tuesday feb. 21st 2012 ( also note on security camera part that i sent an email for today! )

Dear Dominico Scordato,                                      Feb. 21st 2012 @ 4:29pm
 I emailed you  a while agao concerning a part of the security system that is not working properly.  You were really nice but sent the wrong  part.  The part that is not working is the chord that is the  origional 60 foot cable in the manual it is labled the power jack (G) and the yellow male RCA plug (H) and the video power wire (f) and the red male  power jack  i think the entire chord was called the 8×60 ft. 4 pin to RCA ( male ) power cables.
You were  very nice but sent me an extension chord instead of the power chord.  Can  you please send me the power chord to replace the one that is defaulty.  I don’t know if the  yellow plug  on the  dvr  is faulty as well.  Do you need to send me a packing slip so i can  exchange the faulty parts  when you send me the new parts? can  you please email me the procedure so i can get my  last of the 8 cameras working. Thank you for your kind attention to this email.
 mary jean ziska    

side note.
. today is february 29th 2012 it is aprox 12:42pm and i just tried calling svat/ and cwd and brickstone …. then when they told me that  i needed to email them and the y would  get back to  me in two days… i tried brickstone.. i spoke with a person   who said their name was  Cibin with no id.. and was supposed to be from Manhattan via India….. I called to ask specifics about  mysecurity systemn.. like why  the files  for play back were pretty consistent for most of the day and night… around 300 mb worth of taped video from the cameras … then for certain  times  it was much smaller files..and even a few screens where teh imigae was blacked out??? it shoud lhave been all consistant.. i did find that the electrical bos was opened when i went and walked around the  condo… and was wondering if the power had been cut.. on purpose…  anyway…. Cibin sais he coudlnt  answer an y of mywueations as he was nto technically trained on my system but wanted my name  and personal info.  to log into my account… i asked him if the man i emailed previously : the man i  sent the email ( above ) was there… cibin said yes but he was on the  phone.. i said i would wait.. he said the dominico . was taking a break after he was off the call….. Hummm    of cousrs he gave me another phone number that is not associated with  any of teh  security companies  905-353-0732 and the peole atathis number  wer supposed to kwno about mysystem…I am not ccalling it..but  if i had i bet the person onteh phone woudl wantto knwo my name and  address and  account number and then maybe  who knows I could or could not know anything about the specifics about my security system…  this has been sooo frustrating….  anyway i need to knwo the information to  for filling out a police report… and for notifying anyone else who needs to be notified.. who may or may not be tampering  with my electric and /or security…