Fri August 19th 2011 @ 9:02pm ( signed up with life lock! )

i just wanted to note the people ( Dennis Schmidt, id# 4652 and Lori Tobleman id# 4596)  who helped me to start my account. Lori Tobelman phone extension id# 4596 is the only person I gave my security information to so she could help me. I changed the questions  and answers right after I spoke with her. Could you please send  me verificatin of her  employment with the company  so I know with whom i gave out my security access? thank you for you kind attention to this email. Sincerely, mary jean ziska 

So I did it… I signed up with LIFE LOCK…. and cant wait to not ony clear up all the mess from before.. but also if anyone tries to do anything else… KABOOM<<<<<< put them in jail… 

I feela bit nervous that Lori had my security informaiton for a little while…  and that life lock really has all of the  informatin… i mean they ask for all of it…… anyway.. 
I was on the phone with Experian today… again going over teh accounts that were not mine… and making sure they were doing somethingabout it… when Cheryl told me about a service through Experian… called… iwent on line an dit looks like a nice service.. but I had heard so much about  lifelock and knew there ws the 60 days free… so i went onine and then called and VOILA… I am signed up.. and hopefully those stinky girls and boys will go  …. oh, I just wish they would go to jail….. especially the scummy girls and  boys  who have stolen my businesses…  all three business…all….. of them….  

I first spoke  with Dennis Schmidt…. (id #4652)  who it turns out knows a ton about biometric recognition…. and wants to catch criminals…. i hope he catches them….and soon… he told me where to get the information and software to make sure Ii can catch  the idenitty thieving idiot s onthe phone… liek the idito who didnt want to be taped… and the idiot who is now on my mother’s phone.. of 239- 598-1515…. who putthe phone donwnad isn’t speaking… a bit similar to the “greory marion” cellphone id….  bullies…scummy pathetic and horrid bullies….