregory-ziskagregory, marion
Employer Name
self employeed
Home Address
9202 vanderbilt Drive, naples , FL 34108, US
Home Phone
Resident Status
Eye Color
Hair Color
Licensing State
Property Information
No 1
Household Appliance/goods
How Many
Damaged Value ($)
Property Description
there was a trespasser in my mothers home/people on the phone allowed crime
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Author Archives: mary jean ziska
Sat. August 27 2011 @9:37pm ( just got a call from 239-821-5515 not my mom.. or my friedn or my family…. but coudl be the imposters who have stolen my idenity for ther stupid fake …)
Just got a call from my moms cell phone from a perosn who wanted to make me look bad and tell me I was yelling.. which I was not.. and that I was swearing… l so he /she sounded drunk…. and was talking about how horrible the ecomomy was…..about litle family members… making my family soundvery small… with little jobs..infact he didnt evenknow the jobs tey had… got allth infomaion wrong… talking about how there were no jobs out there.. NOOOOOOOO SOOOOO not my mom.. nothing like my mom… .
when I asked who it was …..and confronted the person on the phone … telling them they were not the mom who went and decorated my dorm room at boarding school… or who went to the taj mahal on a trip with me… or went on an african safair trip with me when I was 12… the person slurring the words.. not my mom…. very negative.. very pesemistic about jobs and life… and also giving me horrible advice… when I told them I got informaitnon from one of the credit reports… and called lifelock to tell them the police report information…. they told me that life lock was a waste of money… and not to do it… coudl it possibly be because they are still ruinin gmy credit..or stealing my idenity… and don’t want to be caught… HUMMMM yep.. I think exactly that is the reason….
Not my mom.. and defiantely someone who wanted me to have less of a life or family… infact they hung up when I was leaving a message telling them that I guess they wanted me to have a lower life style because their whre of a daughter must be teh criminal who stole my idenity… add they hung up…
Sssssssssoooooooooooooooo not my family… not my mom.. not even my friend what a manipulative (W-itch)…. she is trying to not ony make me look I am somene who yells and who swears.. because she like s to make me look bad.. i guess the whore onteh whone needs to make herself look good… May God never have mercy on/his/ her soul… or his /her life… and what else.. oh yes… That thing.. on the phone…. is never anythgn like my mom…
My mom actually compliments me… she loves me… she would never say she is not answereing phone calls from me…if she is not allowed to manipulate me.. or lie ot me or harm me… My ral mother… she compliments me…she loves me and does not put me down… only the whore from ohio state does that..and i guess allteh girls who have been stealing my idenity… .but the whre from ohio state.. karn kahel… she also trespasses… has sex with men other than her husband in a pool while she hires a babysitter……. and she bullies… now that must be the girl onteh phone… and teh one who wants to try to improe her reputation because she must really want some drunk guyto like her… wow what a winner that one is…HA!
Wow is right… what a gem that one peson on the phone wants for her son.. a whore who bullies and trespasses.. and manipulates people’s lives.. lies and cheats and steals… yep… that must be a perfect match for her durnk son…. HA!….. What horrible people!!!!!!! go back to where ever you came from and leave my family and my business and my life alone…
When will someone HElP!
I got another person who called back to pray for my aunt dottie…. she was nicer… wanted to make sure I said my prayers.. I pray every day… have done so every day… with the st. jude novena.. for over two years… When i asked her to.. she at least prayed for me… for a multimillon dollar winning lottery ticket… or powerball ticket… so are the manipulators trying to get rid of someone who prays… or who??? or someone who doesnt pray???? they manipulate conversations on purpose.. adn never for my benefit… like the witch who wanted to market mcdonalads..oand bells and all kinds of stores…i dont like… or ever use… or my mother ever uses…
I MISS MY REAL FRIENDS AND LOVING FAMILY!!!!!!!!! the ones whotraveled aroudn the word withme.. and had inteliigence in so many areas…. and who actually liked me let alone loved me…
see.. what am i supposed to believe? That some idiot on the phone who likes to make me look bad…. and who cuts me down…and acts and talks nthing like my mother… These criminals honestly want me to belileve that this idiot is a family member or a friend … NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
maybe the slurring person will atually get caught drinking adn driving …. and will be put in jail and will actually stop bulling on the phone for a while.. or forever…
maybe he/seh will actully have somene take away everythng they ever loved or cred about .adn have them go through hell for 8 years.. have someone control and manipulate and ruin every part of their lives..wonder if then they will gain a bit of perspective…. and stop harming people…but i doubt it ..evil people ar just evil people… they never change…
I just had a memory of getting a call from
someone who was tryin got say they wer my cousin Gail… and who wanted to have reservations at my club house for Easter brunch… but didn’t want to invite me to my own cubhouse…
for brunch… now that wasn’t my family member either … but that was when I first moved into my condo…at least in the first few years…
theses people have been doing the same criminal activity since at least 2002… when they got a capital one credit card….off mysocial security number… and off my name…
opps I wonder if the first call was from the same people who wanted to know when I was going n to church????????.. HUMMMMMMMM perhaps the same people who liked breaking into my home when i am not here.. like the times when i went babysitting… one example of course: erin donavan….autum woods… but since they haven’t given me any babysitting jobs.. they have had no opportunnity to break in….and I dont leave my home anymore… .. think one of the scummy girls need to steal more clothes.?. or jewlery? files?.. personal informatin? what a bunch of scummy imposters….and worthless human beings…
I know in Gods eyes all people are suposed to have value.. but these peope have no conscious.. and they have no remorse… so to me they are not human.. they are just criminal machines who breed more criminals.. and they don’t care who they hurt.. and dont care what they do to others…. therefore not real genuine human.bings…they are the same as the monsters of any genecide in history… and therfore not human… therfore they have no value….
i jsut tried calling my mther’s home telephone number 239-598-1515 adn i was hung up o three times by one of the whre to door service girls… you know how i knw.. becaue wehni men
tionethat the fake scot renshas woudl hve ther service girls show up by 11pm ( you know for their service calls… anyway… the girl /boy actullyhung up when i called then the whores that they are… and called them on their slutty escapades.. so onmymom’s phone we have some drunk whore who is sevicing someone who came in for a wedding… since my mom’s house has three apartments.. i tcoudl be any of the peole in any of the rentals… or if they are lite the horribel people who woudl break into myhomd eto have sex in mybed.. with ther whores while i was babysitting.. they may actully be in my mom’s house..UCK…. wonder if they are the same girls who stole her cartier watch… a thief and a whore and a liar and
i tried three times ot reach her on her land line.. and they hung up so i called the sheriff department ( 11: 19pm) and spoke with a woman deputy long badge ( #1116)…. she said she would have a police officer go by and then have either a deputy call or my mom call…
i hope they catch the criminals… they are porbaly the same scummm who have used my home and are using my mom’s home to have their little parites.. and entertain their “whore to door service girls”… they have no manners, no ethics and no morals.. and they are opportunists.. who lie and cheat and steal… and obviously break and enter into another person’s home is something they do all the time… what scummmm …actually mre specifically… what criminals… so lets see when they call back?????? they are rude and mor than likely they are young and poor… since they dont get a hotel room for their whore to doors… or they are married.. and cheeating on ther wives… both options are not good people…
call back:
I know it wasnt my mom on the phone.. and i know it isnt my mom hanging up on me at her home number… funny thing is that before i was finsihed speaking with deputy long… were disconneted.. and a litte number “9” appeared on my phone call register … wierd right ?
HELP from the real polcie department in naples florida… these kids on teh phne are not good…
I got a call back at 11:53pm from a corporal florance badge # 2596 she sounded realy yog and african american.. and she said that a person answered my moms’ door ad nsaid they have permisionto vist and be there what a lie… mymom never mentined nayne visitng.. especially stayingat her houe whei seh awas out of her huse babysitting.. slo he rsilver volvo is nto there.. so mymom is not there.. adn these iditos ar eallowng a burgler or trespasser in mymoms house… the girl woud not say who it was at mymom’s house even whether it was a boy or girl..and said mymm is alright but woudlnt let me speak wihther.. and she said she didn’t talk to her either…. then iataked to another kid who was supposed to be deputy killcoin.. badge #3435…. he told me that there was a deputy on site.. and that theis someone whoanswered mymom ‘s door whiel she is nt there… confirmed that theyare visitingmymom.. and they of course said they are allowed to be there… WHAT???????? I tried to call another tiem adn got another kid.. a l deputy york who is badge number 3419 and she told me she would let me talk iwth her supervisioe rwhosoudned jsut as you dn when i adke hm torepeat his badge number and his name he didnt…
I told them I an holding them totally responsible for anything missing from my mom’s home… like her cartier watch.. or maybe these are the same kids who stole my pearl earrings.. or clothing.. or everythng… I told them they soudnde dliek the valets fromla playa who used to be evil onteh phne… but then they wer more bullies… these are kids protecting some idito who hung up on me three times… when i calledmy mom’s house land line.. and whiel her care wasnt there and she was still babysiting either at the hyatt.. or laplaya…
these people othe phone are horribel.. th y are the worst police officers ever. they hdoul all be fired.. get this..
florance said that she believed my mom was alright.. of course she never actually spoke to her…but spoke to the person who was at mymom’s huse.. wh wassuppoed to hbe visitingmymom… of course this mystery person is supposed to be a secrete.. adn has no car.. there werer no cars in teh driveway.. or so florence said… and then….
she didt get a name of the perosn at mymoms huse.. or see a drivers liscense or antyhgn oh and get this.. they don’t want me to know that this mystery person who hung up on me three times … that this trespasser whom mysteriously was allowed to be there.. actully there… sothe wheor to door sevce girl won… jsut like karne kahel…..
these people shoudl be fired… tey allsounded like kids… very young and very incompetant… and allow injustices and allow criminls to go free but i guess as long as the criminslas are nice to them it is alright…or pretty or can talk a good talk then the people who are checking out any crimes.will allow anyone to say anything… .
deputy long badge #1116
corporal floriance badge #2596 (should have written up a report …. at the very least had a incident report….)
deputy killcoin badge # 3435
dept york badge # 3419 and
corporal rich stone # 899 they did a horrible job tonight and allowed injustice….
they allowed someon in my mom’s home… to acutally say they were allowed to be ther without any verification… without any verification of the perosn who was her of course you shudl knwo that these are the idots i got to talkto onmy phone.. andd most of the time i am stuck takingto the hackers who are not good…. cybercrimes.. and hacking.. and impsersonating a police officer…
just asked deputy long about the penalties for impersinating a police officer .. she didn’t know.. I know it is a federal offense… punishable by how many years in jail…. hummmm no one knows…
I can’t wait to tell congressman sterns about tonight… and the state attorneys office..about tonight… I am completely disappointed in the people on the phone tongiht…. the rshudl be a report written up and the cort records … to verify that
Sat. August 27th 2011@5:46pm( a show on channel #72 called my big fat gypsy wedding… same as te “travelers… scary criminals hope my mom isn’t babysitting for any of them tonight)
Well, today at 5:30ish i was looking to see what was on televison… and along with a ton of great shows.. there was this show… on channel #72 my big fat gyps wedding… Uck…
since my mom is supposed to be babysitting tonight .. and usully there are the weddings adn festivities that A Tender loving care service baysits for… i told her to be careful… when i babysat…… there were plenty of times when my DVD’s were stolen…items from my baysitting supplies……. or items from my car.. but worse yet when they were stolen from my home….
Hummm…….. i am rehashng allof it… 8 years of tryng to find the criminals… of telling people that things were wrong/or people were wrong… … that items were missing.. that bank and phone bills weren’t right.. and no one listened.. no one stoped it.. and no one told the police.. or had them arrested ( to my knowledge… ) and thee criminals should have been stopped so that no one else would have ever been hurt… EVER! ……Anyway. I just warned my mom on the cell phone to be careful…
anyway… ever since finding out the information on my credit report.. I have been fumming… these people led to me chearted me out of my life and then harmed me and my life and then had me pay the bills for it.. and actually had the nerve to tell me ti was my own fault…
and going back over all the hell I have been subjected to.. and all the abuse from these people…criminals… not just stealing my credit… or my clothes.. or my jewlery… or my pictures.. or my LIFE…. but also all the bulling…. emotional abuse by Karen Kahel and her scummy and disgusting buddies… i remember baysitting for her at her condo in Carlton lakes in Greysons room there was a picture of her standing next to a girl with dark skin and long dark hair.. looked like she could have been a gypsy-type or her italian criminal buddie… whoever it was i ‘m sure she destroyed people’s lves just like the ohio state whore… there was also a pictue of a girl who looked like my sister maura (when she was younger. like 10 years old and had short hair…) .. with a man who looked like my daad.. on a small table with a purple orchid…
at the tim it freaked me out… and i remember calling my mm on the phne to tell her… but then i also called mymom to tell her when karen was in the pool with some guy that wasn’t teh man she introduced mt to a her husband….
I’ve alsways wondered who these people were… and if she stole that picture just like someone stole pictures from me…. most recenty pictures form date functrions… then also ages ago pictures of my back packing trip in Europe… when i was 18…..
How large is this crimianl element? how far reaching? … Didn’t anyone report them?…
i found out that my upstars neighbor’s son was in jail for 4 years.. at least that is what soomewone who looked a bit like him told me… not too long agao… and the stories of gerard Ahler( martucci ) chasing a girl and she got into a car wreck and she was paralysized….. and of him killing his business partner.. or at least being accused of killing his business partner…
then I was also thinking of the last time my a guy e( who alledgy was my cousin) David Bodnar.. came into town and came by my home…and he told me to write stories … and told me that there were lots of people who were too stupid to stat busineses and wudl jsut steal businesses…. ( I knew that since at least two businesses had been stolen by then… but how the hell would he know about the girls who were stealing the babysitting business… and then what rely makes me mad.. why the hell didn’t he do anythng about it.. and STOP IT>>>>>
someone had to know what was going on… the tons of times i called the police… when items were missing… When i told people about incidents that didnt add up… when i mentioned the inconsistancies… when i woudl have items stolen…… someone had to know…… why wasnt anythg done about it…
Thee iditots liked the “imposter bitch” better than the real me… or did they just liekher because she was “one of them”…. tha tis what Erin Donivan todl me.. well i thought at the time it was Erin Donivan.. but just recently i told my mom abut eheni babysat in Autiun woods…. the woman who said she was erin Donavan put a bunch of itmes in an oragne and blanck back pact and told me to keep everythng clean… befor she left for her date.. wheile i was sitting the rone time i had paperwork stolen tha thad the form for colecting informatin from clients… and one time when i had called the police to do a drive by and arrest anyone in in my home… the babysitting job had been cancelled… also what was wierd was one time when i called and she was on her way to New Jersy…. she said something very odd… she old me tha tshe thught I was one of them…the exact quote was ” I thought you were one of us” but this is the clincher… when I was tellng my mom about the Erin Donavan i had met and babysat for… she had red hair…my mom said that erin donavan had blond hair… WHO ARE THESE PEOP LE???????
Fri. August 2011@ 6:33pm ( jsut called and left a message for congressman cliff sterns/ and Glorida Fetcher… want to make sure idenity thieves are stopped!)
called and left a message for Gloria Fletcher…at 6:27pm …
called and left a message with the office of Cliff Sterns…. at 6:29pm …….. the phones…
the phone act.. at least is addressing the the manipulation of the phone lines.. caller id.. and all the other criminal acts and fraud that have occured over the phone…
but it didn’t stop the bulling…. and all the misinformation… or all the deceit.. and all the horible experiences… I had to go through…
but mostly i wanted to make sure that ther are laws in place to stop the idenity theives…and to punish allof them…
FRi August 26th 2011 ( just foundout about double capitol one credit cards accounts set up in my name.. filed police report online.. and am crying…. i knew it i told people and now i can prove it…)
I jstu broke out in tears… i knew it.. i knew it.. i just didished sendign teh police report via emailfor the duel accoutns for caoptol one… and the mortgagges…. didnt have l the proof… i knew it way back in 2003…. and since then.. the bank accounts phone accounts…everythng… completely messed up bya group of horible people… and when i told the truth i was punished.. when i pointed out inconsistencies.. i was punished…
God dam you… all of you… who hurt my life…
i want to find each and every one of you and make sure you go to jail.. you skinky idenity thieves… you criminls who steal businesses.. who set up credit card accounts…with almos tthe same numbers…. who stoel my personl items.. to bakcup yoru idenity thieving.. to try to prove you wer me… but you wernt …. you wer jsut fakes… and criinals… and frauds.. and yu made a mess of my entire life… ow dare you…. you put me through hell and then made me paythe bills… i want to sue you for evey thing you have… i want youto have to take responsibility for allthe damage you di in my life… 8 or more years……. you son of a bitch.. … did they also have duel bank accounts? .. i know there has been someoen always driivng around in a car lke mine.. no mater what car i had.. … and when money woudl dispappear..or buisness woudl disappear… an dmy personal possessions… and they stole mor than possessions… they sole what cousl have been ..what my life shoudlhave been like…. GOD DAMM YU……..youstole andruined everything!!!!!!.. they stole me… my crdit score… my …. my life….
when i asked for help… when i
Fri August 26th 2011 @5:33pm ( filed out a police report on line… on credit report findings tempory report number # T1000181)
This incident has been reported to the
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
and is pending approval
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
3319 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. J
Naples, FL 34112
General Information
Incident Type
Identity Theft
Temporary Report Number
Report Date
08/26/2011 05:28 PM
Reporting Person Information
ziska, mary jean
Home Address
5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, naples , FL 34110, US
Home Phone
Employer Name
self employeed
Work Address
5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, Npales , FL 34110, US
Work Phone
Driver License No
Licensing State
Incident Information
Incident Location
5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, naples , FL 34110
Incident Time (start)
08/26/2011 05:00 PM
Incident Time (end)
08/26/2011 05:00 PM
Location Type
Incident Description
I have been disputing items on my Experian credit report this entire week. Today I went into my Equafax credit report (transaction code: 1-11282554641) and found that there were two mortgages on my report for the same time period and two capitol one credit cards that were on my credit report for the same time period. I only had one capitol one account … EVER… And it was supposed to have been paid in full in 2006 one of the accounts has been accruing interest…and has totally screwed up my Credit rating and my credit score! I thought my mortgage broker hadn’t paid what he was supposed to have paid… but i think someone stated an account with almost the same numbers…starting at the same time period:
Capitol one account #1: 529107263924xxxx opened 12/2002 $3003.00 balance
Capitol one account #2: 529107227237xxxx opened 12/2002
zero balance
Litton Mtg Service Center: opened 11/2006/ still says it is an open account
American Home Mortgage Service:opened 11/2006 closed 8/2007
another completely different report was filed for a t-mobil account and two colummbia house DVD accounts report #
mike mathews wrote up the report. thank you for your kind attention to this matter. sincerely mary jean ziska
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Fri. August 26th 2011 @ 4:28pm…. going over my equafax credit report… double accouonts!!! identity theft!
Just found double accounts for capitol one on my equafax credit report… both opened in 12/2002 and one was paid with nothing owing in 2006….. the other hads been charging interest…. and no payment since 1/2007…..also found two mortgage companies on my credit report… for the same time i men the exact same time! 11/2006….. one for the litton loan that I had never heard of… then also one for Americn home mortgage…..also never heard of….. WHAT THE HELL>>>>>>
IDENITY THEFT!….. I only had one capitol one account..ever…..
the one account for capitol one account # 5291072 27237xxxx
opened 12/2002
date reported : 4/2006
date of last payment: 03/2006
the other capitol one account # 5291072 63924xxxx
opened 12/2002
date reported: 08/2011
date of last payment: 01/2007
Fri August 26th 2011 @2:38pm ( litton loan servicing phone conversations… what mess…)
Well I tried to call litton loan to get the address for the legal department .. for the letter i am writing first i got a representative at (1:53pm) named Rafael Rojas of course no id number or reference number for the phone converstion… and when i asked for the corporate telephone numbers and addressfor the litton loan servicnen g company.. he gave me a law group in Miami The moralses law group 14750 nw 77th court suite #303 Miami lakes fl. 33016
now i dont think that th ecorporate headwuarter for a compnay in texas wilhave ther corporate lawyers in Miami….. right? but i went online and get a phen number for them an d called and only got a recording… and guess what they never mentionedthat the y were the legal department for litton loan servicing in Miami…. but that is not he best part.. i called back litton loan’s telephone number.. and got this horrible Bitch named Ebony. Bacon ( you think it is her real name? i dont… anyway she was rude… and horrible and not helpful…. not only woudl she not give me any informaitn on litton loans address.. but said she woudlnt give me any informatin at all… and wanted to know far too much information.. like my mailing address.. the propety address.. and wanted to kno if i was stillliving on the property… what the hell woudl she need to know that infomatin for if all i wanted was an addressfor the litton loan legal department.!!!!!!!.
Susposedly she is from Atlanta…… but she should be fired… horrible and unprofessional and rotten…..
I am calling back to file a complaint for “ebony”…. never want to ever have to talk to her again…
and no one shoudl have to put up with her on teh phone…. let alone in customer service….
Fri August 26th 2011 @ 2:17pm ( article by bloomberg for litton loan company)
Report content errors on this page 4828 Loop Central Drive Houston, TX 77081 United States Founded in 1988 Ocwen Financial Eyeing Litton Loan Servicing Goldman Reportedly Close To Sell Litton Loan To Ocwen Similar Private Companies By Industry Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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August 26, 2011 2:14 PM ETThrifts and Mortgage FinanceLitton Loan Servicing, LP
Company Overview
Litton Loan Servicing, LP provides residential mortgage loan services. The company serves loans made to homeowners in the United States. Litton Loan Servicing, LP was formerly known as Litton Mortgage Servicing Center, Inc. The company was founded in 1988 and is based in Houston, Texas. As of December 10, 2007, Litton Loan Servicing, LP operates as a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA.
Key Executives
Mr. Larry B. Litton
Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2011.
Key developments for Litton Loan Servicing, LP
Ocwen Reportedly Close To Acquiring Litton Loan
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is close to divesting Litton Loan Servicing LP to Ocwen Financial Corp., a person briefed on the negotiations said. The person stated that the sale Litton Loan is likely to be announced within days.
According to investment bankers and others close to the situation, Ocwen Financial Corp. is one of at least three investors recently invited by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. to make a final round of bids on Litton Loan Servicing, LP. Advisors familiar with the company have stated that Ocwen is actively looking at other acquisitions as well, including Saxon Mortgage, the servicing arm of Morgan Stanley & Co. “They’re interested in doing ‘roll-ups,'” said one servicing manager. When contacted by National Mortgage News, all of the companies involved either declined to comment or did not return telephone calls about the matter.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is close to sell Litton Loan Servicing, LP to Ocwen Financial Corp., sources familiar with the situation said this week. The talks may fall apart as a deal has not been reached yet. Goldman and Ocwen declined to comment to Reuters.
Company Name Region
Amerasia Bank United States
Banamex USA Bancorp United States
East Penn Bank United States
The Seymour Bank United States
Pulaski Bank United States
Recent Private Companies Transactions
Date Target
May 10, 2011 Shamrock-Shamrock, Inc.
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Thursday August 25th 2011@11:04pm ( interesting article concerning credit card theft)
5 ways thieves steal your credit
Personal data can be stolen in seconds, but knowing how it most often happens can help you protect yourself or, if you’re a victim, minimize the damage.
Almost gone are the days of the good old-fashioned purse snatcher. With less brute force and more skill, thieves need only a minute, sometimes less, to pilfer your credit card data.
“Back in the beginning, they got the imprint of credit cards from the carbon copies they dug out of the trash,” says William Noonan, assistant special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s criminal investigative division. “Technology has changed things.”
The number of compromised records has been on the decline for the past two years, according to the Secret Service, after reaching a record high of 361 million records in 2008. The trend might reverse this year, however, after a recent string of misdeeds.
This spring, criminals hacked, phished or skimmed their way into the systems of Michaels Stores, Sony, marketing firm Epsilon, Citibank and even security expert RSA, among others. In some cases, they obtained only names and emails. In the worst cases, they got credit card numbers.
The schemes are simpler than you think. Here are the most common ways thieves pilfer your credit card information.
Suspects: The toy store trio
Modus operandi: Sally, Simon and Bud walk into a toy store. Sally and Simon roam the aisles, while Bud waits in line to check out. When Bud is at the register, Simon comes running up to the clerk, screaming that his wife has fainted. As Sally and Simon distract the salesclerk, Bud switches the credit card reader at the register with a modified one of his own, says FICO’s fraud chief, Mike Urban. For the next week, the salesclerk unwittingly collects credit card data on the modified reader until the trio returns, takes back the modified reader and restores the original terminal.
Known whereabouts: The trio will hit other retailers and restaurants, but sometimes the threesome will instead be a twosome or a solo criminal.
Using credit card texts to fight ID theft
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Suspect: The waitress at the diner
Modus operandi: The waitress whisks away your credit card and swipes it through the restaurant’s register. Then she pulls a small device — about the size of an ice cube — from her apron and swipes it through that, says Sgt. David Schultz of the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office in Texas. While you’re scraping the last of the chocolate frosting from your plate, your credit card information has been stored in the device, known as a skimmer. The waitress returns your card and performs the same magic trick on dozens of credit cards in a week.
Known whereabouts: The data-stealing waitress has been known to moonlight as a bartender, salesclerk or at any other job that allows her to take your credit card out of sight.
Suspect: The Gas Lass
Modus operandi: The Gas Lass parks her car in front of a gasoline station off the turnpike. It’s late. There’s no one around except a sleepy attendant at the register inside. The Gas Lass attaches a skimmer over the credit card reader at the pump. It’s a special skimmer: It emits a Bluetooth signal to a laptop close by, says Noonan. The Gas Lass pays, heads off to the motel next door and sets up her laptop to receive the data from the compromised pump over the next several days.
Known whereabouts: The Gas Lass installs skimmers over ATMs, parking meters, vending machines and other places with unmanned credit card readers.
Suspects: Harry the Hacker and Phishing Phil
Modus operandi: Harry the Hacker installs malware — a type of software that damages or infiltrates a computer or network — onto a legitimate website with low security. The malware instantly downloads onto your computer when you visit the site and allows Harry to access your information. In another scenario, Harry puts malware on public computers and gathers the information you share with that computer, says Urban. Harry also infiltrates the computer system of banks, retailers and other businesses and extracts personal account information, Noonan says.
Phishing Phil uses malware to go after your laptop. He sends emails with attachments that promise dancing kittens or some other bait. When the user opens the attachment, malware instantly downloads onto the computer and leaves confidential information vulnerable. Phil also sends emails from a familiar sender with a link to a contaminated website that installs malware onto your computer. Some malware, called spyware, allows Phil to capture every keystroke, including passwords to your financial accounts.
Suspects: The rest of the criminal crew
Modus operandi: So what happens to these pieces of data when they’re in no-good hands? They get sold.
The waitress, trio or Gas Lass sells each swipe for $20 to $40, says Urban. Harry the Hacker and Phishing Phil will get $5 to $10 a card and may sell the information online. The person who buys the information verifies it and then sells it to a person who creates fraudulent credit cards with victims’ account information attached to them. The card-maker then sells cards to other criminals who buy goods, such as stereos or baby formula, and sell them to regular consumers.
What you can do
- Set up mobile alerts for your phone if your financial institution provides the feature. That way, you can be aware of unusual activity as quickly as possible.
- Regularly monitor your accounts online, so you can identify fraudulent transactions faster, says Schultz.
- Avoid public computers. Don’t log on to your email if your bank corresponds with you there. Urban suggests setting up an email account just for your finances and checking it from safe locations.
- Avoid doing business with unfamiliar online vendors, Noonan says. Stick to established merchants and websites.
- If your information has been compromised, notify your financial institutions and local law enforcement, which will contact the Secret Service if necessary. Also notify any of the three major credit reporting agencies — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — to set up a fraud alert on your credit reports.
This article was reported by Janna Herron for
I am not advocating one bank over another, but, BofA has a feature called ShopSafe, if you have a Visa credit card. This applies to online purchases. Say you want to buy a coat from XYZ company for $150.24. They want your credit card name, number, exp. date and ID code. You go into your account site, bring up you credit card history. You click onto Services and ”launch” ShopSafe. This pop up allows you to create a customized credit card number just for that transaction of $150.24. The min time the card is good for is 2 mos., although, you can choose any time period more than that. So if your Visa card has a max borrowing amnt of $12,000, say,
you are only on the hook (potentially) for $150.24. That is very good protection, plus, if you make two consecutive mistakes trying to bring up your acct (two separate passwords are required), your acct is frozen until you call the bank and give a reasonable explanation why you made the two mistakes!
- I was skimmed at my local restaurant. There were three employees in on it that we could determine. When I tried to report it to the local police they wouldn’t even take the report. Putting a review online was my only option. The bank did reverse the charges though – an $800 phone account in Spain.