Well i am sad to report that I jsut got a phone call from a bully representing her self eslf as my mother… nothng like my mother by the way.. more interested in her business and in her babysitters and and in the bully who tresspassed and harmed my life.. than in me… she claims she is trying to protect herself…. did nt want any informaitn about any lawyers on my blog or website… didn’t want me to sue any swear words… didn’t want me to say anthing i wanted… and sur eas hell didn t want to helme repair all the damage that stupid idenity thieves..and bullies and tresspassing girls from ohio state did to my life…
she /he treatened to have my entire website and blog removed.. what a bully… (and it sounded like he/she was eating… .. it thnk the exact words were … she is not gogni to let me say anythngmean about her sisters….( HUH??? ) if she is talking aobu tany of my real mom’s aunts… i dont mention them in the blog.. if she is talking about my sisters maura and mattie… then i am teh real sister… the original mary jean ziska.. I was the real live human bing.. the real blood sibling.. and sister who lived with them in saudi arabia.. and went to boarding school with them… and college with them who had apartments with them…. who went to movies..and shopping and loved them… and they loved me…I know my family really loved me… they would never have hurt me in a million years..let alone try to take away my famly… my idenity.. and my happiness or my life…
I was told that I need to take out all referene to any of my mother’s information… that I needed to remove all traces of my sisters… .. and of my family … that I needed to take out all swear words.. and needed to never mention karen kahel… or what she did to my life.. that i needed to remove all mention of laywers… of any police who have helped me… that I am to remove any addresses….
Istn this AMERICA<<< sont i have some right s under the first admendment? How is a girl who bullied me allowd to get away with bulling me….. but whe ni try to let eh world know who an dhwo heey armed mylife.. i amd supposed to be quiet.. shut up and let anyone do anythng they wanted to me? and i knw in my heart.. it is not my famly…. not the same mom who took me to the ritz for my birthday… or who sent me lovely cards.. or who just last week we laughed at movies… and she came over and even brought cookies… how in GOD”S name can this be the same person who just called and threatened me…?????
its liek the same womena who waned new rate sheets cerated on my mm’s business.. but wtihout my mom’s name.. I told my mom to not be liable for anything with the busness she could turn the buiensss into an llc…but her brand is in part her name.. and her busienss… is known by everyone because of her… she started it in 1990…. i stated helping in: 1995-1996!
so to anyone who has been reading this blog .. who believed in justice.. in hopes and dreams coming true ….. who thoguth allthngs wer possible and the good and right wins agains evil… iam sorryto say… today it did not… today i belive money and those who use it for ther own selfish gains and means…… who bully and that is how hey get results.. today as teh olio state girl wh tresspasd and lied and cheated .. who bullied and harassed… todayas in eh day she bullied me to tears.. i guess the rights of the constitiution sotn win… but girslwho screw powerful boys who have money who are maybe in the mafia.. or threaten to kill my mother… they are alloed t do whatever tehy want .. and hurt anyone they want .. and no justice is availale… what a shame…
I had the police come to see if they could do anythng about the internet … the people on the other end of the line… ( who are nothing like my mother or my family… ) the threats.. and actions with which they threaten me….
I also called about 4 diferent numbers for comcast