So due to allthe problems with the dvr… the mouse not owrkign not beign able to log into my own security system… i tried to contact eh website adn telephone number.. i tried three times and waited eachadn every time the entire 30 minutes unti i go ta hung up onteh other line… ther line.. when i was tryign to reach anyone in the company who could tell me how this could have possibly happened.. how to fix it and hwo to prevent it from happening again… no help… susposedly ther copany has switch to another company for assistance..a company called CWD LIMITED…..
i finally gave up and called brickhouse security… Love the website..Love ther products and they were the company that i purchased my security system ..the 8 cameras.. and had it shipped… and even were sooo helpful when i needed extension chords… i got them through ther website adn through ther customer service… i mean really super helpful… and so knowledgableladn soooo nice… anyway…
today i spokewith dominico id number 502 at 12:39pm… from new york… ( and usually i am soo wary of people from new yourk especially since the criminal idiots… anyway… He even tried to call svat… and got a phone message from CWD support and no assistance! sheesh… what is goign on… they are supposedto have 24hour assistance… not get bqack to you in 2-3 days…. by that time the criminals are gone…long gone ..hell they are usually gone in 30 minutes…