monday august 27th 2012@ 3:53pm email to scott renshaw aoubt faith in god and fixing mess

From: “mary jean ziska” <>View contact detailsTo: “scott renshaw” <>Cc: “mary jean ziska” <>Scott i did trust in god… as i mentioned i still pray every day but  and i still had my identity stolen, my credit ruined, my car broken on purpose, had my possessions stolen, my business ( 3 businesses ) stolen and ruined,  been lied to, had people put me through hell need i remind you that i had wished i was dead instead of going through any more harm….. until i had nervous breakdown and then had me pay the bills for the hell…  been isolated from people who actually loved me and even liked me… tried to get authorities to even protect me… and still no one stopped…  been bullied and harassed… mercilessly until i  would physically get sick.. lost 30 lbs…..   I’ve been labeled..( wrongly…) … lied about.  … . and am constantly trying to just clean up the mess they made.. ( trying to fix my credit… report….  still have some fraudulent items i am trying remove…. and have to somehow  pay off   the 5000.00 bill still on my credit…. from being  backer acted when  karen kahel had bullied me to the point of a nervous  breakdown….  don’t you remember when i didn’t talk to anyone… or  leave my home.. or had all the windows covered  because some idiot told me he used to watch me in my bathing suit in my home…   the bullies on the  phone.. the bank account karne kahel closed.. the  personal  items the pearl earrings my dad gave me…

 and after 10 years…. it hasn’t stopped….   just last night  i was threatened… on the phone  telling me that   i have no choice in what happens to my life… that  if this Sunday i don’t  let someone come to look at my car… or even sell it to them for  what ever they want…. ( when  i  paid my dad 5,000 dollars for teh old Mercedes.. and  my dad put in a  5000.00 dollar transmission….  but some one wants my car for what???? and  that is supposed to be alright? with no time to think about it….. )   when nothing has been decided on  the foreclosre at all… 

when patrick weber didn’t  to listen to my  emails over a year ago.. didn’t get a bank as a co guardian… didn’t get an equity line of credit lined up… didn’t get the  medical  disability  increased….( yes did you know  that … instead of having a great business.. i got to go on medical disability… and food stamps… its embarrassing and humiliating… and one more part of ruining my life…  but i am grateful for that because i went for years when the babysitters stole jobs not caring  if i could eat or pay any bills…. (

but patrick  told me i needed to keep him as my guardian… so he could help me…  he didn’t  help to fix my credit report…  or even  stop  fred when he stole teh 1000.00 ihad saved after  fixing   the microwave… or the dryer.. or the garage door… or saved from carl or rita or even from bathing peter….

i”m starting to cry again… i just can’t believe what a mess these people have made.. and no matter how much i prayed God still hasn’t fixed  anything…  non one has fixed anything!

keep praying… i really need  BIG   miracles…NOW!!!!!    luv mary jean ziska