Thursday December 20th 2012 @ 11:38pm guardianship paperwork filed email to larry … now do your part… your job

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paperwork is filed do your job…. my mom is having Shana
set up a hearing what the hell? do

Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:35 PM

From:”mary jean ziska”

View contact details

To:”lawrence Pivacek certified circuit and family law
mediator” <>

Cc:”mary jean ziska” <>

So supposedly my mom filed the paperwork today  at the court house  and she told me on the phone that shana
is  going to try to set up a court
date?…. what the hell is going on? … what is shitty judge murphy up
to?  since he is not supposed to be in
charge of the guardianship case at all…. is he going to break more laws to
help his good ol’ boy friend Patrick Webber?  
and since he must  be as
corrupt  and in the pocket of the HOA
lawyer group….How much do you think he is getting paid by them to  bully and not allow the real judges( brodie
or krier… who were legally in charge of the guardianship case…to  do their job… )  I still don’t understand how he can be both
in charge of the foreclosure and the guardianship case …. total conflict of
interest… on top of his personal relationship/friendship with  patrick weber …..

 I thought having
scotts paperwork in the works should 
stop a power hungry judge and the HOA from choosing my guardian….
which they should not have any influence at all…. and   which 
they were never legally allowed to do… but bullies will be bullies….

This is the worst christmas ever…. I wish all the news
stations knew how corrupt the guardianship programs are in  Naples…. boy would that make a great
Christmas special…   Let me know when
scott my choice for guardian is finalized.

bye mary jean ziska

This is all still absolutely unforgivable…. as always

A Tender Loving Care Service/Marion Gregory   Director 
239-598-1515/                         Mary Jean Ziska   Assistant Director  239-287-2294/