Wednesday August 24th 2011@ 11:50am ( disputs with credit report items)

i was on the phone allday yesterday working to clear up the fraudulent accunts that have beeen on my credit report since 2007…. i must say 2007 was a horrid year…

So far i was toldthat the T-mobil account that was opened in my  name tha thad a 561 telephone number  and that was getting bills sent to my mother’s home.. has been taken off my report.. at lest that is wha ti was told from Margaret inteh fraud department . 

I was also told that one of the two accounts forColumbia House  DVD’s were also taken  off my credit report.

i spent a great deal of time speakng with a representative from  Capitol one and even writeint the compnay a letter outlining why they shoudl dismiss the  interest charges starting in 2007 ehen ian stein was given money to pay the bill… and it was never paid.  

Today my mom is coming over to assist. 
credit report informatin and contact information:
( 1-866-853-0303 )   address:  p.o. box 9563 Allen Texas, 75013 

So here is the information from T-mobil:  ( Enhanced recovery Co. LLC
8/19/2011: @5:38pm called and spoke to cheryl ( team great majectic ) to discuss credt report problems

So here is the information from:   Capital One  credit card services:  

So here is the information from:   National Recovery Agency
(Columbia house DVD account:  (

So here is the information from:   Trident ASset Management
(Columbia huse DVDaccount:

So here is the informaiton from:   EverBank   
8/24/2011:  @12:23pm called 888-882-3837 (spoke with Amy:  id /extension:  1218)
I would not give out my social security number over the phone so she was not able to help me with a partial account number that was located on my credit report.   I told her the account that I had was at Bank of Florida and i left the bank  in good standing.  The bank changed over and wa bought by Ever bank in may of 2010  The account says that it is still scheduled to cntinue on record until August 2013 and was a charge off of $190.00. The accunt was opened in 2006 and closed july 2008.  

At 12:33pm I called to dispute information with Experian and was only able to get in touch with the automated system. It said that I had already opened  a dispute file  adn there was an ongoing investigation of the matter.  

So here is the informaiton from:   Bank of America  

So here is the information from:   Litten Loan