december 13th 2012@1:06am email about new bullies on the phone

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Re: got horrid emails and phone calls… about guardianship
pushed to be in place by tomorrow for court with judge murphy… not my mom or
my friends doing this…. help

Monday, December 10, 2012 8:14 PM

From:  “Larry
Pivacek” <>

To:  “mary jean
ziska” <>

Mary Jean 

Scott needs to fill out an Application For Guardian.  He may wish to consult a lawyer about getting
that work done.  I represent you so I can
not represent him and give him legal advice.

But the first thing he needs to do is get the application
filled out, completely, and file the original with the Probate Department and
copies to you, me, you Mom, Shayna and the HOA attorney. 

Let me know when that gets filed. 

Try to relax and not worry about the situation with

Just bring the Order discharging him to Judge Murphy’s court
if you think the judge needs to see it. 

As far as the phone calls go, I am sorry that you are having
to endure that, but I do not know where they are coming from and who is calling

Hopefully the calls will end after your next foreclosure

Best wishes,   Larry

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:51 PM, mary jean ziska
<> wrote:

    Larry… i went to
bed after emailing you thanks for getting rid of patrick weber….  and woke up at 5pm… to find a ton of emails
from  someone pretending to be my mom
trying to  have scott sign paperwork…
and trying to put him in place for the court date of tomorrow… what the hell
is going on again….  the caller id of
the “fake” mom was #8…. when i hung up does that mean anything to
do l… my mom’s phone number  should
have been  239-598-1515 ….. and to be
perfectly honest she was a bitch…. 
more like that mean HOA lawyer… or nurse Kirkpatrick…

    she claimes she
got paperwork from a company called CLC….. telling her i needed to have a
guardian in place for the court date tomorrow….    i had emiled my mom the good news that
patrick was out… and then this??????????????????????????????  again with the bulling and the pressure…

    i need your help
as my guardianship lawyer…. i just got the email from you on the 9th… and
she is saying that the paperwork this person got in the mail is from the 5th
of  Dec… how can she have paperwork
sent to her before the official outing of Patrick…. its more lies…  and you would have received paperwork and
told me… and what the hell is cwc… never heard of it….

    God these people
are soooooooo evil… they have ruined my holiday Christmas season…  and with the 
same malicious intent.. of the bulling and stealing in the past…. 

    its got to be with
the same evil group of that abusive guardian….

    HELP… please get
a message to judge Murphy…. and make sure Patrick is not there…PLease….

    What are the
official papers that Scott needs to sign?….  
thanks for your help and honesty….i feel like i am surrounded by
crooks again….and manipulators… and bullies… defiantly not my family or
my friends… hell, i just had my mom and sister over to make cookies….  completely different than talking to these
crooks on the phone….

    thanks again  mary jean ziska