From: Patrick C. Weber, Esq. <>
To: naplesmarion <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 3:21 pm
Subject: Foreclosure
FREE (239) 417-1040 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
July 20th 2012 @4:48pm….. still no word as to where the hell the motion is… supposed to be at judge murphy’s office… still no contact wtih patrick weber… except through my mom’s email address/emails….
Mary Jean, this is the email Pat sent to me. I have a terrible headache. I have done all that i can do and THE REST IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE COURTS AND GOD! I love you !Mom
—–Original Message—–
Hi Marion. I received your letter today. As to the assessments, as of the January 1st due date, the outstanding assessment from the HOA in the foreclosure case was $29,735.08 Add the April , July and Oct payments of $1,340 each is how I arrived at my number of $33,755. I don’t see anything in the foreclosure case that references the social dues. I am not sure, but you may not be able to foreclose on social dues but they can lien the property for future collection if it is sold. It would be wise to settle up on the social dues as well just to avoid any possible future action and to clear the way for Mary Jean to refinance. I can discuss this some time in the future with the HOA attorney. As for the additional charges of interest, late fees, attorney fees and costs, this will ultimately be up to the HOA. The judge may have some persuasion here but I think ultimately it is up to the HOA. We will discuss this with our foreclose attorney when we get one thru Legal Aid. I will be talking to them again next week, when the director comes back from vacation. I filed the Motion for the Extension and I also received a reply email from the HOA attorney and she was very understanding as to our not being able to file our answer just yet. Let me know on your loan because this will make a world of a difference and we could quite possibly settle this part of the case, which would be great. Then we just have to deal with the Option One mess, but that would be dictated by us and not the other side.
Patrick C. Weber, Esquire
Collier/Charlotte County Public Guardian
4670 Cardinal Way
Suite 301
Naples, FL 34112-6783
Office: (239) 417-1040 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: (239) 417-1042