scott is Available Me: how do you turn back on the chimes ? do you remember? none of it is working… scott : if u turn it off u will want it back on again Me: it is off i want it on! scott : oh Me: someone went and truned it off with out my permission scott : i’d have to look at it Me: and this morning the alarm was also off when i had turned it on last night before i went to bed and yesterday while i was in the shower the pin to the lock on my sliding glass door was broken.. and i only found out about it when i went to lock the door at 11 pm something very bad is going on … and i’m a bit helpless at fixing it this time scott : how do u know when it was broken ? to the alarm scott : i see Me: i knew about the sliding door lock … because it was fine when i opened the door in the moring..and when i closed it to take a shower aprox 5-8pm before 8:30pm scott : all other hours ? scott : oh Me: so do you remember how to turn it back on? Me: yes and in the instruction on the internet… it said to press it for a few seconds.. then it should turn back on .. and it should say on the pannel that the chime is back on… and it says nothing … it says nothing… scott : are you there?
scott : what is all that ?
scott : on the chimes ?
Me: i tried to press the chime button… you remember when the door and windows would announce when they were being opend or closed?
scott : u mean turn off the bell ?
Me: it woudl bing then say “open door”… or “open window” and give the location
Me: from the modem being the actual camera alarm beign tampered with so i could not access it
Me: the sliding door was open..during the day… . didn’t notice…I didn’t move it… didn’t touch it… but as for the chimes they have been off for days… and i ve been trying to fix it and it is not changing backto the chimes.
scott : i think it says “chime ” under a cerain key
scott : yup