December 20th 2012 email: Hi larry I haven’t heard from you today did you get the information?

Hi  larry I never
heard from you today…. did you get the information?

Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:27 PM

From:”mary jean ziska”

To:  “lawrence
Pivacek certified circuit and family law mediator”

Cc:  “mary jean
ziska” <>

Hi Larry I never heard from you today… did you get my
email? did you get the faxed copies of the paperwork to have Scott be guardian
and stop the HOA lawyers and stop the Judge Murphy who should  NOT have been involved  in guardian 
situations when he is dealing with the HOA lawyers and a foreclosure
case… What the hell is going on? ……I’ve never seen such  disregard for the law and the  Florida Statutes… even when your wife(
judge ynthia Pivacek  was going to be
named judge for the HOA in the foreclosure area … we changed judges
since   there would be a conflict of
interest… and that was dealing with two separate people who were married….
but these people…ONE JUDGE TO BE OVER EVERYTHING>>>>>>
unbelievable….  what corruption…..
wow  there should be a serious
overall  of the entire guardianship here
in Naples Florida…. total corruption…. 
on every level….   from a
corrupt guardian… Patrick Weber… who did nothing to help his ward….  to a judge 
being on the side of the HOA 
instead of being impartial… and trying to take over everything
and  trying to force a guardian… when
we were working on a great choice…Scott Renshaw….  a judge who actually did not do a
continuance… as requested by me.. the ward… because there was guardian in
place and no legal representation in place……..when it is actually specified
in the Florida statutes… for both….. Gosh…. this is totally
unbelievable….   and  this judge Murphy…. actually held court
when  the ward was not present.. he
allowed the dismissed guardian to be present…. but no current guardian.. and
no legal representation…. who for a 
person a limited guardianship to assist with legal and financial
WAS IN PLACE>>>>>>seriously does this judge take bribes or
something… ?…. on the payroll for the HOA lawyer  group? 
….I cannot think  of  another reason why a judge who is  a government official and is supposed to be
fair and impartial.. supposed to follow the law….  would ever act with such disregard for the
law!  All this so the HOA lawyers can
bully and  manipulate and ignore any laws
in the Florida Statutes…744… again i cannot believe that  someone hasn’t actually stood up for real
justice… gosh… some one should 
really investigate the guardianship program here … must be full of

I told you when i did a search… weird listing of Patrick
with what looked like my property under his name and he was listed as a
relative of mine… and  a few other
people and their properties listed under his name… is that normal?  for  a
limited guardianship?   Is that why he
wouldn’t give me my independence back? and there were a few people who may be
other wards…  with property listed  under his name….  humm…. something still really stinks about
this entire  thing….  and i guess it is really easy  to do anything  you want or say anything you want….  when you have taken away a person’s
rights…   I am totally sick over all of
this ..  thirteen years of my life
ruined…  and this past year… when it
could have been all fixed and the HOA paid.. and all of it fixed… but
instead….  another year stolen  and ruined….  I have hated every minute of all of this….


I can’t wait to be dead and in heaven and never deal with
manipulative criminal scum ever again…. 
hey the world is supposed to end tomorrow… I can only hope…

please let me know that you received this  are still going to court tomorrow… to
stand  up for my rights and  my choice of guardian .. since you are my
official guardianship  lawyer right?   thanks 
mary jean ziska 

A Tender Loving Care Service/Marion Gregory   Director 

Mary Jean Ziska  
Assistant Director/whatabtmary@