Wednesday December 22nd 2010@12:26pm( additional items stolen i forgot to mention)

So when going through some other  items… i realized many other items stolen and not yet returned… like i had 3 back  briefcases …. actually one was an official briefcase.. the other two where more for traveling with shoes..and one has been missing for years…..then of course items like  sunglasses…. Scott’s daughter threw one pair my “maui jims”  into  gulf… so that pair i know what happened… but a couple great and really nice pairs….. ” disappeared”…. I know i didn’t lose them… or misplace them… they were either on top of my head… or around my neck……

Also another weird thing… i once went to an eye doctor… and he told me i had this stigma tissue…... so i went out and got a really cool great pair of glasses… with the prescription… he told me i needed… then i started to get these terrible headaches…and they went away when i stopped wearing  my glasses… and my eyesight was fine… of course i was only in my 20’s then..

so…. all these lies…. and deceptions… and crimes… and cons… and cheating people out of everything… is this group of con-artists… so ingrained in one group…. in one  town that …. what??? one slimy con artist or criminal  practically owns a town????? or like that Murphy’s town…. (that was in that article) there was actually a town of con artists… but i cant believe that this place is like that… or has always been like that… i think that  if you meet the wrong people.. and they manipulate your ways of communicating with anyone who is not one of “them”… then you are stuck with all the scum… instead of meeting or having  a great life where hopes and dreams do come true.. without anyone being hurt.. without anyone lying to you or cheating you or harming you… to get what hey want… UGG

  what if for the last 7 years that idiot had just manipulated every person i have met or talked to…. what the hell would or could ever be the purpose?… what kind of a psycho freak or group of frauds and freaks… are here??????