Author Archives: mary jean ziska

february 7the and 8th 2012 meeting notes

Blog entry  for Tuesday feb 7th 2012 written on Wednesday feb. 8th 2012.


So yesterday  ( Tuesday feb 7th 2012 I was organizing files and getting paperwork together for today’s meetins   at 2:00pm with l my lawyer larry pivacek my guardian Patrick weber and with one or two doctors and two nurses. 

The doctors names are:   dr. larry  saunders  and  I also got a notice that a dr. gene mccree along with two nurses Cecilia almeda and nurse lavigne  Kirkpatrick will also be  doing the evaluations…   these people get to evaluate me and my life and my need  for a guardian. 

I received a message from  larry that even though he is my lawyer representing me in this  guardian ship case, , he may not be able to attend because the apt wasn’t  coordinated with his schedule. He was very nice when  I met with him and Patrick weber in patirck webers office )  4670cardinal way Naples fl 34112 -6783 telephone number:  239417-1040.   As a lawyer as well, Patrick was assigned to me in 2007 as my guardian in financial matters ….  And that is the evaluation that will be conducted toady as well…  the paperwork that I received that was after the continuance of the last hearing when I had not met with  my lawyer.. I men I had never net my new attorney larrry pivacek  mentioned that  the  limited guardianship would include the  ability to  represent in court cases.. and in finances..  and other such matters…


 Larry p. was very nice when I met with him and Patrick  last week January 24th at 3:00pm  in Patrick weber’s office.  So I was a bit disappointed that he will not be there today when I have to meet with all these people  who will be evaluating me…. And deciding my fate.  I’m actually pretty nervous…. 

At the first meeting I was prepared  with files and personal data  /info  just as I am today…  I wasn’t sure exactly how much  information I should bring.. but  I guess I am bringing just about everything…   I have files /info on the  dismissal of my mortgage .. I have info on basic skills and how I take care of myself and my home… I even have pictures of my home to coordinate with my description of what chores I can perform.. and  I have printed out the Florida  statutes  744  that outlines al the guidelines an d requirement for the  evaluation and for me.. Concerning the guardianship… I have my bank account info and   even listed the most recent bank statement and credit report.

 Some of the information seems  really silly to put in writing… but I guess it is necessary to make sure all the bases are covered and to make sure that no ;mistakes are made this time around…   I have printed out the bills I paid on car insurance and  electric… and  I am planning on bringing a tape recorder to  document all of this .. so that nothing g will ever go wrong g this time.  Twelve years of my life has been ruined on purpose and  I am not allowing any mr of it to happen to me.. ever…  

I’m pretty nervous like I mentioned by my sister mattie is going to  go with me this time, last time my mother marion  Gregory was there….  So it will be nice to have family  there to make sure  I’m not harm or bullied or harassed… but that  is what my lawyer and  guardian are for as well….  They are there to protect my interests and to be my representative in any of these cases….


I emailed Patrick weber all my concerns and issues and I wanted to address  I never heard back from him I emailed him using the email address  in  his fl.  bar association  membership page ( ) it was the same email I  had on the business card I received form him…  

 But I did get an email concerning this appointment  today but from a different email address.. I will  put the email in the blog post… what was odd was when I called he  law firm… I think I t was a woman named sarah who answered the phone… she  couldn’t verify   or deny if the email I had received was his personal email address.. and i couldn’t find it anywhere on line.. hummm… I am going under the assumption that it must be his own personal email right?   

  Anyway since the email address count be verified and I will be leaving my home I wanted to document all of this along with telling the police to do a drive by because  none should be at my home… and if anyone is breaking and entering .they should be arrested… plus.. it would be a horrible  bully girl like karne kahel who would  have to think up such a vile  and horrid  plant if they were trying to manipulate my guardianship to their advantage where my  liberties and my  future is at  stake… I mean a really  vile bully trespassing type of person who would  cheat on her husband.. and lie and  close of out  bank accounts and ruin lives for her own selfish pleasure… so I am hoping and praying that Karen and her gerards and their criminal friends  are not involved in messing  up my life. Even more than they already have…. Especially since they have already ruined 12 years.. and they need to  be held culpable for the damage thy have already done…  I don’t  think they would want to be held  responsible for  more damages  they already owe me 12 years.. that were priceless… and I expect  them to pay  ….  But who knows… I can’t think like these slimy criminals..

  Its just weird that I didn’t get any feed back from him…     


february 2nd 2012 email sent form patrick weber from different email address:

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Ziska Guardianship

Thursday, February 2, 2012 3:25 PM


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Mary: I just wanted to confirm that we have set an appointment at my office for Wed., Feb. 8th at 2:00 PM, for you to meet with the examining committee members and discuss your case again. I tried to return your call but was unable to connect with you. I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday. Have a great weekend. 

Patrick C. Weber, Esquire

Collier/Charlotte County Public Guardian

4670 Cardinal Way

Suite 301

Naples, Florida 34112

Office: (239) 417-1040

Fax:    (239) 417-1042


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Tuesday february 7th 2012 ( i couldn’t go on line all day.. had to re download my entire harddrive again… Ugg) .

Well i am writing this blog post today.. on wednesday feb 8th 2012  but  i shoudl have been able to write this blog post yeaterday..except that i coudnt go on line all day…   it wasnt as if my hardrive crashed.. it had no option of windows onthe hardrive when i went to  down  load it… and   i literally had to down load everythingallover again…  then i went to make sure that i coudl get touse my laptop  to view my security system.. and  there seemed to be a blockage (at least that ais wat the  one perosn form the security syste said….  so i had to reconfigure my  router.. and her is the wierd part.. i calld the nubmer tha tissuppose to be inteh united states… and  they sent me to india.. and toteh philipines.. and  they coudlnt help me.. but wanted allteh  serial nubmers.. and  then  i say it again  they could not help me….
 very frustrating… a very frustrating day..  i was completely frazeled by 4pm and it jsu tgot worse by  8pm……   i told the gril inthe philipines.. she sounded just liek the peole who wer  the ones wanted to knwo allmy perosnal infor aboutmy l mycredtireport .com.. when mywon perosnal info  woudl no tlogn into my own account… inclluding my own social security number!!!!!!!!!! 
 i asked for info onteh  router i had in my possession.. remember its not the origional one i got frm my mom…  because i had written  property of my ar jean ziska all ove the back of it… and   filed a plice report over it… she said he coudlnt give me any information… but coudl tell me that on sept 24th 2012… that someoen paid 9 dollars fro service call to  cosco…  what i dotn understand when i registered.. ihad to put in my name my   eamil address  telephone..and  all sorts of defining information that  coudl be helpful  if  i wer  to be located.. right???? i had to reregister  this stupid router in my name  so  i may have lost any chance of ever fising out who origionally bout it or owned it… by 11pm i finally had my laptop back to working  and online.. and thismornign i had to redwonload microsoft ooffice… teh trial version…  of professional 2012…. so i can write documents and can  copy and past hem in this blog… ugg.. anyway.i have so much more to say  but will have to wait until after my evaluation… at i have to go adn tell the police to make sure  they do a drive by incade anyone decides to use my home for ther little whore to door service meetings….     

Wednesday february 08th 2012 @ 11:46am (meeting today at 2pm at patrick webers office)

people who are supposed to be at meeting.. some of them i have foudn backgroud info on .. like looking up the doctors in the ama.. and one nurse is featured in linked… but others cantfind out any info onthem… 
 her are ther names and the info i have found..
1.   larry pivacek my lawyer: 
2. bpatrick weber
dr. larry saunders 
cecilia almedia 
lavigne kirkpatrick 
dr. gene mc cree   

Tuesday february 7th 2012 ( i couldn’t go on line all day.. had to re download my entire harddrive again… Ugg) .

Well i am writing this blog post today.. on wednesday feb 8th 2012  but  i shoudl have been able to write this blog post yeaterday..except that i coudnt go on line all day…   it wasnt as if my hardrive crashed.. it had no option of windows onthe hardrive when i went to  down  load it… and   i literally had to down load everythingallover again…  then i went to make sure that i coudl get touse my laptop  to view my security system.. and  there seemed to be a blockage (at least that ais wat the  one perosn form the security syste said….  so i had to reconfigure my  router.. and her is the wierd part.. i calld the nubmer tha tissuppose to be inteh united states… and  they sent me to india.. and toteh philipines.. and  they coudlnt help me.. but wanted allteh  serial nubmers.. and  then  i say it again  they could not help me….
 very frustrating… a very frustrating day..  i was completely frazeled by 4pm and it jsu tgot worse by  8pm……   i told the gril inthe philipines.. she sounded just liek the peole who wer  the ones wanted to knwo allmy perosnal infor aboutmy l mycredtireport .com.. when mywon perosnal info  woudl no tlogn into my own account… inclluding my own social security number!!!!!!!!!! 
 i asked for info onteh  router i had in my possession.. remember its not the origional one i got frm my mom…  because i had written  property of my ar jean ziska all ove the back of it… and   filed a plice report over it… she said he coudlnt give me any information… but coudl tell me that on sept 24th 2012… that someoen paid 9 dollars fro service call to  cosco…  what i dotn understand when i registered.. ihad to put in my name my   eamil address  telephone..and  all sorts of defining information that  coudl be helpful  if  i wer  to be located.. right???? i had to reregister  this stupid router in my name  so  i may have lost any chance of ever fising out who origionally bout it or owned it… by 11pm i finally had my laptop back to working  and online.. and thismornign i had to redwonload microsoft ooffice… teh trial version…  of professional 2012…. so i can write documents and can  copy and past hem in this blog… ugg.. anyway.i have so much more to say  but will have to wait until after my evaluation… at i have to go adn tell the police to make sure  they do a drive by incade anyone decides to use my home for ther little whore to door service meetings….     

wednesday februarey 8th 2012 @ 11:30am ( notes for todays meetings)

Blog entry  for Tuesday feb 7th 2012 written on Wednesday feb. 8th 2012.


So yesterday  ( Tuesday feb 7th 2012 I was organizing files and getting paperwork together for today’s meetins   at 2:00pm with l my lawyer larry pivacek my guardian Patrick weber and with one or two doctors and two nurses. 

The doctors names are:   dr. larry  saunders  and  I also got a notice that a dr. gene mccree along with two nurses Cecilia almeda and nurse lavigne  Kirkpatrick will also be  doing the evaluations…   these people get to evaluate me and my life and my need  for a guardian. 

I received a message from  larry that even though he is my lawyer representing me in this  guardian ship case, , he may not be able to attend because the apt wasn’t  coordinated with his schedule. He was very nice when  I met with him and Patrick weber in patirck webers office )  4670cardinal way Naples fl 34112 -6783 telephone number:  239417-1040.   As a lawyer as well, Patrick was assigned to me in 2007 as my guardian in financial matters ….  And that is the evaluation that will be conducted toady as well…  the paperwork that I received that was after the continuance of the last hearing when I had not met with  my lawyer.. I men I had never net my new attorney larrry pivacek  mentioned that  the  limited guardianship would include the  ability to  represent in court cases.. and in finances..  and other such matters…


 Larry p. was very nice when I met with him and Patrick  last week January 24th at 3:00pm  in Patrick weber’s office.  So I was a bit disappointed that he will not be there today when I have to meet with all these people  who will be evaluating me…. And deciding my fate.  I’m actually pretty nervous…. 

At the first meeting I was prepared  with files and personal data  /info  just as I am today…  I wasn’t sure exactly how much  information I should bring.. but  I guess I am bringing just about everything…   I have files /info on the  dismissal of my mortgage .. I have info on basic skills and how I take care of myself and my home… I even have pictures of my home to coordinate with my description of what chores I can perform.. and  I have printed out the Florida  statutes  744  that outlines al the guidelines an d requirement for the  evaluation and for me.. Concerning the guardianship… I have my bank account info and   even listed the most recent bank statement and credit report.

 Some of the information seems  really silly to put in writing… but I guess it is necessary to make sure all the bases are covered and to make sure that no ;mistakes are made this time around…   I have printed out the bills I paid on car insurance and  electric… and  I am planning on bringing a tape recorder to  document all of this .. so that nothing g will ever go wrong g this time.  Twelve years of my life has been ruined on purpose and  I am not allowing any mr of it to happen to me.. ever…   

I’m pretty nervous like I mentioned by my sister mattie is going to  go with me this time, last time my mother marion  Gregory was there….  So it will be nice to have family  there to make sure  I’m not harm or bullied or harassed… but that  is what my lawyer and  guardian are for as well….  They are there to protect my interests and to be my representative in any of these cases….


I emailed Patrick weber all my concerns and issues and I wanted to address  I never heard back from him I emailed him using the email address  in  his fl.  bar association  membership page ( ) it was the same email I  had on the business card I received form him…   

 But I did get an email concerning this appointment  today but from a different email address.. I will  put the email in the blog post… what was odd was when I called he  law firm… I think I t was a woman named sarah who answered the phone… she  couldn’t verify   or deny if the email I had received was his personal email address.. and i couldn’t find it anywhere on line.. hummm… I am going under the assumption that it must be his own personal email right?    

  Anyway since the email address count be verified and I will be leaving my home I wanted to document all of this along with telling the police to do a drive by because  none should be at my home… and if anyone is breaking and entering .they should be arrested… plus.. it would be a horrible  bully girl like karne kahel who would  have to think up such a vile  and horrid  plant if they were trying to manipulate my guardianship to their advantage where my  liberties and my  future is at  stake… I mean a really  vile bully trespassing type of person who would  cheat on her husband.. and lie and  close of out  bank accounts and ruin lives for her own selfish pleasure… so I am hoping and praying that Karen and her gerards and their criminal friends  are not involved in messing  up my life. Even more than they already have…. Especially since they have already ruined 12 years.. and they need to  be held culpable for the damage thy have already done…  I don’t  think they would want to be held  responsible for  more damages  they already owe me 12 years.. that were priceless… and I expect  them to pay  ….  But who knows… I can’t think like these slimy criminals..

  Its just weird that I didn’t get any feed back from him…     


wed feb. 1st 2012 cant see m y website or my blog post… agains tthelaw if cant vie it online…. viotlates my freedom o f speech adn also fl 815

 I just went on line to see my website and my blog posts… and couldnt reach my website or blog…   at all.. not see one page.. at all…  if anyone is tampering with my  freesom of speech…  if they are messign with my intenet services…paid website  paid blog.. that is against the law… violates florida state 815…. definatly!   

wed. feb. 1st 2012 @ 1:11pm ( free credit report .com have been onteh phone adn online trying to long on since 11:05am… mess )

wednesday feb. 1st 2012
 starting this mrnign at 11:05am tried wto log onto free credit report .com …. what  a mess today…  even when i tried to log onto my blog:   my it froze…  couldnt possible be coneted to a contol feak and hacker who likes to contol things… like th einternet connections..or blog enties… lets see…

maybe another criminal gaining contol and getting info… for a new idenity thied… i mean it is a new month… it has basically taken a month at a  time when the new slime who needs my info to create some idenity.. or residence.. or what?????? which of cours estill is ruinig my life…

Today it is teh phone calls to the  website that were all wacky…   teh telephon numbe ri was tryig to call was 877-481-6826
i started today calling at 11:05am and at 11:07am i was able to reach a computer gererated voice asking  for all my info then it hung up on me….  i tried to cal back at 11:08am and asked for a represenative … i finally reached a rep named chelle id #66297( 11:17am)  located it the phillipines and  she fianally after getting info  told me she coudln thear me.. at 11:22 am she tried to connet me to her supervisor FRED….  her suposed supervisor.. who when i actuallly spoke to hem he didint give me his supervisor number but hung up and teh #5 was left on teh caller id…
at 11:29am i tried to press #3 when calling again to ssee if i coudl get to antoehr peron …or a real peroan… instead of sutomated.. and if i coud be connected to  anyoen in the united states where i  might be a better  connection….  i spoke with  elaina id #66139 also from the the philipines….  she put me on hold dn i was hung up in  at 11:40am….

i called agin at 11:42am and spoke with nichole ( 6207 or 6007 sorry… cant read someof my scribbled handwriting… too manynotes tryig to keep track of allthe mess ups… 
she put me on hold at 11:51 whiel tryin t o get to a connection in the united states….  she asked fo rmy date of birth.. then went to “get her supervisor…”  when she cam back she wanted mroe personal info… ta tshe coudn tlog into my account….  allthe questons  for personla info went inteh same order or even the same quetion.. each time i spoke with antoher perosn  i was asked varing quesistons… and each time  none of the informaitn got me into my account but most times it got me to  a ahng up hwher ei jsut tried to callagain…. 
 at 11:59am when i  finanly gotto a  woman who claimed to be inteh continantil usa and a supervisor… named jacker.. id #25710….. i gave her my email address and for verification she asked me three caring quetions and told me that ther wer probably manypwole who  had my saem last name.. so to clarify who i am in that group… ther wer varing questions… 
about my home… or  questons about tmortgages..or cars..  then she was able to help m elog in  with a pin… but hen afte i got through that page… adn thoguht i was alllogged on.. i saw a brief page that had a large numbers for my credit score.. then…  poof it was gone.. and wen t back to log in page.. and it again wodnt let me log in…  she aslotodl me that i coudl get allthree of my credti reports in three days… which i thogh i coudl do that forma logn time ago…  frmwhen i lat logged in .. another puzzleing  problem.. the lat time i logged into my accoutn .. i had a credit score of 590… this time it says…. 579????  adn it woud not accept my social secutynumber…  what the hell is goign on…?????? i thinki need to tell the police and put in another report for the  conitinung  priblmes eweiht iddentiy theft….     so at 12:19pm.. i was back to the same point… where i coudl nto log into my credti report… from free credit report .com….  this is horrible… these peole have all my personal info…  bit by bit… and somethng is stillscrewed up….

wait teh day is not over …  at 12:26pm i called again and got antoher automated service that hung up on me.. i had given that the last 4 digits of my social security…  date of irth adnthenit asked for my date of birth 3 times…  
called agin while tryign to logging .. and  while  onhold.. iagain coudlnt log in at eh poin ti ned to put my social security number in for id verificaiton….   so at 12:34pm i got ann id number 66334 who claimed she coud not transfer me to teh  usa… bu then someoen how go a hold of jackie… the personwho was supposed to be asupervisor.. and supposed to be fromteh us.or actuallyin the usa… ( personlly i thnk it wa sa lie.  teh person i spoke wtih sounded a bit different..)  who instead od gogin through  a verification process to help me.. she was askign me th saem questions allteh other people have been adking me…  like:   my zip ode.. my last 4 digits of ss  then she hung up on 12:43pm   and i basiclly quit to writ all of this in teh blog and see waht the policeor comacst can do…..  icant beliee i am payign for the internet .. and getting allthis messed up phone people.. is it becaus it is the sme cable line? or is it my magic jack? or what isthe problem this time…  and when i first tried to log into my blog… it froze…  today allthe messed up phone calls were rooted inteh phillipines… its a shame.. bu ti must say thises past 12 years..instead of gaining this great love of  allteh peole  of the owrld… it has been oppoiste.. because i keep gttign intouch with alltehes cirminals who are from all over th  world.. and when i ask for peoe form the usa..   its even meesssed up  when they wantme to live in golden gate.. or wlese where..  and have somefamily  i dont have.. or  msotly these porblems …. or accuse me of allthes ethings that i never did or shoudl have ever been accused of…. 
its a shaeme i am learnign mro ena more to hate…  these groups  entire groups of people i will learn not to trust.. and i was never that way before.. i mean  lie these peole from the phillipines.. i actialy had a childhood family  the agutos who i grew up iwth  in saudi…an was in barbaras wedding… andi love ther family… butthen the groupof peol who messeu  my virgin  mobil account..and  wer definatly not honest  and even tried to access my; bank accounts…. ho wam i supposed to  decidde who is safe to  knwo from anyhwerer….  when righ tnow it seems to be everyone who is soo self interested and self motivated.. adn soo criminal in ther intent…. ugg… what a waste of a mornign and a day…. when these shcoudl have beena easy task.. wher i coudl have been able to  actually fix something….. on th ecredit reports… ugg…   

Tuesday january 31st 2012 ( disappointmetn in yet another guy without integrity or honor…. )

lesson for today don’t trust anything anyone says,…. dont rely on a verbal contract…. and  dont do anythng extra for anyone… they will only hurt you,  and disappoint you…..   a shame since it is my dad’s b-day… tha i got another lesson that people men and boys…. will  look out for themselves.. never honor a contract or agreement and basically anycode of ethics from  anyone in  college even gret colleges like duke… will  still show dishonor at the first chance.
my dad onteh other hand… a really great guy… a man with real integrity.. andhonor.. who believed in following through with  what he said he woudldo .. a man yu coudl  count on… could rely on.. a man who was so honest..  and trusting… who went out of his way to make sure the women in his life were alright.. were treated with respect…with dignity.. the man held doors open… for his daughtrs.. made sure our lives were great…. thank you dad for  showign me what a real man shoudl be like… he was humble not arragont.. not showy…  he was what a real man should be like….. i can teven desccribe how disappointed i am inteh people i have in my life who dont  even come clsoe to being men of integrity.. or honor….. not close at all…. 


Monday january 30th 2012 @ 4:07pm ( additonal email sent to police, to brickstone and to svat and cwd )

have had someone hack into my 8 camera security system that I purchased from brick house security systems.  i cannot log into my account.. with the log in name and password i set up.  i do not know if they have compromised my the entire box that was in a locked room in my locked home or just remotely have hacked into it. Help! i believe they did this because they  broke into my home last week and needed to get rid of the evidence.   Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. A representative has also emailed you from brickhouse security and yesterday i spent hours on the phone not reaching anyone who could help but getting a message saying you have another company handling your security system.   I must tell you that they never helped or contacted me back and this is horrid service especially when dealing with security the criminals would be far away in  30 minutes long before the 203 days response time for assistance. i need the video evidence to give to the police !