Wow.. its now 8:22pm and the absolute worst person is answering the phone of 239-598-1515 … someone who is really mean..and selfish..and of course wants to make my family look bad…. i dont know if he or she is jsut jelious…or jsut built to be mean and vengeful… but evil enough to make the hairs on my arms raise….. and when i started praying .. i think he didn’t know what to do… but when I told him/her that they must be the guy who has a little penis.. he hung up.. so that must be a sore point with this kid… same as teh kids formyesterday.. liek the valets fromla playas… adn ther little college girlfreinds who are eh one s stealing babysitign jobs form mymom.. and from me… also this person thinks that what they say has no consewuences… but I can’t wait to have tapes of him… and have him arrested… the person said that they thought i knew some fat blond lady in naples park.. which I don’t and never did.. and also said all sorts of things.. this boyis really worred about karen kahel.. and her reputation.. but its true before she told me an dso manyohters how to break aint my own complex.. she was nan oragne bathingsuit in teh pool screwing the italian guy..i thinit was maybe favio..the guy who gave her good deals on BMW’s…. and when i calld backte perosnwho wasn clearly NOT my mother… i wanted to knwo when MATT 9 the mean matt that tina dolwig wared me about in 2003 when i got a horribel christmas card that wa clearly nt from myfamily…. or my sister mattie… but from a really mean bully who was actuly woried hat i was sleeping with someone …
this guy or girl was not only worried about karen kahel.. but when i mentioned christopher… the handman… who used to have an alcholic problem ( maybe the guu who was slurring lst night??? but now is supposed to be o.k. and is supposed to be married to a teacher…. hummmm i was thnking that these mean kids on the phone.. last night and tonight… … i thought the one woman who didn’t like swearing was most probably one of her babysitters… like regina.. and possibly the horrid kids who were pretendingto be police officers were either her daughters friends… ( which i was hoping wasn’t the case…but more likely the same bullies from la playa… May god never have mercy on ther souls… may they be punished for allther crimes… they are going to grow up into horrible adults… but its allin the parenting .. theymust come frm scummmmmmm…. and be bullied them selves.. ohhhh maybe they re abused and molested. and that is why they are so black hearted and evil….