Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Tuesday August 30th 2011@7:05am ( report to police-hackers and bullies threats via email and onthe phone to interupt my internet service and my blog because these crooks don’t want to be caught!


Badge Image This incident has been reported to the
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
and is pending approval
Collier County Sheriff’s Office
3319 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. J
Naples, FL 34112

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General Information
Incident Type Harassing Phone Call
Temporary Report Number T11000185
Report Date 08/30/2011 07:03 AM
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Reporting Person Information
Name ziska, mary jean
Home Address 5632 whispewood blvd. Boulevard, 1601, naples, FL 34110, US
Home Phone 561-283-7505
Employer Name self -emplyed
Work Address 5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, naples, FL 34110, US
Work Phone 561-283-7505
Race White/hispanic
Sex Female
DOB 07/07/1966
Driver License No Z200590667470
Licensing State FL
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Incident Information
Incident Location 5632 whisperwood Boulevard, 1601, naples, FL 34110
Incident Time (start) 08/30/2011 06:30 AM
Incident Time (end) 08/30/2011 06:30 AM
Location Type Apartment/condo
Incident Description I woke up early this morning to file this report. I received 3 emails from email address yesterday threatening to turn off my Comcast cable for my internet and stop my blog www, if i did not remove the bog from my website. This is a violation of my first amendment rights and i believe that the person who sent the emails and the threats are using cyber bulling to harass me and prevent me from telling the truth about a bully karen kahel and and a man who threaten to kill my mother, Gerard Ahler. The email address is my mother’s email but she does not have security on her wireless service and also has three renters living in her bottom apartments. The emails contained attachments containing Comcast information and my mother is 74 years old and does not know how to create an attachment on an email. This incident was started when i used my magic jack phone to call he cell phone this past weekend. The person on the cell phone was rude and acted nothing like my mother so I called her house. I had three hang ups on her land line in her home when no one was supposed to be there. I called the police only to get a bunch of young kids trying to pretend they were the sheriff’s office. these same young kids, I believe are the same people who are threatening to harm me and my internet service and have probably been the same bullies for years. I need your help to stop these people from harming my life, hacking into my phone service, or my internet service or my website. I woke early because their threats scare me as I’m sure they have intended them to scare and threaten me. Bullies never change. I am trying to clear up my credit report as i found out that and have been a victim of identity theft since 2002 and need the internet to work and complete the process with the credit bureaus. Sine they actually committed a felony by impersonating the police,I believe they think they are above the law.PleaseHelp!

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onday August 29th 2011@ report cybercrime telephone hacking to FBI via this website!

Note: Fields marked with * are required.

Your Personal Information

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Phone - invalid input numbers only (1112223333)

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Yes No

Information about the Individual/Business that victimized you

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numbers only (1112223333)

Other Identifiers about the Individual/Business that victimized you

Monetary Loss

$ (US Dollars) Enter 0 for no loss Amount Lost is required

Please indicate the means of payment (select all that apply):
Cashier’s Check
Check/Debit Card
Credit Card
Money Order
Wire Transfer
Did you use a third party online payment service such as PayPal, BidPay, Escrow?
Yes No

Description of the Incident

Be specific. Include date(s) of transaction(s), a description of any items that were not delivered or were counterfeited, any transaction numbers (from Ebay, Western Union, PayPal, etc.), and any other pertinent information that helps to explain how you were victimized. Also if you received anything by U.S. Mail, FedEx, or UPS, specifically describe the envelope, by the date, time, city and zip code shown on the stamp cancellation postmark.

Please indicate any medium used by the individual/business in the course of the incident.
(select all that apply):
Bulletin board
Chat room
In person
Internet messaging
Web site

Please indicate the initial means of contact with the individual/business that victimized you:

Was this initial means of contact unsolicited/uninvited?
Yes No
What was your relationship with the individual/business you are complaining about prior to the incident you are reporting?

Did you conduct any research on the individual/business prior to the incident?
Yes No
How much time has passed since you determined you were victimized?
(select the best approximation)

Contact Information

Are there witnesses or other victims to this crime?
If yes, Please provide names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and/or websites of where additional victim lists can be found.

Have you reported this crime to any law enforcement or government agencies?
If yes, please indicate the organizations/individuals that you contacted (select all that apply)
Better Business Bureau
Consumer protection agency
Individual/business that victimized you
Police/other law enforcement
Private attorney

Provide the specific name of each organization, contact name, contact phone number, email address, date reported, and report number (if known).

Monday August 29th 2011@ report cybercrime telephone hacking to FBI via this website!

Note: Fields marked with * are required.

Your Personal Information

Yes No

Phone - invalid input numbers only (1112223333)

Yes No

Yes No

Information about the Individual/Business that victimized you

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numbers only (1112223333)

Other Identifiers about the Individual/Business that victimized you

Monetary Loss

$ (US Dollars) Enter 0 for no loss Amount Lost is required

Please indicate the means of payment (select all that apply):
Cashier’s Check
Check/Debit Card
Credit Card
Money Order
Wire Transfer
Did you use a third party online payment service such as PayPal, BidPay, Escrow?
Yes No

Description of the Incident

Be specific. Include date(s) of transaction(s), a description of any items that were not delivered or were counterfeited, any transaction numbers (from Ebay, Western Union, PayPal, etc.), and any other pertinent information that helps to explain how you were victimized. Also if you received anything by U.S. Mail, FedEx, or UPS, specifically describe the envelope, by the date, time, city and zip code shown on the stamp cancellation postmark.

Please indicate any medium used by the individual/business in the course of the incident.
(select all that apply):
Bulletin board
Chat room
In person
Internet messaging
Web site

Please indicate the initial means of contact with the individual/business that victimized you:

Was this initial means of contact unsolicited/uninvited?
Yes No
What was your relationship with the individual/business you are complaining about prior to the incident you are reporting?

Did you conduct any research on the individual/business prior to the incident?
Yes No
How much time has passed since you determined you were victimized?
(select the best approximation)

Contact Information

Are there witnesses or other victims to this crime?
If yes, Please provide names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and/or websites of where additional victim lists can be found.

Have you reported this crime to any law enforcement or government agencies?
If yes, please indicate the organizations/individuals that you contacted (select all that apply)
Better Business Bureau
Consumer protection agency
Individual/business that victimized you
Police/other law enforcement
Private attorney

Provide the specific name of each organization, contact name, contact phone number, email address, date reported, and report number (if known).

Monday August 29th 2011 new development now i cant call the ritz carlton

new development now i cant call the ritz carlton….HUMMMM who is hacking into myphnes.. must be an it guy/girl who is soooooouset about the small winky comment????? or still  karen kahel… or any of the bullly girls who have been onthe phone… what rotten adn horrible people they are…

ist not like they can stopme from thnking.. or writn  whet i feel or think or anything…  theycant stop me from writing on paper… and publisihing any of the things i want to …say… and this is america… i am an american.. iahve the constitution behind me… and i have teh  freedom of speech… jsut as they do.. if they dont like what i am saying.. there are comment boxes to write in ther horrid little minded thoughts…and if you dont like what i am writn g..dont read it.. if it is not about you.. if youhave doe nothing wrong then dont worry aboutit but if anyone actuay harms my ife i am allowed to tell  the real police or sheriff’s office.. i am allowed to tell an attorny and I am allowed to make bullies stop… ar anyone who harmd my life.. i am allowed to tellthe entire world how i feel aboutcriinals..about the girl karen kahel who tresspassed into my comples andbullied me.. about gerard ahler who threateded to have my mom killed…. aobut the  idenity theft.. and the   people hwo have harmed my life.. i am allowed t have it stopped… and i am allowed to  write aboutit… if i wern’t allowed to write about it i wouldnt’ be in america… and  the it woudl be a whole different story… but this is has been teh horibel peooel i have been dealgn wth for the last 8 years who have systematically adn methodicaly ruined my life and have destroyed mylife.. and th are guilty and  he world needs to knwo who theyare adn what they did.. and they shoudl payfor thier crimes… 

and by the way … no real honest to god mother woudl ever in a milliion years ever stand up for a bully instead of her own daughter… i know that  whoever is resposibel soudl be brught to justice… i only hpeit is soon…That is why i named the website “www.mysearchforjustice“… 

Email i sent to lawyers and autorities concerning the horrid person on the phone who threated to cancel my cable becaue she /he didn’t like what i was writing in my blog… have received 3 emails from my mother’s email address that couldn’t possibly b

Urgent message from mary jean ziska concerning a threat i received today concerning my website and blog and comcast serviceMonday, August 29, 2011 2:01 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified”mary jean ziska” <View”>>View contact detailsTo: “John Thomas Cardillo” <>, “gloria fletcher” <>, “gloria’s real email” <>,, invchief@colliersheriff.netCc: whatabtmary@yahoo.comDear Mr Cardillo….
 This is very important i just tried to call my  mother on (239- 598- 1515)  and I was yelled at by a woman who is nothing like my mother…  she toldme she doesn tlike what i am writing in my blog concerning the criminal actiy andtehharassment adneh bullingthat i have had to endure since 2003…  it is against the first amendment  rights for her to harm me and stop anythink i write becaueshe doesn’t  like that I am telling the truth.  its nothing like the  mom sang to me wanted to sell her hue to make sure mine ws alright …  and who   made me cookies..( two weeks ago… ) . and who loved me…  could you please call her an let her know that she( who ever it is who has access to my mother’s phone line..)   has no right to do anythng to my websites or my blog… oh and by the way…I dont want this person as my guardan…infact i had somen tellme thy wantd to be my giardina sothey coudltake allmy money…now that is not someone who has my best interes at hert wouldn’t you say? …
it is most likely not even my mom and is the same bullies that have been somehow abeto hack into phone numbers… and have been able to  send mean bulling emails.. and actully wer the same horribel girls who trespassed and  bullied to the pint o fme throwing uplosing 30 lbs.. and shaking crying… and jstu horrid girls… I cant reach you on the phone  today and neither can i reach my church… so they ae even somehow ableto manipulate th e actual phne access…
I was threatened onteh phne that i have 24house to  change my blog… which she cannt by rights do… i ned to really  find out who these conartisits are and  to make them stop and to have them both civilly and criminally brought to justice… please make sure that she is not able to do anythng to my lfe to harm me…
Also i waant this court case  for the guardianship delayed again… Ii won’t get my diaabilty money until December, is there any way to postpone it until then? Thank you for your kind atention to this email.  I never recieved an email from you when your secretary told me you  would be replying.. you woud be replying 
horrible person not my mother not my friend….  a bully, and nothing like my mother.. i am counting on you to make it stop… i have called Gloria fletcher a criminal attorney yin florida..and a personal friend, cliff sterns, the congressman who helped with the phone act, and  the sheriff’s department.  
i havent been able to stop these criminals/idenity thieves/ conartists/ bullies since 2002. If you have any way to stopthem plese feel free to let me know. And tell  whoever  that they are no tallowe d to violate my 1st adment rights because tehy dont likewhat i have said ona website or blog.
Oh i was also threatened over teh phne that she was gogni to have me backeracted because  I was upset when  this past weekend when i was trying to get assistance  from the sheriff’s office.  I was trying to get someone to go and check my mother’s house   when she was out babysiting and  somon eanswered her phone and hung it up three times when i was trying to leave a message. It sounded like kids on the phone, not actual police officers… and  I thought it was the same criminal group who has stolen so manyitems of mine.. and was worried that they were doing the same  to my mom’s house.  
 Who are these people? and how is it possible for them to get away with so much crime?
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter,
Mary Jean Ziska     

A Tender Loving Care Service
Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515
Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 561- 283-7505 


Monday August 29th 2011@ 2:30pm received emailand phne call from great law firm… the one with the winston -churchhill quote!

 I just  received a great email and phoned Dori  to discuss the Capitol one account.. they are handeling a capitol one case  but  i dont think that my problem with capitol one account will fall  in the category for clients.  Thaks to the idenity theft, ther are more thatn one issue of interest that is the problem with this capitol one account on my credit  report.  She had some great suggestions and I  will be working on  letters today to make sure i include all the points  cncerning the fraudulent account.       


I understand you are having an issue related to Capitol One.  I’d be happy to discuss this with you – either e-mail me at this address or feel free to give me a call at 1-800-755-0098.  I look forward to hearing from you.


1100 IDS Center, 80 South 8th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402     T 612.341.0400

bio | website | vCard | map

Voice of the People | Class Action Attorneys
Awarded Best Law Firms by U.S. News & World Report




Sunday August 28th 2011 of yuck… guess it is the witching or should I say bitching… hour of between 6- the rest of the night when the phone is run by criminal little bully pigs…UCK )

Wow.. its now 8:22pm and the absolute worst person is answering the phone of 239-598-1515 … someone who is really mean..and selfish..and of course wants to  make my family look bad…. i dont know if he or she is jsut jelious…or jsut built to be mean and vengeful… but evil enough  to make the hairs on my arms raise….. and when i started praying .. i think he didn’t know what to do… but when I told him/her  that they must be the guy who has a little penis.. he hung up.. so that must be a sore point with this kid… same as teh kids formyesterday.. liek the valets fromla playas… adn ther little college girlfreinds who are eh one s stealing babysitign jobs form mymom.. and from me… also this person thinks that  what they say has no consewuences… but I can’t wait to  have tapes of him… and have him arrested… the person said that they thought i knew some fat blond lady in naples park.. which I don’t and never did.. and also said    all sorts of things.. this boyis really worred about karen kahel.. and  her reputation.. but its true before she  told me an dso manyohters how to break aint my own complex.. she was nan oragne bathingsuit in teh pool screwing the italian guy..i thinit was maybe favio..the guy who gave her good deals on  BMW’s….  and when i calld backte perosnwho wasn clearly NOT my mother…  i wanted to knwo  when MATT 9 the mean matt that tina dolwig wared me about in 2003 when i got a horribel  christmas card  that wa clearly nt from myfamily…. or my sister mattie… but from a really mean bully who was actuly woried hat i was sleeping with someone …  

this guy or girl was not only worried about  karen kahel.. but when i mentioned christopher… the  handman… who used to have an alcholic problem ( maybe the guu who was slurring lst night???  but now is supposed to be o.k. and is supposed to be married to a teacher….   hummmm i was thnking that  these mean kids on the phone..  last night and tonight… … i thought the one woman who didn’t like swearing was most probably one of her babysitters… like regina.. and possibly the horrid kids who were pretendingto be police officers were  either her daughters friends… ( which i was hoping  wasn’t the  case…but more likely the same bullies from la playa…  May god never have mercy on ther souls… may they be punished for allther crimes… they are going to grow up into horrible adults…  but its allin the parenting .. theymust come frm scummmmmmm…. and be bullied them selves.. ohhhh maybe they re abused and molested. and that is why they are so black hearted and evil….        

Sunday August 27th 2011@4:05pm (phone conversations… jsutupsetting having diferent people on the phone again…)i want a real phone

well finally i guess the whore to doors who steal idenites and  sneak into town.. lie/ cheat/and steal…  are gone…for now anyway… but when I callled my mom I had two bad phone conversations… infact one sooo lied… about wanting to take me out to breakfast… she  didn’t even  know I was going to go to that mass…. at 7am.. they were totally shocked to see me…. and of course  I had the person who told me I was horrible.. and that she didnt want what she said to end up on my website and my blog… if you don’t  want  to say it…then don’t  say it… or is it jsut o.k., for fake people on the  phone to bully just as  long as they don’t have to own up to it.. or have to be accountable  for ther actios  or for their  words.. 

jsut anther whore  to door kid… another kid.. I mean 20 0r 30 something year old… and not a nice one… then  the phone mesages changed to being  4 businesses instead of just  the one business on the phone message… so maybe it will be better…  infact the last phone call I made to her  at least sounded like it  was from an adult… crap.. tried to call again to get a mom who was inteligent enough to  go over corrections to  letters I was writing  to the credit companies… of course this person on the phone ( who by the way is eating pizza…. hummm when she ate at my home she was only eating really healthy…not my mom….&nbsp wellit wen tback to only one business… what a rotten day… oh and she said that after she eats her pizza that she is goin gto callher sister.. andget this.. “that  there are more important things in this world than me… “… are you  kidding me… that  is supposed to be a mom?????… sooooo not my mom……

Sunday August 27th 2011 @ 1:08pm( wierd… my computer chnaged locatins to san crlos park … never even been there let alone am i writing from there..

So i just got off my treadmill and this is wierd.. my computer..the laptop actually said san carlos park fl. as my location instead of naples… I have never even been to san carlos park…. let alone  writing  on my lap top fom there… wonder who is stealing my idenity this time????? .. what is it they need?????.. a babysitting    business?????…  a social security number… how about my cothes  or jewlery to steal????…. I am hoping    that the fakes have gone back to where ever they crawled out from.. but i won’t know until get to speak with my mom… whenever that willl  be.. God only knows… the mattie at church.. with the marion at church… the marion looked like the woman who was supposed to be  a friend of the  sobotava family i think… and teh matte the operosnwho wanted to go back to colorado… or at least that is what i was told but then beign todl naythngby a bunch of liars. isnt very reliable… right??? perhaps..  the wife of don kensig… the  step father who bullied me … and  guess what..he is was from ohio…bullies form ohio.. what a shocker…. .anyway the little troop of idiots who came over for the  weddings.. should be leaving by now..(fingers crossed…)  they probaby stole enough from my mom’s house.. the  boys screwed their  whores from west pam beach or wherever the troop of conartists came  from…..  they lied….. they cheated….. and they partied….  and i’m sure the impsoters did damage to everythng they touched…  as most criminals do..hopefully they  go away and never come  back to do damage here again… but since some boys ( think  it  was  the silver jag this time)..likes the slut who spreads her legs  for him… they will most probablybe back…but maybe they can meet somewhere else…. adn go and run another family… and another life…  UCK … so more emotional abuse..more crying and  god only knows what else..
HELP keep conartis adn criminals and peope who  ruin lives on purpose….help keep them out of naples….far away from  naples…..  

while i was on the treadmill i was thinking  of the many posseessions that were taken  out of my mothers house… since  2002… when someone  had a capitol one credit  card like mine…created so i know for sure that is when i had my idenity stolen then….it may  have been done  earlier…    like my sister who took my mom’s gucci boots…. or the diamond and  emerald ring( three of them and a necklace that  matched… ) then  pictures.. and even this really cool black embroidred jack from suffering  moses… this store in Kahshmire…. a place the imposters will never get to go…..  but i’ve been…. also… rugs are missing… and personal items…  and of course  my mom’s cartier watch… then of course tons of stuff of mine that is gone from her home.. like my babyblanket.. and my dolls formall aroudn the world… and a really pretty and hand embroidered sewing basket…I had since I was little…   sheesh… probably soo m anythngs… they have gone through  and stolen…..   while I sat  by being nice… adn quiet… and nto saying anythings  and not making any waves… because when i did i was basically punished… ..    
I worked… i prayed.. i had friends.. i had a life… I am not forgiving  any of them EVER….
 these people ruined my life they did it on purpose…. whoever they are….may god never have mercy on  them ever… 

Sunday August 28th 2011 @5:46pm ( completey disappointed, crying… so many liars…)

So i am just now getting back from publix and from church.. father kelly gave mass.. I was a bit late.. my alarm didn’t go off at the right time… but I really didn’t sleep very well…  with calling  the police and talking to a bunch of kids on the phone… and worring that my mother’s house was being used by a bunch of criminals.. and worried tha tsomene was steling from my mother and my family… like they have stolen from me when I had gone babysitting…

I kept trying to think ..who cuuld it possibly be.. wh coudl be on teh phone…. so rude and so youn g. they wer ntheing liek the real police…  who  could be on the phone.????..  teh liars who were sayng tha tpeopewer ni touwn they jdudt didnt want  me to know they were here.
WHAT???? that i s then not my family… if my sisters were in  town.. they love me and woudl want to see me.. i mean myreal sisters… woudl be like that ….. jsut like my real mothe ror fatehr..  big hugs.. generous… and loving… eople who believe in you.. believe in yoru dreams.. who help to inspire you to achieve.. to be the best possible…  real real family would never hurt me… NEVER EVER hurt me… NEVER sacrifice myhappiness.. my life… for their own selfish intensiotns.. they dont lie to me.. they don’t cheat me out of money or out of great and fun experiences.. they dont make you cry.. or want you to cry… 

 a real mother and sisters actully are happier when you are happier.. that is how I always  am…. when you really love someone…. you  actually will  practiically  do anything to make sure that  they are  happier .. (I mean i don’t  hurt anyone……. to get what I want …….jsut like I don’t steal.. or lie…  but i guess this fake group of what?.. actors?.. or liars?..conatrists?.. who the hell are they?????

a  group of poeple who came into town for the  weekend?  .. this group of people who are playng  god with people’s lives… who are playing like they are a familly?????????.. but are what????? jsut a bunch of con artists… who got together  to lie…. to cheat.. but they  do it togeteher.??????  …. they actully lied  to me… about all of  this.. about everything…  and this supposed sister.. who never calls or talkes to me.. who doesn’t go  lunches together…. or come over to go shopping.. to  even come over to have a  visit… who  who lies so i don’t  know  when  she is in town..????? What ?????  that is supposed to be the same person  i grew up with  .. who is my best friend???????….who couldn’t wait to see me.. and who I couldn’t wait to go and see??????…That is a best friend????? that is supposed to be  the  person who used to come over and…..we coudl talk for house about plans.. and deams.. and encourage each other tha t ther is a great a nd perfect guy out there.. adn that allthings were possible… who used to  ask  me to come over to palm beach   all the time.. who I talked to on the phone all the time.. each and everyday…many times a day…becaue she actually liked me…  

are you really trying to make me think that this isthe same  person  who sneaks into naples.. who lies to me.. who doesnt contact me…   NOOOOOOOthat is nothing like my sister… or i guess my mother either .. no real family  who is  loving  and caring  is ever like  that….at least not my family….     

  but  low and behold.. when I went to church..  a person who wasn’t even supposed to be here in town… and was supposed to be my loving sister  mattie ziska  was standing right there with  marion ….. ( or is it meriam.. i was actially told when i was in college… by gloria  fletcher that my mom was meriam…I just  thought that everyone was gettng names mixed up…. is it possible that these groups… get together  because they look like people  from a family…  but they are not….. they are jsut what????????? con-artiss who get toghether for the sole purpose  of harming others …….and what are they the  same group  who seal idenities?????

You people  failed as my real family.. but then i guess they dont care.. they have some imposter playing me.. and the bonus is they  put me through hell for  8 years…. 8 years that they lied to me.. cheated me out of my inheritance.. cheated me out of mybusiness… my goals…  my dreams… stole from  me…..  broke into my home.. used my food .. my clothing.. my idenity… for what?????  ahd the little whores havgn sex in my bed with whaever by they wer tryign to catch… to snag a guy for some little whore?  who is a fake?????

on my way back from church ther was an entire entrage…  starting with a silver jag. very dark tinted windows.. then i recongnzed a whte audi…  ( remember i thought  i saw my cousin mark in it… )  some other cars that looked familar and peolpe who looked familar… all headed on immokalee towards st. johns.. or at least 41…. youthnkthe fake friend i saw  inthe silfer truck..with the gis inteh white honda… thnkthey switched clothes and cars .. for  their brunch…
I myself got some publix…I really love them… and made a poached egg.. asparagus.. sliced tomatoe.. and tea… and of course I get to eat breakfast all by myself…an in tears… at teh betrayal of all these peolple who were  supposed to be my friends.. or loving  family… theybetrayed my trust theyused and abused my life my credit.. me… they sacrificed my life… for what???????? is yoru litel whore imposter girl.. is she really  worth it…. may god never have mercy onther souls… but they probably don’t believe in God.. all they ned  is to steal money….    

.. …i guess they stopped wanting me to be around since I  know  all the real stories  all the real events… ones they can’t piece together from a picture…. ….and when they screw up the stories  I correct them…  like the time i had a fake sister who was telling people in palm beach that we owned an elephant… WHAT?????? we rode on plenty of elephants… but nver owned an elephant…   

So  you know that gypsy  wedding.. or wedding where i was worried that  my mom would  have somethng stolen… and then  last night when the  hang ups  from a land line phone where no  was supposed to be there…. and the scummm …..  people protecting good old karen kahel.. and the bullies or the people who lied to me.. or who stole from me.. or who are still stealing from in the form of businesses… or in the form of me evengetting to see my real family or fiends who love me…. who like me… but these imposters…. ..who allowd me to sacrifice 8 years of my life… and who on purpose put me through hell…  are  now trying to what??? be peope who say they love me..and they want to protect me and they want to help me make wise choices.. WHAT THE HELL…  wehn allthey have done is hurt me.. and they really  and hnestly dont care about meat all….

I freaked…. eight years of lies… of people maniulating my life……. . my friendships… my telephone conversations.. all so they could get what they wanted out of l
ife?????????? are they the same people who  created  credit cards in my name? ruined my credit… stole my pearl earrings that my dad gave me? …stole my  life?… the same bitchy new york scumm who dragged me through new 2003. not alloweing me to really shop..or really have fun.. but  because i looked similar to someone… they use used me liek gerard wnted to use mye and the back of myhead…  because they he tought i culd be mistatken for someone with a ob hair cut sheo id fivve foot four inches.. and  blond adn white caucausian…  are ehse the same girls from the west palm beah home  who  said “SCORE” when  i handed over a diamond and saphire ring that my sister maura told me to take care of for her….  or the same girls … the   same girls who would switch out a nice new sweater   i would wear and bring over… with an old ratty one because they had a look alike fake in her 20’s or 30’s who will lie for them .or cheat for them or steal for them….or spread her legs for the boys and and  then have their bastard babies….

same bitchy group who  sacrificed my real life for ther little  look alike imposter whore…

and peole knew what was hapepening.. they knew all  about it… they lied and cheated and stole fo each other…   

I never lied to anyone  i never cheated anyone out of anything  never stole for anyone or stole from anyone…  .let alone ever stole… i never hurt anyone and these peole intensionslly hurt people.. hurt me…  

 do they have any idea how much i have had to sacrifice ??? how much i went without…. how much i went  through… they dont care… they will never care they  are  con artists.. and liars.. and cheats..  who lie and then go to church… what a joke..

and last night i reallythought it had to be rigina..brown and the other babysitters for  my  mom’s busness… includng her  daughter….. seh was  women e who didnt like peol eswearing.. then thegirls  who wer trying t make sure that they kepthery  festivities secrete…   and shei ale asn andrea motts and her group.. the ones on the phone.. teh people who lied to me… wheo er laughting and teling me tha the perosn nat mymther’s huse didnt want  me to knw hey wer here…. guess while i get to cry  karen kahel or anyof the other  conartiss getot jup upand down again and  say they won they won    ..     

these scummy girls and boys fromwet palm beach..or is it miami… or where????
and who gave them the right…

wheni was driving to church i saw one of the scott renshaw lookaliked in a nay baseballcap and ble shrt in  aasilver truck… heading  toward the strand.. and then here ws a firlwhit a bob hair cut rally darkk har butsome blond hight lights… in a white honda..all headded to teh strand…  wonder if they are playng eith eth bastard kids in my complex today… or if this cold possibly be an actual friedn…