Every where i turn it seems someone has some new deliquent bill that i susposedly have… or myidenty thef has… and allaroudn the same time period… 2006……. to whenever… what i am trying to figure out.. these bills are not showing up on my credit report… so they weren’t tunder my social security number…. right? liek i wen t onto free credit report .com…. and ther eis another bill for a different account susposedly started in 2011…Hell no… i have been usign magic jacks… and no phone…
and going without… forever…. so so way in hell.. i ad one guy try to tellme tht it is the same bill form before…. i mean it is teh sme amount.. $725.00….. but a different account number… hell no not only did i not have this latest fraud on my credit report… but if they are trying to say it is the same bill that was alreqady taken off mycredit report… it woudnt have a differn tqaccount number!
i think the saem thing happened to comcast..and even on the phoen today through adt.. someone was tryin g to say i owed money… also startign in 2006…… i am not a bank.. i dont have any moeny peolple to pay for allthe idenity theiving scummmmmmmmmm
anyway…. i had to pay the bill for comcast since i needed to make sure the tv channels and the internet wa workingproperly and they woudn td send anywoen out without an account in myname… hummmm firs they coudnt find an account in my name… then not in my adress… but they had a whisperwood court… not whisperwood blvd. then they found this deliquent account in my name an dmy address.. and to get the boxes to watch tv.. which means alll the allthe digital channels.. i had to pay the bill and dispute it later… i mean I probably should have disputed it first… right? but i didnt …. so i might get stuck with having to pay for this fraudulent bill… also from 2006-2008…… but i got all th e addresses adn all the starte for teh disputer… and a ncie lady at the office gave me allthe paperwork so i can start to find out information.. ie… telephone numbrer usedonteh account… teh phone numbers called… when called.. etc… and i have to fax them and request any info on this account… then i can start to backtrack adn find out what the hell happened…
as for this latest bill from t-mobil.. quit it!