Incident #2: ( from details of experiences page of website:
cd/dvd ( music /movies stolen or tampered with:
bee tribe Cd. when i first moved into my condo in 1999. I listened to a variety of music and had a friend angelia who practiced meditation and had recommended the music by Bee tribe. I purchased the music and this was one of the first cd’s that i noticed was missing. I of course thought that it was just misplaced and when i spoke to any one on the phone( ie supposed to be family members…or friends ) and was told that they were sure it would turn up.
it never did….
Van morrison cd. if i remember correctly it was the greatest hits…CD. i loved this CD and made a bunch of mixed Cd’s using this music and other favorites… i tried re-buying it at Barnes and Nobel but the CD i purchased wasn’t anything like the one that was stolen. the original CD that i purchased because i loved it… was never returned!
New order CD ( had to re buy ) i had orgionionally purchased the CD from when i purchased a stereo system when i was living in my own apartment by downtown naples.