May 15th 2011 @8:57am ( possible phone issues again)

So last evening i went to go and babysit and the husband and one child were both  ill…. so it was cancelled. I t headed home stopping to get gas, then stopping at my mother’s home, then to say my novena at the church and then onto my home.

 While  was at my mother’s home she mentioned that I called through the hotel  to  contact her  which was  completely  not true.. i mentioned  in a blog post in the past that i was given a telephone number  that was supposed to be my aunt Dottie’s telephone number in Virginia.  When i was speaking to her my voice was echoing  on the line..II could hear a repeat  of everything I was saying.  This was  very odd since each phone call I  had made through the magic jack number had been crystal clear up to that point.    After investigating all the  manipulation that can be done with voices through a computer program/ spoof cards and  probably all sorts of other ways i haven even found out about…. and  revealed yet.  I am attemping to record the facts so that the criminals who  are in the process of manipulating  cable and telephone lines… and therefor manipulating lives and businesses…. can be caught and be stopped.  

Another odd phone call was for a contact in pelican Marsh that i had me with the call I was told was for   immediate work.  Once again the phone call was a bit odd since the person i was speaking  with  could not  recall the nuns she was close freinds with  who were the teachers at my boarding school  … and other information that  was inconsistent.

In total, there have been  at the minimum ….. 5 total jobs with  a few of them being jobs that were of a more stable and scheduled  events thereby a continuous  flow of income…  so who knows th exact amount of income that has been manipulated. 

I am still guesing that the same people who were stealing jobs allthe way back form when they were calling in to get my messages and obtain jobs by stealing my message…. it  may be the same culprites… and somehow in their twisted and criminal minds they enjoy ther annominity by beign able to steal both a business and individual jobs without having a face/ real name to take any of the responsibility or being held criminally culpable for their actions.   once again may i repeat I hate criminals……

March and April were very busy months for babysitting but in May even though i kept  getting calls that  there are a lot of jobs available  and coming through…  it mysteriously has happened that each and every time each and every job  has fallen though.   Since most of the business is achieved  through the phone communication and through email… it is a mystery that the first point:    someone is telling me again that i am making calls that i did not make, and second that the same method of   manipulating jobs by telling me the jobs go thorough and then a second call to announce that it is cancelled. it may be too much of a coincidence that that is the same method of stealing jobs and business  and in fact i was just reading about the monopolization of a business and the Florida statutes that pertain to illegal practice   concerning the monopolization of a business  and another Florida statutes that concerning racketing/ and illegal practices pertaining to imitation and monopolization of a business…. even a statute relating to the committing any offense for the purpose of benefiting promoting or furthering the interests of a criminal gang…

My point is… a very calculating organized  group or (GANG)  of individuals have for a while deliberately, methodically, and systematically and criminally gone about to tamper with telephones… with a business and with the running of a business… in order to profit for themselves.   by attempting to  eliminate all competition   through illegally and criminal methods… they have not only broken many laws but should be held liable for all their actions…