Sunday August 27th 2011 @ 1:08pm( wierd… my computer chnaged locatins to san crlos park … never even been there let alone am i writing from there..

So i just got off my treadmill and this is wierd.. my computer..the laptop actually said san carlos park fl. as my location instead of naples… I have never even been to san carlos park…. let alone  writing  on my lap top fom there… wonder who is stealing my idenity this time????? .. what is it they need?????.. a babysitting    business?????…  a social security number… how about my cothes  or jewlery to steal????…. I am hoping    that the fakes have gone back to where ever they crawled out from.. but i won’t know until get to speak with my mom… whenever that willl  be.. God only knows… the mattie at church.. with the marion at church… the marion looked like the woman who was supposed to be  a friend of the  sobotava family i think… and teh matte the operosnwho wanted to go back to colorado… or at least that is what i was told but then beign todl naythngby a bunch of liars. isnt very reliable… right??? perhaps..  the wife of don kensig… the  step father who bullied me … and  guess what..he is was from ohio…bullies form ohio.. what a shocker…. .anyway the little troop of idiots who came over for the  weddings.. should be leaving by now..(fingers crossed…)  they probaby stole enough from my mom’s house.. the  boys screwed their  whores from west pam beach or wherever the troop of conartists came  from…..  they lied….. they cheated….. and they partied….  and i’m sure the impsoters did damage to everythng they touched…  as most criminals do..hopefully they  go away and never come  back to do damage here again… but since some boys ( think  it  was  the silver jag this time)..likes the slut who spreads her legs  for him… they will most probablybe back…but maybe they can meet somewhere else…. adn go and run another family… and another life…  UCK … so more emotional abuse..more crying and  god only knows what else..
HELP keep conartis adn criminals and peope who  ruin lives on purpose….help keep them out of naples….far away from  naples…..  

while i was on the treadmill i was thinking  of the many posseessions that were taken  out of my mothers house… since  2002… when someone  had a capitol one credit  card like mine…created so i know for sure that is when i had my idenity stolen then….it may  have been done  earlier…    like my sister who took my mom’s gucci boots…. or the diamond and  emerald ring( three of them and a necklace that  matched… ) then  pictures.. and even this really cool black embroidred jack from suffering  moses… this store in Kahshmire…. a place the imposters will never get to go…..  but i’ve been…. also… rugs are missing… and personal items…  and of course  my mom’s cartier watch… then of course tons of stuff of mine that is gone from her home.. like my babyblanket.. and my dolls formall aroudn the world… and a really pretty and hand embroidered sewing basket…I had since I was little…   sheesh… probably soo m anythngs… they have gone through  and stolen…..   while I sat  by being nice… adn quiet… and nto saying anythings  and not making any waves… because when i did i was basically punished… ..    
I worked… i prayed.. i had friends.. i had a life… I am not forgiving  any of them EVER….
 these people ruined my life they did it on purpose…. whoever they are….may god never have mercy on  them ever…