so here it is …. after many tears,,,, and a bit of anger at the horrible people on the phone I called this hotel with the initials….of LA P located in Naples Florida… it is where my mother was supposed to be baysitting for the evening… I wanted to see if my mothers cell phone was left in her car and to try to see who could possibly be respnssible for the horrible phone calls that came from her cell phone… I know before when i had left my car there when babysittign I had DVD’s stolen from my gold mercedes … so perhaps someone had taken her cell phone…. as for the horrible people on the phone i wanted to find out who may have been on the other end of the phone…
I called and spoke with Jr. hadley… who i thought was the manager…but was a security guard… and then Melissa ( couldn’t get her last name…. who worked at the front desk… ) the Johnathan Beaumont who was the valet ( he was the only one who was nice and hlpful at first….) and this guy David…. got to say the rudest of them all…. don’t know what he did or what his last name is…. hhe wouldn’t give it… guess he didnt want ot get in trouble when his name is listed as people who were not helpful… i was really suprised that each and every person i spoke with sounded so young and even melissa i could barely hear .. msut have bgeen some party goign on there…. so since no one was being ncie or helpful ro professional… msut say david was really very childish and rude……. it even gets worse….
anyway … the stink gets even worse…. My cell phone gives out when i am supposed to get a call back from melissa and when i go to find out what happened… i put in the top up card # and the phone says the top up card for the phone i am usinging is not my cell phone of 239-287-2294…… i get a message that i need to add 4 dollars for the balance of my month to start… when it was supposed to start on nov. 2nd…. so not only is someone bulling me… but whoever is doing all there manipulating with the phones… is really screwing up accounts…. and phones… and most likely phone numbers…. do you think they just stole my phone again?…. iguess when people are criminals and have no problem breaking into homes… or stealing possessions… that what is a phone account to boot?… Gosh these are some seriously mean and devient and horrible people…..
what if it is actually creating a type of fraud… or would it be idenity theft? What if you were not talking to the correct people… but insteaad these criminals… were jsut saying they were who they were supposed ot be…. and what if…… you werent even talking to the correct people… at all…… i know it is a felonly to represent a police officer …. but i guess i will have to look up the exact laws broken when concerning a civilian…. I do know that definately the fraudulent misuse of cell phones to commit any type of crime … .. perhaps even falling under the cyber criminal laws… or cyber stalking laws… or idenity theft.. or misrepresentation …. but criminal charges are in order along with harrasement and defamation of character and all sorts of laws that are being broken at this moment…
So i called the police department and spoke with a John Arena badge #1916 /and … also spoke with Deputy Simeon #2719 and asked about representing a police officere officer… It is a felony…. wanted to know about civilians….
Someohow the police department will not do a phone report until monday…. and i am not wasting tax payers money to have an officer come out to file a report …. but it is plenty of time to contact lawyers and make sure this blog is out to the public and the proper authorities are notified….