Author Archives: mary jean ziska

monday august 27th 2012 @ 11:22am: contents of package for judges lawyersa dn congressman and state officials email to patrick june 28th 2012

Hi Patrick ,

Once  again i am trying to reach you and keep getting your  voice mail.  I left a message today June 28th @12:37pm asking you about the paperwork i received and the status of the foreclosure.  I received a paper in the mail stating the foreclosure was vacated…. does that mean you did not  ask for a continuance to run out the statute of limitations as we had previously discussed?  Does this mean they can start everything all over again  when if the statute of limitations had run out they would not have been able to start all over again? 

I don’t understand who’s side you are on… when you were in court and told the judge that you would allow for  the statute of limitations to be waved so that they could continue to sue  well after the statute of limitations was over…. that was not in my best interest…. 

When you are not reading any of my emails and my research documenting  all the fraud, the criminal  activity and  wrong doings that have occurred as far back as aegis  mortgage.. when Ein stein asked for a personal loan…. i must believe that  you are not  addressing any of my wishes or my best interest…. 

When you do not contact me concerning decisions you are making and not making for my life and for my home, that you are not putting my best interest  or my future as a priority for your work load. 

My mother said you were overworked and had 150 cases pending and  didn’t have the time  to put your full attention  on my case… my life or my home Is that true? If you honestly cannot commit to helping me to your best ability… you should tell the judge…    so that someone who is capable of actually caring  about the life of a person they are supposed to be a guardian to will be taken seriously and will be   addressed with the proper attention.  

I thought we had discussed that after you made such a horrendous mistake of allowing  for the HOA to set a date of sale…. When the guardianship case had not even been completed…. That you  were going to  ask for a continuance… that way the guardian ship case  which required 3 doctors evaluations could be completed…. And would have allowed for the  1 year statute of limitations to have run out thus if any agreement  for any type of payment had to be made then there would have been a limit on the amount  the  HOA could reasonable  ask for…. I believe there is a case that sets present  and limits not only the time frame that  a case can be open when no decisions are finalized… and also sets limits as to the amount of moneys to be collected. 

I also thought the strategic plan concerning the HOA and the foreclosure since you have drawn this out  and made no attempt to  fix anything… including my credit after the identity theft, the identity theft itself,  the increase in the medical disability payments which you said would help with,  the payments for the HOA or equity line of credit or loan .

I am really nervous about the last line of the paperwork which mentions that my guardian agrees to accept service and will file a responsive pleading within 30 days….. from the date of this  order which is dated june 21st  what does all this mean?


The paperwork you said from regions bank…. The $100.00 monthly payment….for the HOA… I have an email sent to my mother attesting to all of this…. the agreement you made a deal with…


 I’ve  sent you information about all the mortgages and the people involved… the fraud, the  companies that actually went bankrupt…. Out of business… these people you are dealing with  …are they the same ones who were fined?  Is this  the same company I sent you the  information on?

You have not introduced the misconduct, the lack of ethics and the criminal aspect of all the fraud that went on concerning the mortgages… and the identity theft, the many other horrid experiences I have had to endure these past 10 years…..   why?

  Sincerely   mary jean Ziska


monday august 27th 2012 @ 11:13am: email sent to morning joe, ellen and local government and television stations for assistance to make a change in guardianships , e

 At 12 : 45pm

Blog post to joe scarb. And morning joe august 24th 2012

my name is mary jean ziska. I am completely disgusted with the corruption  involved in the  assistance  given by the guardians in Florida, I  just sent an email to congressman Connie Mack  and morning Joe today at 12: 26pm 8/24/12.

I understand they must be overworked but they are holding home ownership and people’s lives in their hands It has been a horrid and corrupt experience for me! and no one will do anything to change anything because  those of us  who have guardians are i guess disposable and not considered important…. i am only 46 years old and  have unsuccessfully  tried to stop the injustice but what happens to the elderly or those people  who have full guardianship…and have not been even able to stand up for themselves at all…. stop   (I have a limited guardianship where Patrick weber is supposed to assist in financial and  legal matters..,, ) he has not in one year assisted in fixing anything  we discussed in our first meeting.,, he is not following even the  Florida statutes 744… for what is required  from guardian,,, and there I have not been able to  even get  the attention of the courts  to this great travesty  since he is supposed to be in charge of my legal and financial matters…!  Florida can’t be the only state where injustice within the guardian ship arena exists… someone in media needs to bring attention to   this subject!   i will email in a separate box  the email i sent to Connie Mack concerning this and other matters   of corruption i have been trying to stop since 2002 when my identity was stolen! I started a website;  to detail  the worst 10 years of my life…. full of horrid experiences …. but helpful information to stop criminals , bullies and   this  from ever happening to anyone else … thank you for your  kind attention  to this email/ post  sincerely, mary jean ziska      

Monday august 27th 2012 @ 11:00am: email to congressman and govenor

My name is mary jean ziska.  I reside in Naples florida and have lived here on and off since 1984.  I purchased a condo in 1999.  It is located in The Strand address:  *****xxxxxxxxx***** Naples Florida .   I am 46 years old and I have been living through the worst ten years of my life!   In 2002 my identity was stolen  but i did not realize it until last year when I wanted to get an equity line of credit and requested my credit reports.  I had been fighting against con-artist and criminals since 2003 when i met a person who claimed he was gerard ahler and owned pro line contracting in brooklyn new york.  He also claimed he was a member of the mafia and against everyone’s advice i  told him what he asked about my family’s property  about my families money and about my history… thought i was invincible and that he could not hurt me.. or my family… but he ended up getting threatening on the phone, controlling and  he liked to scare me into tears. At one point in time he threatened to kill my mother! He said he would steal my businesses my family’s property and ruin my life. My life was never the same again.  His sister Christine martucci told me that i should not leave my bank check book on my dining room table, one day while I was working in her house in Marco island… that is when i knew was the first of many  times they have broken into my home.  I have had items of clothing, jewelry, business files and  even personal pictures stolen from my home and  my car.   I met a girl in 2005 named karen kahle who i briefly worked for through my mother’s  babysitting business  who asked for my social security  number and worked at 5th third bank. I babysat for her when she was having an affair on her husband and  i [personally know she trespassed into the strand by walking her baby and having her other babysitters walk the baby into the strand!  I know this because she told me that i should leave the side of her house and  trespass into the strand though the sidewalk! I am telling you all of this because she and others used the phone service to bully me to harass me and i had a nervous breakdown which lead me to enlisting the assistance of a guardian to stop the criminal activity to fix what these criminals have already done to my life, my home ownership and  what they have done to personally ruin my reputation and my life let alone my credit and my trust in  anyone! Additional criminals to add to the list were a series of robo- signing crooks including  Ein stein from Aegis… David J Stern from residential funding and  a string of problems with  mortgages and in addition a foreclosure suit  by my  HOA!  My life is a mess and due to these criminals…. The guardian was enlisted to help, to correct these grievances and to only  deal with legal and financial matters! the lawyer who is supposed to help me in regards to  the guardian is named Larry Pivacek. The guardian I have had on and off since 2006 is named Patrick Weber.  No one is doing their job, neither of them have assisted in fixing anything, I don’t even believe an action plan was ever filed stating what they were supposed to have accomplished through their services.  Both are getting pid by the state and i believe the state should be made aware of this horrid situation! i believe they are just getting money from the government and not being held accountable for actually helping!  These were the areas that they told me a year ago  that they were going to help:

1:  increase my medical disability amount of money

2:  clear the title on my home from all the fraud and criminal robo- signers

3:  confirm that since David stern lost the mortgage note … that the  mortgage should have been dismissed/ forgiven due to the substantial  fraud… there should be no mortgage  on my condo… presently it is a mess three different credit reports  list multiple owners, and  multiple amounts that should have been  dismissed after fraud in 2005…

4: Patrick weber said he wanted to get a loan from his friend at regions bank for assisting in paying of the HOA fees that were the issue for the  foreclosure suit  by the  HOA. He did not do this, nor did he  take my request in 2011 when i asked that he get my own bank  to be a co- guardian as per an option in the Florida statues 744. 

5. he was made my guardian to specifically help defend the  foreclosure suit and in fact the original  suit was dismissed but then he accepted service on a new suit ( is what I was told) He personally told me he did not know how to defend a foreclosure suit  and was obligated to get legal counsel to defend the suit. He never did.  The other lawyer working on my behalf, larry pivaceck also emailed me that he will deal with nothing but the guardianship case meaning will not help in the foreclosure case!   Both were enlisted to protect my rights and to assist in legal and financial matters.  They are being paid by the government to protect my rights and  they were legally obligated to obtain competent legal  representation! That was not done at all!  In fact Patrick weber accepted service on the  new foreclosure before getting a lawyer who  was versed in defending foreclosure suits.    

6. He was supposed to help clear up the identity theft items  on my credit report.

7.  He was supposed to protect me from fraud and criminals who have preyed on me in my past and who i want to prosecute.

8. He was supposed to help to prosecute  Karen kahel’s bullying which  caused  the  last nervous breakdown in 2007.  Her bullying and infliction of emotional distress  left me with a medical  bill of $5000.00 which I needed  to have relieved though a law suit  making karen kahel and her bully friends accountable for their actions.

9.  Ian stein with my aegis  mortgage in 2005, asked for a personal loan  to pay his child support when I finalized the  refinancing in 2005.  I didn’t know that  was very   suspect and very unethical but  when I went to get repayment of the loan his phones were  disconnected, and soon after  the offices  closed  and the company eventually went bankrupt! My guardian was to help me get the money back!

10.  As per the HOA he was to reduce the amount owed not owed the attorney fees and the interest    due to the fact that  the first  foreclosure starting in
July 2011  was done improperly and  not addressed to my guardian but to me… when he was supposed to be in charge of all  legal and financial matters!  He  actually was really horrid when he  “winked and blinked” as if it was a joke  and told the courts he would waive the statute  of limitations   which was almost up ( one year) and accepted service on this new foreclosure  a few weeks before the limit  was up and when he still did not have any legal representation in place!   He  actually had me go through more emotional torture when a sale date was set for my condo  so instead of actually helping me he was harming my home ownership!  He did everything  wrong and I think he did it wrong on purpose! He told me when  we first met and I had asked if I  should petition to have my independence back.. That I should  keep him for my guardian at least this year for all the help he could provide.. and so far  nothing has been fixed! 

I  keep getting threatened that there is  a large amount of money owed for the HOA and owed immediately.. as of last week I was told he made some deal where I needed $5000.00 down and had to pay $500.00 a month to the HOA…  to stay in my condo….a far cry from the loan he was going to get from his buddy where the payment was $100.00 a month!  The  $500.00 a month payment is more than my medical disability total amount! If I had $5000.00 I would have been able to afford a real lawyer who specialize in HOA disputes and knew how to defend a foreclose suit!  Something very wrong is going on here! Just yesterday I got  a bullying phone call saying I  now owe $62,000.00 that needs to be paid to the HOA…It is even  worse… than not having a guardian  “helping  me legally” . The total amount was supposed to only be  $20,000. and  could have been bargained down  if he had actually let the statute of limitation  run out …… but since he didn’t have any legal representation in place at the time… and  I still l do not have another  real lawyer  who knows how to defend a foreclosure….( that he was supposed to find actually obligated by the Florida statutes!   He has ruined one full year with he “non-  help”  but he and  Larry are still getting paid by the government  without doing  anything!….my life is more messed up than before I gave up my  independence for this limited guardianship which was only put in place to assist in legal and financial matters…. I need government media attention to step in and stop the corruption! Thank you for your kind attention to this email, mary jean ziska 



monday august 27th 2012 @ 11:16am: email sent to channel 4 troubleshooter, channel 2 and channel 7

My name is mary jean ziska.  I reside in Naples florida and have lived here on and off since 1984.  I purchased a condo in 1999.  It is located in The Strand address:  *****xxxxxx*****Naples Florida .   I am 46 years old and I have been living through the worst ten years of my life!   In 2002 my identity was stolen  but i did not realize it until last year when I wanted to get an equity line of credit and requested my credit reports.  I had been fighting against con-artist and criminals since 2003 when i met a person who claimed he was gerard ahler and owned pro line contracting in brooklyn new york.  He also claimed he was a member of the mafia and against everyone’s advice i  told him what he asked about my family’s property  about my families money and about my history… thought i was invincible and that he could not hurt me.. or my family… but he ended up getting threatening on the phone, controlling and  he liked to scare me into tears. At one point in time he threatened to kill my mother! He said he would steal my businesses my family’s property and ruin my life. My life was never the same again.  His sister Christine martucci told me that i should not leave my bank check book on my dining room table, one day while I was working in her house in Marco island… that is when i knew was the first of many  times they have broken into my home.  I have had items of clothing, jewelry, business files and  even personal pictures stolen from my home and  my car.   I met a girl in 2005 named karen kahle who i briefly worked for through my mother’s  babysitting business  who asked for my social security  number and worked at 5th third bank. I babysat for her when she was having an affair on her husband and  i [personally know she trespassed into the strand by walking her baby and having her other babysitters walk the baby into the strand!  I know this because she told me that i should leave the side of her house and  trespass into the strand though the sidewalk! I am telling you all of this because she and others used the phone service to bully me to harass me and i had a nervous breakdown which lead me to enlisting the assistance of a guardian to stop the criminal activity to fix what these criminals have already done to my life, my home ownership and  what they have done to personally ruin my reputation and my life let alone my credit and my trust in  anyone! Additional criminals to add to the list were a series of robo- signing crooks including  Ein stein from Aegis… David J Stern from residential funding and  a string of problems with  mortgages and in addition a foreclosure suit  by my  HOA!  My life is a mess and due to these criminals…. The guardian was enlisted to help, to correct these grievances and to only  deal with legal and financial matters! the lawyer who is supposed to help me in regards to  the guardian is named larry Pivacek. The guardian I have had on and off since 2006 is named Patrick Weber.  No one is doing their job, neither of them have assisted in fixing anything, I don’t even believe an action plan was ever filed stating what they were supposed to have accomplished through their services.  Both are getting pid by the state and i believe the state should be made aware of this horrid situation! i believe they are just getting money from the government and not being held accountable for actually helping!  These were the areas that they told me a year ago  that they were going to help:

1:  increase my medical disability amount of money

2:  clear the title on my home from all the fraud and criminal robo- signers

3:  confirm that since David stern lost the mortgage note … that the  mortgage should have been dismissed/ forgiven due to the substantial  fraud… there should be no mortgage  on my condo… presently it is a mess three different credit reports  list multiple owners, and  multiple amounts that should have been  dismissed after fraud in 2005…

4: Patrick weber said he wanted to get a loan from his friend at regions bank for assisting in paying of the HOA fees that were the issue for the  foreclosure suit  by the  HOA. He did not do this, nor did he  take my request in 2011 when i asked that he get my own bank  to be a co- guardian as per an option in the Florida statues 744. 

5. he was made my guardian to specifically help defend the  foreclosure suit and in fact the original  suit was dismissed but then he accepted service on a new suit ( is what I was told) He personally told me he did not know how to defend a foreclosure suit  and was obligated to get legal counsel to defend the suit. He never did.  The other lawyer working on my behalf, larry pivaceck also emailed me that he will deal with nothing but the guardianship case meaning will not help in the foreclosure case!   Both were enlisted to protect my rights and to assist in legal and financial matters.  They are being paid by the government to protect my rights and  they were legally obligated to obtain competent legal  representation! That was not done at all!  In fact Patrick weber accepted service on the  new foreclosure before getting a lawyer who  was versed in defending foreclosure suits.   

6. He was supposed to help clear up the identity theft items  on my credit report.

7.  He was supposed to protect me from fraud and criminals who have preyed on me in my past and who i want to prosecute.

8. He was supposed to help to prosecute  Karen kahel’s bullying which  caused  the  last nervous breakdown in 2007.  Her bullying and infliction of emotional distress  left me with a medical  bill of $5000.00 which I needed  to have relieved though a law suit  making karen kahel and her bully friends accountable for their actions.

9.  Ian stein with my aegis  mortgage in 2005, asked for a personal loan  to pay his child support when I finalized the  refinancing in 2005.  I didn’t know that  was very   suspect and very unethical but  when I went to get repayment of the loan his phones were  disconnected, and soon after  the offices  closed  and the company eventually went bankrupt! My guardian was to help me get the money back!

10.  As per the HOA he was to reduce the amount owed not owed the attorney fees and the interest    due to the fact that  the first  foreclos
ure starting in July 2011  was done improperly and  not addressed to my guardian but to me… when he was supposed to be in charge of all  legal and financial matters!  He  actually was really horrid when he  “winked and blinked” as if it was a joke  and told the courts he would waive the statute  of limitations   which was almost up ( one year) and accepted service on this new foreclosure  a few weeks before the limit  was up and when he still did not have any legal representation in place!   He  actually had me go through more emotional torture when a sale date was set for my condo  so instead of actually helping me he was harming my home ownership!  He did everything  wrong and I think he did it wrong on purpose! He told me when  we first met and I had asked if I  should petition to have my independence back.. That I should  keep him for my guardian at least this year for all the help he could provide.. and so far  nothing has been fixed! 

I  keep getting threatened that there is  a large amount of money owed for the HOA and owed immediately.. as of last week I was told he made some deal where I needed $5000.00 down and had to pay $500.00 a month to the HOA…  to stay in my condo….a far cry from the loan he was going to get from his buddy where the payment was $100.00 a month!  The  $500.00 a month payment is more than my medical disability total amount! If I had $5000.00 I would have been able to afford a real lawyer who specialize in HOA disputes and knew how to defend a foreclose suit!  Something very wrong is going on here! Just yesterday I got  a bullying phone call saying I  now owe $62,000.00 that needs to be paid to the HOA…It is even  worse… than not having a guardian  “helping  me legally” . The total amount was supposed to only be  $20,000. and  could have been bargained down  if he had actually let the statute of limitation  run out …… but since he didn’t have any legal representation in place at the time… and  I still l do not have another  real lawyer  who knows how to defend a foreclosure….( that he was supposed to find actually obligated by the Florida statutes!   He has ruined one full year with he “non-  help”  but he and  Larry are still getting paid by the government  without doing  anything!….my life is more messed up than before I gave up my  independence for this limited guardianship which was only put in place to assist in legal and financial matters…. I need government media attention  to step in and stop the corruption! Thank you for your kind attention to this email, mary jean ziska 



email to cliff stern july 27th 2012 @ 12:48pm concerning phone spoofing and criminal activity that ruins lifes.. wantot prosecute help!

Dear Mr. Sterns,  July 27th 2012 @ 12:19pm
for the past ten years, I have been the victim of crime.  My idenity was stolen, my businesses ruined and my life destroyed.  A great deal of the criminal activity occured with the criminals using spoofed phone numbers. I need your help in prosecuting them and making sure that they will never harm anyoen ever again. Just this morning and last night,  i had someone call wanting to sell my mom’s  silver and my car! i called the police to make sure noone was in my  mother’shome stealing any of her possessions.
I graduated from the university of florida and am still friends with gloria fletcher (i used her work address so that this form will go though to you) andmy sister has teh highest regards for yoru morals andintegrity. My sister is maura ann ziska and  interned with you in washington.  I trust you can help as you have been instrumental in teh phone act bill and  I would love to meet wtih you. Please email me atthe emailaddres for teh website i created to bring atention to the crimes that can really damage a life… my website is: my email address is:

monday august 27th 2012 @ 2:42pm bible: judgement of solomon from wikipedia

Judgment of Solomon/From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Judgment of Solomon refers to a story from the Hebrew Bible in which King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. It has become a metaphor referring to a wise judge who uses a stratagem to determine the truth, tricking the parties into revealing their true feelings. Specifically, the judge pretends that he will destroy the subject matter of a dispute, rather than allowing either disputing party to win at the expense of the other.

Contents  [hide]  1 Biblical narrative/ 2 Jewish interpretation/ 3 “Splitting the baby”/ 4 Representations in art 4.1 Other media/5 See also/ 6 Footnotes/ 7 External links

[edit] Biblical narrative: 

School of Giorgione, The Judgement of Salomon, 1500.

The story is recounted in 1Kings 3:16-28. Two young women who lived in the same house and who both had an infant son came to Solomon for a judgement. One of the women claimed that the other, after accidentally smothering her own son while sleeping, had exchanged the two children to make it appear that the living child was hers. The other woman denied this and so both women claimed to be the mother of the living son and said that the dead boy belonged to the other.

After some deliberation, King Solomon called for a sword to be brought before him. He declared that there is only one fair solution: the live son must be split in two, each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the boy’s true mother cried out, “Please, My Lord, give her the live child—do not kill him!” However, the liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed, “It shall be neither mine nor yours—divide it!” Solomon instantly gave the live baby to the real mother, realizing that the true mother’s instincts were to protect her child, while the liar revealed that she did not truly love the child. The reputation of the king greatly increased when all the people of Israel heard of this wise judgment.

[edit] Jewish interpretation:  According to the Midrash, the two women were sisters-in-law, both of whom had borne sons, and whose husbands had died. The baby was actually the lying woman’s nephew. Therefore, when Solomon suggested that the infant be split in half, the lying woman, jealous of her nephew and sister-in-law, agreed. Thus was Solomon able to know who the real mother was.[1]

[edit] “Splitting the baby”:  The expressions “splitting the baby” or “cutting the baby in half” are sometimes used in the legal profession for a form of simple compromise solutions which “split the difference” in terms of damage awards or other remedies (e.g. a judge dividing fault between the two parties in a comparative negligence case).[2]. This usage is the opposite of that of the original metaphor and is often employed humorously.

The Judgment of Solomon has long been a popular subject for graphic artists. Considered an example of wisdom in judgment, the scene is often chosen for decoration in courthouses. In the Netherlands, many 17th century courthouses (Vierschaar rooms) contain a painting or relief of this scene. Elsewhere in Europe, celebrated examples include:

 Fresco by Raphael

 The Judgement of Solomon by William Blake

 Etching by Gustave Doré

 Woodcut by the school of Michael Wolgemut in the Nuremberg Chronicle

 Paintings by Andrea Mantegna, Poussin and Franz Caucig

 Relief sculpture on the Doge’s Palace in Venice by an unknown artist (near the exit into St. Mark’s Square)

 [edit] Other mediaThe scene has been the subject of television episodes of Dinosaurs, Recess, The Simpsons, Seinfeld (see The Seven), and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. It has influenced other artistic disciplines, e.g. see Bertolt Brecht’s play The Caucasian Chalk Circle and Ronnie snatching Kat’s baby in EastEnders.

 The HIM (Finnish band) song “Shatter Me With Hope”, includes “We’ll tear this baby apart, wise like Solomon”.



 2.^ Stephanie E. Keer and Richard W. Naimark, Arbitrators Do Not “Split-the-Baby”: Empirical Evidence from International Business Arbitrations from the Energy Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

 [edit] External links

 D. L. Ashliman, Child Custody: folktales of Aarne-Thompson type 926, variants on the tale







monday august 27th 2012 @ 3:26pm email to police concerning cyber crimes

From: “mary jean ziska” <>View contact detailsTo: “investigation department” <>, “gloria fletcher” <>, “patrick weber guardian” <>, “maura” <>Cc: “mary jean ziska”

Help, I have been dealing with a group of criminals including identity thieves since 2002. For this past week, I have been trying to use my phone and have had the phone calls disconnected, the messages deleted, and the phone numbers I am trying to reach manipulated. I am trying to contact the IT department for their cybercrimes division to help resolve this situation. I use a magic jack phone service through my computer and my cable line. I believe this group may be the same group that used to access my phone messages and steal jobs and use the information to know when I would and wouldn’t be in my home, and then they used this information to break and enter my home and steal possessions.

I just tried to call my guardian Patrick weber and reached a very unprofessional secretary. When  I tried to reach the police department I was not able to get through until the 4thor 5th attempt and even then I spoke with an uneducated black man who was not an officer and was not aware of an IT department. I tried reaching Gloria Fletcher who is an attorney in Gainesville and her line was also not accessible when I know she has secretaries, paralegals and an answering service.

Cyber crimes are against the law according to the fl statutes chapter 815. “ whoever willfully, knowingly and without authorization access or causes to be accessed any computer, computer system or computer network disrupts or denies or causes the denial of computer system to an authorized user ….” Also” 2. Commits the offense for the purpose of devising or executing any scheme or obtain property.”

I have a foreclosure suit pending where Patrick weber is supposed to be defending the suit. I need to speak to real police officers, and real lawyers and not have hackers or other criminals who are manipulating my phone and computer service interfering.

My magic jack phone number is: 239-234-4065 239-234-4065  . My address is 5632 whisperwood blvd. #1601 naples florida 34110. I need your help to stop this immediately! My email is: and I even created a website( to stop these thieves and criminals ( but it seems to not have made any impact on their criminal activities as obviously they are still in operation.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter,

Sincerely Mary Jean Ziska

Marion Gregory   Director 239-598-1515 239-598-1515

Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director 239-234-4065  239-234-4065 

monday august 27th 2012 @ 4:17pm email i sent to sheriff office july 27th 2012

Please help, I have been contacting your sheriff and police department for ten years concerning  a criminal element that has been  that has been stealing  for my family and from myself.   Last weekend I got a fraudulent phone call……. need the pass codes to  use my mother’s internet service. The call was at 11pm and woke me up.  This past week I have had horrid bully calls from my mother’s phone line listed as her caller id… of 239-598-1515 and 239-821-5515.  These bully girls are going  through my mom’s possessions and  telling me they are going to sell  her silver which my mom would  never do… and her rugs and her hand carved wood wood furniture… I think they are just stealing the possessions to  fill up some other residence…. .Please when you go to her home today ( I just called dispatch at 9:44am) that you don’t let them take out anything form my mom’s home.


I just got rid of a roommate who stole a thousand dollars from me.. and who’s probation office is audry  della the convicted felon is named Farzad Khosravi from Iran. ( he was convicted of drug dealing so so audry told me) and I’m worried his criminal friends  would be  trying to pull some type of scam like this.. they are criminal at the core of who they are…  or it could be gerard ahler… who also is a criminal from Brooklyn new York… I have been trying to protect myself and my family but these criminal groups are too well organized  and  steal lie and cheat everyone for anything…


Selling off the items she wanted for me and my sisters…  she would never do. ….. no matter what…. The person said I need money for my home  will before closed… but this is not how my mother or family  would go about  getting money….. This morning I got a call that this person  wanted information on my car to sell! The last email I received had Arabic writing on it about selling my Mercedes…  This  is something my mom not only doesn’t own but would not try to sell  or at least tak to me


Karen kahel and her bully friends from Ohio state have retaliated in the  past when II have told authorities of her bulling or trespassing … an of her  having sex with  some  guy who was not her husband . while I was babysitting her three month old son  and she lived in carlton lakes.


 This bulling actually started again  on my birthday when this person  who (  was supposed to be my mother) and didn’t know how to eat at the ritz… told me she/he wanted me to take over a section of my mom’s business… then  told me they wanted to basically do it illegally… not pay taxes… and got mad at me when I told her that my mom would nto run a business that way…   but something Gerard Ahler  ( who is this proclaimed mafia thug) wanted to do… Help… it has to be the same criminals  and the same  stealing criminal ways   I cannot stop this you are the only ones who can…. They have ruined my life.. my identity and my credit they have stolen from me… this is ridiculious…. And criminal and something needs to be done …..

 There  was an unmarked white unmarked van who was supposed to represent  a company from Venice who came to fix my garage and was taking pictures’ of my garage… possibly of my Mercedes this is completely wrong! HELP! Sincerely mary jean ziska        

Thursday september 6th 2012 @ 2:20pm transunion account cannot access submitted report to idenity theft dept attorney generals

i made the mistake of listening to a person on the phone two days ago who  said i could not do a dispute to my credit  report  on line and took my informaiton on  the phone… since then i cannot log onto my transunion credit report… and yesterday spent 9 hours on teh phone calling what was supposed to be transunion and  got just people from india and the philipines and mexico….. the telephone numbers they  keep telling me to call get nothing done a few of them are not even featured on the  website!today i even heard and entirefamily  having lunch int he philipines call including hearing a dog and a baby…  during the lunch hours… I .will write up and submit all the notes i have for the past few days… it is a mess …..i’m exhausted and i’m terrified that identity theft is already started again am a victim from  2002…. help is there a number in the united states  to call? for transunion?… to unblock my account?… to see if this person has mess up my credit or other items even more? HELP!
telephone numbers they had me call:  
who are these people.. are they just trying to wear me down so i will give up my social security number.. which i have not done… but they  have all the other information… my log in name or password do not work… my security question does not work….  and when one  starts working …like for a moment the log in and password worked last night….  late at night.. but then the security question did not work….   not able to access it… and there is a link to do disputes online… the original girl i spoke on the 4th of Sept …lied… i was able to do online disputes with Equifax  no problem…. received an email  with a confirmation number and everything….. help! i don’t want to go though this identity theft all over again.. 10 years of these criminals.,,, help! thank you for your kind attention to this report  sincerely mary jean ziska    

Monday august 3rd 2012 @ 6:01pm trwo more calls form mymom’s cell… but not from my mom people who want to get into my complex for a party or what? criminal scumc

So remember how I mentioned that I had a horrid person who was lying about my family on fri,… well this same guy and girl want to  come into my complex tonight… a holiday night,,,,  what…… a party that they need to sneak into.. or what?  Reminds me of the fake cousin I had.. on the phone or fake aunt I have recently had on the phone… all the 22year old bully whores  from  hell.or worst  just the “whore to door service girls”  I used to call them…..the girls who would show up by 11pm  for whatever guy is supposed to be soooo  valuable..ugggg…..  when i first moved into my complex..  how impressed  someone was about me  having a club house…. And  get this… the witch on the  the  phone who was supposed to be my cousin gail,  wanted to come into my complex for Easter Brunch…. They didn’t want to invite me to brunch but wanted  to use my complex clubhouse…. What  balls right? Yep just the  thing the  karne kahel and her scum would do….. trespassing …. Bulliing using people and their resources…..  Yep same RUDE  group that could care less about me….  Didn’t  I tell you .. no contact unless they want  something… to steal….. to lie about something usually about something bad.. to make me cry…. They are true scum of the earth!  ,,,, so definitely not my friends or family but a group of parasitic criminal creeps…. Hey like karne kahel who used to trespass and her bully friends from  ohio state… hummmmm

Today I got two phone calls from the cell phone that is supposed to be my mom’s…..but it was not my mom nor any friend…. Just  fake parasitic creeps……

 First  person who called from the cell telephone number…. I could tell was from a girl… the second from a true jerk… a guy…. Wonder if they were the people who were breaking into my home while I  was out.. like about three weeks ago.. I came home and my ac had been turned down to 70 degrees…. When I left it at 85degrees…… the pictures were changed in my bullitan board..and my pictute on my counter  of me with my friend pattie berndt  was gone ….

Or maybe the same bitch who stole my black briefcase.. I had  THREE  BOYTE   briefcase .. like computer cases.. one was for computer .. and the other two were for shoes….

 They stole one of them…. A long  time ago… before i was keeping track of everything.. like the entire   duffle of clothes  they stole .. like my  mom’s light blue linen  dress .. she had saved form the 50’s… pencil skirt and really great material.. and a matching  sweater…. An etire duffle….. whothe hellswteals an entire duffle…..  of  her clothes with my clothes…  what a fucking BITCH…. Or her criminal conspirator…. I really hate them… every time  I get upset when I feel violated …..

no one stopped these crimimal  freaks…

some asshole  actually said I’m not supposed to get upset .. that someday I may get it back….. right… in ten years..nothing returned….  Including my identity,…..


…. that it would be returned to me someday….. WHAT THE HELL? Who the  hell gave you the right to steal in the first place! You people belong in jail! Imposter bitch…. And  whatever asshole  criminal she works  with….  I hate them I really really hate them!

You ruin lives without consequence… who gave you the right? YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN   EVER!

Maybe they need to steal some new clothes for a honeymoon. Or vacation..  or party…… or they need to  steal more  money.. or what just make me cry  or try to make  sure they tell their lies in person…because then I am supposed the believe the lies they tell about me and my family….. right?   hey maybe the winking blinking fake freak…. But It sounded like and uneducated construction type .. not very articulate. Or  eloquent in his manner of speech…..  even  a smart  manipulator…. Maybe  the witches  pimp….  They are criminals so I am sure they will figure  out some way to  break in… lie … cheat and steal…. That  is  who they are and what they do…..   I hate them!