Author Archives: mary jean ziska

Fri January 27th 2012 @ 5:21pm ( while babysitting december 2011-january 2012 … people used my home… )

Fri january 27th 2011 @ 5:21pm    so her eis a ntoe i made dirng the christmas and  new years hoilday season…  i  foudn that peole wer using myhome… or at leas tin myhome..  i had been given three  plants for the christmas season…  youknowthe red flowering  .. really holiday spirit kind …..   i only watered them onece a week…. and they wer really thriving… well i left to go babysit one norming.. and then came home druign the lunch time.. and had practically three dead plans.. allthese dead leaves… and teh flowers falling off and everytihing… i knwo they wer efidn when i left because i maek it a point to  sweep up after breakfast … no leaves.. no dyign plants when  i left… and the plants in my home..were overly saturated with water….    hummm odd right? also  during the christmas babysittng… i’m super big on making gingerbread man cookies….  for the kids to decorate…  i practically made them everyday… w ell somehow oen of my cookie trays disappeared….  and another day when non ewas supposed to be in the house…  a frying pan ended up with the cookie trays.. when i keep the post and pans in a copletely different shelf…. and cabinate alltogether… 
 so what yousay???? so what is wht everyoen says… but it is against teh law…. trespassing is agaist the law… goign into someone’s home  using their  utinsils… eating their food… who the hell are these people?????  
and now… tryigto et rid of the evidence… by  doign soething to  the actual dvd box… what did they take it?  i mean i was jsut watching  things last week  on line and   in my home… no problems…  the entire reason i got theextra security was to stop  this from happening.. the whole reason i was up on a ladder stapling  wires into the wall .. gluing and attaching drilling  and cryign in the process ….. was to finally have some sense of security…. soem  type of control of my own enviroment from  criminals wh decide they can do anything they watn to my life to myposessions and to my home…   they belong in jail… and they need to be punished…  

Wo who has teh guts to punish these criinals.. i dare you… do it… please!  

Fri January 27th 2012 @ 5:07pm comcast internet… and security system…

 Well i go tto spend most of today on teh phoen with comcast… i mus tsay soe of the  people are great…  very helpful and very  knowledgeable…  last night  and yesterday it was all about the internet… and router adn modem…. and the televison channels…
somehow in my home..  ther is not enough of a connection to have the internet or teh   t.v at the saeme time… i remembered when we first bought the condo in 1999…. my dad bought this amplifier… for 75.00 for the televison chanels…  and i guess we still need someothing.. wierd right? i don’t  think others in the condo  units have needed to get amplifiers… but i havent  really asked everyone…   so i set up an apt for  them to com eand fix it… 
while i was on the phone i startedto ask abut the xfinity security system… it looks great! 
 but i had a few people who didnt seem to know what was goign on  with the system.. oen guy told me that we cant get it in my area.. when i logged onto the internet… and  pu tin my zipcode it says it is in this area….  some womansaid that i can’t get the service becsue they have apt. written in my   housing address instead of condo…  ( that doesn tseem right does it… ) 
Can someoen from the real comcast actually get in touch with me…   so i can  actually get teh real story… 
gosh i hope that i have t signed up for mroe years of criminals  and deadbeats beign imposters on teh phone.. with allteh fake phoen numbers.. and allthe horrid  conversations they have put me though…  uggg….  anyway this time i am keeping realy great notes… of who i speak with … id numbers.. and i can put allth einforamtin in to this blog.. i meigh t even tape everyting to be onteh safe sdie then i can goto the police… and state attrneys office.. and stop all the criminals who spoof numbers.. who are fishign for personal information… and who steal idenities…  

here are the names id numbers and info i received rofrom todays phone calls: 
1. started wit h a really nice guy dale extension 1517831 from vencice florida… very nice and very knowledgable…  told me he even had xfinidty security… and how great it was… 
2. 2:01 transferred to taunta id #M61246 springfield penn thought they cuod integrate my 8 cameras..and told me the cost and  the  current system installation of 199.99…. ( which was also on line…  then it got wierd.. spoke with theresa p;umber didnt really have an id..then came up with an id.. of m61273  todl me  that since i was listed in an apartment i couudnt get eh service… an dsaid she woudl need a supervisor to set u any apts… then i was transferred to chris from jacksoncille he said his id was jaxowd or har… gave me two id ‘s… he told me that they didtn have service in my area… and  when i told him it said it did…. on line…on the official website…  he still coulent helpme… i cant believe that the last people i spoke with  today were actually with comcast… comcast  has been so professional ..and so nice and  so knowledgable and  so efficient … am i going  to have to go through  all these horrid conartist… phone idiots again?????

Fri January 27th 2012 @ 4:57pm Update on court cases and of entire horrid situation…

Well i i wen tto a meeting… this past  tuesday january  2012 at 3:00pm with patrick weber adn with   a new lawyer larry P.  These lawyers are supposed to be on my side to assist in makding sure that i am heard… that i am able to  be defended and to make sure that  justice is served…

 it was a nerve rackign morning.. and  was stressful but they made me feel very comfortable… i met with them and my mother in pat webers office…  it seemed like  we talked  for a really long time…  we discussed teh plans for  future meeting next week and for the decisons that needto be made concerning  the next steps…. 

my mom found a great article by mark adamczyk  written on january 22nd 2012  describing  whether or not an associaiton is limited on how much it can collect.  very interesting article i may try to scan it and place it in this blog… 

after the meeting with teh lawyers… i actually went out to eat with  my mom which i havetn been out in forever… and we stopped to get somthing at staples.. and also target…   
then home… 

i know iwasnt gone althat long… o but now i am wondering if the criminals… ie whoever got into my home an dwanted to  do soething to my  camera security system was in.. wonder if that is why they did something so i coudlnt access my system…. so icant see anything… or let the police report anything….  i tried all day to contact the security company… and not able to reach them..   

i had someone tellme it was “wierd” or “strang”  or “odd” cant recall his exact words.. that  when i leave i lock up everything… even the fridge…  of cours ehe hasnt lived through the last 12 years of hell i have.. and has no snese of how violated youfeel when  things you love are stolen.. or broken ..oreen  knowing that stangers were in m your house  uninvited… or trespassign criminals who believe that if thy steal anything.. or do anything to me.. it doesnt matter…  and somehow it is o.k. since  it has been allowed to go on for sooo long with out anyone takiing a stand and   being  a hero….  or even worse yet… that iit is even better to take any evidence of any horrid situation.. and how womehow if there is no evidence of it didnt happen…. 
yep these are some really twisted and sick individuals…. who ruin lives.. for ther own benefits…  i pray every night they are caught adn justice will someonehow prevail… that is why i really love the sheriff adn  police departments.. and even the state attorneys office… here in nape sflorida.. they are here to make a posive difference for allvictims of crime.and hopefully they will be ale to stop it…  someday.. right?        

we also discussed  the meaning of the     

Fri January 27th 2011 @ 4:22pm ( problems since christmas.. car issues… switching of cars again )

So lots on internet adn computer accessign problems during christmas and new yers break ..infact until yesterday we did tn have allteh televison chsnnels…  bu ti went to go and get the boxes that did work to   get allteh channels.. it only took all day to get the televisons to work… as we had to keep having signals sent…  but  that is fine.. even shoud lhave continued interent service..  the internet has been turnign on and off … and i bought  an new modem.. we tried  my mom’s router… switching cables.. switching   everything…. adn nwohave a calbe man scheduled to come adn put in additonal outlets for the cables… adn make everything wrokes allteh time.. and i can have phoen service through my magic jack..thugh my internet all teh time.. and for a very long time.. make sure that everythign is working  the way it should  have been…  at least that is the  promise… anyway… this blog  is  what happened a long time ago.. wel it seems like along time.. it has happened a few times .. when i go to get into my car and it was running fine the day before .. then won’t  start….
and as usual all the people who manipulate and  harm my life had all these plausable excuses why the  car worked the day before but then din’t  work  the next day..  but here is what they couldn’t  explain… 
1. why when i wen tot get into the saturn… why my feet coudlnt touch the gas pedals… 
2. why when i went to put on the radio… the channels were all programed to some other channels.. preprogramed… to other  channels.. because when i pushed onthe  preprogramed channels.. they  wer not mychannels andactually  didnt even  come in clearly…. and didn’t come in  tune for the naples area…   een one channel was a coutry channel… which ih ave never had programed into my saturn ever!
3. why there were new lights off  like  “check engine” or  “service car soon”…. when thery wer on before… then off them on.. what teh hell.. a car doesnt change like this….
4. why the concole and the actual inside  of the car was  dirty… and again there were dog hairs… when i do not own a dog… 
I spent an hour letting the car run sothe battery woudl charge again…  i washed a nd basically detailed the  entire car…   even took pictures and measurements of the  patch of paint missign on the  side… 
i even spent so long making sure that the car ‘s battery was charged…. some couple onther way to a christmas party thoguht i was a cleaning lady… 
anyway… sicne them there have beena nother few switchs int eh car department but ihavent been able to go online adn document times and palaces.. actual dates  so they can be caught adn someday punished adn gosh i really want them put in jail…  

Fri January 27th 2012 @ 4:22pm police report filed today for alarm off at 5:53am and for not beign able to access my security system mouse not working… and password and log in not working ..

Criminal Mischief (Vandalism): Start Yourself Incident Property Review Finish

Enter Reporting Person Information

Please enter your information as completely as possible. You may be contacted regarding this incident. An email address is

required if you would like to be notified when this report is received and approved.

*First Name mary jean

*Last Name ziska

*Home Address

St #


St Dir St Name


St Type


Post Direction Apt/Unit


* City / State / Zip Code


Florida 34110

*Home Phone (ex: 555-111-2222 – The system will auto-insert the dashes)

* Email w

* Confirm Email w

Employer Name self

Work Address

St # St Dir St Name St Type Post Direction Apt/Unit

City / State / Zip Code

Please Select

Work Phone (ex: 555-111-2222 – The system will auto-insert the dashes)

*Race White/hispanic

*Sex Female

*DOB 06

DOB Month




DOB Year

Driver License No Z2005906674

Licensing State Florida

Modify Cancel

Copyright © 2010 Coplogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sat. December 17th 2011 @ 10:58pm… more info on the GPS tracking device.. and today’s events.. )

So  where to begin,  i ordered the  GPS trackgn device to prevent my car from beign switched… andtaken for rides while i am out babysiting or out anyhwere….  it has the  capacity to pinpint the exact location..   i mean exact location… even giign longatute dn lat.  markers… it will pin point the address.. the time it has been at that location…  if it is moving  it will give the  milage moved..  the  speed …all sorts of facts… and i ordered one to make sure my vehical stays wher i wanat it to stay. and if it doesnst….stay… tehni can calteh police..ihave a record  of when it moved.. how far it moved… and where it went… alli woudl needto do is let the polie know that infomation and then they can cathc teh  criminals  who thought it was o.k. to  do what ever to me and my possessioan.. who did so to my mercedes until it wascompletelly broken and  is still sitting  in my garage…     these saem criminals.. i shoud say career criminals.. adn  conartists who woue break thigs onmycar.. then  when or if i had family who woudl help to fix things.. then they woeudl break something else… andi honestly dont knwo if anything was relly fixed… nto at teh prices that wer charged…. or ws soemoen elses car fixed instead.. or who knwos.. i dont think like these scum bag criminals.. so i cant tell you who or why.. i jstu  had to deal with  the consequences… and they were never good for me… anyway this little  device seems like it would  be perfect for stopping all of it….   but get this.. i also ordered the video surveliance… also a great product… adn they both came  today….. i was sooo excited.. 

Last night I actually got myemails and had gone online to  check out the log in feature..andto see  if it was workign… strange enough.. it was infact it showed that teh  GPS device was travelingfrom ponpano beach florida…  i also went online to seethe fed ex tracking  route..for pkg: ( 053997215090488) it started in brooklyn.. then new jersey.. then to  orlando then  pompano …then formyers and arrived at my home before 11am… 

 When i got the two packaes.. i really didnt  pay much attention that they looked a bit different… but i put aside the security system..and hurridely opened the  GPS…. it was taped with a clear celephoane.. tape and wheni opened it….    the  packaging wasnt sealed or anytng jsut the cse in a clear plasic baggie and the GPS device  in another clear plastic baggie.. but not oneof those baggies that is sealed.. liek you find from a store  room shipment… jsut oened… and lose…  again.. i didnt pay much attention because i was sooo excited to  get the device…    and  so i  went on line and logged in … and it still said it was at 14percent power… wierd.. usually when you get new products you have to  charge then forever to get them to work thefirst time.. and then i slao noticed that in teh  email  i received it made anotation that i woud be gettign a t-mobil  sim card.. for the device… so i looked of r it andit was alsred in teh device… also very wierd.. not even when i get a phne  did i ahve th simecard alread in teh phoen and activated adn teha phoen already cahrged… hummmm so i wnet online to tractkmy device  thinking ths wilbe fun seeingit at myhouse.. but when I went online… the trackign pased my house.. and went to 566 9 Herron lane naples florida 34110…. a few complexes down…  and it jstu stayed there.. iscan see the satelite view of the home.. andit is not my address… 

so i called teh security company who sent me the device tosee why ther wasnt any security tape on  the package..  theysaid teha the red tape tahat says security seal..andgoes on to say  if this seal is broken….  anyway… the perosn i spoke with  went to check the shipping department adn toldme tha it was supposed to be packed with the red tape….   i freaked… and  then submitted an online police report  …. mail tampering is a felony offense… ( see the other blog posts i  posted today… )  
icalled FEd ex.. spoke aith debra… sheothen put me though to her supervisor in for myers  he said the the laws concernignthe tampering with maildontapply with fed ex… can someoen please help me??????????… is that true.. itcant be true…  tampering with mail.. is tampering with mail…  he did say that if packages get wet soetiems they have to repack the.m ..  so i asked him to look  atteh log… i men fed ex is sooo organized.. and so well maintained.. tha  if soeeon had to repackage my  devce.. there had to be a record of it right?  well no message… no post.. ntohign  inteh records of fed ex sayign tah teh package was repacked…  hummmm
i asked him if any other package was sent to the location  where my  device is   tracking…. or is suposedly now…. he codlnt look it up without  a trackig number..   so …. where teh hell did the mix up start… or was it doen on purpose.. like th idenity thief..or  thief ..who has my neiman marcus towles… or my william sonoma napkins….or  what… was it even more sinsiter… i started worring about th orgin of the GPS… brooklyn new york…  where gerard adn heis family wer supposed to have been from… sheesh.. that is alli need is  some idiot who  said on the pone  he wanted to kill my mohther..and wanted to ruin my life….  knowing my every move… then new jersey…. on the plus side… oen of mysiter’s law school friends Amy W. is a criminal lawyer in new jersey… ( at least that is the last thing i heard…)    but then on the negative side a family who said they were from new jersey…   who lived in  autum woods here in naples.. suposedly they have moved… but when i baysat fo them…  adn i called the police to  watch my home… the jobs got canelled… hummmmm  HELP….. i am jsut trying to protect myself and  my  home and my possessions.. which no one seems to want me to do…..     

Sat. December 17th 2011 @10:54pm ( police online report conernignthe GPS trackign device and the crime of tampering..( federal offense and the exact location of the GPS registered to me!)


  Submit Report 

Review Report 

Please review the report. If all the information is correct, click the Submit button to submit the report. If you need to modify some information, click the desired modify link. This will be your last chance to change information for this report. 

General Information 

Incident Type Criminal Mischief (Vandalism) 

Person Type  Individual 

Reporting Person Information  modify 

Last Name ziska 

First Name mary jean 

Home Address, naples , FL 34110, US 

Home Phone


Employer Name self 

Work Address 

Work Phone 

Race White/ Sex Female


Driver License

Licensing State: FL


Incident Information  modify 

Incident Location  , Naples , FL 34110 

Incident Time (start)  12/17/2011 01:35 PM

Incident Time (end)  12/17/2011 01:35 PM

Location Type Residence – Single

Graffiti Involved? No 

Incident Description  I just purchased the nano 3 gps tracking device from brick house security. I received the package form Fed Ex today without the red security tape on the package and with no packing materials and with the sim card already in the gps device. I went on line last night and used the log in information to see where my nano was. It was on its way from pompano beach Florida via Brooklyn new York. I could see where it was heading and through fed ex i saw that it was to arrive today. When i plugged it in today it said that i am located at 5669 HERRON LANE fLORIDA 34110 LAT: 26.277997 LON:81.744699. I have had my life basically destroyed by identity thieves.. And thieves.. I bought the gps device so my car will be protected.. I also got a video surveillance so my home will be protected! That package came unopened.. And with the brick stone red security tape on it.. and with all the normal packing materials it is a federal offense to tamper with the mail. I want these people caught and i want to prosecute!


Type: Computer/ Equipment

Brand spark nano 3

Model spark nano 3 

Color White

Serial No  

How Many 1

Damaged Value ($) 199.00 

Property Description the spark nano is a GPS tracking device



Sat. December 17th 2011 @ 10:47pm ( somenotes abouteh past few days.)

Some more notes about the past few days….  Like the mother imposter….  who was sticking up for karen kahel.. the bully and trespassing witch…   so this is weird. The person on the phone… wanted me to forgive Karen kahel…. ( of course .. relative or friend  or the witch herself… but we went into why the witch would have more than likely not been on the phone on a fri night… HA! ( see last nights blog… ) &nbsp so these are the other weird points…

  1. The person on the  phone actualy said she “doesn’t  even think of gerard ahler anymore now that he isn’t living with her”  and that is a direct quote… …. WHAT the hell?… my real mom never ever lived with gerard ahler… neither did I or any of my real family… they hated him and his manipulative and criminals ways..  Good God my sisters though he was repulsive! Told me to stay away from him that  he was  a low life thug..was sloppy and gross.. my real sisters and family wanted me to be happy..  believed I soc ldate and may someone amazing…   wanted me to do soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better… in the way of a more  suitable match… someone  who went to  college.. someone who could dress.. had manners was intelligent..  god the list is endless.. of how  horrible he is and how much I would  not want to be with him or anyone like him…. And how  much my family didn’t want me to have anything to do with  him… especially since he was a criminal wanna be.. and  a  lying  slob….  But then I guess he would have been perfect for Karen kahel…HA! Maybe the little girl who stole my sweater is their offspring… that would be fitting… since the  girl on the pone actually lived with him… HA!

  1.  The person on the phone  not only mentioned that she wanted me to forgive the bully …didn’t want to say anything  about Karen kahel….  What a manipulative bitch… maybe it is the  girl in the picture that was  in  Grayson’s baby room… the one with the  dark hair and dark eyes..the one   who probably was related to the  guy she was screwing in the pool maybe? Or  just an evil frind of hers… like I babysat one  time… for a family… the next time I think I sat for a  family who actually might have stolen the original families identity… no sesiously…  they had a p.o. box instead of a great  living residence..  on their checks… the emails  were all compete wrong.. ( written from a very  uneducated person..instead of from a prominent and well educated family… )    the food they ate was not organic.. or even healthy…  so were they just acting like another family… or  did they steal the identity of the family…. Like someone  stole my identity….

  1. Also the person on the  phone.. the one who tells me my family especially my sister Maura doesn’t  love me any more…and won’t help me… but who used my name my situation to scam money from  putting me through hell and though horrid situations… and I think they do it to a a whole lot of people… in fact one person  on the phone said they gave me 45 thousand dollars… 45 thousand dollars?????? I never saw a penny of it …. hi  and I’d better save my money… not spend any money on  Christmas presents… for the people who love me.. or who I love…. No matter if it is even  a small amount…  

  1. The person who uses fear to control… hummmmm     lets see fear, and manipulation… and manipulation… gosh… must be a relative of Karen kahel..or the witch herself. No one does it better than kearn kahel… you know being a monster one of those step monsters form any of the fairy tales.. Snow white. Cinderella.. any of them.. Are the perfect models for this sick demented persona… but then a life time of practicing.. of pretending to be since so she could manipulate

  1. the guys in her life… she must  have really learned  her evil ways.. so very well….( You know practice makes perfect.  Hey I bet she was/is  the  same  witch who threatened   to “turn  off my blog… by cutting off my cable… and the same  group who   cut my cable for a day and then  returned it with less channels.. so I can’t watch CNBC or msnbc… or anything I want.. no law and order on channel  55… no movies on 46 or 49…. No morning joe … on msnbc… no joel osteen on channel  41…   .. or any of the regular shows I love.. wow  pretty  evil right…. So get this.. they also put people in your life to lie to you.. Telling you there is only one option ( usually one that is horrible and will ruin your  life… but they make sure you have no one else you can talk to .. no real friends or advisors who will help you to make great situations. Out of horrid situations… and they continue with all the  lies…  and even the bully cards… and the devastating…  and cruel emails….And you can’t forget all the  horrid  people on the phone… and how carefully and skillfully  steer the conversation into  trying to make you into  whatever horrid character

  1. Like the persona the phone who obviously doesn’t know who the hell I am !…..  so went through the gambit of characters who are supposed to  be me… or to fit into a box… was I the girl who couldn’t sleep?…. Then she can bully me about perhaps being suicidal?…  or tell me that I should “go to bed now”.. that night time is a time for sleep… talking to me as if I was a child… or telling me that I would mess up meeting anyone….  any new guy and  doing pretty much anything to get me upset… 

  1.   ….   But then they have a girl who is trying to be me… I guess… the identity thief… the bitch who stole my life/identity in 2002… I think she even got married… because I was given this book called “the reluctant bride in 2003” …. When I wasn’t dating anyone… at all… but when I met the criminal gerard alher and his family:   Steve and Kristine Mariucci… also when  Kristine told me not to leave my check book out in my condo on my table…. The start of the criminals… and the scum who ruined my life…

  1. I was also told… that not only was someone monitoring my blog… but that whatever I write will hurt me.. and that I am supposed to “keep secrets” and “keep quiet”….. … especially if someone hurts me.. lies to me steals from me…. or makes me cry..or has me go without… and especially not to mention karne kahel…. And  keep  quiet  about what anyone says to me even if it makes me cry…. Especially when it is someone  that they doesn’t  want me to write about… you know because  I guess when I write the truth… I might  ruin their latest scam… I guess…. Then I am definitely not  supposed to  write about it… and  I am to keep  quiet….  So their identity thief can steal my Christmas… and my new years.. and my life for just one  more year…. Since  she is probably just another fake, manipulative….. abusive  little lying  whore l  mean witch just like  Karen kahel…. 

  1. Also  recently  when  I wrote in my blog that I watched   a show..or  even when I commented about a movie  I love… they have to take  it away…. Or ruin what i already have…  or steal what they need… like  did I mention that i am actually missing a cookie tray!… one  I use to  make gingerbread man cookies….  Yes…. And still missing  one ceramic creamer…container…  and still never got back my  sorority date function  pictures… my diamond d earrings.. and pearl earrings.. and  that kakahi cashmere sweater…..

  1. Did I mention the comforters?… now really they were  ruined in the wash.. bleached and I never washed them ….. ever… no one ever  used them… ever….  the things you love .. the take away from  you… isn’t that what people who torture people usually do….. I  mean that is the  purest of evil…. Right?  To manipulate .to threaten.. to take away things…  threaten  to hurt…. … they are really good at torture. And torment… and  psycholological  torture and torment…. Abuse… no brusies..on the  outside… just  ruining ten years of my life… through their sick and twisted methods… gosh I wish someone  would stop  her and her whole  famly and all her friends…and the people she hires to do all her diryt work…. Iwish… by Christmas… someone would put an end to her evil ways… and her evil family’s ways….   Then the new year would  start fresh  without at least with out some evil…in the world and in naples..  adnwho knows maybe the ripple effect ofgetting  rid of evil in florida and ohio…. And wher ever else her tenticles..have  spawned evil…  will bring  about a great and wonderful new year….. one can only hope…

  1. The same  woman on the phone who decided in her  “god complex  ways”… that  she would not allow me to ever meet anyone… not  meet the piano player who  worked with  Michael Bolton… or this guy Brian… or anyone….   
The same woman who threatened that I  am  not  given the freedom of speech that all Americans have but that I should be careful.. and I quote..” be very careful  “ of what I wri

Saturday December 17th 2011 @ 10:44pm ( email sentot bricksone and fed ex.)

i jsut received two packages from fed ex today. Both from bricksonne security.  One package was not in the official red security tape that thecompany said all the packages should be packaged in.  It sia GPS Trackgn device and says i am at a differet location  thatn  myhome when i log into my accouunt. i have already filed an online  police report   as it is a federal offense totamper wtih the  mail coudl you please help me to find out what happendto my device? as i have to pay for service each month and it was bought to prevent any criminal activity.  thanak youfor yoru kind attentionto thisemaili.   

sATURDAY December 17th 2011 @ 10:42pm ( summary of where my gps is… and has stayed… note.. not my address! ) …

Summary More GeoFence Alerts Video Links


171.82 mi  Asset ID: Start: 12/17/2011 2:54:07 AM

Sawgrass Expy, Coconut Creek, FL, United States

Lat:26.304024 | Lon: -80.181256  | Alt: -1 ft


Last: 12/17/2011 11:41:14 AM

5669 Heron Ln, FL, 34110, United States

Lat:26.277997 Lon: -81.744699 | Alt: 11 ft


Duration: 8 hours 47 minutes

 Direction: North

Spd: 0 mph