december 13th 2012 @ 1:12am notes when call ing the police for help to find out who is on the phone…

To the Collier Co. County court system:

I just called the police at 6:21 PM on December 12, 2012 to
report abusive phone a messages and someone is impersonating my mother with a
Chicago accent. I wanted to actually file a restraining order against Patrick
Weber for showing up the court case where he was not allowed nor invited nor
was he actually supposed to be there as he’d been dismissed due to his
negligent behavior is misconduct and his abusive behavior towards me the Ward
Mary Jean Ziska the same people actually likes me on the phone telling me Joe
at of the condo association with at the court hearing today and did not the to
my mother which was a lie because 2 min. ago I was outside getting addresses
and saw Joe pulling into his driveway and asked him he said no he was not at a
court case so these people have been trying to isolate me from my neighbors, to
lie to me about court procedures and everything that happened in court today  


Officer palmer came to my assistance….. about the screwed up
phone situation… and the people on the phone who could not possibly be my
family or  my friends… This is how I know
the people on the phone could not possibly have been friends or my mom first
off they were talking to Patrick Weber who is just fired as my Guardian for
being abuse of for his misconduct and for his negligence… They were also
talking to Diane Simmons Burns who is the lawyer for the homeowners Association
and not my lawyer but an opposing lawyer that was trying to foreclose upon my
home… Then they said that the judge in Patrick Weber were friends and that’s
why the judge came up with the decision to demand that I have a Guardian by 21
December that’s only nine days away and he said that he would actually put one
in place… Which he has no authority to do since he is not in the guardianship case
at all! It’s all lies! It is  by the
abusive repulsive Patrick Weber has little sidekicks and all intent on ruining
my Christmas and making sure that I lose my home… Do you know how I know it’s
by the abusive Patrick Weber that the decision today and the entire episode
today was conducted… Because he was there At a court  case where he was already  fired as my Guardian  and has 
no authority…. and should not have been in the court room let alone
anywhere near any of my persons or have anything to do with anything in my

Also there  is a
guardianship lawyer … not the HOA lawyer who ….has been helping me with the
guardianship selection and the entire process… in fact on  the 9th of Dec. I had  an email to say that I  will be happy after the court case.. and that
it will be most likely canceled….  Since
I did not have a guardian in place nor legal representation in place…. Which is
against the law.. and against the Fla statutes… 
744 but  this  Patrick weber who is most likely the same
person who was flirting with the HOA paralegal Kelly…  and the same guy who threatened me when I
stood up for my rights… and the same 
abusive and horrid person who gets a kick out of his power over women..
you know like a rapist.. who has to overpower woman to  get a hard on…  a bully at heart like karne kahel… and  a horrid abusive type person.. who
manipulates lives and destroys lives… on purpose….  And these people want me to have another
person like this in my life?   who the
hell would show up  at  the courthouse… when  they were not involved in the case unless they
wanted to cause harm….    Right?  What type of sicko need to watch people get
upset…  at  a judge who does not have jurisdiction over
picking a guardian for me…  and who would
say such a thing in the court….  Something is very wrong.. I got an email
from  larry on the 9th telling
me that Patrick is out… then all these panic emails that  I had to go to court… then that I had to pick
a guardian in ten days starting the 5th of Dec…. what the hell… I
just found out that the guardian was officially gone… on the 9th
there is no way that counting down… from the 5th could be possible…
if he had not been officially removed… they must have been psychic to know
ahead of time.. and put the paperwork 
for need of a new guardian  on the
5th…. Someone is lying …. someone is trying to con me out of my
condo.. and it is criminals and con artist at work… not actors… or
couldn’t  be possible that it is the
actual real right people right?,.,, judge who doesn’t know  where his boundaries are?… a mom who is
cozy with  a guardian who had been fired
because of his abuse, his neglect and his misconduct…      No way… and I get  a great and professional email  on the 9th from a lawyer… larry..
my guardianship lawyer.. and yesterday an email that was almost contradicting
what was said… on the  9th… I
mean he said the hearing should have been canceled…  which is what I had been saying.. and the
reason I did not go  was because  there was an email sent to my mom’s email
address that said Patrick might be there….


This is a group  of
conartists who  wanted me out of my condo
on the 10th or the 12th… who now want me out of my condo
on the 21st… and who have been stealing from me and my family for
the past 13 years… and no none has stopped them or their manipulation….   Has stopped the destruction  they have do to people and to lives that
should have been great… but that  they
destroy on purpose all for money.. same group 
who stole  at least $200,000.00
off my mortgages.. with their scams… and who will continue to destroy lives
with  manipulating emails.. and spoofed
numbers… and with there lies and manipulation of the real truth..

 the real truth
..  today no hearing should have
happened….   By law I am guaranteed real
legal representation …. And real help from a real guardian…  and real laws need to be followed…  this is like the same situation where the
idiot actually tried to waive the statute of limitations as he kept flirting
with Kelly the paralegal…. From the HOA law group…   when as a guardian and  a lawyer he should have been on my side.. and
he was there to ask for a continuance… not to harm me…  and try to get an extension for the HOA group
to continue with an attempt of a foreclosure ….   I mean I’ve heard o f really shitty lawyers..
but this action is soooo wrong  … the
misconduct of this person .. who was supposed to be helping me..  these are the actions that enabled us to have
him removed… and  I have been trying to
have him removed since  before July….
When I emailed the police to have a formal complaint  against him….      I  am
going to  put the  emails in the blog…. 


Please someone out there … if anyone reads  this blog.. HELP!  Someone out there has to know the real laws…
and can help!!!!!!! Total injustice at hand again….


When I called the police again… later this evening after I
had deputy palmer badge 2530 at my house… 
and I was telling him about the “kids” who I was reaching when calling
my sisters cell number…. Who actually told me when I asked who was on the
phone… they said “they will never tell… “

When I was calling my mom’s telephone number and reaching a
person who did not know family history.. or improperly answered questions.. or
did not even know what was in the motion I had sent her and she read back to

When I told him of the years I had to endure of bulling and
of karn kahel’s trespassing.. and  the
lies told to me.. and even todays conversations 
where nothing made sense….   Then
after he left I called my mom and got a really weird ring before reaching
someone who sounded like her who wanted to sing… and say prayers. But not any
real conversation….  Who said  she talked to the guardian who was just
fired.. who told me that Patrick and judge murphy were old friends..  which now that I think about it is enough
grounds for a change of judge…    
conflict of interest and all…

This is what I do not understand…   how can I I have judge murphy and judge kier
and also have magistrate friedman and judge brodie all for the same cases?  I keep getting conflicting info and I
don’t  know what is the correct
information… and who is the real judge in charge…

I mean judge murphy is not for guardianship…. At all he is
supposed to be for foreclosure case that case was already dismissed…. Or
vacated.. I can’t remember… but it was over with since the HOA lawyers were
trying to serve  a ward… instead of a

No new case has been set in motion… and  no new case can be set until I am allowed to
get COMPETANT legal representation …. That means a lawyer who actually knows
the laws.. and who can help…. To defend or mediate the situation…. Patrick
weber is an ass.. who had no  foreclosure
knowledge and was supposed to help get representation… he tried to talk to
legal aid once.. and tried to  contact
Darrin Phillps…  one lawyer .. in all of
Naples? What the hell…    really
negligent….   And still never got any

I wonder if he is thinking that the 4-5thousand dollars he
is getting to be a guardians and do nothing.. that is not enough.. I wonder if
he was promised a percentage of the profits of 
the cost of a condo…  maybe
someone should start  an investigation in
other  infractions the guardianship  program is doing… I was told that he may have
had something to do with the  use of my
name and social security number opening a regions bank account.. complete
identity theft.. and illegal.. a way for him to steal money? Yep something
really stinks…  with this entire
situation….. …   I want the real  truth 
to be known…  and  justice and 
jail time for these con-artists/ criminals…  
