Thursday August 4th 2011 @9:49pm ( articles involving David J Stern.. the lawyer who signed the last mortgage that was dismissed)

When I  went to seek advice about this entire mess…(  with the auction) in th eprocess i met a woman who was a wonderful and helpful lawyer….  she  looked up a bit of additional information concerning the  dismissal of the mortgage…  and found the lawyer involved was David J Stern…. i am posting a few articels concerning him…
I knew Ean Stein as my broker… and found out that  his borrowing money form me the day I  received my money from  refinancing and then asking to have an aproxx. $3000.00 loan  thenof course not paying me back…. or the part i am learnng … that  the  credit cards ( i only had a  two i believe… a capital one bank card and a bank of america bank card….  that were not paid back..  all of  the incidences… not professional… not helpful for my credit and  definately not helpful for me… 

Did i mention that one ladythought it was a miracle that I  met these people and by them not being honest…  adn basically stealing from me… she thought that  it was basically a miracle to have my mortgae dismissed.. personally i hope tha tGod doesn’t work that way….  in teh miracle department…. but i am glad  that laws are inplace to protect homeowners from fraud and from theft… and that by doing so the  laws will help protect others from  going through theft or other bad experiencces… 

so thank god for  the laws to protect us form theft…. for teh  lawyers who  honestly do their jobs and  assist in following the laws… for the police and sheriff department who honestly aprotect adn serve our community….  these people who create those  types of miracles I  like  see….