Monthly Archives: December 2010

Fri. December 03rd 2010( babysitting for people from valesari people)

  So about the lies that were told about me… the manipulation and probably the identity theft … there where a few times when i had a knock at my door to only find a police officer at my door trying to see if I was o.k. they had been called and told that something was “wrong with me” and so the police would proceed to ak if i was o.k…. ( which of course i am… and was at that moment… then also would look around my very neat and organized home… and decide for themselves that no i was indeed fine… i believe that someone took the time   to bother the police… to waste taxpayers money and to try to discredit me for some ulterior motive… could someone be so petty as to try to ruin my reputation and yet again try to convince the police or anyone else that this fictious thing of something being wrong with me was not something they concocked in their own head.. but was something they could use against me…. for what purpose?  one time the police were at my door to make sure i was out out my home and babysitting at the complex Valesari…..whoever was on the phone when i called my mother was not concerned with my welfare at all… instead this person was just concerned that ti was working …. and wasted tax payers money.. lied in the process and really had no problem dong either …. to be it is a crime to call the police when something is not wrong… i have called to file reports when i have had all the he items i mentioned in this website either stolen or missing or altered… to me that is a valid use of the police department…. is something they  do and should be concerned with … but to try to discredit me… perhaps t is for the ownership of the business a tender loving care service…. the babysitting service my mom started in 1990 and one i have worked part time for since 1996…. and for the past 2-3 yeas i have worked for without a paycheck and helped create websites, did ailing, and also when we were going to have the etiquette school… used not only my kappa alpha theta sisters … friends and  to try to help make the correct choices to create a sucessful business….  

this is  only one example of some of the petty and manipulative and harmful events i have had to endure these past years….. what a waste of time.. and money and energy to try to ruin my life.. it must be a really pathetic person and group of people who go to such lengths to steal a business.. ruin reputation… and basically discreet and harm my life…

December 03d 2010 @1:05pm ( st jude prayer for no harm… )

I have been saying this prayer to saint Jude since August 12th 2009.  A novena ( for those of you who are not catholic.. is a group of prayers that are said a certain number of times for a certain number of days…. to obtain a favor.. a miracle or just a petition to God.I used to pray just for blessings and for special intentions but since no one seems to be able to catch criminals.. or stop them from harming my life… i have added prayers for protection from all harm… in fact i will write what. i pray for.. i pray this prayer at least 10 ties a day…. and as i mentioned i have been praying this prayer since August 12th 2010….( i have even put these exact petition in a prayer box for Joel Osteen and for two St Jude websites…. ( st. Jude is  supposed to be a saint to pray to for impossible favors…. and since these …..” yucky” and harmful occurrences have been happening since 2003… without even one full year of nothing harmful and horrible and damaging happening… that is what? 7-8 years since meeting that criminal Gerard Ahler and that horrible bully Karen kahel…  pretty rotten right? what a waste of my life that i will never get back.. not one moment… not one sleigh ride.. or Christmas tree lightening… or birthday.. or holiday.. or slight …. any wedding or graduation… or baby shower.. or any moment that i will ever get back. or ever get to have again…

anyway the prayer to saint jude.. with my additional petition…

“prayer to st jude: ( to be said when problems arise or when one seems to be deprived of all visible help for for cases most despaired of)  Most holy  apostle st. Jude faithful servant and friend of Jesus the church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases of things almost despaired of pray for me make use i implore you of that particular privilege given to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is most despaired.  Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings.. particularly… ( make your request…)

My request.. dear God, int eh naemd od your son Jesus Christ my lord and savior is for a HUGE financial miracle for me Mary Jean Ziska teh next multimillion dollar ticket form the Florida state lotto and lottery or power ball or both.. to be protected from  all harm including all lying, cheating and stealing..

 please protect and remove all:  hackers, fakery, fraud, manipulation, trespassers, bulling identity theft, impostors, con artists, and evil, mean selfish, fake, manipulative people… any horrid selfish, mean manipulative  people on the phone…  please protect me from any of the evil people who have ruined any precious moments from the past 7 years of my life… who stole 3 businesses and who manipulate my life my family my friends, relationships,  reputation and  have tried ruining everything.. please grant me freedom from all evil people and their selfish intentions.. and allow me to be blessed so i may use  the money for great and wonderful uses in Jesus’s name i pray for all my affirmation, wishes , goals and dreams to come true…

who would have ever thought that i would have had to pray for protection from all of that?….  I’m going to put the entire prayer and all the people i have listed that i pray for on the other website /blog…