Urgent message from mary jean ziska concerning a threat i received today concerning my website and blog and comcast serviceMonday, August 29, 2011 2:01 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified”mary jean ziska” <View”>whatabtmary@yahoo.com>View contact detailsTo: “John Thomas Cardillo” <jtcardillo@ckblaw.com>, “gloria fletcher” <gloria@gloriafletcherpa.com>, “gloria’s real email” <gwfletcher@bellsouth.net>, sheriff@colliersheriff.net, invchief@colliersheriff.netCc: whatabtmary@yahoo.comDear Mr Cardillo….
This is very important i just tried to call my mother on (239- 598- 1515) and I was yelled at by a woman who is nothing like my mother… she toldme she doesn tlike what i am writing in my blog concerning the criminal actiy andtehharassment adneh bullingthat i have had to endure since 2003… it is against the first amendment rights for her to harm me and stop anythink i write becaueshe doesn’t like that I am telling the truth. its nothing like the mom sang to me wanted to sell her hue to make sure mine ws alright … and who made me cookies..( two weeks ago… ) . and who loved me… could you please call her an let her know that she( who ever it is who has access to my mother’s phone line..) has no right to do anythng to my websites or my blog… oh and by the way…I dont want this person as my guardan…infact i had somen tellme thy wantd to be my giardina sothey coudltake allmy money…now that is not someone who has my best interes at hert wouldn’t you say? …
it is most likely not even my mom and is the same bullies that have been somehow abeto hack into phone numbers… and have been able to send mean bulling emails.. and actully wer the same horribel girls who trespassed and bullied to the pint o fme throwing uplosing 30 lbs.. and shaking crying… and jstu horrid girls… I cant reach you on the phone today and neither can i reach my church… so they ae even somehow ableto manipulate th e actual phne access…
I was threatened onteh phne that i have 24house to change my blog… which she cannt by rights do… i ned to really find out who these conartisits are and to make them stop and to have them both civilly and criminally brought to justice… please make sure that she is not able to do anythng to my lfe to harm me…
Also i waant this court case for the guardianship delayed again… Ii won’t get my diaabilty money until December, is there any way to postpone it until then? Thank you for your kind atention to this email. I never recieved an email from you when your secretary told me you would be replying.. you woud be replying
horrible person not my mother not my friend…. a bully, and nothing like my mother.. i am counting on you to make it stop… i have called Gloria fletcher a criminal attorney yin florida..and a personal friend, cliff sterns, the congressman who helped with the phone act, and the sheriff’s department.
i havent been able to stop these criminals/idenity thieves/ conartists/ bullies since 2002. If you have any way to stopthem plese feel free to let me know. And tell whoever that they are no tallowe d to violate my 1st adment rights because tehy dont likewhat i have said ona website or blog.
Oh i was also threatened over teh phne that she was gogni to have me backeracted because I was upset when this past weekend when i was trying to get assistance from the sheriff’s office. I was trying to get someone to go and check my mother’s house when she was out babysiting and somon eanswered her phone and hung it up three times when i was trying to leave a message. It sounded like kids on the phone, not actual police officers… and I thought it was the same criminal group who has stolen so manyitems of mine.. and was worried that they were doing the same to my mom’s house.
Who are these people? and how is it possible for them to get away with so much crime?
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter,
Mary Jean Ziska
A Tender Loving Care Service
Marion Gregory Director 239-598-1515
Mary Jean Ziska Assistant Director 561- 283-7505